Menyifatkan serangan fitnah terhadap anaknya itu sebagai bermotif dendam, beliau percaya perjuangan Nurul Izzah bukan terletak di tangan kerajaan sebaliknya dihakimi rakyat biasa.
“Satu kerajaan datang hentam dia, tapi saya nak kata bukan kerajaan penentunya, tapi rakyat yang akan menghakimi segala-galanya.
“Mereka nak kalahkan Izzah, nak angkat Raja Nong Chik. Apa mereka lupa isu tanah di Kampung Baru pun tak selesai, anak dia pula dapat kontrak tender berbilion ringgit.
“Saya pesan dekat Izzah, ini ujian. Kita kena hadapi,” kata Ketua Pembangkang itu.
Pada pilihan raya umum lalu, Nurul Izzah membuat kejutan apabila menewas Datuk Seri Shahrizat Jalil bagi menawan kerusi Parlimen Lembah Pantai.
Kini, ada ura-ura kerusi itu bakal ditandingi Raja Nong Chik sekalipun terpalit dengan isu rampasan tanah Kampung Baru dan skandal anaknya.
“Perlawanan ini antara rakyat dengan kerajaan yang korup. Inilah masanya untuk rakyat mengatakan tidak, kepada mereka,” katanya depan 700 orang pada ceramah perdana Jelajah Merdeka Rakyat di Bulatan Little India, Brickfields, di sini malam tadi.
Depan 2,000 orang di padang Flat Sri Labuan, Bandar Tun Razak dalam Jelajah Merdeka Rakyat pada malam samapula, Anwar berkata tidak ada maknanya Islam seseorang itu jika agama diperalat untuk kezaliman dan menindas.
“Walkaramah itu keadilan, kita sebagai umat Islam dituntut memberi keadilan untuk semua dan angkat darjat manusia.
“Ini disebut Ketua Ulama SeDunia, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi dalam buku terbarunya (Kebangkitan Rakyat).
“Di Mesir, ada minoriti Kristian. Semasa berlaku serangan ke atas gereja oleh pelampau Mesir, anak-anak muda Islam bina benteng pertahankan penganut Kristian.
“Kerana apa? Kerana mereka mahu pertahankan umat manusia dari kezaliman. Semasa serangan gereja di Petaling Jaya dulu, Ustaz Haji Hadi Awang juga tolak kekerasan terhadap agama lain dan minta gereja tidak dirosakkan.
“Kalau orang Melayu dengan Cina bergaduh, yang untung Umno. Islam dengan Kristian gaduh, yang untung Umno,” katanya.-keadilandaily

Anwar warmly greeted despite 'uncooperative' DBKL...
Despite facing numerous obstacles from the authorities over PKR’s Deepavali event in Brickfields last night, de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim received a warm welcome.

There was momentary chaos as he disembarked from his Jelajah Merdeka Rakyat bus as hundreds swarmed around the opposition leader hoping to catch a glimpse of him.
Earlier, PKR vice-president and Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar said the party was disappointed with an "unsupportive" Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) for refusing a permit to erect a stage for the event.
"This year, as usual, DBKL has not been very kind. So we are stuck with celebrating Deepavali in a very unconventional guerrilla way," she said.

Unfortunately DBKL was giving a lot of problems to us. Flags were taken down; we were not allowed to erect a stage for the purposes of a Deepavali celebration," she told Malaysiakini when met prior to the event.
She said the party had been applying for the permit for about a month but they had been turned down.
"It doesn't matter how long (we have applied). It (our application) has always been rejected. That is our experience so far," she said when asked when they had submitted their application.
Poking fun at adversary
As he visited the shops on the colourful street sometimes known as ‘Little India' and showered with gifts, cheers of "Reformasi" quickly gave way to panicked shouts of "Don't push!"

By the time Anwar returned to the stage about an hour after his walkabout, he was in traditional Indian headgear, sporting a large necklace, and many floral garlands hanging from his neck.
There, he delivered a brief speech - no more than five minutes - urging the audience to vote against the BN government, which he tagged as corrupt.
"I don't want to disrupt businesses here, so I will keep this short," he said, before departing to another ceramah in Bandar Tun Razak.
There, about 1,500 supporters gathered on a waterlogged football field as he poked fun at various issues.
Culture with caustic touch
"When (Prime Minister) Najib Abdul Razak says (something) and we invite him to debate it, he wouldn't dare.
"What would he dare? He would dare to open debate competitions at secondary schools.
"(He'd say), ‘We must teach our children to speak well, and take part in debate competitions would improve the quality of debates in schools. But you (Anwar)? That is not our culture.'
"What is our culture? Throw stones at buses. ‘Butt dance' at Bersih co-chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan. God willing He would give us strength (to face this)," he said.
In his speech, he also reiterated several PKR election promises, such as lowering fuel prices, provide free education, and to abolish the car excise tax.- malaysiakini

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