However, market research agency TNS Malaysia said in the face-to-face interviews conducted from June 28 to July 26 this year, only nine percent, or 90, admitted to have given bribes in the past 12 months. The 90 said that they had bribed the police or people working in registration and permit processing, land, medical, utilities, state education or customs offices, and even the judiciary.
This puts Malaysia in the seventh spot among the 22 Asia Pacific countries surveyed, with South Korea leading the pack at only 2 percent of the people interviewed there admitting to having given bribes in the past one year.
"The perception that corruption is on the rise reflects the perception on 'grand corruption'. Fewer 'big fishes' are being prosecuted, and only the small guys are prosecuted.
"Also, procurement is not as open as it should be and we often hear of this or that project given to someone at three times higher than what it should cost," he said when unveiling the report to the Malaysian media this morning.
Low added that charging high profile politicians with graft must not be done as a political gimmick, for failing to get a conviction would reflect badly in the next survey.
Police most affected by corruption
Most Malaysians interviewed felt the police force is the most affected by corruption, followed by political parties and Parliament. They scored 4.1, 4.0 and 3.4 respectively, on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5, being the most affected by corruption.
Next came the public and private sectors, both scoring 3.0, the same as the judiciary. And NGOs are at 2.9, followed by the media at 2.7, the education sector 2.4, armed forces 2.3 and religious bodies were believed to be least affected at 2.4.
Kepada mereka yang memberi rasuah janganlah dok heboh dan komplain sangat kerana anda juga adalah sebahagian daripada sistem yang korup di bawah gomen 1Malaysia yang korup dari atas sampai ke bawah.
Jom tolak BN dalam PRU ke-13 nanti....
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