31 October 2012

Jangan bayar saman AES...

Naib Presiden PAS Datuk Mahfuz Omar hari ini menyeru orang ramai tidak membayar saman Sistem Penguatkuasaan Automatik (AES), sebaliknya hadir mempertahankan diri di mahkamah.

Pengerusi Kempen Anti Saman Ekor (KASE) itu berkata, pihaknya sudah menyediakan lebih 100 peguam untuk membantu orang ramai yang menjadi mangsa sistem pemantauan trafik itu, lapor Harakahdaily.

"Kerajaan perlu tarik balik saman yang telah dikeluarkan sejak 13 Oktober 2012.

"Jika kerajaan enggan berbuat demikian saya seru mereka yang sudah menerima saman AES untuk tidak membuat bayaran kompaun sebanyak RM300 itu, ikut arahan yang tertera di kertas saman untuk pergi ke mahkamah dan KASE sedia beberapa orang peguam untuk bantu dalam kes ini," katanya pada sidang media di lobi Parlimen hari ini.

Ahli parlimen Pokok Sena itu turut berkata, saman yang dikeluarkan mengelirukan apabila terdapat saman yang diterima menggunakan seksyen79(2) tetapi kesalahan dinyatakan sebagai melebihi had laju.

"Seksyen ini bukan berkaitan had laju tetapi pelanggaran arahan dan isyarat lalu lintas. Di kertas saman itu juga tertera kompaun minima adalah RM300, tetapi sebenarnya adalah tidak melebihi RM500.

"Mengikut seksyen ini juga pengguna jalan raya boleh menggunakan budi bicara mahkamah yang mana kemungkinan kompaun itu boleh dikurangkan menjadi RM50 atau boleh dibebaskan dengan amaran. Saman ini celaru dan keliru, oleh itu jangan bayar kita sedia peguam," beliau dipetik sebagai berkata.- malaysiakini

Sementara itu, Kempen Anti Saman Ekor (KASE) menuntut penjelasan daripada Menteri Pengangkutan, Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha dan Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) berhubung kejadian penyamaran sebagai pihak berkuasa oleh syarikat konsesi Sistem Kamera Automatik (AES).

Penasihat Undang-undang KASE, Zulhazmi Shariff berkata, berdasarkan sumber yang diperolehi, Syarikat Beta Tegap Sdn Bhd dan ATES Sdn Bhd mewarnakan kenderaan mereka seakan-akan pacuan empat roda Toyota Fortuner milik JPJ.

“Apa yang berlaku sekarang, maklumat yang kami terima, ATES dan Beta Tegap mewarnakan kenderaan milik syarikat sebagai warna seakan-akan warna JPJ.

“Letak logo JPJ, nama ‘Automated Enforcement System’ sedangkan kenderaan tersebut bukan kenderaan JPJ. Ini apa cerita?” katanya di lobi Parlimen.

Tegasnya, penyamaran sebagai pihak berkuasa ini merupakan satu kesalahan dan boleh dikenakan tindakan undang-undang.

AES celaru, kerajaan didesak batal semua saman

KASE sedia peguam selesai saman AES...

Kempen Anti Saman Ekor (KASE) menyediakan lebih 100 peguam untuk membantu orang ramai yang menerima saman Sistem Penguatkuasaan Automatik (AES) menyelesaikan kes tersebut di mahkamah.

Pengerusinya, Datuk Mahfuz Omar berkata, penerima saman tidak perlu khuatir dan disarankan tidak membayar saman tersebut.

"Kerajaan perlu tarik balik saman yang telah dikeluarkan sejak 13 Oktober 2012.

"Jika kerajaan enggan berbuat demikian saya seru mereka yang sudah menerima saman AES untuk tidak membuat bayaran kompaun sebanyak RM300 itu, ikut arahan yang tertera di kertas saman untuk pergi ke mahkamah dan KASE sedia beberapa orang peguam untuk bantu dalam kes ini," katanya pada sidang media di lobi Parlimen hari ini.

Ahli Parlimen Pokok Sena itu turut berkata, saman yang dikeluarkan mengelirukan orang ramai apabila terdapat saman yang diterima menggunakan seksyen79(2) tetapi kesalahan pengguna jalan raya itu adalah melebihi had laju.

"Seksyen ini bukan berkaitan had laju tetapi pelanggaran arahan dan isyarat lalu lintas. Di kertas saman itu juga tertera kompaun minima adalah RM300, tetapi sebenarnya adalah tidak melebihi RM500.

"Mengikut seksyen ini juga pengguna jalan raya  boleh menggunakan budi bicara mahkamah yang mana kemungkinan kompaun itu boleh dikurangkan menjadi RM50 atau boleh dibebaskan dengan amaran. Saman ini celaru dan keliru, oleh itu jangan bayar kita sedia peguam," katanya yang juga Naib Presiden PAS.

Sementara itu Penasihat Undang-undang KASE Zulazmi Shariff mendakwa, pihak syarikat Beta Tegap Sdn Bhd dan Ates Sdn Bhd yang menguruskan kamera AES itu menggunakan kenderaan menyerupai penguatkuasa Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalanraya (JPJ).

"Maklumat yang diterima dua syarikat ini menggunakan kenderaan syarikat jenis Frontier yang mempunyai warna dan logo yang menyerupai kenderaan JPJ.

"Ini satu bentuk penyamaran. Saya minta JPJ jawab perkara ini kerana kita tidak mahu ada pihak sewenangnya melakukan sekatan jalan raya dengan menggunakan kenderaan yang menyerupai pihak berkuasa," katanya.- harakahdaily

Ignore AES summonses...

PAS has called on members of the public to ignore traffic fines issued through the automated traffic enforcement system (AES) on grounds that the system is unjust and will benefit crony companies.

PAS vice-president Mahfuz Omar told a press conference today that the call is limited only to summonses issued under the AES and not for regular traffic police summonses.

Mahfuz, who heads pressure group campaigning against the abolishment of postal summonses for traffic offences, called Kase, added that the AES system would become a burden to the people.

He said Kase was readying 100 lawyers to help those who have been penalised through AES.

Summonses issued under wrong section of Act

"The federal government should declare void all summonses issued since Oct 13.

"If the government refuses to do so, I urge those who receive the AES summonses to not pay the fine, which amounts RM300 (each). 

"Follow the instructions on the summons notice and go to court. Kase will have lawyers to help," Mahfuz, the Pokok Sena MP, told reporters at the Parliament lobby today.

He added that summons issued under the system was misleading as it was being issued under Section 79(2) of the Road Transport Act for speeding offences.

Mahfuz insisted that Section 79(2) referred not to speeding but for not obeying traffic rules and signs.

He also pointed out that while AES summonses were for a flat rate of RM300, as printed on copies sent to road users, Section 79(2) specifes fines of "up to RM500", which means that there should be discretion on the part of traffic court judges to reduce the fines.

This was among one of the provisions of the law that Kase intends to test in court.
- malaysiakini           

 Of eggs and AES...

The price of eggs is a great indicator of a nation’s economy. When the price of eggs go up tremendously in a short space of time, then it is an indication that not all is well.

From the week before Hari Raya Aidil Fitri which is the third week of August to the third week of October, the price of eggs had shot up from RM2.90 to RM3.65 for a tray of 10.

If the government can no longer afford to subsidise the most basic foodstuff, then it is a warning sign that all is not well with the nation’s economy no matter how much the government tries to deny it.

The mismanagement of the nation’s economy is at its most critical stage during the tenure of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. 

This is because it is only during his tenure that the national debt has surpassed the RM500 billion mark. 

And if contingent liabilities amounting to over RM100 billion is added, it will be over RM600 billion. Clearly the economic skills of the Najib administration is sorely lacking.

And yet the prime minister still insists on holding on to the posts of finance minister and minister for women, family and community development. Is there no capable woman in BN able to head the Women’s Ministry? Are we putting ourselves up as the world’s laughing stock?

This is certainly not the hallmark of a nation marching towards Vision 2020 nor a nation which aspires to achieve first world status.Is Najib proving himself to be the end of the RAHMAN legacy with his incompetence?  

And not only him but also Transport Minister Kong Cho Ha is another minister who has got a lot of explanation to do. And this is pertaining to the AES (Automated Enforcement System) which is part and parcel of the government’s efforts to reduce road accidents.

Although it is a noble move, the fine of RM300 as a blanket sum is steep to say the least. Is this an Activated Easy Scam to generate income? One zap by the camera and RM300 disappears from the rakyat’s pockets!

The whole project needs further explanation instead of just being rushed through as it creates an impression that certain parties want to earn a fast buck.

The government’s motives to reduce deaths on the highways must of course be lauded as a good move but there should be some leeway on the fine and the amount should be between RM100 to RM300 instead of a fixed sum of RM300. The public should be allowed to negotiate on the sum on a case to case basis.

Explanations needed

From eggs to AES, the Najib administration has definitely got some explanation to do. The rakyat are not as dumb these days although there are still some gullible ones around.

New laws should not be rushed through, for example the Peaceful Assembly Act 2011 which was bulldozed through in Parliament in November last year and Section 114A of the Evidence (Amendment) Act 2012 (with regard to postings made on the internet) that was rammed through by the BN MPs in April this year.

From ground surveys conducted, many citizens are unhappy with the way things are being run and many city folk now opine that the BR1M cash aid is the people’s money and so we have the right to take it without feeling obligated to vote for BN.

Actually what the government is giving is just a pittance to placate the low-wage earners who are unhappy with the ever-rising cost of living and this might lower the number of votes BN may obtain at the ballot box. Therefore BR1M is a sort of incentive to safeguard the government’s popularity.

And as prices of basic necessities are soaring even before the Goods & Services Tax (GST) is implemented, what can we expect post-GST?!The assurance given by the federal government that prices of basic necessities will be controlled is thus highly doubtful.

For a long time now, the incumbent government has engaged in double-talk. At the end of November two years ago, a local English daily reported that the government will not be increasing the price of RON95 but in early December the price of RON95 went up. In the social media, many citizens had put up the daily’s news report side by side with the December news report on the price increase to highlight the government’s duplicity.

Therefore, now the government has wisen-up and price increases will at times not be highlighted in the press.

No one must forget the way the prime minister had played what can be labelled as the “Stadium Trick” last year when he told the Bersih organisers to gather in a stadium but at the end of it, the request made by the Bersih organisers to use Stadium Merdeka was flatly denied.

This means that whatever the government says must be taken with a large pinch of salt. There is always a lot of play on words and vagueness in what they say.Their explanations pertaining to scandals and fiascoes belie belief due to a lack of logic in their statements. Blanket statements are also the norm as in the case of the Ampang LRT contract.

Global conditions are always blamed for the increase in the price of goods. When the mood suits them, the government just keeps silent and ignores the rakyat’s demands. Take for example the request made by the rakyat to the government to clean up the electoral roll. Till today are they still not keeping quiet on this?

Overall to sum up, if the government feels like it, they will toss some silly explanation at us. Otherwise they just ignore us.After 55 years, is this what we deserve?- Saleena Tay,FMT

Kondo Batu Caves - Kohilan Pillay tertidur semasa mesyuarat berlangsung dulu...

protest at batu cave temple 261012 05 Senator A Kohilan Pillay menjelaskan, beliau sama sekali tidak terlibat dengan kelulusan projek kondominium kontroversi 29 tingkat di Batu Caves walaupun bertindak sebagai ahli majlis berkaitan ketika keputusan itu dibuat.

Menafikan dakwaan Exco Selangor Ronnie Liu, pengerusi Gerakan Selangor itu berkata, kelulusan terhadap projek yang dipertikaikan itu dikeluarkan oleh Bahagian Unit Setempat (OSC), Majlis Perbandaran Selayang (MPS).

"Saya hanya ahli majlis, bukan saya yang memberi kelulusan. OSC dalam majlis yang beri kelulusan, saya tidak terlibat. Kalau dia (Ronnie) nak cakap, dengan faktalah... Banyak fakta diputar belit.

"Tidak ada tanda (saya) beri persetujuan. Saya sudah periksa fail, saya tidak terlibat memberi kelulusan," katanya yang juga timbalan menteri luar negeri.

Berdasarkan portal MPS, OSC berfungsi menerima permohonan kelulusan pelan bangunan, pelan kerja tanah dan kebenaran merancang untuk kelulusan MPS.

Kohilan berkhidmat sebagai ahli majlis selama 11 tahun daripada 1997 hingga 2008.

'Apa peranan ahli majlis era Pakatan?'

Liu pada 24 Oktober dilapor mendakwa Kohilan dan ahli parlimen Hulu Selangor P Kamalanathan antara individu yang bertanggungjawab meluluskan cadangan projek itu.

Kamalanathan juga kelmarin menafikan dakwaan sama dan membuat laporan polis berhubung perkara itu manakala Kohilan pula membuat laporannya di Balai Polis Batu Caves petang semalam.

Bercakap kepada Malaysiakini petang semalam, Kohilan berkata beliau hanya sedar namanya dan Kamalanathan dikaitkan dengan kelulusan itu selepas dibangkitkan oleh pihak kuil di Batu Caves baru-baru ini.

Justeru, beliau menyifatkan dakwaan Liu sebagai “tiada fakta” dan hanya “tuduhan membuta tuli”.

“Tengok siapa yang buat (beri kelulusan). Jangan main agak-agak sahaja. Ini ada agenda politik," katanya lagi.

Sementara itu, sekalipun mengakui kelulusan itu dibuat sewaktu BN memerintah Selangor, Kohilan mempersoal peranan ahli majlis baru pada era Pakatan.

"Apakah mereka (kerajaan Pakatan) tidak memantau langsung atau tak tahu mengenai perkara ini... Apa peranan ahli majlis selepas itu (kerajaan Pakatan memerintah)," soalnya.-malaysiakini

Samy Vellu luluskan projek kondo Batu Caves...

Bekas Presiden MIC, Datuk Seri S Samy Vellu individu yang bertanggungjawab meluluskan Kondominium Batu Caves sekaligus menepis kontroversi Umno BN mengatakan kononnya pembinaan projek itu diluluskan Kerajaan Selangor sekarang.

Mendedahkannya pada ceramah Merdeka Rakyat di sini malam tadi, Ketua Umum KEADILAN, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim berkata, pembinaan dua blok kondominium 29 tingkat berhampiran Kuil Sri Subramaniar Swamy itu mendapat kelulusan MIC dan Umno pada 2007.

Beliau menempelak pemimpin MIC kerana menipu rakyat India, malah meletak kesalahan ke atas Kerajaan Selangor.

Ia ekoran tindakan Samy berdemonstrasi bersama masyarakat India pada 26 Oktober lalu kononnya membantah pembinaan kondominium tersebut.

“Samy Vellu buat tunjuk perasaan, padahal dia yang luluskan projek pada 2007, ingat Tuhan dia tidak tahu? Sudahlah tipu rakyat, Tuhan pun dia nak tipu,” kata Ketua Pembangkang.

“Lepas itu mereka cabar Menteri Besar hentikan pembinaan, saya beritahu Khalid (Ibrahim), kita jangan ikut kata mereka dulu, kita siasat, cari siapa yang luluskan dan kita dakwa orang yang bertanggungjawab,” tegasnya disambut tepukan gemuruh lebih 5,000 penduduk Kuala Langat.

Sebelum ini, Exco Selangor, Dr Xavier Jayakumar menjelaskan, kelulusan pembinaan kondominium itu dikeluarkan oleh pihak majlis pada 31 Mei 2008 manakala ahli majlis baru di bawah Pakatan mengangkat sumpah pada 5 Julai 2008.

“MIC dah dapat duit hasil penjualan tanah kuil dan luluskan projek yang menyalahi peraturan alam sekitar dengan ketinggian 29 tingkat, sekarang nak lepaskan diri tuduh kita pula, nak suruh kita bayar. Kepada rakyat India, usahlah sokong lagi pemimpin penipu seperti ini,” kata Anwar.
Semalam di Parlimen, Khalid mengumumkan penubuhan pasukan petugas bebas untuk menyiasat isu berkaitan pembinaan kondominium tersebut.

“Kami mahu tunjukkan kepada rakyat bahawa kami telus membuat keputusan, jadi kami akan menubuhkan jawatankuasa bertindak khas yang akan diketuai seorang bekas hakim,” katanya.- keadilandaily
 Kohilan has forgotten the terms "planning permission"meant, coz he is concentrating on foreign policy matters...

In early February, 2006, I was at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport awaiting the arrival of passengers on Flight MH9042 from Mauritius. Among them was a delegation from the Selayang Municipal Council which included nine councillors, the president, the secretary and his wife, two officials and four businessmen who had contracts with the council. 

They had also dropped by South African cities, among others, to study how public toilets are maintained and kept clean. I had then asked: "How did contractors become part of an official delegation? Don't the rules require councillors to keep at arm's length, dealings with suppliers of goods and services?"

Subsequently, I wrote outlining their programme in both the countries and asked what they had learnt when they were out shopping and sight-seeing all the time. As usual, the silence was deafening.

All these memories came back last week as I read about the same council and the proposed development around Batu Caves. Both sides – the present and past administrations – have started pointing fingers and let it be stated that it is not this writer's intention to take sides but put the record straight. The remarks made by some of the past councillors who approved the development are so ludicrous that they have to be taken with more than a pinch of salt.

Former councillor and current Deputy Foreign Minister Datuk A. Kohillan Pillay who was one of those who went on the toilet inspection trip said what had been approved in 2007 was only a "planning permit" which did not specify the number of storeys.

May be, after all these years he has forgotten terms like "planning permission"; "development order" and other terminology because he is concentrating on foreign policy matters and more travelling. Thus, we shall not burden him compelling him to read the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 in its entirety. However, he should not overlook the central concept – the definition of what amounts to development.

"Development" means the carrying out of building, engineering, mining or other operations in, on, over or under land, or the making of any material change in the use of any building or land. Technically, if you want to build a permanent garage over your driveway, you have to get planning permission or approval.

If "planning permit" was issued, then it would have specified what could be built because the applicant has to submit the proposed plans to be deliberated by the planning department of the council after which they are presented to the council for approval.

You can't submit plans for a bungalow and then build a condominium. That's because the council takes into consideration whether existing infrastructure like roads, drains, power, etc would be able to support the development. So to say that it "did not specify the number of storeys" is crass, obtuse and ridiculous. It insults the intelligence of all right-thinking people.

There are no two ways about this matter. Did the council approve the plans and issue a development order? Did the council seek the views of owners of neighbouring property as required by the Act? Because of the sensitivity of its proximity to a place of worship, was there a public hearing?

These questions have to be answered by the council and its councillors who took part in the approval process. They cannot run away from responsibility by giving all kinds of excuses. In the meantime, in the interest of good governance, the state government should order the council to make available all minutes and other related documents so that Malaysians can see for themselves how the decisions were made.- R. Nadeswaran@citizen-nade,thesundaily


 Kohilan washes his hands off Batu Caves condo...

Deputy Foreign Minister A Kohilan Pillay(right) has contended that he was not involved in the approval of a controversial 29-storey condominium near the Batu Caves temple although he was a local councillor when the decision was made.

Denying the allegation by Selangor exco Ronnie Liu, the senator claimed that the approval was given by the One Stop Centre (OSC) of Selayang Municipal council (MPS).

protest at batu cave temple 261012 former selayang counsellor a kohilan pillay"I was only a councillor. It was not me who gave the approval. It was the OSC in the council that gave the approval. I was not involved. If he (Liu) wants to accuse, (he should provide) the facts...

"Many facts have been spun. There was nothing to show (that I) gave the approval. I have checked the files. I was not involved in giving the approval," he told Malaysiakini yesterday.

According to the MPS official website, the function of OSC is to receive and process applications of building plans, land work plans and project planning for the approval of the local council.

Kohilan was a councillor in MPS for 11 years, serving from 1997 to 2008.

The construction of a massive condominium near the iconic Subramaniar Temple in Batu Caves came under the spotlight after the temple committee, backed by MIC top guns including former president S Samy Vellu, led a protest against the Selangor government last week.

Batu caves condo near temple ronnie liu with mapHowever, Liu later revealed documents to show that BN had approved the tower block - considered by many as an eyesore - when it controlled Selangor in 2007.

Last Wednesday, Liu reportedly alleged that Kohilan and Hulu Selangor MP P Kamalanathan were among those responsible for approving the project.

However, Kamalanathan denied the accusation yesterday and lodged a police report on the matter. Kohilan has also lodged a similar report last night at the Batu Caves police station.

About-turn by Kohilan

Kohilan told Malaysiakini that he found out that he and Kamalanathan were linked to the condo approval after this was raised by the temple committee recently.

He described the allegation as "baseless" and "reckless".

"See who actually made (the decision in approving the project). Don't simply guess. This (allegation) smells of a political agenda."

While Kohilan conceded that the approval for the project was given during the BN administration - an about-turn from his allegation last Friday - he nevertheless ticked off the current councillors appointed by the Pakatan government.

"Did they monitor it (the project) or are they not aware of the issue... What have the councillors been doing (after Pakatan took over Selangor)?" he asked.-malaysiakini

 Bisikan di sana sini...

Tangling - hahaha Kohilan,When u sit on the council , if u did not register yr protest against the project , it means u approved it. Tht is the reality lah.

Rakyat Malaysia - Kohilan did you monitor the project last time when you were councillors? Are you not aware? What are you doing back then? What have Kohilan being doing last time when it was approved by BN? Sleeping on the job right? Did BN pay you any under table money to keep quiet? So, you are inept and irresponsible and cunning like any BN people.

Rakyat Malaysia - What have the BN councillors doing when BN approve the project? Keep quiet only right? Not making a fuss about it. Now want to blame PK councilors, pulak? Nobody in BN state councillors make a fuss when BN approve the project. So, who is to blame? Who is fooling with the people?

yap cs - If Kohilan is not involved in the approval process of projects involving the Batu Caves condo, then what is his function as a Indian councillor? Sit there and lay eggs?

Speechless - Oh come on, Kolilan. If you were clueless about this project when you were councillor for 11 years, it speaks a lot about you! Stop blaming others.

Multi Racial - Assuming Kohilan was sleeping and do not know what going on in the local council so much so this project got approve without his knowledge, why he did not protest after knowing about it then? Don't tell me he was not aware until now? If that is true, then he is a useless politician. Better to vote someone else in future.



Gomen Najib sahkan bahawa,Ketua Pengarah JPA, Abu Bakar dibuang atas kegagalan besar SBPA...

Tindakan kerajaan menamatkan perkhidmatan Tan Sri Abu Bakar Abdullah sebagai Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam disifatkan sebagai satu penganiayaan.

Ahli Parlimen Pokok Sena, Datuk Mahfuz Omar berkata, kerana kegagalan Sistem Baru Perkhidmatan Awam (SBPA) yang menimbulkan rasa tidak puas hati penjawat awam, Abu Bakar dakwanya telah dikambing hitam.

"Saya memang menolak SBPA tapi tindakan ini seolah-olah kerajaan mengkambinghitamkan Tan Sri Abu Bakar dengan meletakkan beban ke atas beliau seorang," kata beliau dalam sidang media di lobi Parlimen hari ini.

Beliau berkata demikian sebagai mengulas jawapan bertulis Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz kepada soalannya berhubung perkara tersebut di Dewan Rakyat, minggu lalu.

Nazri dalam jawapannya memberitahu, keputusan menamatkan perkhidmatan Abu Bakar dibuat atas peranan beliau semasa menerajui perancangan dan pelaksanaan SBPA yang gagal mengambil kira kepentingan semua kumpulan perkhidmatan terutamanya kumpulan sokongan serta implikasi kos yang besar kepada kerajaan.

Mahfuz juga berkata, tindakan ini menunjukkan sikap kerajaan yang suka menyalahkan pegawai mereka apabila berlaku sesuatu perkara yang tidak disenangi rakyat.

"Abu Bakar hanya melaksanakan tugas sebagai ketua pengarah dan salah seorang anggota jawatankuasa gaji kabinet yang dipengerusikan oleh Perdana Menteri.

"Semasa pembentangan awal SBPA Perdana Menteri sendiri kata ia yang terbaik tapi bila wujud penentangan banyak pihak, barulah jadi isu yang kecoh dan menimbulkan ketidakpuasan hati kakitangan awam.

"Kalau begini rupa bentuk pengurusan pentadbiran kerajaan ini sukar bagi pengawai tinggi menjalankan tugas kerana apabila lakukan tugas,  bila orang ramai tak puas hati tanggungjawab dibebankan kepada mereka. Ini penganiayaan ke atas pegawai," kata beliau yang juga Naib Presiden PAS.

Abu Bakar ditamatkan perkhidmatannya mulai 1 Julai lalu.

Berikutan kekosongan tersebut, Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam (Pembangunan), Datuk Farida Mohd Ali diberi tanggungjawab menjalankan tugas-tugas Ketua Pengarah.

Perkhidmatan Abu Bakar ditamatkan lebih awal iaitu ketika berusia 57 walaupun beliau menandatangani kontrak melanjutkan tugasnya sehingga berumur 60 tahun.- harakahdaily

 Letak Bekas KP JPA Tanding Di Putrajaya...

Kadang-kadang nasib malang dan penganiayaan berlaku ke atas seseorang atau kumpulan di negara ini berlalu begitu saja. Kalau tidak ada yang membela kejadian itu akan tertutup dari pengetahuan awam. Sedihnya ia akan jadi seperti mana katak atau ular yang mati dilanggar kereta, bangkainya akan dibiarkan berulat di tengah jalan, dan lama ke lamaan hancur begitu saja diselam tanah.

Abu Bakar Abdullah: Teraniayaan.
Begitu juga dengan nasib sesetengah pegawai kerajaan yang tidak ada kekuatan untuk melawan atau pun ada jiwa membela diri terhadap tindakan politik oleh parti pemerintah. Nasib malang yang yang diterimanya dibiarkan saja dengan meletakkan semua itu atas kehendak takdir untuk tidak mendamaikan jiwa. Sesetengah dari mereka mati beragam begitu saja kerana tidak ada keupayaan untuk membela diri disebabkan berjauhan dengan penguasa-penguasa politik.

Mereka yang dekat dengan penguasa politik apa lagi yang sedia menjadi perkakas akan mendapat manfaat lumayan seperti kenaikan pangkat dan segala macam kemudahan termasuk memakan gaji buta. Walaupun grednya jauh lebih rendah dan perkhidmatannya baru setahun jagung tetapi kerana dekat dengan penguasa, kenaikan pangkatnya secepat kilat di senja hari.

Yang tidak kenal penguasa dan tidak sedia jadi perkakas terus bersembahyang hajat mendoakan  kenaikan pangkat. Setengah sampai berlumut di ruang pejabat tetapi pangkat tetap tidak naik. Lalu mereka pun senyap-senyap mendengangkan lagu, "di manakah keadilan" seorang diri?

Misalnya nasib malang diterima oleh bekas Ketua Pengarah JPA, Abu Bakar Abdullah yang ditamatkan perkhidmatannya sesuka hati oleh kerajaan, hampir terbiar begitu saja, tidak ada mana-mana pihak mempedulikannya. Kesatuan pegawai-pegawai kerajaan tidak boleh berbuat apa-apa untuk membela atau memberi simpati kepada Abu Ab Bakar kerana beliau pegawai tinggi. Lagipun kesatuan hanya membela orang-orang rendah daripada Abu Bakar. Jadi orang tinggi teraniaya siapa membela?

Mungkin tindakan kerajaan memecat beliau ada alasan, tetapi sejauh mana alasan itu memenuhi ehsan pertimbangan manusia boleh dipertikaikan. Mungkin Abu Bakar dan kita semua dapat menerimanya. Namun keadilan terhadapnya masih boleh dipertikaikan.

Apabila Ahli Parlimen Pokok Sena, Mahfuz Omar membangkitkan di parlimen isu pemecatan Abu Bakar dianggap zalim itu, ia merupakan satu pembelaan oleh Pas. Tindakan Mahfuz membawa isu ke parlimen sebagai kepedulian terhadap nasib malang diterima Abu Bakar. Saya nak tanya di mana peranan ahli parlimen BN terutamanya ketua pemuda Umno yang tidak ada kuasa, Khairy Jamaluddin? Syabas kepada Mahfuz kerana prihatin mengenai perkara ini.

Saya bersetuju dengan persoalan oleh Mahfuz sebagai menjawab penjelasan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Nazri Aziz berhubung pemecatan itu; bahawa pemecatan Abu Bakar atas alasan kesalahan berhubung penglibatan Abu Bakar dalam menggubal dan melaksanakan SPBA yang dibuat tanpa mengambil perhatian semua golongan perkhidmatan.

Soal Mahfuz dalam sidang akhbar, adalah tidak adil kalau tindakan itu dipersalahkan kepada Abu Bakar saja sebab yang terlibat dalam menggubal dan melaksanakan SPBA itu bukan Abu Bakar bersendirian. SPBA dibincang dalam mesyuarat gaji kabinet dan dipengerusikan sendiri oleh Najib Razak.

Anihnya pada peringkat awal Najib sendiri bersetuju dan memuji SPBA. Apaklah semasa membuat kelulusan itu Najib tidak menyemak dan bersetuju buta begitu saja? Kalau begitulah caranya macam mana Najib boleh muncul menjadi seorang perdana menteri cemerlang. Seorang perdana menteri seharusnya lebih prihatin, peka daripada mana-mana kumpulan.

Justeru yang perlu bertanggungjawab bukan saja Abu Bakar tetapi Najib juga perlu memikul tanggungjawab sama dengan meletak jawatan? Atau sekaruang-kurangnya Najib perlu memohon maaf dan dia sendiri harus ambil tanggungjawab membela Abu Bakar atau pertahankan dari menamantkan perkhidmatan Abu Bakar begitu saja.


Apakah tindakan itu bukan penganiyaan dan kezaliman ke atas Abu Bakar?

Saya perhati Abu bakar mendiamkan diri berhubung kesnya itu menyebankan orang akan menuduh yang bersalah 100% adalah dia. Beliau seakan tidak ada naluri langsung untuk bangkit membela diri. Di sini apa kata kalau sayang cadangkan Abu Bakar mula bangkit untuk membela penganiyaan itu dengan bertanding dalam pilihan raya akan datang. Pas mungkin boleh berikan kerusi parlimen Putrajaya kepadanya.

Kalau Abu Bakar sedia terjun ke dalam politik dan bertanding, tujuannya bukan hendak membela dirinya semata-mata tetapi tetapi untuk mengajar kerajaan yang berlaku zalim ke atas orang sepertinya dan para pegawai lain. Saya yakin kalau Abu Bakar sedia menawar dan mengorbankan diri ramai yang menyokongnya.

Abu Bakar boleh cuba merisik perkara ini. Saya rasa kalau kerusi Putrajaya diberikan kepada Abu bakar banyak undi simpati dari kalangan pegawai kerajaan akan masuk ke peti undinya. Kalau kena strategi dan taktik ia boleh menyebabkan Teuku Adnan Teuku Mansor akan mati terkangkang di Putrajaya? Apa kata?

Lagi pun katanya Pas ketiadaan calon yang sesuai untuk diletakkan di Putrajaya. Ada ura-ura untuk meletakkan bekas Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Tanah dan Koperasi Nik Mohd Zain Yusuf untuk bertanding di situ tetapi calon itu agak tua bimbang tidak mendapat sokongan golongan muda. -Mohd.Sayuti Omar@msomelayu.blogspot   

Gov't confirms PSD chief sacked over SBPA fiasco...

After months of speculation, the government for the first time today confirmed that former Public Services Department (PSD) chief Abu Bakar Abdullah was sacked over the botched Public Service Remuneration Scheme (SPBA).

This was made public by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nazri Abdul Aziz in a parliamentary written reply to Pokok Sena MP Mahfuz Omar, which was circulated to the media today.

“The service of Abu Bakar Abdullah, former PSD chief, was terminated on July 1, 2012 in the public interest.

“The decision was made due to his leading role in the implementation of the SBPA which failed to take into account the interests of all groups in the service, particularly for support groups and the huge cost implications, to the government,” reads the written reply.

The reply added that due to Abu Bakar’s long service, he was allowed to retire with his regular pension benefits

NONEHowever, Mahfuz (right) told a press conference at the Parliament lobby this morning that Abu Bakar was made a scapegoat for the failed SBPA plan.

“I am against SBPA but to scapegoat him (Abu Bakar) by putting all of SBPA’s faults on his shoulders... he was only performing his duty and he was also a member of the cabinet-level salary committee which was chaired by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.

“When the (SBPA) report was presented to the committee, the prime minister himself agreed it was good and the government only cancelled it after it faced fierce opposition,” he said.

As such, Mahfuz said several people were responsible for the flop including the premier himself and Abu Bakar should not be the sole person to take the fall.

He added that the plan was first drafted by a consultant company during the tenure of the previous PSD chief, stating: “When Abu Bakar came in, the plan was already on his table.”

The SBPA, had it been implemented, would have seen top ranking officials receive hefty pay hikes while lower tier workers would only get increases as low as RM10.
- malaysiakini



30 October 2012

Azmin bersama Khalid Ibrahim dalam...

Serangan Umno BN terhadap kerajaan Selangor hanya omong kosong dan gagal menafikan penarafan Laporan Audit 2011 ke atas negeri itu, kata Timbalan Presiden KEADILAN, Mohamed Azmin Ali.

“Laporan Ketua Audit Negara baru-baru ini menyatakan Selangor merupakan negeri terbaik di bawah kelolaan Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim jelas menafikan segala tohmahan terhadap pemerintahan kerajaan negeri,” katanya depan 5,000 rakyat pada Ceramah Perdana Merdeka Rakyat di Bandar Baru Batang Kali, kelmarin.

Pengerusi KEADILAN Negeri itu berkata, anggota parti bersama pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat harus mempertahankan segala usaha Menteri Besar selama ini.

“Kenapa kita mesti pertahankan Tan Sri Khalid? Ini kerana beliau telah berusaha sepenuh hati merakyatkan ekonomi negeri.

“Kekayaan negeri telah beliau agihkan untuk dikongsi bersama seluruh rakyat negeri, sekaligus memberi kesenangan dan menyenangkan rakyat yang selama ini terpaksa hidup dalam tekanan sepanjang pemerintahan kerajaan korup Umno BN,” katanya disambut sorakan hadirin.

Ahli Parlimen Gombak itu turut menyelar dakwaan tidak berasas Umno BN bahawa pemberian air percuma mengakibatkan Selangor kehabisan air.

“Masalah kita bukan tidak ada air, air sentiasa ada. Masalah kita adalah ketiadaan air untuk dirawat.

“Itupun bukan salah kerajaan negeri, tapi salah Syabas (Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor). Syabas di bawah arahan Umno BN telah sabotaj kita (kerajaan negeri) supaya air yang sedia ada tidak dapat dirawat dan ia menyebabkan kita gagal membekalkan air yang berkualiti untuk rakyat,” kata Azmin.

Beliau turut menempelak kenyataan beberapa pimpinan tertinggi BN yang mendakwa negara akan hancur jika dipimpin Pakatan Rakyat.

“Mereka kata kita tidak ada pengalaman, saya nak beritahu mereka, ya memang kita tidak ada pengalaman. Tapi pengalaman apa? Kita tidak ada pengalaman menyumbat lembu ke dalam poket sendiri.

“Kita juga tidak punya pengalaman dalam aktiviti membekalkan projek-projek untuk anak beranak serta kroni, mengkayakan sesama sendiri dengan menyeleweng wang rakyat. Ya, kita tidak pernah ada pengalaman itu,” sinis Azmin lagi.- keadilandaily

Azmin adakan sidang media bersama Khalid Ibrahim...

Timbalan Presiden PKR, Azmin Ali hari ini bersama-sama dengan Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim dalam sidang media bagi membantah projek Langat 2.

Sidang media bersama oleh kedua-dua tokoh ini amat menarik kerana mereka berdua dikatakan tidak 'sebulu' dalam banyak hal.

Bagi memberitahu mereka berdua mengadakan sidang media bersama ini, Azmin telah menulis dalam twitternya:

"Saya bersama Tan Sri Khalid mengadakan sidang media berkenaan Projek Langat 2 di Parlimen."

Perhubungan antara Azmin dan Khalid sentiasa sahaja ditafsirkan tidak baik walaupun Azmin membuat kenyataan yang positif kepada Khalid.

Misalnya, apabila Azmin berkata Khalid sepatutnya menjadi menteri pusat selepas berjaya dengan cemerlang sebagai MB Selangor, ia telah ditafsirkan sebaliknya.

Azmin didakwa mahu menolak secara halus Khalid ke pusat untuk membolehkan beliau mengambil alih kerusi MB Selangor.

Namun dengan sidang media mereka hari ini, ia menunjukkan kedua-duanya tidak ada apa-apa masalah.- harakahdaily

Vote for party, not candidate...

The next general election seems so near yet so far. Political parties seem to have decided their candidates and it is now just the question of time for the official announcements by party leaders.

Candidates are indeed important as they are representatives of their respective parties and might be leaders of the country in the future. However, I am more and more convinced that the next general election is going to be a battle between the BN and the Pakatan Rakyat. Except for a few heavyweight candidates or those who are really notorious, voters would basically tend to vote for political parties, instead of candidates.

According to my personal observation, supporters of the alternative coalition basically voted for the party instead of the candidates in the past few general elections. For them, it was more important to let the alternative coalition expand its political map than supporting the candidates. Moreover, the alternative coalition had been facing a talent shortage problem even in the last general election.

However, the next general election will be different from the previous ones. After the 2008 political tsunami, many young intellectuals have joined the Pakatan Rakyat and it has strengthened the base of the coalition while enabling it to have a large number of potential and talented candidates with political ideals.

It also means that this time, BN candidates will no longer face opponents who are incomparable with them in terms of personal knowledge, image and talent. Instead, they will compete with opponents with equal strength or even stronger.

Undeniably, the quality improvement of candidates can strengthen the trust of voters while making the election campaigns more worth seeing. However, similar personal qualities might cause voters to further tend to vote for parties and not to care about comparing the candidates.

Our politics has obviously moved towards duality in which those who are not categorised as friends will be regarded as enemies. It has also made it difficult for independent candidates or a third force to rise. The by-election held in Johor Bahru on August 25, 1988 serves as the best example here.

There was an outbreak of struggle between team A and team B within Umno at that time. Former Welfare Minister Datuk Shahrir Samad, a team B leader along with former Finance Minister Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah and former Deputy Prime Minister Tun Musa Hitam, resigned from his Johor Bahru parliamentary seat after being sacked from Umno, forcing a sensational by-election.

The then Umno was divided into the confronting team A and team B and the voters would also like to take the opportunity to teach the domineering Umno a lesson by intensifying the confrontation. Therefore, they urged Partai Sosialis Rakyat Malaysia (PSRM) Deputy Chairman Abdul Razak Ahmad to withdraw from the election, but Razak insisted to contest. As a result, Shahrir won with a majority more than double the votes of BN candidate, while causing the prestigious Razak to lose his deposit.

The by-election illustrated the fact that in an era asking for changes, the situation is always prioritised over people. It is not changeable by personal prestige. Similar to the current situation, voters generally want to see a showdown between the BN and the Pakatan Rakyat and therefore, the next general election is doomed to be a battle in which voters vote for political parties, instead of candidates.- Lim Mun Fah,Sinchew daily


Nazri - Saya tak terima RM3 juta daripada Chia tapi kereta sport Porsche...

Nazri Abdul Aziz menafikan menerima RM3 juta daripada 'kawan' hartawan kayu tetapi tidak pasti jika kedua mereka meminjamkan keretanya kepada anaknya.

Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Nazri Aziz telah menafikan menerima apa-apa wang dari jutawan kayu Michael Chia lebih skandal berupa RM40 juta yang melibatkan Umno Sabah.

Beliau mengulas komen blogger Malaysia Today yang kini dalam buangan di United Kingdom, Raja Petra Kamarudin (juga dikenali sebagai RPK) yang mendakwa bahawa Nazri dan anaknya Mohamad Nedim masing-masing menerima RM3 juta dan sebuah kereta sport dari Chia.

"Oh tidak, ia tidak benar, ia tidak benar. Chia ialah rakan. Saya tidak tahu jika dia dipinjamkan kereta untuk anak saya. Anda perlu bertanya kepada anak saya, "katanya di pejabatnya petang ini.

Walaupun dia tidak langsung mengkritik Raja Petra atas dakwaan terbaru itu, Nazri berkata bahawa dia tidak mempunyai masalah dengan perkara ini.


"RPK adalah seorang yang sosial. Beliau menggabungkan banyak dengan orang, jadi dia mungkin mendapat maklumat daripada mereka. Kemudian (Petra) menulis ini, ia memberikan saya peluang untuk menjelaskan cerita saya, "katanya.

Nazri juga menegaskan bahawa dia tidak mempunyai pengaruh ke atas Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) atau badan kehakiman, sambil menambah bahawa jika dia terpaksa, kes Chia akan telah digugurkan.

Dalam laporan Malaysia Today, Raja Petra mendakwa bahawa Chia sendiri datang ke Parlimen untuk menyerahkan RM3 juta kepada Nazri, selepas didakwa Nazri sendiri bahawa perkara berkaitan skandal RM40 juta telah diselesaikan.

Beliau juga mendakwa bahawa Menteri Dalam Negeri, Hishammuddin Hussein dan Peguam Negara Abdul Gani Patail juga terlibat sama.-FMT


I did not get RM3m from Chia but the car…

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nazri Abdul Aziz has denied receiving any money from timber tycoon Michael Chia over a purported RM40 million scandal involving Sabah Umno.

He was responding to Malaysia Today blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin (also known as RPK) who claimed that Nazri and his son Mohamad Nedim received RM3 million and a sports car respectively from Chia.

“Oh no, it’s not true, it’s not true. Chia is a friend. I don’t know if he lent the car to my son. You have to ask my son,” he told FMT in his office this afternoon.

Although he did not directly criticise Raja Petra over the claim, Nazri said that he had no problem with this matter being raised.

“RPK is a social person. He mixes a lot with people, so he probably gets information from them. Then by (Petra) writing this, it gives me the opportunity to give my side of the story,” he said.

Nazri also stressed that he had no influence over the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) or the judiciary, adding that if he had, Chia’s case would have been dropped.

In a Malaysia Today report, Raja Petra claimed that Chia personally came to Parliament to hand RM3 million over to Nazri, after the latter allegedly resolved a matter relating to the RM40 million scandal.

He also claimed that Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein and Attorney-General Abdul Gani-Patail were similarly involved.

It was the AG, MACC decision, not mine

Clarifying the matter further, Nazri said his explanation to the Dewan Rakyat on the RM40 million political funding was made in his capacity as a minister representing the government.

“The public should know that these answers to parliament were prepared by the AG Chambers and the MACC. I was speaking on behalf of the government and not in my personal capacity,” he said.

“People are jumping to say I was trying to cover up the case. But it was MACC that said he was not arrested, not me. I would not have even known if ICAC had closed the case or not.”

Asked why he did not disclose earlier his relationship with Chia, Nazri said the question was not posed in parliament.

“It was not asked to me. I did not know about his (Chia’s) case until this issue was brought up in parliament. I’m not involved in his matters. I just happened to be the minister when the question was asked.”

Nazri said that he would not shy away from the fact that he knew Chia personally, but maintained that he knew nothing about the RM40 million.

“If for example I am close to Anwar (Ibrahim) and he attacks Najib (Tun Razak), I cannot suddenly disassociate myself from him. A friend is a friend,” he said.- FMT


29 October 2012

Saya sedia tanding di kedua-dua kerusi - Parlimen dan DUN...

Menteri Besar Selangor,Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim menyatakan kesediaannya untuk bertanding di kedua-dua kerusi – Parlimen dan Dewan Undangan Negeri – sekiranya dicalonkan oleh parti dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang.

“Kalau diserahkan tanggungjawab, saya akan bertanding. Namun semua pengumuman ini dibuat oleh Ketua Umum dan Presiden (PKR). 

Saya tidak boleh campur,” katanya ketika ditemui media selepas hadir di Majlis Hari Raya Aidiladha anjuran Karangkraf hari ini.

Abdul Khalid berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas mengenai kerusi DUN Ijok yang kini diwakilinya.

Beliau turut menerima baik cabaran oleh Ketua Umum, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim untuk kekal bertanding di kerusi parlimen- Bandar Tun Razak.

Beliau berkata tidak khuatir sekiranya bertanding di dua kawasan memandangkan Pengerusi DAP, Karpal Singh turut mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa Menteri Besar mahupun Ketua Menteri boleh bertanding di dua kawasan/kerusi.

`Saya terima’

“Saya terima baik cabaran itu (pertahan kerusi Bandar Tun Razak) dan pernah kata kepada beliau (Anwar). Ini bagi mengurangkan tekanan kepada Anwar kerana terlalu ramai minta untuk jadi calon di Bandar Tun Razak.

“Namun saya tidak khuatir kerana DAP termasuk Karpal Singh terima hakikat bahawa Menteri Besar dan Ketua Menteri boleh bertanding di dua kawasan atau kerusi.

“Tak jadi masalah kalau kita lakukannya,” katanya.

Memetik laporan sebuah portal semalam, Anwar mencadangkan Abdul Khalid untuk mempertahankan kerusi Bandar Tun Razak dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang.

Manakala pada 26 Oktober lalu, Karpal singh telah mengumumkan bahawa setiap wakil rakyat dari parti itu hanya boleh bertanding di satu kerusi.

Namun, untuk individu tertentu seperti Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng diberi pengecualian.- FMT

PR mampu bentuk K’jaan Pusat tanpa rasuah, politik kotor...

Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yakin Pakatan Rakyat (Pakatan) mampu membentuk Kerajaan Pusat yang baru tanpa politik kotor dan rasuah.

Katanya, kemenangan berlandaskan politik matang dan bersih lebih signifikan berbanding budaya fitnah dan penindasan.

“Saya tidak datang untuk mencerca Najib (Razak), Rosmah (Mansor) dan Umno. Saya nak (Pakatan) menang dan rakyat bangkit menolak rasuah dan fitnah,” katanya di depan 400 penduduk di Warung Ibu Nasi Ambeng, Kg Sungai Gulang-Gulang, Permatang, Tanjung Karang pada Jelajah Merdeka Rakyat semalam.

Ketua Umum KEADILAN itu berkata, Umno BN terus goyah dan banyak isu yang gagal dipertahan melainkan memburukkan Pakatan, meskipun mereka menguasai seluruh jentera kerajaan termasuk media.

Beliau mengingatkan rakyat jangan terkeliru dengan dakyah yang dimainkan media yang terus-menerus memutarbelitkan fakta sebenar.

“Sebab apa dia (Najib) takut? Dia punyai televisyen, jentera dan wang kerana dia ada rasuah. Sebab itu dia tidak mampu jawab,” ujar Penasihat Ekonomi Selangor itu dipetik MediaSelangorku.

Anwar sekali lagi mengulangi ikrar untuk menurunkan harga minyak dalam tempoh 24 jam selepas Pakatan menawan Putrajaya selain membatalkan pinjaman Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN).

Jelajah itu turut disertai Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim yang tiba pada jam 12.30 tengahari bersama rombongan dengan menaiki bas Jelajah Merdeka Rakyat sambil diiringi motosikal berkuasa besar.

Hadir sama, Timbalan Presiden KEADILAN, Mohamed Azmin Ali; Ketua Penerangan Negeri, Shuhaimi Shafiei; Adun Kota Alam Shah, M Manoharan dan Penyelaras DUN Permatang, Yahaya Saari.
Terdahulu, Jelajah Merdeka Rakyat mengunjungi penduduk Pekan Sungai Besi.

Selepas selesai di DUN Permatang, rombongan kemudian ke Bagan Nakhoda Omar, Sabak Bernam.
Jelajah diteruskan dengan solat dan tazkirah maghrib di Masjid Abu Bakar Ali Bashah, Taman Bunga Raya, Bukit Beruntung sebelum bergerak ke Pekan Rasa.

Pada jam 9 hingga 12 tengah malam, program diteruskan dengan Ceramah Perdana Merdeka Rakyat di Pusat Bandar Baru Batang Kali, Ulu Selangor.

Penceramah terbabit termasuk Anwar, Khalid, Azmin, Ketua Wanita KEADILAN, Zuraida Kamaruddin dan Naib Presiden, N Surendran.- keadilandaily

Najib not confident of surviving next GE...

The continued 'dilly-dally' by prime minister Najib Razak in announcing a date for the next general election is due to his lack of confidence that he could survive in office, according to veteran parliamentarian Lim Kit Siang.

"This is why he had dillied and dallied for almost two years over when to call for general election although he cannot be unaware of the pressure from the ignominy of being the longest unelected Prime Minister without his own national mandate for the highest office in the land," Lim said in a statement.

He was responding to a claim by Barisan Nasional that it could win more than the 140 parliamentary seats it won in 2008.

Saying such a projection was one of many making their rounds, which range from from prediction of BN's fall from power to securing less than 100 seats, Lim said whatever the outcome of the election, the fact was that BN had lost "all credibility to continue to rule in Malaysia " due to its undermining of nation-building through racially-motivated campaigning.

"To the Malays, UMNO leaders and propagandists spread lies and falsehoods as warning that DAP will be the real power if Pakatan Rakyat forms the federal government in the 13GE, that the Malays will lose political power and become 'beggars in their own land'," Lim said.

"To the Chinese, MCA leaders and propagandists spread lies and falsehoods as warning that PAS will be the real power if Pakatan Rakyat forms the federal government in the 13 GE, hudud laws would be implemented resulting in the further undermining of non-Muslim rights and interests while non-Muslim women would no more be safe as they could be raped by Muslims," he added, referring to the recent anti-PAS campaign by the Chinese-only party which attracted condemnations from PR leaders.

Lim said such tactics were not new, adding that in the 1990 general election, MCA and Gerakan had gone to the electorate by claiming that a vote for DAP was a vote for PAS and a ban on pork, alcohol, temples and Chinese schools.

He said although both UMNO and MCA leaders were aware of the falsehoods against their respective communities, they would not deny the lies and falsehoods "as it serves the objective of trying to frighten the different racial groups and stampede them" to vote for BN.

"This is where Pakatan Rakyat differs from Barisan Nasional. We do not send out different messages to different groups of Malaysians, whether racial, religious or geographical.

"Pakatan Rakyat and the component parties of DAP, PKR and PAS have only one and the same message for all Malaysians – to restore justice, freedom, democracy and good governance and to uphold the fundamental features of the Malaysian Constitution," Lim stressed.- harakahdaily

The Star settles RM10mil suit with Penang DCM,P.Ramasamy...

Penang Deputy Chief Minister II P Ramasamy has withdrawn his RM10 million lawsuit against a journalist with The Star and the daily's publisher Star Publications (M) Bhd over a defamation suit filed earlier this year.

Ramasamy had filed the suit in February, over two articles published by the newspaper last year.

The settlement was announced by his lawyer A Sivanesan, who told the High Court that both parties have agreed not to disclose the terms of the settlement.

“The parties have agreed to resolve the matter, with terms of settlement being private and confidential and not to be disclosed by both parties.

“The suit is hereby withdrawn unconditionally with no order as to costs,” said Sivanesan.

Appearing with Sivanesan was R Kenghadaran.

The matter was confirmed by Bhag Singh, the lawyer acting for the MCA-owned daily, and the settlement was recorded by High Court judge VT Singham, who then struck out the suit.

Before recording the settlement, Justice Singham asked Ramasamy whether this was agreed as the Penang DCM II had filed the suit in his personal capacity.

To this, Ramasamy concurred that he had consulted with his lawyers and consented to the settlement.

Justice Singham then struck out the suit and made no order as to costs.

'In bad faith' 

Ramasamy declined to comment further when asked outside the court, saying it had already been settled. DAP chairperson Karpal Singh then met Ramasamy outside court.

The case was originally slated for a two-day trial beginning today with two reporters from Malaysiakini - Susan Loone and Low Chia Ming - slated to testify along with other reporters based in Penang.

Earlier, today Sivanesan told reporters that the parties may agree to settle the matter but there were some terms pending. 

Ramasamy, who is also Batu Kawan MP named journalist Ian McIntyre and the newspaper publisher as first and second defendants and sought RM5 million each from both of them.

NONEHe claimed that on Dec 21, McIntyre had interviewed him at his office in Komtar, Penang and the daily had published the article "Distress in DAP Continues' on Dec 23, which the Penang DCM claims was done in bad faith.

Ramasamy (right in pic), a former lecturer at a local university, claimed the article was defamatory and painted a picture that the DAP leaders were abusive of their power and positions, corrupt, and incompetent.

Ramasamy held another press conference denying the report.

However, the MCA owned daily published another article 'What
Ramasamy said in the interview' which was published later.

The second article, he claimed, implied that he was dishonest, a hypocrite, immoral, and unfit for any post.

The Penang DCM had asked the daily to apologise but claimed that the defendant had failed to do so.

Ramasamy said the publication of the two articles affected his position as a DAP leader, and also his reputation, and that he had been brought into public scandal, ridicule and contempt as a result of this.- malaysiakini

Saman RM10j Ramasamy-The Star capai penyelesaian
