Why do I say this? Well in Malaysia nothing of any significance, is done without the say so of the Prime Minister. Saiful met with our Prime Minister to discuss the state of his anus and only then did Saiful took ALLAH into his confidence and proceeded to swear in front of ALLAH that the state of his anus was in the same condition as he had told the Prime Minster much earlier.
Now these three stooges - Rahim, Eskay and Shuib – or as one smart ass Apek preferred to call them – Lahim, Sakai and Sotong (Squid!) have already got the nod from Najib to go ahead with their sandiwara. Of course the right thing to do would be to hand over the tapes to the relevant authority who will then proceed to make their investigations – but doing it the proper way will just take too long and by the time anything is done UMNO and Barisan's chances of trying to win the General Election would be proportionately diminished. So what do these three stooges do?
Who cares about it being illegal to post pornographic videos? Who cares about what Islam requires you to do in these circumstances? And who cares about the damage it does to anyone accused of sexual misdeed? Damm the person’s reputation, damm if he has a family – damm if he is unable to defend himself - what matters is to throw enough dirt at that someone and pray that some of it sticks. And invariably it does!
With JJ the raba raba Minister when the heat started to get too much they “promoted” him to be our Ambassador in the USA. Out of sight out of mind! But not Anwar. Where can he go? He will stay and fight his battle in Malaysia and he will face everything full on. The three stooges have done their dirty work and in doing so they have once again earn themselves a good deal of contracts and negotiated tenders – not to mention cash in hand deposited through layers of covers designed to throw any attempt to trace any money trial to them. After all the head honcho Rahim Thamby Chik have already been rewarded with the Chairmanship of a government and various other “business opportunities” and now it is pay back time….and Rahim Thamby Chik do not think we do not know about your manipulations of that Lever Brothers' land in Bangsar!

What? Do they think the Rakyat is that stupid? The head of these three stooges is a Tan Sri who raped an underage Malay schoolgirl? Huh!
If you go looking for pornographic videos in Kuala Lumpur you will have to do business with questionable characters that ply their trade in the pasar malam or in the shadows and alleys of Chinatown and Chow Kit. I put it to you that these three Datuk stooges are no better then these characters!
Hell, just because one is a Tan Sri and two are Datuks does not make them respectable. They are dealing in the same sordid pornographic materials. Can you just picture the three of them viewing the pornographic videos with the excuse that it is their “duty” to the Rakyat and Nation? And what do you think the three stooges did after watching the video? Your guess is as good as mine!
And just because they ply their trade in Carcosa does not make them any better then those characters in Chow Kit and the Pasar Malams and in Chinatown! Those characters in Chow Kit and the Pasar Malam ply their trade to earn a living – they have an asking price and if you think it is too much you just move on. They do not harass you, blackmail you and they certainly will not do anything to damage your reputation in any way….and of course they never ever try to claim that what they do is for Malaysia and the Rakyat!
These three stooges talk about integrity, national honor and doing the right thing by the Rakyat because the Rakyat must know! Huh! If you want to talk about integrity then go and get somebody like Tengku Razali to handle something like this. Not this Rahim Thamby Chik idiot.
If you want to talk about national honor, I put it to you that the nation owes Guan Eng an apology and compensation for his incarceration under the ISA because he dare to do the right thing re the rape case of this Thamby Chik and that underage Malay schoolgirl.
And these three stooges say that the Rakyat must know….well we sure would like to know the story of this Rahim Thamby Chik rape of an underage Malay school girl from his own mouth!
And as for doing the right thing….why not go through the proper channels? Even with the knowledge that the “proper channel’ will do their biddings they will still prefer to sensationalize the whole issue by going to the media because they know that will make the maximum adverse impact on Pakatan Rakyat and Anwar – without giving them a fair chance to answer back on a level playing field. You three stupid, stupid idiots! Rahim, Eskay and Shuib I spit in your face!
And while all this is happening it is Najib who keeps watch from behind the curtain…another story about naked females, illicit sex where Datuks are involved and of course PDRM – something that Najib himself only knows too well with Altantuya and his Port Dickson escapades amongst others. I cannot wait for the Statutory Declarations to start flying around together with the surat terbang…and of course the whole nation is eagerly waiting for the “unauthorized” release of these pornographic videos on the Internet – not if, but when!

Today these UMNO leaders sell their dignity, their integrity and their honor not to finance UMNO but so that they can stay in UMNO and buy rows of houses for themselves and their cronies! And if it required the use of sleaze, slander and sex to make this possible – UMNO will use it. Nothing but the elimination of these unsavory UMNO leaders will be required if our country and our people are ever to have a chance at becoming a nation that we can once again be proud to call our own.
Until then it would do UMNO good to understand that those who will lie for UMNO will also lie against UMNO…it might take care of your present problems but has no future and with every lie you tell about Anwar….he grows stronger! And a final reminder for all you UMNO leaders…remember this…Liars even when they speak the truth will not be believed! Amen.- Hussein Hamid
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