Menurut Tun Mahathir, apa yang mahu dilakukannya ialah mendapatkan kembali parti Bersatu yang dirasakannya telah dirampas daripada beliau melalui penipuan dan pengkhianatan.
“Dan apa yang Tun mahu lakukan selepas berjaya dapatkan semula (Bersatu)?” tanya Khalid Samad lagi kerana melihat kesungguhan Tun Mahathir mahu melaksanakan usaha tersebut.
“Adakah Tun ingin Bersatu kekal dalam PN (Perikatan Nasional) atau menyertai kembali PH (Pakatan Harapan)?” Tun Mahathir kemudian menjawab: “Kembali kepada PH”.
Dengan pendirian berterus-terang Tun Mahathir itu bermakna, pemilihan Bersatu yang bakal diadakan selepas 30 Jun nanti sudah pasti merupakan “pertembungan hidup dan mati” antara beliau dengan Muhyiddin Yassin.
Berikutan Tun Mahathir sudah diisytiharkan menang tanpa bertanding sebagai Pengerusi Bersatu dan Muhyiddin pula bakal dicabar oleh Mukhriz Mahathir bagi jawatan Presiden, ini bermakna memenangkan anaknya dalam persaingan tersebut adalah fardu wajib dan kemestian bagi tujuan beliau dapat menguasai kembali parti itu.
Tidak cukup dengan itu, untuk menguasai kembali Bersatu juga, kalau pun pasukannya tidak mampu memenangi kesemua jawatan yang dipertandingkan, setidak-tidaknya penguasaan secara majoriti kerusi MPT adalah sangat perlu. Kalau tidak, hasrat Tun Mahathir untuk mengusai kembali Bersatu tidak akan berjaya dan sia-sia.

Sekaligus, dengan hasrat Tun Mahathir mahu menguasai semula Bersatu dan membawanya kembali menyertai PH, tugas berat juga sedang menanti Muhyiddin dan pasukannya dalam pemilihan parti nanti.
Kalau Muhyiddin menang berlawan dengan Mukhriz dan pasukannya dapat memenangi majoriti jawatan yang dipertandingkan, barangkali tidak ada apa-apa akan berlaku kepada Bersatu, kedudukannya sebagai Perdana Menteri dan status parti itu dalam PN.
Paling-paling pun Tun Mahathir akan terus membuat bising dan melakukan gangguan kepada Muhyiddin dan PN seperti mana yang dilakukannya sekarang. Tetapi, bagaimana jika Muhyiddin tewas dan pasukan Tun Mahathir dapat menguasai kembali Bersatu?
Kalau itu berlaku dan Tun Mahathir akhirnya membawa semula Bersatu menyertai PH, manakala Muhyiddin pastinya tidak setuju dengan tindakan tersebut, pilihannya baginya ialah keluar parti dan menjadi Ahli Parlimen Bebas.
Tidak pelikkah, khususnya di mata UMNO yang memiliki jumlah Ahli Parlimen paling banyak, seseorang yang tanpa parti terus menjadi Perdana Menteri?
Maka, ke mana arah tuju Muhyiddin selepas itu? Adakah bellau akan memilih untuk menyertai UMNO?
Dan jika ditakdirkan Zahid Hamidi dan Najib Razak akan menghuni penjara kemudiannya atas kes masing-masing yang sedang dibicarakan, apakah Muhyiddin akhirnya akan menjadi Presiden UMNO dalam pemilihan parti itu tahun 2021 nanti? - ShahbudinHusin
Ekonomi Telur Retak Dan Beras Kilo...
Bila PM kata dia benarkan pengeluaran KWSP selama setahun untuk atasi masalah kewangan sebab Covid-19, bagi saja ia adalah satu penyelesaian band-aid. Yang betul-betul backup tindakan PM itu dan rasa ia satu tindakan yang bijak ia nya hanya membenarkan statistik dari Pakar Ekonomi yang kata 9 dari 10 rakyat Malaysia tiada walaupun RM 1000 dalam simpanan tu yang mereka rasa seronok\lega boleh keluar duit simpanan masa tua sendiri.
Tapi itu okay lagi, bila boleh keluarkan KWSP walaupun kurang dari 10K, masih ada juga duit. Yang tak ada KWSP macam mana? Yang berkerja dengan majikan konon2 Islamic, tapi socso, kwsp, insuran dia lepas tangan, hangpa nak cekau duit mana? Tu belum masuk yang kerja gaji hari atau berniaga tak ada simpanan? Makan pun based on duit rolling berniaga. Ni kalau 2 minggu tak berniaga nak makan duit rolling apa?
Tu sebab yang hak ada KWSP ini depa bukan cakna bab orang yang lagi susah dari depa; janji ada payslip boleh cagar wat beli Y15 kan? Hangpa tahu tak ada satu herarki masyarakat paling bawah yang beli telur yang dah retak, beli beras pun sekilo untuk sekali masak? Yang pakai air tapis bayar RM 20 sen satu liter padahal mesin tu tak pernah service bertahun dan potensi nak dapat sakit lagi tinggi dari minum direct dari paip?
Masyarakat macam ni yang kena bantu bagi duit cash/voucher makanan, kalau tak mereka akan kelaparan dan anak-anak mereka akan stunting. Tapi buat apa nak sibuk hal orang lain kan? Biar nafsi nasfi (diri sendiri) lah kan? Cuma jangan harap lah golongan macam ini untuk mendapat pembelaan untuk kerajaan sekarang, kalau yang atas pun duk sibuk mengatur ghanimah sesama mereka. Mereka hanya di perlukan ketika meraih undi, di hasut dengan politik perkauman sepanjang tahun, di kata bangsa lain yang curi rezeki mereka, lalu di campak tulang untuk di rebut beramai-ramai. Yang kat atas dah selesa ratah daging. Macam pernah dengar? - Mohd Mukhlis Mohd Sharif

After Screwed Up PM Din Will Give
Free Masks, Bought Only At RM1.18...
Some ignorant people say even at RM2 for a piece of face mask, the proposed 150% price hike by the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry was still cheaper than other countries. Perhaps they should explain why a Honda Accord costs only US$26,000 in the U.S. while the same car would cost you an arm and a leg in Malaysia – RM185,000.
China is a wizard in the global manufacturing sector. In fact, China is the world’s manufacturing superpower. The country now makes 200 million face masks a day – more than 20 times the amount it made at the start of February when it was seriously hit with the Coronavirus outbreak. Therefore, the price can actually fluctuate beyond imagination.
Hence, it was seen as a daylight robbery when the Muhyiddin government suddenly announced the price of 3-layer or three-ply face mask will be increased to RM2 from RM0.80 a pop – a whopping 150% jump. Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Alexander Nanta Linggi claimed that the price of face masks needed to be increased due to higher cost of production materials.
However, the previous government Pakatan Harapan (PH) had revealed that in their previous discussions with local manufacturers to boost the stocks to ensure sufficient supply of masks within the country, the government was supposed to purchase the face mask at only RM0.60 a piece. So far, the incompetent backdoor government of Muhyddin has neither denied nor rubbished the PH’s claims.
That was in essence an admission that the local manufacturers had indeed agreed to sell the 3-layer face mask at RM0.60 to the then-Pakatan Harapan government, which has since collapsed after Muhyiddin’s recent coup. And today (March 23), coming from the horse’s mouth, the prime minister announced that the government will purchase and give away face masks to all Malaysians – FOC.

Yes, after 3 weeks of insisting – like a broken record – that the country had sufficient face masks for everyone, PM Muhyiddin now indirectly admits for the first time that he had been lying after all. He said – “I have agreed and would like to announce that when it (face masks) reaches (Malaysia), we will distribute it for free to all Malaysians who need it. This is the contribution of the government during times of crisis.”
More importantly, the clueless prime minister, whose leadership is being questioned, has revealed that the masks will be purchased at around RM1.18 per piece. The cost of purchase will be absorbed by the government. Malay Mail reported that instructions have been given to the National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA) to expedite the order and shipment.
The revelation was as good as an admission that his government had unethically and shamelessly tried to profit from the ordinary people in times of Coronavirus pandemic. Even at RM1.18 a piece, the profit margin is close to 70% if the ceiling price of RM2 is enforced. Interestingly, the prime minister only gives away the candies after the proposed price hike triggered heavy criticism.
Had the people kept quiet despite the 150% price hike, chances are the corrupt Perikatan Nasional government would have proceeded in fleecing the people. Of course, giving away free masks now is nothing but an attempt to pacify angry folks, as well as to score some political brownie points after questions have been consistently raised as to why neighbouring Singapore can give free masks but not Malaysia.
However, this new orders is reportedly different from the 10-million face masks to be imported from China, which Transport Minister Wee Ka Siong had shamelessly taken credit after he claimed it was him who had recommended to PM Muhyiddin for the abolishment of the 20% import duty and 10% sales tax of the masks. The tax breaks were negotiated during the previous PH administration.

It’s believed that the 10-million imported face masks will be “parked” under Pharmaniaga, who is not only the sole concessionaire holder but also acts as a middleman of drugs and medical supply to public hospitals in the country. Pharmaniaga Bhd Group managing director Farshila Emran said on Monday (March 23) that it would not be able to spare any of the 10-million face masks for the public.
The statement from Pharmaniaga’s boss was not only arrogant but also irresponsible and short-sighted in the times of hardship when the people are left defenseless – they can’t buy any mask even at the inflated price of RM2 a piece. While 10-million face masks might not sound a lot, it actually translates to one third (30%) of Malaysia’s 32-million populations.
Hence, it sparks a burning question – why can’t the incompetent Muhyiddin government order Pharmaniaga to allocate, says 5-million face masks, to be distributed free to the public first while waiting for the new shipment of 10-million masks to arrive, after which the 5-million distributed masks can be reimbursed back into the inventory? Why can’t the masks be efficiently distributed?
Surely 5-million face masks are sufficient for medical frontliners in the immediate short term. The public is equally vulnerable and they are not pariah. Pharmaniaga MD Farshila claimed that the company had no intention to sell the masks but to distribute them as part of their corporate social responsibility. The company also boasted that they don’t take advantage of the pandemic to make money.
If that’s true, why can’t the company be flexible in the distribution of the face masks to protect both the medical frontliners and the public at the same time – parallel multitasking? Regardless, Muhyiddin Yassin must explain why the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry was allowed to raise the price of face mask to RM2 when the commodity could be imported for just RM1.18 a piece. - FT

Man infected with Covid-19 dies after
trying Trump-recommended medicine...
However, a Phoenix man and his wife self-medicated with chloroquine as a precaution against coronavirus and, according to Arizona’s Banner Health, the treatment killed the man and hospitalized his wife in critical condition. The hospital is now warning others not to try the same thing.
“Given the uncertainty around COVID-19, we understand that people are trying to find new ways to prevent or treat this virus, but self-medicating is not the way to do so,” said Dr. Daniel Brooks, Banner Poison and Drug Information Center medical director.

“The last thing that we want right now is to inundate our emergency departments with patients who believe they found a vague and risky solution that could potentially jeopardize their health.”
It’s crucial that people with coronavirus are aware of the dangers surrounding chloroquine, because Trump’s enthusiastic and incorrect endorsement of the drug caused a surge in interest worldwide.
“It’s been around for a long time, so we know that if it—if things don’t go as planned, it’s not going to kill anybody,” Trump said, erroneously.
After his talk with reporters, the FDA had to release a statement correcting the record, noting that they’re still investigating whether or not chloroquine could be a suitable treatment option for coronavirus.
“There are no FDA-approved therapeutics or drugs to treat, cure or prevent COVID-19,” the agency said. - Daily News

1 comment:
Aku akan pastikan muhyiddin yassin kekal ...in sya allah semuanya dgn izin allah swt pada mahathir udah² ler pie dok amal ibadat ...aku pro tapi byk kebaikan dan tindakan pantas yg di ambil oleh muhyiddin utk bantu rakyat in sya allah ,allah akan hadirkan bantuan pd nya
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