Mana-mana pihak yang tidak bersetuju dan menolak Rang Undang-undang (RUU) Mahkamah Syariah (Bidang Kuasa Jenayah) (Pindaan) 2016 tidak boleh dituduh sebagai kafir, murtad, munafik dan sesat.
Ketua Biro Pemantapan dan Pemahaman Agama Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK), Wan Ji Wan Hussin menjelaskan, Presiden PAS, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang tidak membentangkan hukum syariah sebaliknya hanya memohon keizinan untuk meminda salah satu akta dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
“Walaupun ada tanggapan mengatakan bahawa pindaan tersebut membolehkan pelaksanaan enakmen hudud Kelantan, ia tetap tidak boleh dituduh kafir, murtad, sesat dan munafik.
“Hal ini kerana enakmen itu sendiri dipenuhi dengan pandangan ulama-ulama PAS, bukan sepenuhnya syariah,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan di Facebooknya hari ini.
Menurutnya, sifat syariah tidak boleh diubah dan dipinda kerana ia hak mutlak Allah, namun enakmen hudud Kelantan itu adalah pindaan dari 1993 kepada 2015.

“Pindaan berlaku pada enakmen kerana ulama-ulama PAS sendiri sedar ia bukan syariah tetapi pandangan-pandangan mereka. Jika mereka anggap enakmen itu adalah syariah, sudah pasti mereka tidak akan pinda,” kata beliau lagi.
Jelasnya, jika ada pihak menganggap mereka yang menolak enakmen itu sebagai seorang yang murtad, sudah pasti ulama-ulama PAS yang meminda RUU itu lebih murtad.
Khamis lalu, RUU yang dibawakan Hadi itu diusulkan supaya dipercepatkan oleh Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said sebelum disokong Timbalan Menteri Kerja Raya, Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin.
Tindakan itu menyebabkan pemimpin parti komponen bukan Islam dalam BN mengugut akan meletak jawatan dalam Kabinet jika usul itu diluluskan Dewan Rakyat pada Oktober nanti.
Antara pemimpin yang membantah adalah Presiden MIC, Datuk Seri Dr S Subramaniam; Presiden MCA, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai; Timbalan Presiden MCA, Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong dan Presiden GERAKAN, Datuk Seri Mah Siew Keong.- fmt

The ‘invisible’ Kuala Kangsar widow...
Looks like Umno (and Barisan Nasional presumably) think so, for they will nominate Datin Mastura Mohd Yazid, the 55-year-old wife of Datuk Wan Mohammad Khair-il Anuar Wan Ahmad, who was killed in the helicopter crash with five others during the recent Sarawak state election for the Kuala Kangsar by-election come June 5.
Mastura, a lawyer by training, seems to be in a spot, despite apologising profusely for not being able to campaign openly, for she has to ‘perform her religious duties’.
Umno either has a problem finding any other candidate, or thinks that MP-ship is a family affair. Or Umno thinks that a sad, mourning widow, who is strictly performing her iddah, will touch the hearts of the Malay majority voters.
Maybe they want to make her look more ‘religious’ than PAS candidate Perak PAS women’s wing chief Dr Najihatussalehah Ahmad.
BN here is taking a big chance by ignoring the non-Malay voters, for it has yet to be seen how they will vote in an invisible candidate on the guarantee of Umno leaders. Either all the reasons above, or Umno has decided to give the seat to PAS on a golden platter, in the name of their newfound friendship.

Umno ulama Fathul Bari’s insistence that Mastura be left to her mourning had Datuk Puad Zarkashi retorting that one can even win from the jail like Hindraf leader and that Mastira can do her campaigning online. Puad also said that Mastura need not be present at the nomination in person.
This also has many questioning whether Mastura is the only candidate Umno has and what about all this iddah insistence when she is aiming to represent a state constituency in the state assembly.
Although Muslim women are asked to practice iddah upon the death of the husband for 40 days traditionally, due to changes in circumstance where women are also breadwinners and main carers for their children and cannot afford to stay at home dressed in white with limited flowers, as requested by Umno ulama Fathul Bari.
The modern Muslim woman practises iddah by minimising socialising where necessary and going out, but if she has to, for example go to work and interact with male colleagues and perform her daily chores because she has to or she will lose her job, she can do so and religion would not chastise her for that. There is nothing in Islam that says a widow has to be locked up in her house wearing white clothes.
In traditional times, the 40 day mourning period was given for the widow to mourn and regain her composure as a widow in mourning is thought to be weak psychologically and mentally to face society. Also, at that time, community will do everything else for the widow while she stays at home completely. That community is no more.
Thus, nowadays, more progressive ulama have agreed that women can go out to work, for which company will allow women to take 40 days’ leave to mourn their husband? Furthermore, Malay women have come far in their gender roles and do more than the men, while keeping in line with their role as Muslim women. And even if Mastura has the right to mourn for 40 days, she could still come out and meet people, for not doing so would not be fair for those whom she is asking to vote her in. For being a people’s representative is a big responsibility in Islam, and voting in the right person is a big duty.
All that said, one however thinks that Umno leaders will try their best to keep Mastura at home and win the by-election based on sentimentality alone, using Mastura’s name.- Zakiah Koya,theheatmalaysia.
Pemilihan Datin Mastura sebagai calon BN dalam PRK Kuala Kangsar bakal membuka jalan untuk lain-lain isteri wakil rakyat UMNO bertanding jika suami mereka alami nasib sama seperti Allahyarham suami Datin Mastura. Bagaimana pula keadaannya jika ia berlaku kepada MP PEKAN? Adakah isterinya akan dipilih sebagai calon mewakili BN?- f/bk
Balu dalam edah dipilih calon PRK Kuala Kangsar...

Ridhuan Tee Abdullah istiharkan KELUAR dari UMNO...opsss MCA kerana tak bersetuju dgn pendirian parti itu terhadap RUU Persendirian yang dibawa oleh Hadi Awang...Ridhuan adalah ahli seumur hidup MCA...f/bk