Sejak Hj Hadi memimpin PAS Allah turun bala demi bala hingga sekarang. Dia gertak sambal menyaman editor kafir Sawarak Report kononnya dia difitnah menerima RM90 juta dari UMNO untuk diferaitkan dengan 16 lebai-lebai lain. Kerana PAS kaya dengan tazkirah campur maki hamun musuh-musuh politiknya maka tin Milo menjadi saksi mendapatkan derma dari lebai-lebai puyuh yg merhaban dengan ketua mereka.
Bagaimana lilitan serban begitulah lilitan putarbelitnya. Kalau Najib dan Rosmah guna khidmat bomoh dan sami untuk mengekalkan kuasa yg dipinjam Allah Hj Hadi menggunakan fatwa songsang untuk mengekalkan kuasanya terhadap para lebai puyuh yg buta matahati, miskin ilmu agama, dan bahgal dalam pengetahuan ilmu politik.
Dia pemimpin munafiq yg memecahbelahkan umat Islam dengan ajaran sesatnya mengkafirkan orang UMNO, menceraiberaikan keluarga, dan memisahkan persaudaraan sesama Islam sembahyang jumaat dua imam. Keangkuhannya sebagai ular dalam semak terbukti hingga sekarang lebai ini tidak menarik balik, dan memohon ampun dan maaf kerana mengeluarkan fatwa songsang AMANAT HJ HADI. Maknanya sampai sekarang Hj Hadi dan PAS masih mengkafirkan orang-orang UMNO.

Dulu dia cium pipi Lim Guan Eng dan Lim Kit Siang, puji DAP melangit. Lebai-lebai yg jadi kaldai tunggangan ketua munafiq ini sama-sama merhaban memuji memuja DAP, dan kekal mengkafirkan UMNO. Hari ini lebai munafiq yg sama, serban, jubah dan janggut yg sama mengecam DAP dan berpeluk manja maharaja perompak kelas cakrawala Najib Razak yg dikatakan merasuah 17 lebai munafiq sebanyak RM90 juta.
Mengapa Hj Hadi terpaksa menarik balik samannya? Kerana perjuangannya membawa ajaran sesat, munafiq, super korup maka Allah buktikan kemunafikannya. Rupa-rupanya derma tin Milo tidak mampu hendak membayar kos guaman dan lain-lain kos takdirnya PAS kalah. Abduh, anak Nik Aziz, yg merhaban dengan lebai munafiq ini, mendedahkan dalam perjumpaan ahli-ahli PAS bahawa mereka menerima rasuah dari UMNO.

Lebai, lebai awat dok kalut sangat?
Pandai makan pandai simpan,diam-diam sudah lah..
Tapi AP Kereta Import tidak boleh dijual atau dipindah milik..
serta merta...
Kepada lebai-lebai puyuh dan para peminat Hj Hadi super munafiq ini kamu tunggu siasatan SPRM. Dari bukti-bukti yg ada hasil saman di London itu SPRM boleh mengheret 17 lebai super korup kelas munafiq ke pengadilan. Welcome to Sg Buloh tak lama lagi.
Kamu boleh putar serban, putar lidah, menyokong lebai super munafiq super korup tapi kamu tidak boleh menentang kuasa Allah yg melaknati perjuangan songsang PAS sekarang. - Yahaya Ismail

Mintak 4 Saksi,Sekali Dapat 40 Saksi Daa..!
Bossku dan Presidenku...
Hadi Awang, Najib Razak dan 4 Juta Ahli UMNO-PAS tanya kita kenapa status siasatan ini tidak dilaporkan di media televisyen dan media arus perdana Malaysia? Secara rasmi Siasatan Skandal RM 90 Juta sudah masuk TV1, TV2, TV 3, ASTRO AWANI, UTUSAN MALAYSIA, BERITA HARIAN, SINAR HARIAN & THE STAR Bossku. Mahu dengar bukti baru Hadi Awang dan PAS kantoi merompak RM 90 Juta? Buktinya ialah saya masih tidak disaman fitnah oleh Hadi Awang dan Najib Razak sehingga hari ini...
Hadi Awang, Najib Razak dan 4 Juta Ahli UMNO-PAS tanya kita kenapa status siasatan ini tidak dilaporkan di media televisyen dan media arus perdana Malaysia? Secara rasmi Siasatan Skandal RM 90 Juta sudah masuk TV1, TV2, TV 3, ASTRO AWANI, UTUSAN MALAYSIA, BERITA HARIAN, SINAR HARIAN & THE STAR Bossku. Mahu dengar bukti baru Hadi Awang dan PAS kantoi merompak RM 90 Juta? Buktinya ialah saya masih tidak disaman fitnah oleh Hadi Awang dan Najib Razak sehingga hari ini...

ECRL: time to cut our losses and move on...
Of course, it also underlines the immense complexity of the whole issue; Najib gave away so much, on such unequal terms, and at such inflated costs, that we are damned if we do and damned if we don’t.
And let’s not forget that scoundrels and cronies from the previous administration still have a vested interest in the project and could stand to lose a great deal from its cancellation. We shouldn’t be surprised, therefore, that they continue to argue against cancelling the project and warn of the consequences of upsetting China.
Perhaps if they were more concerned with Malaysia’s interests than their own, or worse still, the interests of a foreign power, we might not even be in this mess in the first place.

Bad in every way
By all counts, the ECRL project is an extraordinarily bad one. For one thing, it was grossly overpriced. The actual costs were so vague that we still don’t know what the final tally would be with estimates running between RM80 billion – RM110 billion. In fact, it was so grossly overpriced that the contractor (China Communications Construction Company Ltd.) is now reportedly offering to cut the price tag by a staggering 50%. That’s how much fat there was in it!
And then there were the terms of the contract – all heavily slanted in China’s favour. China derived all the benefits while Malaysia shouldered all the risks. It was part of a grand scheme to massively defraud the people of Malaysia, the consequence of local greed finding common purpose with big power ambition.
What’s worse, the project was completely unviable and without merit. Like so many of the Najib-era projects, it was designed to skim money rather than serve a useful economic purpose. Even with a 50% reduction in price, it would still not make any sense to proceed with it. It’s a mammoth white elephant that will end up becoming a huge drain on the treasury for years to come.
That money, as Professor Jomo Sundaram rightly argued, could be put to better use developing the east coast and other parts of the country that are lagging behind in basic infrastructure.
The socio-economic development of the rural heartland is, in fact, a critical issue with enormous political implications. Unless the PH government can meet the socio-economic needs of the rural heartland, it’s very future and that of Malaysia Baru’s reform agenda could be in jeopardy. Surely, that is one of the takeaways from the recently concluded Cameron Highlands by-election.

A price to pay
Of course, there could be consequences. Having invested so much of its prestige in the ECRL as part of President Xi Jinping’s signature Belt and Road Initiative, it is unlikely to take too kindly to its cancellation. We are already beginning to feel the chill in terms of lower palm oil exports and lower tourist arrivals, both serious matters for industries with a heavy dependence on China.
But China has more than just a contract at stake; behind all the speeches and nostalgic songs about old friendships, its relations with Malaysia are in tatters. Its reputation has also taken a hit given that the project could not have been so grossly inflated without China’s knowledge, even complicity.
It has, therefore, much reason to work with Malaysia to rebuild a strong and mutually beneficial relationship, something that both sides want and need. Cancelling the ECRL project will help remove the toxic legacy of the Najib era and allow both countries to move forward again.
Malaysia can become a showcase of China’s respect for the sovereignty and independence of smaller countries or it can become a case study of how a big power strong-armed a small country when it was most vulnerable. China has always been pragmatic; hopefully, it will see that its interests are better served by allowing the PH government an acceptable exit from an ill-conceived contract than in insisting on its pound of flesh.
Taking the bull by the horns
Whatever it is, it’s time for the PH leadership to take the bull by the horns and end this burdensome and dubious project. Terminating the ECRL project was one of the rallying cries of the PH coalition in the run-up to GE14; the government must now do the right thing and cancel it. It’s time to cut our losses and move on. - Dennis Ignatius

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