Polis akan terus mencari penulis blog seks Alvin Tan sehingga ke lubang cacing, kata Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar.
Khalid berkata, tindakan Tan yang semakin biadab memuat naik status dan gambar di laman sosial Facebook miliknya yang dilihat cuba memalukan beberapa pemimpin negara tidak boleh dimaafkan.
"Dia (Tan) ingat dia boleh lari. Bagaimanapun, setiap negara ada peraturan dan kita akan cari dia hingga ke lubang cacing," katanya seperti dilaporkan Utusan Malaysia mengulas mengenai tindakan Tan melarikan diri ke Amerika Syarikat (AS) dan memohon suaka.
Khalid berkata, siasatan terhadap kes tersebut sudah dimulakan dan beliau turut memberi amaran keras kepada mereka yang mengaibkan pemimpin negara menggunakan media sosial.
"Tiada maaf lagi kepada sesiapa yang menggunakan rangkaian media bagi menghina dan menghasut," katanya seperti dilaporkan akhbar milik Umno itu.
Tan atau nama sebenarnya Tan Jye Yee kini berada di Los Angeles, Amerika Syarikat (AS) berdasarkan lokasi terkini yang dikemas kini di laman Facebooknya menghilangkan diri selepas Mahkamah Sesyen membenarkan penyerahan sementara pasportnya atas alasan ingin pergi ke Singapura bagi tujuan penggambaran sebuah dokumentari.
Bulan lepas sebahagian wang jaminannya turut dilucutkan berhubung tuduhan mempersendakan umat Islam dan bulan Ramadan bersama pasangannya Vivian Lee.

Tan, 26, dalam satu temubual bersama The Malaysian Insider baru-baru ini berkata, meninggalkan Malaysia adalah "satu-satunya tindakan rasional" kerana dia tidak berdaya melawan "kezaliman dan kejahilan".
Beliau turut menghadapi pertuduhan mengikut Subseksyen 5 (1) Akta Penapisan Filem 2002 iaitu mempamerkan gambar yang didapati lucah di laman blognya di http://alviviswingers.tumblr.com/ tahun lepas.
Dalam temubualnya bersama The Malaysian Insider, Tan mempertahankan posting Ramadannya yang mengandungi bak kut teh sebagai satira politik.
Beliau berkata, ia menunjukkan bahaya menggunakan Islam untuk "mentadbir hidup orang ramai" dengan menjadikan moral peribadi sebagai undang-undang tanpa membezakan yang tidak bermoral dengan yang menyalahi undang-undang.
Tan berkata, beliau percaya dirinya bukan pengecut dengan memohon suaka di AS, tetapi dia hanya "bijak, pragmatik, berkira dan bijak dengan wang." - tmi
Blogger seks tiada peluang dapat suaka politik negara lain, kata peguam

After pig snout post, sex blogger takes on IGP...
"If only the inspector-general of police is as passionate in fighting crime and corruption as he is in catching people for sedition," posted Alvin Tan on his Facebook page today.
He was responding to Khalid, who yesterday vowed that the police would leave no stone unturned in locating Tan.
Khalid was livid with Tan’s earlier Facebook posting depicting doctored photos of various leaders, including the prime minister and his wife, with pig snouts.
In an Utusan Malaysia report, the police chief described Tan's action as rude and claimed that the blogger wanted to challenge the authorities.
"He thinks he can run. However, each country has its own regulations and we will eventually catch him," said Khalid in reference to reports that the blogger was seeking asylum in the US.
Meanwhile, Utusan also quoted Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar as describing Tan as a "coward".
"If he is brave, come back to Malaysia and say those things. No need to run to the US. He is a coward and only talks after running from Malaysia.
"Tell us upfront. We (Umno Youth) are willing to wait. Do not be a coward," he emphasised.
Political asylum
Meanwhile, Tan's ex-girlfriend Vivian Lee said she had expected him to jump bail as he had suggested the idea before.
"Tan suggested the idea of seeking political asylum once.
"He did not discuss his plan with me further. He can pursue his dreams and resume his conquests in the US without any baggage," she added on her Facebook page.
"I don't see the point of living a life on the run. We still have a full life ahead of us, and the life of a fugitive wouldn't suit me.
"I was brought up by my parents to deal with any issue in front of us, and running away whenever there's trouble isn't a wise approach," she added.
In a related development, Astro Awani quoted Bukit Aman deputy CID chief Amar Singh as saying the police are probing Tan under sedition again following the remarks the blogger made on Facebook.
"Members of the public have lodged reports against Tan. Upon this, we initiated an investigation under the Sedition Act," he said today.
Tan along with Lee had been charged under Sedition Act last year following a blog posting 'Selamat Berbuka Puasa with bak kut teh... fragrant, delicious and appetising'.- mk
Political asylum not a way out of a criminal charge

Fugitive’s life not for me, says sex blogger’s ex-partner Vivian Lee...
"He can pursue his dreams and resume his conquests in the US without any baggage," Vivian Lee, who together with Tan had blogged about their sex life under the name Alvivi, told The Star.
Lee said she was relieved that Tan was safe.
"Now that he's made it safely to the US, I'm relieved because I finally know that he's OK.
“I do not feel bitter and I do not blame him for anything. I wish him well and all the best," she said as quoted by the paper, adding that she was not sure if they would ever meet again.
She revealed that she had sent emails and text messages to Tan after his disapperance but had not received any response.
She only knew that he was in the US after friends informed her based on news reports.
Lee, 25, also said she was against the idea of running away from her upcoming trial following the couple's offensive and controversial Ramadan greeting on Facebook in July last year.
"I don't see the point of living a life on the run. We still have a full life ahead of us, and life as a fugitive wouldn't suit me," she told The Star.
"I was brought up by my parents to face and deal with any issue in front of us, and running away whenever there's trouble isn't a wise approach."

The pair, who are former law students at the National University of Singapore, first came under the spotlight following their raunchy blog postings.
But it was their post of a pork dish and a Ramadan greeting last year that landed them in hot water, and even in jail briefly, after they were charged under the Sedition Act and the Film Censorship Act.
Tan violated his bail conditions while on a supposed working trip to Singapore and is now on Interpol's wanted list.
After lying low for a while, he emerged on social media, speaking of his plans for asylum in the US.
The 26-year-old Tan told The Malaysian Insider recently that his decision to flee his homeland was to escape the government's "tyranny" as well as the "ignorance" of ordinary Malaysians.
He said that he had tried to convince Lee to flee but she had decided against it.
"I already applied to the court to get our passports released using my personal funds, at no expense to her. What more does she want?
"What I did not do was to fund her escape, because, why should I? We are both independent adults who are supposed to be able to take care of ourselves.
"She has a lot of growing up to do if she believes that it is my responsibility to take her along. I mean, hello, she is the university graduate here, not me. She should be more than capable – much more than me – to take care of herself," he had said.
Malaysians flay sex blogger Alvin Tan for fleeing to US

Apa kata Pemuda UMNO kalu'anak jantan'pergi ke Amerika Syarikat dan bawa balik Alvin Tan ke Malaysia...
Khalid Ibrahim mahu letak jawatang ADUN Pelabuhan Klang?
