Pemimpin PR juga membidas Najib sebagai tidak bertanggungjawab kerana menggunakan isu sensitif semata-mata untuk menarik pengundi kaum India.
"Ia adalah rasuah... Saya rasa adalah sesuatu yang pelik seorang PM berkata begitu," kata ahli ahli majlis mesyuarat kerajaan negeri (Exco) Selangor, Xavier Jayakumar (gambar) kepada The Malaysian Insider.
"Malahan dengan memberi ucapan kepada masyakat dikategorikan sebagai berpendapatan rendah secara demikian... ia sesuatu yang pelik.
"Mereka tidak memiliki jaminan daripada segi kesihatan, pendidikan dan perumahan seperti diketahui tetapi kamu memainkan janji seperti ini di depan mereka.
"Lebih baik beritahu mereka - kamu akan lebih teruk jika kamu tidak lakukan perkara ini (undi kepada BN) dan saya (PM) tidak kisah jika kamu tidak lakukannya," tambah beliau lagi.
Hari ini sempena sambutan pesta cahaya Deepavali di Batu Caves, Najib telah membuat pengumuman bahawa kerajaan pimpinannya akan membatalkan projek pembinaan kondominium 29 tingkat berhampiran pusat keagamaan masyarakat Hindu di Batu Caves jika kembali memerintah Selangor selepas pilihan raya umum (PRU) ke-13.
Jayakumar juga berkata ia sangat tidak adil dengan memberikan janji sedemikan terutamanya isu tersebut nyata sensitif kepada masyarakat India.
"Kami kerajaan Selangor tidak berkata jika kaum India mengundi kami, kami pasti akan membatalkan projek tersebut.
"Penghujungnya nanti kami akan pastikan perkara ini diselesaikan secara baik," kata Jayakumar. Ahli parlimen Puchong (DAP), Gobind Singh Deo juga senada dengan rakannya itu dan menuduh Najib mengugut masyakat India Selangor dengan janjinya.
Beliau mendakwa kata-kata Najib itu sama dengan janji "awak tolong saya, saya tolong awak" kepada pengundi di Sibu semasa pilihan raya kecil 2010 lalu hingga mengundang kritikan yang meluas.
"Najib perlu berusaha selesaikan isu tersebut dan bukannya berjanji dengan bersyarat," kata beliau kepada The Malaysian Insider.
Semasa ucapan saat akhir kepada pengundi Sibu pada Mei 2010 lalu, Najib mengumumkan peruntukan sebanyak RM5 juta untuk projek tambatan banjir di Sungai Rejang tapi dengan syarat pengundi memilih calon BN di situ iaitu Robert Lau Hui Yew.
"Saya mahu buat perjanjian dengan kamu. Bolehkah kita mencapai persetujuan bersama atau tidak? Sangat senang, kamu tolong saya dan saya tolong kamu," kata Najib tiga jam berakhir tempoh berkempen.
Namun demikian, BN tetap tewas kepada calon daripada DAP iaitu pengerusi DAP Sarawak, Wong Ho Leng.
Pada 30 Oktober lalu, kerajaan negeri Selangor memberikan arahan untuk menghentikan pembinaan kondominium 29 tingkat di Batu Caves serta melantik badan penyiasat bebas.
Menteri Besar Selangor Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim (gambar) berkata, kerajaan negeri memberi jaminan supaya masalah ini dapat diselesaikan secepat mungkin, mengakui bahawa arahan menghentikan projek ini menyebabkan pihak pemaju mengalami kerugian.
Projek kondominium Dolomite Park Avenue yang dibangunkan oleh Dolomite Properties Sdn Bhd, adalah isu sensitif kerana projek tersebut berhampiran dengan Batu Caves, tempat keagamaan penganut Hindu kira-kira 1.7 juta orang di kawasan bandar di Selangor. - malaysian indider
Najib's promise to cancel Batu Caves project is political bribery...
Selangor Pakatan Rakyat (PR) lawmakers said today it was “political bribery” for Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s to promise cancelling the controversial Batu Caves condominium project if Barisan Nasional (BN) recaptures Selangor, and accused the prime minister of abusing an emotive issue to woo Indian support.
“It is bribery... very unbecoming of the Prime Minister, I think,” Selangor state executive councillor Xavier Jayakumar(pic,below) told The Malaysian Insider.
“Particularly to speak to people from the lower income category in this manner... it is very unbecoming.
“They don’t even have a safety net as far as health, education and housing is concerned and you dangle these sorts of rewards in front of them.
“It is as good as telling them - you will be worst off if you don’t do this (vote for BN), and I (PM) won’t care for you if you don’t,” he added.
At the MIC’s national Deepavali open house at Batu Caves this morning, Najib promised to cancel the controversial luxury condominium being built near the venue but provided that the Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition wins back Selangor from PR.
Jayakumar pointed out that despite holding state power, the Selangor PR government had not seen it fit to turn the issue into a political one, and chose instead to resolve it via consultation and discussion with the relevant parties.
He said it was unfair issue such ultimatums on voters, particularly since the issue was clearly a sensitive one to the Indian community.
“We in the Selangor government do not say ― if the Indians vote for us, we will definitely cancel the project.
“What we have done is, we have issued a stop work order and our task force is now workin on looking at different angles to solve this. In the end, we will ensure that it is resolved amicably,” Jayakumar said.
DAP’s Puchong MP Gobind Singh Deo(pic,below) agreed with his party colleague and accused Najib of threatening the Selangor Indian community with his promise.
He said Najib’s words were similar to his “you help me, I help you” promise to Sibu voters during the 2010 by-election, which had earned the prime minister widespread criticism.
“Najib should make an effort to resolve the issue, not issue a conditional promise,” he told The Malaysian Insider.
“I want to make a deal with you. Can we have an understanding or not? The understanding is quite simple.
“I help you, you help me,” Najib had said in his announcement that was made just three hours before campaigning closed.
Lau later went on to lose the contest to DAP’s Sarawak DAP chairman Wong Ho Leng.
Selangor has ordered a temporary halt to the construction of the 29-storey condominium near Batu Caves pending the findings of an independent state-level task force to be set up soon, Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim said on Octber 30.
He, however, offered the state’s assurance that the matter would be resolved as soon as possible, admitting that the stop-work order would cost the developers financial losses.
The 29-storey Dolomite Park Avenue condominium project has turned into a political crisis as Batu Caves is the religious focal point of Hindu Indians, who form the majority of the 1.7 million Indians and are a key voting group in many urban seats in Selangor.
About 300 Hindu and non-governmental activists joined a “Save Batu Caves” rally in the Batu Caves temple complex to protest against the condominium construction on October 26, saying it was an environmental risk that would jeopardise the temple grounds but did not furnish proof to substantiate their allegations.
The project was given the nod by state authorities in 2007, but MIC and Barisan Nasional (BN) have in recent weeks pressured the current Pakatan Rakyat administration into calling a halt to the project amid a battle for Indian votes.- malaysian insider
Selangor likely to stop Batu Caves condo project, state exco hints
agak-agaknya lah SAPA Rakyat nak pilih yang hanyaTAU BUAT JANJI tapi MUNAFIK atau JANJI DITEPATI? Dah tau BIjak bijak Rakyat Malaysia kan?
Ini namanya RASUAH JANJI macam air free, api free, ibu tunggal duit free tapi tinggal janji aja RASUAH tu memang HamPAS
Kenyataan Bajib hanya semata2 bagi meraih populariti dan sokongan dan bukannya untuk menyelesaikan masalah.
Kerana masalah ini berpunca daripada kerajaan Khir Toyo dulu!!!
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