Presiden PAS Abdul Hadi Awang boleh menjadi Perdana Menteri pada Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-14 (PRU14).Namun menurut Penganalisis Politik Profesor Dr Ahmad Atory Hussain, syarat utama adalah berbaik semula dengan Mohamad Sabu yang kini merupakan Presiden Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah).
Jelasnya ini kerana, penyokong Melayu kini dilihat semakin hilang kepercayaan terhadap Umno namun agak bimbang dengan keupayaan PAS dalam memimpin hanya disebabkan parti itu berpecah baru-baru ini.
"Kalau Hadi berdamai dengan Mat Sabu, PAS akan kembali kuat. Kalau Hadi Awang dan Mat Sabu berbaik, PAS ada peluang untuk mengisi jawatan Perdana Menteri pada pilihan raya akan datang.
"Bila PAS bersatu orang Melayu akan memilihnya. Dalam Umno sekarang ini pun orang Melayu mula melihat PAS namun terkekang akibat daripada perselisihan dalaman PAS sebelum ini," katanya kepada Berita Daily ketika ditemubual.
Jika kedua-dua pemimpin ini berbaik dan bersatu semula, ia akan mencorakkan masa depan yang cerah kepada PAS, demikian lagi kata Atory.
Mengulas lanjut, Dr Ahmad Atory yang juga kini merupakan pensyarah Sains dan Politik di Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) berkata hakikat kekuatan PAS inilah yang menjadi kekuatan kepada Umno tatkala pelbagai isu yang mencengkam dan masalah dalaman parti yang turut membelengu parti itu tanpa berpenghujung.
Oleh sebab itu katanya lagi Umno kebelakangan ini menyuarakan hasrat untuk kedua-dua parti itu kembali menjalinkan kerjasama seperti yang dibuat pada lebih kurang 35 thun yang lalu.
"Ini yang paling ditakuti oleh Umno, yang Mat Sabu dan Hadi tidak nampak, tapi sebagai pemerhati politik saya berpandangan begitu.
"Ini paling ditakuti Najib dan orang Umno. Mereka cukup takut ini. Kalau PAS bersendiri pun mereka boleh menerajui.
"Dalam keadaan isu jika isu Umno tidak selesai, orang akan beralih kepada PAS," tambahnya.

Ujarnya lagi, Umno dalam masa sama juga kini melihat perubahan corak pemikiran PAS yang semakin bersederhana (moderate) sebagai peluang utama mereka untuk terus mengekalkan sokongan Melayu khususnya.
Namun ianya agak sukar untuk terlaksana kerana jelas Dr Ahmad Atory lagi sejarah lama sudah tentu akan menjadi batu penghalang kepada akar umbi parti itu termasuk beberapa pemimpin untuk kerjasama kembali terjalin.
"Apatah lagi Umno sekarang ini yakin dengan pandangan PAS yang moderate, tidak banyak masalah.
"Orang Umno pun tahu dalam PAS sekarang ini ramai orang yang cerdik macam dalam Umno, dulu mungkin memang dipanggil parti 'Pak Lebai'
"Bila PAS dan Umno mahu bergabung pun ada yang tentang sebab akan ada masalah sebab sebelum ini pun sudah ada masalah besar," katanya lagi.
Amanah ditubuhkan sebagai parti serpihan PAS apabila kelompok profesional yang ada dalam PAS sebelum ini gagal mempertahankan jawatan mereka ketika pemilihan parti pada Muktamar parti itu tahun ini.
Kemudian Amanah menjadi salah satu daripada blok pembangkang yang menubuhkan Pakatan Harapan bersama-sama DAP dan PKR.
Presiden Umno Najib Razak pula pada Perhimpunan Agung Umno baru-baru ini menghulurkan salam perdamaian kepada PAS untuk kembali menjalinkan kerjasama politik.
Hadi pula semenjak kebelakangan ini menunjukkan hubungan baiknya dengan Najib kepada umum dan ia semakin ketara apabila presiden PAS itu hadir bersama presiden Umno itu pada majlis Multaqa Serantau Alumni Al- Azhar Malaysia.
Hadi juga dalam ucaptama pada multaqa itu menegaskan umat Islam di negara ini wajar mengetepikan perbezaan fahaman politik dan mengukuhkan perpaduan jika tidak mahu melihat suasana kucar kacir seperti di Asia Barat. - berita daily

Malays want rednecks, not ‘clever’ people to lead...
“To reason out why Malays need not fear any government that comes into power requires reasoned arguments. That’s too taxing on the intellectual portion of the brain it seems. On the other hand, emotional outbursts which are responded by equally emotional support, requires a single spark which is easily accomplished by manipulators and instigators.”
The typical Umno redneck is someone who has a short fuse, added the MP. “He or she believes the DAP is a communist party. The DAP is anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-Malay rulers.”
So, added Ariff, it pays to have DAP around, because that provides the Umno rednecks a default button to trigger Malay aggression. “They are worried because the DAP brings a simple message to the Malays and the rest of the Malaysian citizens. Free yourselves from the mental bondage that Umno has wielded all this while.”
The MP claimed that hundreds of acres of Malay reserve land in Teras, Sang Lee and Sungai Chetang have been farmed by MCA people with the connivance of Umno leaders. “Land grab has occurred widely mainly because of the MCA people and those linked to them. These are Chinese. So, why hasn’t the Umno leadership sounded the alarm? Where have the Umno rednecks retreated to?”
Again, who’s the typical Umno redneck?
“It’s someone who blames the Chinese forever as the source of their unhappiness,” said Ariff.
The other favourite bete noire is former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad. “This speaks volumes on the morality of Umno people,” lamented Ariff. “In any case, people are asking about 1MDB, the RM2.6 billion in Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s private accounts while in his public capacity as Umno president and Prime Minister, and the money from SRC. These issues were created by Najib.”

“He has told us nothing. When confronted he will offer us serpentine answers and blurt out some pieties to show off some deep-seated religious convictions. Remember when he was asked about Altantuya? He swore the sacred vow that he did not know the woman.”
Ariff appears convinced that nobody believes what Najib says any longer. “He is better off holding his peace instead of speaking about Islam, or Christmas or anything moral. We are not looking at a new Najib. He’s the same one that served under Mahathir and made hay while the Mahathirian sun shone.”
Ariff, in getting back to the blame game away from Mahathir, noted the narrative is that the cost of living is high because it’s caused by the rapacious greed of Chinese business people who are also selling fake handphones, and are behind the Christian crosses being incorporated in house and airport designs. “The Malays who open their windows at 9 am in the morning after forfeiting the dawn prayers, and see a cross across the street, will protest vehemently that their faith is being challenged.”
But the more preposterous statements by the rednecks claim the Chinese are behaving that way because they are being influenced by the DAP of course because it’s run by lunatics. “Suddenly DAP is the cause for many wrongs committed and imagined.”
If PAS were to countenance such statements given by those in the lunatic fringe, warned Ariff, this only serves to remind the people. “We must never allow this country to be run by cerebrally-challenged religious scholars.” - fmt
The UMNO Rednecks and their Cohorts

WSJ’s Last Bombshell For The Year – Najib’s $700 Million Came From 1MDB...
If 2014 was the year of Malaysia Airlines where it lost two Boeing 777s, one disappeared while another shot down; the year 2015 is definitely the year of Prime Minister Najib Razak. The prime minister’s multi-billion dollar scandals easily eclipse any other financial scandals one could imagine in the history of the country, including Mahathir’s.
The Wall Street Journal dropped another bombshell (*yawn*) yesterday, Dec 28, 2015, linking the highly explosive RM42 billion 1MDB scandal with PM Najib Razak’s private banking account, which had suddenly swollen with US$700 million (then RM2.6 billion but now RM3 billion due to ringgit depreciation) from some unknown generous donor(s).
Najib had called and met a group of senior (UMNO) leaders in July to remind them everyone had benefited from the money. A cabinet minister who was present claimed the prime minister said the US$700 million funds weren’t used for his personal enrichment, but channelled to politicians or into spending on projects aimed at helping the ruling party win elections in 2013.
According to minutes from 1MDB board meetings seen by The Wall Street Journal, hundreds of millions of unreported political spending were made possible because of 1MDB (1Malaysia Development Berhad), a state investment fund controlled by PM Najib Razak. Therefore, it’s safe to presume that 1MDB was setup merely to suck taxpayers’ money to political party UMNO.

That explains why despite Najib’s repetitive drumming about 1MDB making good investments and profits, it has registered more than US$11 billion in debt instead. That also explains why the prime minister had tried to convince, without much success, that the US$700 million found in his private banking account wasn’t from 1MDB.
In a meeting on Dec. 20, 2014, 1MDB board members discussed what to do about police who came to investigate allegations of financial irregularities, according to the minutes. The 1MDB fund also transferred at least US$14 million (then RM42 million but now RM60 million due to ringgit depreciation) to politicians through Ihsan Perdana Berhad.
Ihsan Perdana Berhad, a company formed in 2011 but exempted from filing financial statements, sent the US$14 million in cash to Najib Razak’s personal accounts but received the money from SRC International Berhad, a company controlled by Malaysia Finance Ministry, of which the prime minister himself heads. Continue Reading...

Rekod imigresen Altantuya tidak dipadam...