Yesterday I gave an interview to Sarah Stewart, the Bureau Chief of AFP in Malaysia. Among the questions she asked me was the unavoidable question about the international scandal linking Dato’ Seri Najib Razak with the murder of Altantuya Sharibuu and with the purchase of the Scorpene submarines.
I told Sarah that in my long experience as a politician the only way to clear one’s name when a scandal has broken out around oneself is to meet it head on in the court of law. The BMF scandal of the 1980’s also had its share of lurid detail. There too a large sum of money and a murder was involved. An unseen hand had woven the threads of the story around me to destroy me politically. But when international newspapers alleged that I was involved in any wrongdoing, I took action against each and every one of them in their home jurisdictions.
I sued The Telegraph and The Sunday Times of the UK, and The South China Morning Post of Hong Kong. I won all three cases, the newspapers published unreserved apologies and printed retractions covering half a broadsheet page each, and I came away with a tidy sum of money for my trouble.
It is safe to say that in the international media, the incoming Umno President and the presumptive Prime Minister is being evaluated through the Altantuya scandal. The UK’s Sunday Times, the International Herald Tribune, the French daily, Libération, The Australian Financial Review, the Far Eastern Economic Review and the New York Times have all published stories raising questions about the link between the murdered young woman, Dato’ Seri Najib, and the gigantic commission paid out by the French company Armaris to a Malaysian company for the purchase of submarines. This is now an international story.
And this story will not go away. With its dramatic details and the alleged involvement of elite Malaysian government operatives, it captures the journalistic imagination. But the story is now connected with an ongoing investigation into the dealings of a major French company. The story is also going to stick around because it is a handy looking-glass into Malaysia’s “increasingly dysfunctional political system.” It implicates our entire system of government, our judiciary, and our press, and it casts a shadow on our ability as a nation to face and tell the truth. Against this backdrop promises of reform ring hollow. The storyline of the New York Times article, for example, is that scandal-clouded succession reveals a once confident young country shaken to its foundations by institutional rot. I cannot say this is inaccurate.
The scandal is bringing shame to the nation and damaging our international credibility. For the honour of the nation, for the honour of the office of prime minister, for the honour of the sovereign institutions expected to endorse, confirm and lend authority to him should he become prime minister according to Umno’s plans, Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak should finally face these suspicions and implied charges, submit himself to legal scrutiny, and come clean on them.
Swearing on the Al-Quran is not the way out. Scoundrels have been known to do that. The truth, established through the rigorous and public scrutiny of the law, is the only remedy if an untrue story has gained currency not just internationally but at home among a large section of the people.
Najib should voluntarily offer to testify at the trial of the two officers charged with killing Altantuya Sharibuu. He could also write to these newspapers and if necessary he should take legal action against them to clear his name and that of our country.
source : razaleigh.com
(Sebagai bakal Perdana Menteri Najib sepatutnya mencari saksi bersamanya untuk membersihkan dirinya atau mengambil tindakan undang-undang kepada penerbitan akhbar luar negara yang mengaitkan namanya dengan pembunuhan Altantunya. Dalam tahun 1980 semasa scandal BMF berlaku Ku Li juga pernah dituduh oleh akhbar luar negara seperti The Telegraph and The Sunday Times of the UK, and The South China Morning Post of Hong Kong, Ku Li mengatakan ia telah menyaman semua akhbar tersebut dan telah menang dalam kes tersebut, dengan ini nama telah dapat dibersihkan.. nak tau lebih lanjut baca disini .
Tapi beranikah Najib nak pi saman akhbar Perancis, Times Online dan berbagai lagi tu.. aku punya rasa pakai diam macam tu aja.. yang dia boleh buat pun harap paad pembodek dia Nazri Aziz usul gantung Gobind Singh, kalau setakat Najib,… berani bersumpah kat masjid di Permatang Pauh tempohari, itu sajalah.. kalau nak guna kuasa suruh pakai Bom C4 hak tu dia berani, suruh polis/FRU guna water canon tembak kat perhimpunan PR, gantung Harakah, hak tu sajalah yang ia berani, tengok mana pi hilang Bala,, patut hak tulah saman dulu, ni pi bawa tah kemana dia sorok….- diceduk dari Manjong Mari)Najib will never bear witness, he swear that that he will never testify, and I don’t believe he will ever do so.
Just imagine the amount of money required to keep everybody quite? If this dirty episode is exposed and become public knowledge, there will be no more Sri Perdana for Dotty!
Btw. after the big victory for his team in the UMNO's AGM, do you think Najib will ever take the stand.................

The question now, will Najib known to be Mahathir's blue-eyed kid rekindles 'Mahathirisme'? Only time will tell when will the puppeteer returns...........
On another note, the ex-UMNO Youth chief Hishammuddin had warned party members to be aware of a particular politician who was going all out, using all means, to topple the BN government. In his speech, Hishammuddin warned the delegates of the party traitor who "sow the seeds of hatred and would turn against his own race". Without naming anyone specifically, Hishammuddin said the traitor was power crazy and would stop at nothing (in gaining power).
Was Hishammuddin referring to Anwar,whom many were led to believe or in fact he is indirectly pointing to none other than Ku Li? Ku Li's scathing attacks of UMNO and it's corrupt and power crazy leadership, which is now soon to be led by the tyrannical Najib Razak has ruffled many a feather within the UMNO itself.
It is no secret that the rakyat are more than willing to accept Ku Li as the PM for now,until the next General Elections rather than to have Najib at helm.
here and