Abdul Rahim said the senior citizens were disturbed when they found out that the RM100 payout came from gambling sources. “These senior citizens received the money with happy hearts but after knowing that the money came from gambling sources, they are worried and decided to return it,” he told reporters after receiving the money from the senior citizens.
“They can be Malays, Indians or Chinese… nobody wants gambling money,” he said, adding it was time that Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng stopped “spinning lies”.
Now who is spinning lies Lim Guan Eng or UMNO ??
The government receives an average of RM2 billion yearly from the gambling industry, and the use of the money is not segregated nor restricted for use by certain groups only. The Finance ministry reveals this in a written answer to Rantau Panjang member of parliament Siti Zailah Mohd Yusuff. It said in the first nine months this year, the government collected RM1.95 billion from the gambling sector. The revenue also had increased since the year 2003, from RM1.79 billion to RM2.6 billion in 2009.
The latest revelation not only confirms that the government does not distiguish between money considered "haram" from the "halal", but also falls flat on accusation by UMNO and its right-wing offshoot Perkasa that the Penang state government has been funding welfare activities from gambling money.
Penang's chief minister Lim Guan Eng recently became target of attacks by the two organisations, who called on Muslims in the state to return the cash from the state's financial aid programme for poor Penangites, citing its haram origins.
DAP's Kuching MP Chong Chieng Jen urged the government to walk the talk by setting up a special fund to store taxes sourced from gambling avenues.
“Since UMNO in Penang has been accusing the state government of using gambling revenue to fund its old age appreciation fund and has been pressuring Muslims to return the money since it was non-halal, I think the federal government should walk the talk and set aside a special account to store all taxes earned from 4D companies.
“If UMNO truly holds on to the belief that tax revenue from the gambling industry should not be used to pay charity to Muslims, then they should do this,” he was quoted as telling news portal, The Malaysian Insider, in response to the Finance ministry's earlier admission that it received RM1.08 billion in gambling revenue specifically from 4D gaming outlets.
Cakap tak serupa bikin... hingga hari ini duit yang dikatakan haram oleh UMNO masih belum diserahkan kepada kerajaan negeri.....
UMNO dah hilang modal dan dah pening kepala dengan Guan Eng ini. Depa cucuk kiri kanan,atas bawah tapi tak kena sasaran pun.
Aku Melayu Tanjong rasa malu dengan perangai malaun2 UMNO dok kata itu ini tapi semuanya temberang belaka.
Tambah2 lagi tengok mamak Rahim Saibu,lagak besar tapi dlm otak kosong. Boleh tayang kekayaan,itu pun kerana UMNO tibai kiri kanan tapi idea langsung tak ada.
Setakat tunjuk muka dalam TV pasai wang haram itu saja kebolehan ada padanya.
UMNO Penang mampauih lebih elok kerana 2 penggal lagi pun UMNO jangan dok mimpi berkuasa di Penang.
Aku orang UMNO tapi dah meluat dengan telatah pemimpin2 UMNO yang ada. PRU ke-13 ini nak beralih angin. 20 tahun dok bagi undi kat UMNO cukup kot!!!!
Sebarkan hal ini ke seluruh pelosok negara - bahan kempen PR. Ahli umno masih jahil terlampau dlm hal halal haram. Inilah cara Allah nak memalukan umno. Syukur dan bersabarlah dan berdoalah (jangan lupa solat). Baguihlah kalau hang dah sedaq.
UMNO will lie and forever lie to stay in power.
Wang dari sumber judi haram tapi wang rasuah halal. Kesian UMNO!
Tulah rakyat macam makcik tu betoi2 kena main dengan UMNO.Dahlah dapat RM100 Guan Eng bagi,UMNO pi kata duit haram. Walhal pemimpin2 UMNO dok balun sakan duit haram atau haram makcik tu tak kesah. Pasai bagi mak cik tu hidup matinya adalah kerana UMNO! Mak Cik tu mana berani tanya depa tentang duit yang ada kat depa tu haram atau halal.
Pikiaq mai kalu ada 1 juta orang Melayu macam mak cik dan pikiaq macam mak cik...UMNO nak mampauih macam mana?
Melayu macam mak cik tulah yang tolol!!! Tapi tak pa pasai golongan orang seangkatan mak cik tu dah kian kurang dan inilah yang menyebabkan UMNO dok gila meroyan sakan!!!
Ala Mak Cik Habsah cuba buat kalut,nu dapat masuk TV, bila lagi ada peluang masuk TV.
Mak Cik Habsah ni tak pikiaq kah duit yang anak2nya dok bagi duit haram atau halal??
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