When he talks about sniper and afterlife...
Getting former ministers to testify against their former boss – Najib Razak – will always promise fireworks. That’s because they are ready to wash dirty linen, exposing everything in their arsenal to protect themselves. Damaging testimony continues to haunt Mr. Najib when Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah is called to testify in the trial against the former prime minister.
Former Second Finance Minister Ahmad Husni has cried out of frustration how he was treated like an “office boy” on matters regarding SRC International Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of 1MDB (1Malaysia Development Berhad). His description of Najib’s autocratic leadership shows that the former premier knew all along what he was doing, and not as gullible as his lawyers try to project.
Mr. Husni exposed how Najib’s influence over SRC could be seen when zero documents were submitted to him in respect of RM4.385 billion loan from Retirement Fund KWAP (Kumpulan Wang Persaraan) to the subsidiary of 1MDB. And upon receiving the loan, SRC used the money for investment, but somehow the cash was kept in banks in Switzerland and Hong Kong for mysterious reasons.
The first Cabinet minister from Najib’s cabinet to testify, Husni revealed that unlike other companies set up under the Minister of Finance Incorporated, there were no feasibility studies done with 1MDB and SRC when money was splashed into a proposed investment in the oil and gas sector, despite SRC not having the experience compared to Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas).
Husni, who had served from 2009 and 2016 in Najib’s cabinet, was told by his boss not to get involved and not to interfere after his questioning. Now retired, Mr. Husni also disclosed that there was no coal to be found despite the former premier claiming SRC had poured money into the energy business in Java and Mongolia – suggesting that those investments were nothing but scams.
Amazingly, Husni claimed he had personally met Najib more than 20 times to express his concerns about the RM4 billion loans by SRC from the Retirement Fund Incorporated (KWAP). When the SRC’s investment fund in a bank in Switzerland was eventually frozen by the Swiss government for money laundering, he offered to fly there to recover the money – only to be rejected by Najib Razak.
Former Second Finance Minister Ahmad Husni
If the money parked in Switzerland was clean and legitimate, why on earth did Najib Razak stop his second finance minister from claiming it? Why did Najib allow the Swiss to rob the money belonging to the Retirement Fund Incorporated (KWAP)? But Najib was not only a thief, but also a despicable blackmailer who had threatened Husni with sexual harassment charges.
Apparently, the prosecution’s 56th witness in the trial against Najib exposed how his boss was offended when his speech in Parliament in October 2015 touched on the problems faced by 1MDB. When Husni refused to meet Najib upon being summoned, fugitive blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin, the owner of Malaysia Today portal and Najib’s top-paid blogger attacked him and his son.
Mr. Najib was allegedly engineered sexual harassment and corruption allegations against Mr. Husni after he resigned in June 2016. As to the reason he quit, Husni told the court – “I left because after working with Najib, the issues involving 1MDB and other things I do not want to mention here, I know his character. There was no point for me to continue.”
1MDB-SRC Trial - Najib Razak - Week 1 Jho Low Scam - Week 2 Nik Faisal Scam
After 50 days of trial involving 56 witnesses, there’s little doubt that Najib Razak is as guilty as hell. It’s hard for High Court judge Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali to believe the defence lawyer Shafee Abdullah’s silly theory that the former prime minister was a victim of a scam. From spending RM606.51 million to cooking up sexual harassment against his own minister, Najib had done it all.
You know Mr. Najib, self-proclaimed Bugis Warrior, is running out of time when he starts to talk as if he suffers from a mental disorder. On Wednesday (August 7), he tried to clarify the real meaning of his “cash is king” philosophy at a special forum called “Hard Truth: Cash is King” at his own party UMNO headquarters and attended by his hardcore supporters.
The serial liar said – “I did not mean it in a literal way when I said cash is king. Actually, what I meant was the people are the king and the cash, we use to help the people. (PM) Mahathir perceived a connotation that is inaccurate. What I meant was as a government, our responsibility is to help those who need help.” Seriously?

Najib Gives Cash Money To Village Folks
Mahathir had said Najib told him in a private conversation in 2015 that “cash is king” in securing political support in Malaysia. Mr. Mahathir said – “When he said that cash is king, what he was saying is that corruption is O.K.” Now that Najib has a different interpretation of cash is king, Mahathir has questioned why his protégé-turn-nemesis did not clarify that before he lost power last May.
Najib’s mental disorder is getting out of hand when he was reduced to orchestrating a forum specifically to explain his new definition of “Cash is King” to his own ignorant fans. If it’s true that people are the king, can the crook explain why the people only received a couple of hundred Ringgits in BR1M while he got the lion’s share of US$681 million (RM2.6 billion) – found in his bank accounts?
As his trial reveals, can Najib also explain how his three bank accounts were flushed with RM606 million (RM606,510,434.66 to be precise), and he happily spent all the cash between 2013 and 2015? To justify his laughable claim that the people are the king, can he name one ordinary Joe or Jane who was as lucky as him to be gifted with RM606 million?
Heck, can the crooked Najib at least explain how the police found cash, 12,000 pieces of jewellery, 567 handbags (comprises luxury handbags from 37 different designers, including Chanel, Prada, Hermes and ultra-luxury Bijan), 423 watches, 234 sunglasses – worth RM680 million – in luxury condominiums belonging to his children at Pavilion Residences last year?
Perhaps Najib still thinks the people are so stupid they don’t understand the meaning of cash is king. That probably explains why he made an astonishing claim – that he was targeted by an unidentified sniper before the 14th general election. Speaking at the same forum, the pathological liar said the sniper had fired a shot at his room, while he was not present in the Pekan UMNO office.
He told his super ignorant pack of audience – “One day, about a year before the general election, there was a sniper who shot a bullet directed at my room, when I was the Pekan division head. At that time the sniper knew I wasn’t home, but the person wanted to send a message. There is a sign that the shot was fired from a distance of 200 metres, targeting my room.”
It would be more believable and dramatic if he had actually survived an attempted assassination staged by his administration, and not some bull story about a sniper snooping on him. There had been no such shooting at past prime ministers, until Najib Razak came out with his story. For a sniper to shoot a mirror in his room, the gunman must be either retarded or as blind as a bat.

Najib Talks Afterlife Sniper And Altantuya
The disgraced Najib talked as if high-precision sniper rifles can be purchased at 7-Eleven convenience stores in Malaysia. To send a message, the standard operating procedure is to send a bullet in an envelope, something that mobsters or thugs of Najib’s own party UMNO had done numerous times in the past against critics. Clearly he was lying through his teeth.
Besides, why didn’t the narcissist Najib reveal such a sensation newsworthy shooting incident when it first happened, or during the 14th general election campaign to fish for sympathy votes? Comically, the so-called sniper had never been apprehended by the Special Branch or the military intelligence – an insult to the highly efficient secretive CIA-equivalent agency.
But the best indicator that Najib has indeed gone insane was when he talked about the afterlife, something that he had never talked before in his entire political life before his stunning defeat on May 9th, 2018. He lectured, presumably targeting PM Mahathir, that afterlife awaits those who take vengeance against their political enemies in a court of law.
Like a person waiting to be sent to prison, Mr. Najib said – “I’m not a vengeful person, and I stand on the principle to do justice. If not, I have to answer in ‘Padang Mahsyar’ later. We can escape from this earth, but what about in the court of the afterlife? You answer later. So whoever is cruel today, you answer in the court of the afterlife.”
“Padang Mahsyar” apparently refers to the Islamic afterlife justice system, where one is judged for their good and bad deeds. Had Najib forgotten how he took revenge on then-opposition leader Mahathir’s wife – Siti Hasmah – when the 91-year-old poor woman was interrogated for hours by the police in January 2018 for speaking at the “Women Against Toxic Politics” rally in 2017?
A crook like Najib should start worrying about not only the punishments based on the rule of law in the current life, but also the judgement awaiting him in the afterlife after what he had done to Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu and all the stealing and plundering. Najib should also worry as to why several of his senior lawyers had quit his defence team and are no longer representing him.
The exit of former solicitor-general Mohd Yusof Zainal Abiden and Kamarul Hisham Kamaruddin is quite puzzling. Yusof is famous for prosecuting former Perwaja Bhd chairperson, the late Eric Chia, and also PKR President and PM-in-waiting Anwar Ibrahim in the infamous Sodomy II trial at the High Court. Clearly the writing is on the wall that Najib is indefensible. - FT
People convicted while alive must be brought to be charged and judged.
Padang Mahsyar is after we die and that is for Allah to decide if it was revenge... - twitter

Menyingkap misteri "sniper"
mensasarkan Najib...
Sejak semalam negara di lempar mercun bola oleh bekas Perdana Menteri kononnya setahun sebelum PRU14, bilik beliau di Bangunan UMNO Bahagian Pekan dijadikan sasaran 'sniper' berserta jarak yang didakwa dalam lingkungan 200 meter.
Mengukuhkan dakwaannya lagi, beliau turut menyatakan ia ditembak menggunakan ‘long-range, high powered sniper rifle’. Tinggi kasyaf Najib boleh tahu jenis senjata digunakan penjenayah. Tambah Najib, ia sebagai isyarat dihantar kepadanya dan itulah puncanya beliau sentiasa menambah tahap kawalan keselamatan ke atasnya.
Pertama sekali jika tidak kerana berlaku tembakan 'sniper' tersebut pun sebagai Perdana Menteri sememangnya sentiasa dikelilingi oleh anggota Unit Tindakan Khas tidak termasuk ADC beliau seperti yang diperuntukkan ke atas setiap Perdana Menteri. Oleh itu, tak perlu 'exaggerate' yang bukan-bukan.
Persoalan kedua, apakah Najib atau ADC beliau ketika itu sudah membuat laporan polis kerana ianya satu dakwaan serius sehingga menyamakan dengan kes pembunuhan bekas Presiden Amerika yang tersohor dalam sejarah John F. Kennedy. Hebat Najib sehingga setaraf dengan Presiden Amerika dijadikan sasaran. Apa jadi dengan kertas siasatan tersebut jika benar? Mana mungkin mensasarkan Perdana Menteri pegawai penyiasat begitu berani 'NFA'.

Ketiganya, apakah tindakan pihak polis terhadap ancaman seperti itu? Apakah tidak ada tangkapan? Mana mungkin negara yang memiliki agensi perisikan terbaik di dunia gagal mengesan Oswald jadian ini? Jangan biarkan Oswald keturunan Melayu ini memalukan pasukan keselamatan negara.
Mempertimbangkan kewajaran dan rasional jarak disebut Najib iaitu tembakan 'sniper' dari jarak 200 meter dengan keadaan bangunan berselerak di sekeliling bangunan UMNO Pekan itu, rasanya, Simo Hayha 'sniper' yang dijuluki sebagai 'White Death' oleh musuhnya pun tak mampu melakukannya. Pastinya kepala peluru ditemui dalam bangunan tersebut dan telah dibuat ujian balistik dan hasilnya apa? Bilang aja donk!
Keempat pula, kenapa hanya setelah tumbang dalam PRU14 dan menjadi pembangkang serta sudah hilang kuasa baru memalu gendang? Jika diambil apa yang didakwa Najib maknanya sudah lebih 2 tahun ianya berlaku tanpa kesudahan. Panjang juga drama diterbitkan Najib ni.
Kelimanya apakah 'sniper' ini pembunuh upahan atau 'hitman' yang begitu luarbiasa ketangkasannya meloloskan diri? Jika benar, ianya amat bahaya buat rakyat yang tidak dikawal seperti Najib. Dakwaan Najib ini perlu diberi perhatian serius oleh PDRM kerana ianya amat membimbangkan seluruh rakyat negara ini.

Seluruh rakyat tidak sanggup kehilangan 'boss' yang sukar dicari malah boleh 'transform' menjadi 'Optimus Prime'. Sudahlah nilai 'satay' merudum berbanding 'pie', nanti budu dan belacan pulak jadi kod perantaraan Jho Low dengan pengurus bank. Mana ada galang ganti pemimpin seperti Najib dan jika beliau terkorban pastinya menderita dan menangislah seluruh rakyat walaupun berkabung 100 tahun.
Persoalan keenam adalah kenapa suspek yang mengupah 'sniper' luarbiasa ini begitu tolol untuk melakukan tembakan ketika Najib tidak ada di situ. Bayaran mahal hasilnya sifar umpama mahal rantai dari beruk.
Jika sekalipun mahu menghantar isyarat atau amaran pada Najib, lebih baik masukkan wang derma dalam akaun peribadinya tanpa diketahuinya kerana beliau tidak akan marah dan hanya akan membelanjakannya sampai licin kemudian tutup akaun tersebut. Lebih-lebih mahu marahpun kalau coklat dalam peti ais dimakan tanpa beritahu dia.

Persoalan ketujuh, jarak IPD Pekan dengan bangunan UMNO Pekan tu kentut pun boleh dengar kawan! Lekeh sangat ka PDRM ni? Hehehehe...
Jika mahu menyingkap persoalan misteri 'sniper' ini, rasanya Nujum Pak Belalang pun lari malam sambil pegang buluh dengan bendera putih. Jangan sampai bom atom pulak Najib beritahu rakyat dipasang di Langgak Duta tetapi berjaya dimatikan Unit K9 dan Unit Pemusnah Bom. Mati berdiri anjing unit K9 itu nanti.
Hidup ini tidak seperti negeri dongeng. Yang dapat melakukan apapun sesuka hati tanpa harus memikirkan apa yang akan terjadi. Agaknya masa sudah sampai untuk melunaskan kata-kata C. S. Lewis penulis dari Britain yang hidup antara 1898 -1963, "Suatu hari, kamu akan menjadi tua dan mulai membaca cerita dongeng lagi." - f/bk

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