12 May 2015

Polis ugut aktivist tahanan reman,"Kau nak aku rogol kau?...

Tahanan reman diugut rogol di balai polis...

Seorang wanita yang menyertai himpunan anti-GST pada 1 Mei lalu mendakwa dia diugut untuk dirogol oleh polis ketika disoal siasat di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Dang Wangi.

Berikutan ugutan itu, Maisara Amira, 21
(gambar atas), membuat laporan polis di IPD Petaling Jaya pada 6 Mei.

Maisara berkata, dia menuntut kesnya disiasat di balai polis berlainan - dan bukannya oleh anggota di IPD Dang Wangi - kerana bimbang berlaku salah guna kuasa dan ketidakadilan.

Dia turut menuntut polis menubuhkan pasukan siasatan bebas untuk menyiasat kes berkenaan.

Dua kali kena ugut

Maisara ditangkap polis selepas menyertai perhimpunan itu dan direman selama empat hari bersama 22 yang lain.

Sehari sebelum remannya berakhir (pada 5 Mei) Maisara berkata, dia dibawa ke sebuah bilik soal siasat dan dijaga tiga anggota polis, termasuk dua lelaki.

Maisara  mendakwa dia memilih untuk berdiam diri ketika disoal siasat namun tiba-tiba salah seorang daripada anggota polis lelaki terbabit mengeluarkan kata-kata berupa ugutan, iaitu "Kau nak aku rogol kau? Dalam bilik ini kau dengan aku je ada. Sebab bilik ini ada kamera dengan mic, kalau jual aku boleh kaya."

Anggota Cawangan Khas?

Walaupun diugut begitu, Maisara berkata dia masih berdiam diri dan enggan memberi sebarang reaksi, namun anggota polis itu mengugutnya lagi.

Kata Maisara, anggota polis lelaki itu berkata lagi: "Macam ni lah, aku bagi kau peluang. Kau jawab semua soalan yang ditanya oleh cik ni (anggota polis perempuan). Kalau tak, aku akan suruh dia keluar. Aku yang akan masuk dalam. Kau settle dengan aku."

Menurut Maisara lagi dia berasa sangat takut melihat sikap anggota polis itu namun tetap berdiam diri.

Maisara mengesyaki polis yang mengugutnya itu adalah anggota dari Cawangan Khas (SB) kerana dia tidak berpakaian seragam serta tiada tanda nama pada bajunya.

Maisara berkata kejadian itu membawa trauma kepadanya menyebabkan dia sentiasa berasa tidak selamat.

"Saya rasa hak saya sebagai wanita perlu dipertahankan dan diambil perhatian.

Akhlak tak baik

"Ini perkara serius. Ugutan rogol tidak seharusnya berlaku ketika proses siasatan," katanya di sidang media di pejabat Persatuan Kesedaran Komuniti Selangor (Empower) hari ini.

Sementara itu bapa Maisara, Mohamad Asmadi menyeru Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar menjalankan siasatan menyeluruh supaya pihak yang berkenaan dibawa ke muka pengadilan.

"Pak cik sedihlah. Akhlaknya tak baik. Bukan macam itu jadi pegawai polis. Biar akhlak mulia, biar orang percaya polis.

"Sekarang pak cik nak keluar ke mana-mana pun tidak boleh tinggalkan anak, tak bebas," katanya.

Turut hadir di sidang media itu, peguam Maisara, Sivamalar Genapathy dan Pengarah Eksekutif Empower, Maria Chin Abdullah.- mk

Cop threaten to rape GST rally-goer, sell video...

A 21 year-old girl who was allegedly threatened with rape by a cop is in a traumatised state and too terrified to return to the Dang Wangi police station where the incident took place, to have her statement recorded over her participation in the anti-GST May Day rally.

Speaking to reporters at the Persatuan Kesedaran Komuniti Selangor (Empower) office here today, Maisarah Amira related her horrifying experience, alleging that a plainclothes officer threatened her with rape when she refused to answer any of his questions at the Dang Wangi police station in the morning of the rally where she was detained.

“Kau nak aku rogol kau? (Do you want me to rape you?)”, the policeman was alleged to have asked.

“There is only me and you alone in this room and the room has cameras fitted with mics. If I sold the recording, I can be rich,” the policeman allegedly said.

She said that despite the alleged threat, she refused to answer him, prompting him to then apologise for his harshness.

He also tried convincing her to cooperate with him but when she refused, he allegedly said that he would send the female officer out of the room and “settle” with her alone instead.

“I am traumatised and very scared now because of that incident,” Maisarah said.

Her father too was extremely worried for his daughter’s safety, adding, “I can never feel safe when she is out alone.”

Maisarah’s lawyer, Sivamalar Genapathy said that it was unacceptable that the Dang Wangi police chief, Zainol Samah was now saying that her client had yet to turn up at the Dang Wangi police station to further assist in investigations.

“When the police called us up last Friday, we already told them that we made a police report at the Petaling Jaya police station (regarding the alleged rape threat) because we wanted an independent police investigation into this matter,” Sivamalar said.

“We will give the police 48 hours to commence investigations and we are ready to cooperate,” Sivamalar said.

“We want another police station to investigate (the rape threat) as we need a transparent and accountable investigation,” she stressed.

Maisarah also stated her willingness to cooperate by identifying the officer who allegedly threatened her.

Maisarah’s second counsel, Faizal Rahman meanwhile said that despite a complaint being filed, police were dragging their feet on investigations into the alleged rape threat.

He said if police continued to keep silent over the matter, a letter would be sent to the officer in charge of the police district to decide in which police district headquarters besides Dang Wangi, the investigations could be held in.

Maisarah was the only woman among 28 protestors nabbed on May 1 and taken to the Dang Wangi police station to have their statements taken.- fmt

Cops get 12 years’ prison for raping Indonesian woman

Tabung Haji mengaku beli terbitan sukuk Bandar Malaysia...
Story kat SINI dan SINI

Story kat SINI dan SINI   

Balun RM2 kena penjara 2 tahun.
Balun juta² boleh joli sakan 1 dunia. 
Tiada di negara lain melainkan Malaysia..


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