Shah Alam High Court judge Mohd Zaki Md Yasin in his judgment noted that Razak's affidavit dated Jan 5, 2007 was provided by the prosecution before it closed its case.
In his 70-page judgment obtained by Malaysiakini, Zaki classified Razak's affidavit, which forms a major portion of the judgment, as "not part and parcel of the police investigation process" but governed under the Oaths and Affirmations Act.
Hence, the judge ruled, the affidavit provided by the prosecution must be given its due weight as was given to the rest of the evidence from the prosecution.
Initially in the trial, only portions of the affidavit were admitted as evidence, including Razak's admission to having had a relationship with Altantuya, whom he met in November 2004.
However, the political analyst said he ended his relationship with the Mongolian woman sometime in August 2005.
Razak also stated that Altantuya demanded money from him and blackmailed him as a result of "the relationship".
Sometime in April 2006, Razak said in his affidavit he told Altantuya that he would not bow to her blackmail as he was not afraid of an expose of their relationship.
"Furthermore, I do not want to continue paying to her. From that day onwards, she continued to harass me via phone and letter. Sometime in August 2006, she threatened to come to my office," Razak states in his affidavit.
Altantuya was murdered sometime between 10pm on Oct 19, 2006 and 1am the next day in a jungle clearing near Kuala Lumpur, at Lot 16735, Mukim Bukit Raja, Shah Alam.
Altantuya taken away for 'interrogation'

Justice Zaki noted that Razak in his affidavit stated that the two police special forces officers had taken Altantuya to the police station for her to be interrogated on the fateful day.
"Now, can these parts of the said affidavit be ignored or rejected? It is my finding that in the absence of any rebuttal evidence against them, coupled with the fact that there is no legal onus that lies upon the third accused (Razak) to rebut any statutory presumptions, there is clearly, to my mind, no reason for them to be ignored and rejected," the judge said.
Having perused the contents of the affidavit, the evidence corroborated by private investigator P Balasubramaniam, Altantuya's cousin Burmaa Oyuchimeg, L/Cpl Rohaniza Roslan - girlfriend of the accused Azilah - and Razak's secretary Siti Aishah Mohd Azlan have clearly negated and nullified the act of abetment as alleged against Razak, added Zaki.
"I have no reason to disagree with Razak. The averment about threat and blackmailing is corroborated by the threatening letters the deceased sent to the political analyst.
"Altantuya herself admitted to it when she wrote on a note found by Burmaa, 'Yes maybe I did mistake to bother him to blackmail him'," the judge said.
Razak may have motive to kill Altantuya but...
In acquitting Razak on Dec 31, 2008, the High Court judge had said the court was not prepared to call the political analyst to make his defence.
"In my view, once the essential elements of abetment that is by instigation, by conspiracy and aiding and in the context of this case, the death of Altantuya, is not proven on the basis of a prima facie evidence, any other inferences and doubts that may have arisen must be resolved as is trite in favour of the accused person.
"It is not for the court to call for the defence merely to clear or clarify such doubts. Even if Razak can be inferred as having had any motive in the light of all the blackmailing letters of the deceased, it cannot be made a basis for conviction of him without direct or circumstantial evidence of his participation in any manner in the commissioning of offence," the judgment states.

Balasubramaniam had said that he met Razak at his office on Oct 20, 2006, and asked which police station Altantuya was taken to.
However, Razak asked Balasubramiam to guess for himself, and Balasubramaniam then said it could be Travers police station or the Special Branch lock-up at Jalan Ipoh, the judgment said.
The judge also reproduced portions of Razak's affidavit in his judgment.
The judge also reproduced portions of Razak's affidavit in his judgment.
Portions from Razak's affidavit reproduced

The judge also reproduced portions of Razak's affidavit in his judgment.
Paragraph 25: Although I appointed Balasubramaniam following the disturbance from the deceased on me and my family continued, I decided to seek additional help from DSP Musa Safri whom I knew from my dealings with the Malaysia Strategic Research Centre. (Musa was then Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak's chief of staff and aide-de-camp).
Paragraph 26: "I asked Musa to help put up a police box at my home, where I stayed with my family, wanting assistance from the police to send a patrol car to patrol the vicinity, and to introduce me to one of the police officers who works at IPD (police district headquarters) Brickfields."
Paragraph27: DSP Musa informs me that he will introduce a police officer to me.
Paragraph 28: On Oct 16, 2006, Balasubramaniam suggested that Altantuya be deported from Malaysia. One Dhiren Norendra and Razak sternly rejected Balasubramaniam's proposal.
Paragraph 29: "On the morning of Oct 17, 2006, Altantuya came to my house where she tried to meet me. Her presence was known by my wife, Mazlinda Makhzan. I was not in the house at that time."
Paragraph 30: "On the night of Oct 17, while I was at home with my family, there was a disturbance outside the house."
Paragraph 31: "I immediately contacted Musa, but he was uncontactable." Razak then asked Balasubramaniam and Dhiren to help. A police patrol car arrived and resolved the commotion. "I did not lodge a police report on the first commotion."
Paragraph 32: "Musa informed me that he found a police officer to assist and help me deal with the disturbance."
Paragraph 33: "I met Azilah at my office and sought his help to patrol in the vicinity of my house. I gave him my house address, my father's name, Altantuya's name and Hotel Malaya (this is based on information given by Balasubramaniam). I also informed Azilah that Balasubramaniam is a private investigator.
"Before Azilah left my office, he asked me to inform him if Altantuya continued to disturb or cause commotion to me or my family."
Paragraph 35: "On Oct 19, Balasubramaniam called me and informed me that there is a second commotion (caused by Altantuya) outside my house. At that time, I and my family were outside, and so I proceeded to call Azilah."
Paragraph 37: "Balasubramaniam told me there were three plainclothes police personnel who arrived in an unmarked car and took Altantuya away. I believe the officers took Altantuya to the police station where she was interrogated."
Paragraph 38: "On Oct 20, I went to the Deputy Prime Minister's (Najib's) office on an official matter and there I met Musa. In my meeting with Musa, I asked what happened following the second commotion and Musa told me that Azilah did not say anything.
"I asked Musa again several days later, either by phone or by meeting him, and Musa's response was the same."
The Court of Appeal is scheduled to hold case management on Friday to set a date to hear the appeal filed by both Azilah and Sirul against the murder conviction.
The case has been pending for two years while awaiting the completion of the written judgment by Zaki.

Setelah genap 2 tahun Kes Altantuya: baru penghakiman penuh dikeluarkan
Dalam penghakiman penuh kes pembunuhan Altantuya Shaariibuu, hakim perbicaraan secara panjang lebar menghuraikan bagaimana penterjemah Mongolia itu mengancam tertuduh ketiga Abdul Razak Baginda dan mengapa mahkamah menerima afidavit penganalisis politik itu sebagai sebahagian daripada bukti sehingga membawa kepada pembebasan beliau.

Pada penghakiman 70-muka surat yang diperolehi oleh Malaysiakini, Zaki mengklasifikasikan afidavit Razak, yang menjadi sebahagian besar penghakimanbya itu, sebagai "bukan sebahagian daripada proses penyiasatan polis" tetapi tertakluk di bawah Akta Sumpah dan Ikrar.
Justeru, kata hakim, afidavit yang disediakan oleh pihak pendakwaan perlu diberikan wajaran sepatutnya seperti bukti-bukti lain dari pihak pendakwaan.
Pada mula perbicaraan itu, hanya sebahagian kecil afidavit itu diterima sebagai keterangan, termasuk pengakuan Razak bahawa beliau mempunyai hubungan dengan Altantuya, yang dikenalinya pada bulan November 2004.

Walau bagaimanapun, penganalisis politik itu berkata beliau menamatkan hubungannya dengan wanita Mongolia berkenaan pada bulan Ogos 2005.
Razak juga mendakwa bahawa Altantuya memeras ugutnya meminta wang kerana "hubungan" berkenaan.
Pada sekitar bulan April 2006, Razak dalam afidavit itu, berkata beliau memberitahu Altantuya bahawa dia tidak akan tunduk ke atas ugutan itu kerana tidak takut hubungan mereka didedahkan.
"Tambahan pula, saya tidak mahu terus membayarnya. Mulai hari itu dan seterusnya, dia terus mengganggu saya melalui telefon dan surat. Sekitar pada bulan Ogos 2006, beliau mengugut untuk datang ke pejabat saya," kata Razak dalam afidavitnya.
Altantuya dibunuh sekitar jam 10 malam 19 Okt, 2006 hingga 1 pagi hari berikutnya dalam sebuah hutan yang sedang dibersihkan di Lot 16735, Mukim Bukit Raja, Shah Alam berhampiran Kuala Lumpur.

Hakim Zaki juga menyatakan beliau mengambil maklum bahawa Razak dalam afidavitnya menyatakan bahawa kedua-dua polis pasukan khas itu telah membawa Altantuya ke balai polis untuk disoal siasat pada hari kejadian.
"Adakah kenyataan ini tidak harus diambil kira atau ditolak. Dalam penemuan saya, kenyataan beliau yang dibuat tanpa sebarang keterangan yang menangkis bukti tersebut harus diterima," katanya.
Menurut Hakim Mohd Zaki, setelah menganalisis afidavit berkenaan dan membandingkannya dengan keterangan - penyiasat persendirian P Balasubramaniam; sepupu Altantuya, Burmaa Oyuchimeg; Lans Korporal Rohaniza Roslan dan setiausaha Razak, Siti Aishah Mohd Azlan - beliau membatalkan pertuduhan bersubahat membunuh yang dihadapi oleh Abdul Razak.
"Saya tiada alasan untuk tidak bersetuju dengan Abdul Razak. Ini kerana kenyataan ugutan adalah dibuktikan dalam surat yang si mati (Altantuya) hantar pada tertuduh.
Altantuya juga mengaku beliau menulis satu nota yang dijumpai oleh Burmaa - ‘Ya, kemungkinan saya silap kerana mengganggu dan mengugut beliau’," kata hakim itu dalam penghakimannya.
Dalam melepaskan Abdul Razak pada 31 Disember, 2008, Hakim Mohd Zaki berkata beliau tidak bersedia untuk mengarahkan penganalisis politik itu untuk membela dirinya.

Kalau ada sebarang inferensi dan keraguan maka undang-undang memutuskan ia harus berpihak kepada tertuduh."
“Mahkamah tidak boleh memanggil seseorang membela diri oleh kerana untuk menerangkan segala keraguan.
Walaupun Abdul Razak mungkin mempunyai motif oleh kerana ugutan yang dibuat oleh si mati, ia tak boleh menjadi asas untuk sabitkan beliau tanpa sebarang keterangan menikut keadaan atau keterangan langsung pembabitan beliau di dalam kejadian itu," kata Hakim Mohd Zaki lagi.
Hakim itu juga menerbitkan semula sebahagian daripada afidavit Razak dalam penghakimannya.
Para 25: Walaupun saya melantik P Balasubramaniam, namun ganguan oleh si mati ke atas saya dan keluarga saya masih berterusan. Oleh itu, saya meminta bantuan tambahan daripada seorang pegawai polis bernama DSP Musa Safri. Saya dapat berkenalan dengan DSP Musa semasa saya mengendalikan urusan rasmi “Malaysia Strategic Research Centre”.

Para 27: DSP Musa memberitahu saya bahawa beliau akan membantu dengan memperkenalkan terkemudiannya seorang pegawai polis untuk membantu saya.
Para 28: Pada 16 Oktober 2006 dalam satu perjumpaan antara saya dengan Balasubramaniam dan Dhiren Norendra, penyiasat persendirian itu menyarankan aduan dibuat bagi mengusir si mati dari Malaysia. Saya dan Norendra menolak cadangan ini dengan tegas.
Para 29: Pada sebelah pagi 17 Oktober 2006, si mati telah datang ke rumah saya untuk cuba berjumpa dengan saya dan lawatan ini diketahui oleh isteri saya Mazlinda Makhzan. Saya tidak berada di rumah pada masa itu.
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