04 May 2015

Hadi buat u-turn; UG tali hayat Najib...

Media Singapura di dalam satu wawancara dengan presiden PAS, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang melapurkan gesaan memeranjatkan beliau: untuk dihidupkan kembali gagasan Kerajaan Perpaduan (Unity Government - UG).

Lapuran yang bertarikh 1 Mei itu antara lain melapurkan Presiden PAS itu berkata masalah yang melanda sekarang ini adalah kerana kelemahan Umno. Ianya bukan sebab Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Datuk Seri Najib Razak mahupun Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi menurut lapuran Today Online.

Gagasan UG yang mula diperkatakan Hadi pada 2008 mendapat reaksi negatif ketika itu sehingga mengundang kemarahan Mursyidul Am PAS, almarhum Tok Guru Nik Abdul Aziz. Ianya menjadi polemik hingga menimbulkan masalah dalaman yang hingga kini masih memberi kesan kepada PAS.

Namun setelah kematian Nik Aziz, usaha mendekati Umno semakin jelas dengan isu pindaan Rang Undang-Undang Syariah menjadi “jambatan”.

Apapun, kenyataan Hadi di Singapura ini amat mengejutkan.

Beberapa tahun lampau beliau menyatakan idea UG hanya terpakai di waktu Abdullah. Bahkan beliau pernah menyatakan Najib terlalu banyak skandal untuk UG dibincangkan bersama Najib.

Di musim “U-turn”, sekali lagi PAS melalui kenyataan Hadi ini membuat U-turn (setelah U-turn yang dibuat Pemuda PAS Penang beberapa hari lalu dalam isu sokongan calun di Pilihanraya Kecil Permatang Pauh).

Gesaan UG Hadi ini juga memberi isyarat seoalah-olah beliau memberi sokongan kepada Najib yang semakin hebat diserang Dr Mahathir. Umum mengetahui, usaha membina jambatan UMNO-PAS dibuat kem Najib, tidak dengan kem Tan sSri Mahyuddin Yassin yang dilihat bersama Dr Mahathir.

Beberapa soalan timbul dari gesaan Hadi di Singapura ini.

Kenapa Hadi membuat “U-turn” dalam menghidupkan kembali gagasan UG, tidak sampai 6 bulan kematian Tok Guru Nik Aziz - penentang kuat gagasan UG?

Apakah PAS, melalui Hadi terikat dengan “hayat" Najib menerajui Umno?

Dan yang lebih besar, apakah ada pakatan “sulit” antara kem Najib dan Hadi dalam menghadapi serangan Dr Mahathir?

Kelihatannya, Hadi memberi talian hayat kepada Najib dengan hidupnya kembali gagasan UG. – Abu Abdullah,tmi

PAS - In disarray, political parties in Malaysia should form national unity government...

With both the ruling and opposition coalitions in disarray and Malaysian politics in a state of flux, all political parties should consider forming a national unity government, said the leader of Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS).

In an interview with TODAY this week, PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang blamed the political uncertainties on the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), the country’s largest party that leads the Barisan Nasional (BN) ruling coalition.

“What is happening is due to the weakness of UMNO itself. It’s not due to Mahathir, Najib, nor Abdullah Badawi,” he said, referring to Prime Minister Najib Razak and his two predecessors, Mr Badawi and Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Mr Hadi, 67, said it was not too late for “a correction can be made” in the form of a unity government involving all major political parties and no opposition.

It was an idea he had first proposed in 2008, following the country’s 12th general election, when political wrangling in a series of by-elections led him to call on lawmakers to focus on serving the people instead.

While his proposal did not gain traction at the time, he believes that there is a greater need for national reconciliation now.

“What I feel today is that a change must be made. We are aware that in UMNO, there are still capable individuals. Just that there are trapped in the situation now. I would suggest that all the parties come together to save the country,” he said.

Mr Hadi’s call follows a recent proposal of a bipartisan Save Malaysia pact made by another opposition leader, Mr Lim Kit Siang of the Democratic Action Party (DAP).

In recent weeks, UMNO has been rocked by a public spat between Mr Najib and Dr Mahathir, who has repeatedly called for the prime minister’s resignation over issues such as the debt-laden state-owned strategic development firm 1Malaysia Development Berhad. 

Ties in the three-party opposition Pakatan Rakyat have also been strained over PAS’s push to implement hudud, or Islamic criminal law, in Kelantan. Both DAP and Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) say the move is not part of the pact’s common policy framework, with DAP going so far as to cut off ties with Mr Hadi and saying that he had betrayed the pact.

When asked about this, Mr Hadi downplayed the spat with its coalition partner, which it said was trying to shore up support among its Chinese voter base in view of the upcoming state elections in Sarawak. - .todayonline

Image result for Memiskinkan Orang Melayu kerana GST
Memiskinkan Orang Melayu : Najib Taichi Kepada Shabery, Shabery Taichi Kepada Kabinet, Kabinet Garu Te***...

Dulu paling ramai golongan yang tidak perlu membayar cukai pendapatan adalah orang Melayu khususnya mereka yang berpendapatan kurang daripada RM3000 sebulan. Dasar Kerajaan sasarkan untuk membantu semua orang yang berpendapatan ke bawah RM3000 sebulan, dan secara 'default' majoriti golongan ini adalah orang Melayu.

Dasar Najib pula dengan cukai GSTnya bertujuan untuk memaksa semua golongan, termasuk mereka yang berpendapatan paling rendah sekali pun untuk bayar cukai GST.  Pertama sekali GST mengurangkan 'purchasing power' orang tanpa mengira golongan berpendapatan rendah atau kaum termiskin. Bagi setiap RM100 pendapatan, purchasing power semua orang telah turun jadi RM94 sahaja.  RM6 diambil dasar suami kepada mangsa pendandan rambut.

Yang lebih serious ialah cukai GST telah akibatkan harga barang naik dengan mendadak.   Popiah yang dulunya 90 sen satu sekarang dijual dengan harga RM1.00 atau RM1.10 - kenaikan harga 11% - 22%.

Di satu tempat, makanan warong ayam goreng, nasi, dua sayur dan teh tarik yang dulunya RM8.00 sekarang sudah jadi RM12.00 - kenaikan harga 50%. 

Inilah disebut 'double whammy' atau kena pukul dua kali. Bukan saja RM100 hanya dapat membeli barang bernilai sebanyak RM94 tetapi harga barang sendiri sudah naik. 

Sejak GST diperkenalkan pada bulan April  2015, gedung gergasi hypermarket tertentu  telah mengalami kemerosotan jualan sebanyak 28%.  Kedai jual kamera berfrancais mengalami kemerostan sebanyak 50%.  Penjualan di restoran beriyani seorang sahabat kurang sebanyak 30% pada bulan April. Dalam perniagaan saya sendiri jualan kami merosot 30% berbanding bulan Mac 2015.

Jadi setakat ini GST sudah berjaya memiskinkan orang Melayu dan mengakibatkan kemerosotan ekonomi. Ini adalah kerana harga barang sudah naik jauh lebih daripada 6% yang digembar-gemburkan oleh golongan yang tidak faham apa pun pasal bisnes atau isu kewangan.

Bagi saya kesan negatif GST bukanlah masalah "one off'" yang akan pulih dalam masa sebulan atau tiga bulan. GST ini membawa kesan buruk yang mengikut segala rupanya akan kekal dalam ekonomi negara.

Image result for Memiskinkan Orang Melayu kerana GST

Sebenarnya duit RM100 itu sekarang mempunyai purchasing power yang jauh lebih kurang dari RM94.00.  Pada pendapat saya, duit RM100 itu hanya dapat membeli barang yang bernilai RM90 atau kurang daripadanya.  

Ini bermaksud bahawa 'consumption' atau pembelian oleh pengguna akan berkurangan sebanyak 10% atau lebih. Maknanya pertumbuhan ekonomi yang disukat oleh keluaran kasar negara (GDP)  pasti akan terbantut.  

Saya rasa Perdana Menteri, ahli Kabinet Ahmad Maslan dan Shabery Cheek semuanya tidak faham kesan buruk GST  kepada ekonomi negara.

Contohnya PM tidak faham isu GST dan 'prepaid top up' dan menyerahkan kepada Shabery Cheek untuk menanganinya. Shabery pula  telah memberi tabik spring 'yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir' dan kemudian berkata 'saya pun tak tahu macam mana nak handle benda ini'. Shabery taichi masalah ini kepada Kabinet pula. Dia akan briefing kepada Kabinet Rabu depan.

Saya ada sedikit cadangan : 'Why not tanya Ahmad Maslan IQ 3.85 untuk membantu? Kan Ahmad Maslan IQ 3.85 expert seantero dunia dalam hal GST, lebih ariff dari Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed, perdana menteri Malaysia selama 22 tahun? Go and ask Ahmad Maslan IQ 3.85 lah. 

Kenapa pula Najib tai chi kepada Shabery, Shabery pula taichi kepada Kabinet, Kabinet pula garu teloq tak tahu apa nak buat.

Pendek kata, dandan rambut memang sudah mahal. Tak payah monitor harga barang - memang sudah naik dan akan naik. Sebab GST.  Tapi tolong monitor sales atau jualan di supermarket, stesen pam minyak, kedai runcit, pasar malam, restoran, warong nasi lemak dan sebagainya.

Jika kemerosotan dalam penjualan (atau consumption) kekal sampai penghujung bulan Jun, please abolish the GST.   Ini cadangan saya. This is one of the biggest  mistakes committed by that MORON.- syedsoutsidethebox

Blubbery lips talks utter rubbish about telco GST!Should be sacked...

It really defies belief that PM Najib should merely silence the Deputy Finance Minister charged with the handling of the Goods & Services Tax (GST) implementation, instead of unceremoniously sacking him on the spot. He had 18 months to fine-tune it, and the screw up,  especially over the GST on pre-paid telephone cards, is unbelievable and completely unacceptable. 

If there is one piece of evidence confirming that our education system and standards are 3rd world, it is that this deputy minister is reputed to have a degree with a 3.8 GPA! Good God, how and from where did he earn that Grade Point Average and then exhibit a level of intelligence that would be insulting to a cacing (earthworm)?

More than that, what does it say about the intelligence of PM Grossmeldajib, who then delegated the job of resolving GST on pre-paid reload cards to Blubbery Lips who immediately made a hash of it?

How can such a simple matter as this be messed up so much by so few with so much stupidity?

Prior to the introduction of GST, 6% Sales & Service Tax (SST) was included in the price of prepaid cards. The telcos absorbed it because they were making a killing. It's as simple as that.

With the introduction of 6% GST, it is a simple matter of replacing the term SST with GST, and the status quo as to who bears the tax (the telcos) remain unchanged.

Yet Blubbery Lips has got his knickers in a twist and defended Mr.3.8 GPA that the 6% should be added on to the prepaid cards. So, what previously cost the consumer RM10 is now being sold at RM10.60. To add to the idiocy, Blubbery Lips says that the law has to be checked to see if it telcos can voluntarily absorb the 6% GST.

I have worked in 4 countries where GST was implemented long ago - UK, Australia, NZ and Singapore. There is no law anywhere, including Malaysia, that bars the retailer from absorbing GST. In fact, it would a totally positive move for retailers to absorb GST since prices would not rise i.e. inflation would be contained. 

It does not matter to the government whether the consumer pays the tax or the retailer absorbs it. At the end of each quarter, the retailer will either way have to account and pay over to the government the difference between output and input tax. What does it matter to Blubbery Lips or PM Grossmeldajib who bears the tax, as long as the GST is accounted for and paid over correctly to the government? As Chairman Mao once said, "What does it matter if the cat is black or white, as long as it catches the mouse?"

In rushing with indecent haste to protect big businesses and screw the consumers in the process, Blubbery Lips further compounded his show of low IQ by lying that the telcos may have difficulty in absorbing the cost of "systems change". Wtf is he talking about? The system is already there! It would take all of 5 minutes at a cost of RM1 for the telcos to replace the words 'SST' with 'GST'. No more, no less. The system to calculate 6% GST and print out receipts is already there and that is all that would be need to be done. No more, no less!

What has the fact, if Blubbery Lips is correct, and I suspect he is totally wrong, that most prepaid cards are bought by foreigners, got to do with anything? Even if the telcos absorb the 6% GST, they will still have to pay the same amount of money to the government as they used to under the SST system. So, the only reason Blubbery Lips is dithering about a very basic issue is that he too must have got his degree from the same Uni Mr.3.8 GPA went to - the proton mana ada sistem school of ms.management.

Here is sheer absolute proof that we have a government that is run by incompetent, low IQ and plain stupid and ignorant ministers, who in a free market situation, would be hard pushed to find jobs as road sweepers.

If you vote for BUMNO/SCUMNO/Barang Naik come the next general election, be prepared to sink to 4th world status. You can kiss Mahathir's 2020 goodbye! - Donplaypuks


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