“Cubaan keji secara ugutan dan menghasut persengketaan agama dan etnik ini merupakan cubaan terdesak untuk mengalih perhatian rakyat dari isu-isu rasuah dan penyalahgunaan kuasa.
“Tidak kira bagaimana isu yang diputar oleh media Umno, kita dalam Pakatan Rakyat kekal komited kepada prinsip asas yang termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan,” tegas ketua pembangkang itu.
Tegasnya, perlembagaan menjamin kedudukan Islam di samping kebebasan agama lain, memelihara Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa Ibunda, mendaulatkan institusi Raja-raja dan keistimewaan Melayu- bumiputera.
Justeru beliau mengajak rakyat supaya menumpukan agenda untuk perubahan, berdasarkan prinsip tadbir urus yang digariskan Pakatan Rakyat dan Buku Jingga.
“Mari kita kekal tumpu kepada agenda untuk perubahan. Kita perlu meningkatkan daya saing, pendapatan rakyat, mutu pendidikan, kesihatan dan memeriksa peningkatan kos hidup yang membebankan rakyat.
“Dalam hal Syariah, hudud, dan negara islam, kami mengakui dan menghormati pandangan yang berbeza dan kedudukan parti-parti komponen dalam PR.
“Ini adalah mencerminkan politik konsensus. Sebagai seorang Muslim, saya tetap berpegang teguh kepada al-Quran dan Sunnah yang merupakan sumber prinsip syariah,” kata Anwar.
Anwar berkata, prinsip maqasid al syariah (objektif lebih tinggi Syariah) adalah prinsip penting urus tadbir dan tidak berlawanan dengan ajaran demokrasi.
“Dalam hal ini, PR akan terus dipandu oleh prinsip-prinsip keadilan sejagat, urus tadbir yang baik, akauntabiliti, ketelusan dan daya saing untuk mencapai kebaikan untuk rakyat.
“Janganlah kita terpengaruh dengan politik terdesak dan ugutan UMNO BN. Letakkan kepercayaan kita dalam kematangan dan kebijaksanaan rakyat untuk menilai keadaan ini dan membuat pilihan bebas mereka,” katanya.- keadilandaily
Isu Hudud menunjukkan BN terdesak politik

BN's hudud game a diversionary tactic...
Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim said the playing up of the hudud issue was just a way of diverting attention from the core issues plaguing the country.
“The latest efforts to sow racial and religious distrust as evidenced by the incessant playing of the issue of hudud and the Islamic state in the Umno-controlled media once again underscores the politics of recklessness.

He said Pakatan Rakyat practised the “politics of consensus” and recognised the differing views of its component parties.
“As for the syariah, hudud, and the Islamic state, we recognise and respect the different views and positions of the component parties in the Pakatan.
“This is reflective of the politics of consensus. As a Muslim, I remain steadfast in my belief in the Quran and the sunnah from which the principles of the syariah are derived.
“I believe that the maqasid al shariah (the higher objectives of the syariah) are important principles of governance and are not inconsistent with the precepts of democracy,” he said.
'Politics of desperation'
Stressing that Pakatan remained “committed to the fundamental principles enshrined in the federal constitution” including amongst others those on position of Islam and the rulers, as well as freedom of religion.

“Let us not be waylaid by the politics of desperation and intimidation of Umno-BN,” he said.
As the 13th general election draws near, BN parties and the mainstream media it controls has been playing up the issue of the implementation of hudud to pitch its key proponent PAS with Pakatan partner DAP.
The BN itself however has been unable to maintain a consistent position on the issue, with MCA vehemently opposing its implementation while certain Umno leaders have expressed an inclination towards the idea, to the point of suggesting enforcing hudud on non-Muslims as well.
Meanwhile, Umno veteran Dr Mahathir Mohamad himself has swung both ways on hudud, in his most recent position calling on PAS to join hands with Umno to “be true to their struggle”.
He was quoted in The Star last Friday saying, “There are many verses in the Al-Quran that touches on hudud law that Muslims should get to know.”
PAS spiritual leader Nik Aziz Nik Mat meanwhile reminded today that it was Mahathir’s administration that had blocked Kelantan’s move to install hudud law in 1993, with the former PM allegedly having sent a “warning” letter to the Kelantan MB on the matter.- malaysiakini
Anwar: BN grasping at straws with hudud play

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