Kronologi Mesyuarat Pakatan Harapan Plus...
Mengapa PH Perlu Tunduk Kepada Tun?

1. Jika PH hanya mahu merampas kuasa untuk jangka masa pendek (supaya bekas Menteri2 PH yang gila kuasa dapat kembali berkuasa), mereka akan sokong Mahathir sebagai PM9 tetapi bukan demi negara ataupun PH. Namun, tiada jaminan bahawa PH akan diberi peluang untuk memerintah lagi, kerana Agong boleh membubarkan Dewan Rakyat dengan serta merta.

2. Apakah 'agenda' Mahathir yang beliau boleh buat dalam 6 bulan, tetapi gagal disempurnakan selama 22 bulan sebelum ini? (Pastikan Najib masuk penjara?) Jika ada, biar lah PM PH yang baru ambil alih, supaya 'agenda' tersebut akan dapat dikekalkan untuk jangka masa panjang, bukan untuk 6 bulan saja
3. Kalau PRU15 diadakan sebelum 2023, siapa lah yang akan menjadi calon PM untuk PH? Mahathir lagi, yang sudah berusia 95+ (dan sebab utama negara mengalami kemelut politik)?? PH pasti akan kalah kalau Mahathir yang jadi calon PM lagi, ia hanya membuktikan bahawa, langsung tiada pemimpin lain dalam PH yang layak menjadi PM. PH patut gulung tikar dengan serta merta.
5. Sepanjang Mahathir menjadi PM, PH semakin lemah. Mahathir tidak berniat untuk memperkuatkan kedudukan PH sebagai sebuah gabungan politik. Oleh sebab itu, PH tidak akan mampu bersaing dengan UMNO PAS selepas Mahathir meninggalkan PH (selepas memenuhi agenda peribadinya).

5 sekawan...
6. Jika Mahathir ikhlas ingin memastikan bahawa 'reformasi' kerajaan (kononnya...) dapat disempurnakan dan diperkasakan untuk jangka masa panjang, beliau sendirilah yang harus berkorban dan menyokong PM PH yang baru. Bersatu dah buang Tun dan 5 sekawan. Takkan PH masih nak berPMkan Tun lagi kot. Atas merit apa? Parti dia pun dah tak nak dia?
7. Last, but not least, janji2 Mahathir TIDAK boleh dipercayai lagi. Mahathirlah letak jawatan TANPA berunding dengan rakan2 terlebih dahulu, dan cuba membentuk 'kerajaan perpaduan' dengan yang bukan PH tanpa minta persetujuan rakan2 PH. Mahathirlah yang menyebabkan kerajaan PH tumbang, tetapi sehingga hari ini, beliau masih TIDAK pernah mohon maaf.
Kalau Mahathir mahu PH percaya pada beliau lagi, kenapa pula bukan beliau sendiri yang percaya pada PM PH yang baru (bahawa PM baru akan teruskan apa2 'agenda' yang Mahathir ingin melaksanakan sebagai PM9)? Kenapa kepercayaan ini hanya 'One Way street' saja?
Maka sudah jelas bahawa Mahathir hanya mahu kembali sebagai PM untuk agenda PERIBADI dan balas dendam (terhadap UMNO khususnya?) beliau, BUKAN demi kebaikan negara ataupun PH.
Jika Mahathir betul2 berwawasan, pandang jauh dan sanggup berkorban demi kebaikan negara, beliau harus undur diri dan sokong PM PH yang baru, bukan lagi minta orang lain 'berkorban' untuk dirinya lagi - Adiismail Adiismail
Jika hangpa bijak membaca statement di atas saja kita dah tau bahawa Atok ni bukan nak sangat jadi PM semula. Dia cuma nak kekalkan PN sahaja dengan cara mencalonkan diri sendiri menjadi PM PH supaya PH berpecah. Kalu Tun dan Shapie taknak sokong Anwar jadi PM, marilah kita sama2 jadi pembangkang saja...- f/bk
1. Apa keperluan PM interim ke-2? Pasai apa 6 bulan?
2. Apa jadi pada PH plus selepas Tun turun dan bagi laluan pada Anwar?
3. Adakah orang2 Tun akan terus menyokong Anwar selepas Tun bersara?
4. Sia2 saja jika bentuk gomen yang sama rapuh seperti PN.
5. Halatuju gomen baru lebih penting dari menjatuhkan PN.
6. Apa kata Anwar jadi PM utk 6 bulan, lepas tu serah pula kat atok. Atok setuju tak?
7. Hangpa nak maki aku, makilah tapi aku manyak happy... pikiaq2 mai - TS
Tolak Tun M dan kekal bersama PH.
Jatuh bagun kita bersama...

Regardless Of Anwar Ibrahim’s Decision, PKR, DAP and Amanah Must Stay United In Pakatan Harapan...
Yes, the ideal choice to the Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition is for Anwar to be crowned as the 9th Prime Minister. Screw Mahathir! Long live Anwar! But that was “before” Sabah-based Warisan leader, Shafee Apdal, announced that his choice must be the 94-year-old Mahathir. So in reality, even with the entire PH’s 91 votes behind him, Anwar cannot become the next premier.
The best scenario is for Anwar to become the PM and Mahathir’s son, Mukhriz, as deputy PM with the bonus of Mahathir as Mentor Minister thrown in. But such proposal failed to take off. Therefore, the next option is to work with the devil himself – Mahathir – in order to snatch back the government from backdoor Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, who is doing all the UMNO dirty works.
The Mahathir-Anwar combo is not the ideal solution, but unfortunately, it is the only realistic workaround on the table simply because Anwar could not convince either Sabah-based Warisan (9 MPs) or Sarawak-based GPS (18 MPs) to support him – pure and simple! Which part of this that Mahathir-haters or Anwar-supporters don’t understand? A perfect and ideal solution is unavailable.
However, when DAP’s organising secretary, Anthony Loke Siew Fook, revealed that both DAP and Amanah are waiting for PKR president Anwar Ibrahim to decide on the tag-team combo, all hell breaks loose. Anwar’s aide, Perak PKR Chief Mohd Farhash Wafa Salvador Rizal Mubarak, has condemned DAP – “Is this how you repay Anwar for a friendship built over 20 years?”
Seriously? Does the Anwar’s aide really want to go there? When Mahathir unleashed Zakir Naik to bark and insult the non-Malays, telling the Chinese to go back to China and the Hindus to go back to India, where was Anwar Ibrahim? Anwar obediently agreed with Mahathir not to extradite the hate preacher. Is that how Anwar repay non-Malays for a friendship built over 20 years?

Selangor PKR Youth secretary Ahmad Syukri Abd Razab has even suggested that Anwar quit the Pakatan Harapan coalition to teach DAP and Amanah a lesson. Why must PKR go ballistic when DAP was merely asking Anwar not to drag his feet and decide about the Mahathir-Anwar combo? If Anwar and his party do not agree, just say so. There’s no need to threaten.
It’s the childish behaviour of PKR leaders like Mohd Farhash and Ahmad Syukri, as well as Anwar’s indecisiveness that had allowed Azmin Ali to easily manipulate and betray the party in the first place. Only now PKR leaders whined, moaned and bitched about how Mahathir ignored PKR’s recommendation for ministerships, and appointed Azmin as the Economic Affairs Minister.
Had the PKR leaders courageously threatened to quit the coalition (the same way they are threatening DAP and Amanah now) when Mahathir defiantly appointed Azmin with the evil intention of splitting PKR back in 2018, the coup might not have happened. Anwar’s boys knew it 2 years ago, but talked as if Mahathir’s plan of using Azmin as a mole in the party just happened yesterday.
Fine, Mahathir had caused the collapse of the Pakatan Harapan government. Can DAP and Amanah also naughtily suspect that there’s more to Anwar’s private meeting in April with Muhyiddin than meets the eye? How could Anwar meet so soon the same traitor who had conspired with Azmin and robbed his chance of becoming the 8th Prime Minister?
After uproars over Anthony Loke’s so-called “pressure” on Anwar to speed up his response, PH secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said Anwar had travelled to Sarawak, presumably to win over the hearts of Sarawak party leaders. Another source claimed Anwar is even seeking an audience with some Malay Rulers in order to legitimise himself as the PM candidate.
Has Anwar gotten any favourable replies from Sabah and Sarawak, let alone approvals to meet the monarchs? If not, that suggests a huge problem, is it not? Forget Sarawak, which is a harder nut to crack. Let’s talk about Sabah. Did Anwar at least manage to convince Chief Minister Shafee Apdal to support him as the 10th Prime Minister after Mahathir’s exit in 6 months?

Like it or not, the fact remains that Anwar Ibrahim, and Pakatan Harapan (formerly Pakatan Rakyat) for that matter, had tried for 20 years to unseat the mighty Barisan Nasional regime without any success – until the alliance with Mahathir. And now the same old man wanted to get rid of Perikatan Nasional regime, a common enemy, but PKR is getting very emotional instead of objective.
Even if Mahathir has no intention of stepping down after 6 months as promised, one thing is pretty sure – he desperately wants to send UMNO crooks like Najib Razak, Zahid Hamidi, Tengku Adnan, Bung Moktar and Azeez Abdul Rahim to prison. If PKR thinks it’s not worthwhile to even see these spectacular fireworks, then reject Mahathir’s proposal. Just be decisive!
But besides waiting for the next 15th General Election, which may not happen after all until 2023 because the backdoor government of Muhyiddin is no longer under threat thanks to the failure of Mahathir-Anwar combo, what else can PKR and PH do? Has anyone noticed the return of the old UMNO regime with government critics increasingly being charged with sedition?
We’ve also published previously that there’s no right or wrong answer as to whether PH should work again with Mahathir. It depends on how desperate PH wants to take back its legitimate power – immediately or wait until the next general election, which is about 3 years away. At the end of the day, if Pakatan Harapan value principles more than politics, then continues as the Opposition.
The most important part is for all the component parties – PKR, DAP and Amanah – to stay united. If PKR decides to let Muhyiddin rules and plunders until 2023, then DAP and Amanah should abandon the plan to work with Mahathir again and close ranks to prevent Pakatan Harapan from a total collapse. But get ready to accept that what is happening to Hannah Yeoh will continue for the next 3 years. - FT
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