Selangor Umno went on the offensive on July 23 in an effort to recapture moneybank Selangor in the next general election. It featured former PKR Youth chief Ezam Mohd Noor, now with Umno, and Selangor Umno deputy chief Noh Omar among the top guns at its 19 ceramah sessions.
Ezam, in one of his early talks, blasted his former mentor and parliamentary opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, describing him as a traitor and a tool for the Jews. Other issues bandied in the Umno talks included illegal sand mining and the water issue.
Selangor Umno divided?

Ironically, former menteri besar Dr Mohd Khir Toyo was sidelined in this first phase of the campaign, leading to speculation that Umno Selangor is divided, with one faction led by Noh and the other by Khir.
Umno, through its "Save Selangor Darul Ehsan" secretariat, will be on a one-month break beginning next week and will resume its win-Selangor-back onslaught after Hari Raya in the middle of September.
This is when Khir is also expected to play a bigger role. As Umno takes a breather, the Selangor information officer Badrul Amin Bahron said the Pakatan government would begin its explanation sessions in all mosques in the state.
"We have started printing circulars and would be distributing them in response to the allegations made against us. We will also have short religious talks during the sessions," he said.

"We will print more copies, from 60,000 now to 300,000 copies until after Hari Raya," Badrul Amin, who is also a PKR supreme council member, added.
Umno: Sand not an issue in second phase
Meanwhile, Selangor Umno information chief Shukor Idrus said the state Umno was satisfied that the three weeks of its campaign had shown some significant change in the perception of the people.
"The ceremah sessions held in Klang and Kota Raja saw numbers excess of 1,000 attending, even more than 2,000 in some instances," said Shukor, who is also Kuang assemblyperson.
In the second phase, he said, Umno would not use the sand issue, as it had done during the first phase.
"From the feedback we received, the people have come to accept it. We will focus on other issues in the second phase," he added. - Jimadie Shah Othman
Baca "Giliran Pakatan 'Selamatkan Selangor' " di sini.
Nampaknya Pakatan Rakyat bakal bungkus dalam Pilihanraya ke-13 akan datang. BN gempor semua kubu kuat Pakatan Rakyat dan sambutan orang ramai terhadap roadshow UMNO Selangor sememangnya di luar dugaan.
Hadirinnya begitu ramai hinggakan tiada kerusi kosong dan terpaksa berdiri dan ada yang bergayut pada dahan2 pokok....
Gambar atas tu betul. Gambar2 lain tu dari ceramah "Bocor Rahsia PR" di Perak anjuran YB Hamidah Osman yg tiada kena mengena dengan program UMNO/BN Selangor. Sila tukar gambar2 yg relevan sebab ini melibatkan kredibiliti PR. TQ
Terima gambar dari rakan,mungkin dah mix-up.
TQ Anonymous.
Jalan raya di Selangor sejak Pr memerintah kenapa terok sangat,lubang tak usah cakap la, kepong,pucong, subang,yang paling terok kelang. Jalan besar seperti jln Tun Razak pun hancur, jalan bandaran depan Istana sahaja ok .lain hancur
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