Alamak now even the Attorney General is Bonking! Well as they say…Monkey see, Monkey do. If the Chief Justice was caught out illegally having a tryst overseas…well Golok is in Thailand and can be considered overseas lah…then why not the Attorney General. And again as an extension of the Monkey See Monkey do…why not the Attorney General’s DPP and Saiful! Apa macham ni? Niamah!
I can just picture Najib having to reassure Rosmah that he is not the Monkey See Monkey Do type. Not that it will do any good because nudge nudge wink wink say no more….Rosmah knows Najib better then a Monkey can climb a tree! But once she cools down they would be discussing what to do with the AG – because like they are beholden to the IGP Najib and Rosmah are also beholden to the AG…there is that word ‘beholden’ again!
Same as Najib was beholden to Mahathir. There are so many ‘beholden’ people in Barisan Nasional that it would be easy to find them in that entire BN crowd. Just like finding a Dato’ in a crowd…just throw a pebble into the crowd and you will hit a Dato’. In UMNO you do the same thing and you will hit someone who is beholden to somebody!

For now let us think a while about what the AG will say esok! He can deny that there is an elephant in the room. He can say “I will not dignify RPK’s accusation with a comment”…or he can "RESIGN!"...and of course let us see what the religious department will do...and PDRM too!
Do they go looking for the AG or will he go to them...or whoever he has to go to when you are caught having sex outside marriage. It is simply not the done thing in Islam! As the Chinese say..."Die Standing!" - Hussein abdul Hamid
Read RPK's 'Okay, what about this affair then?' here.
source:steadyaku47 blogspot
Wow!!!! I'm lost for words.....
No wonder the word in chamber is so frequently used. Me wonder what it meant?
I guess they must be bonking in chambers kot?
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