26 April 2015

Hapuskan GST - Dr M / Jho Low balun AS$330 juta duit 1MDB...

Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad menggesa supaya dibatalkan sahaja cukai barangan dan perkhidmatan (GST).

"Saya fikir batal sajalah," katanya disambut tepukan gemuruh kira-kira 500 hadirin di sebuah forum di Kuala Lumpur hari ini.

Mahathir berkata demikian ketika ditanya sama ada GST perlu diteruskan, atau disemak semula kadar 6 peratus yang dikenakan, atau dibatalkan.

"Dulu ada cukai jualan. Kalau nak tambah sikit cukai jualan, itu ok.

"Tapi nak perkenalkan satu sistem yang pegawai sendiri pun tak faham," katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian di majlis 'Bicara Negarawan: Anda Tidak Keseorangan, anjuran gabungan NGO Prihatin.

Badan masyarakat sivil dan pihak pembangkang mendakwa GST akan membebankan rakyat, dan mahu ia dimansuhkan.

Mereka mendakwa bukan masanya untuk rakyat Malaysia dikenakan cukai penggunaan, kerana kadar upah yang rendah bagi golongan berpendapatan rendah dan sederhana, tidak mencukupi untuk menampung kos sara hidup yang meningkat.

Bagaimanapun Mahathir, yang juga penasihat Proton, secara berseloroh berkata, kereta nasional lebih murah selepas cukai itu dilaksanakan pada 1 April.

"Harga kereta Proton telah menjadi lebih murah. Jadi, kalau nak beli kereta Proton, belilah," katanya.- mk

GST should just be abolished, says Mahathir...

Former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad has called for the goods and services tax (GST) to be abolished.

"I think it should just be abolished," he said, receiving a thunderous applause from the 500-strong crowd at a forum in Kuala Lumpur today.

Mahathir said this when asked if the GST should stay as it is, or have its 6 percent rate revised or scrapped.

"Before, there was the sales tax. If you want to hike the sales tax a little, that's ok.

"But you are introducing a system that even the officers don't understand," he said.

He was speaking at the 'Bicara Negarawan: You Are Not Alone' talk organised by NGO coalition Prihatin.

Civil society groups and the opposition have claimed that the GST will burden the people, and want it abolished.

They claim the time is not right for Malaysians to be charged a consumption tax, as depressed wages for the lower and middle income groups were not enough to meet rising cost of living.

However Mahathir, who is also Proton adviser, quipped that the national cars were cheaper after the tax was implemented on April 1.

"The price of Proton cars have become cheaper. So if you want to buy Proton cars, go ahead," he said. - mk

Even my roti canai,tosai and chappati from the stall has gone up by 20sen. Thats a 20% increase and the stupid Menteris say food items NO GST...T/S

Sebanyak AS $ 330mil disalurkan kepada Jho Low...

Dalam satu lagi pendedahan mengenai 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), laman web pemberi maklumat Sarawak Report mendakwa mempunyai dokumen-dokumen baru yang menunjukkan bahawa USD$330 juta bertujuan untuk PetroSaudi International, sebenarnya telah didepositkan ke dalam akaun ahli perniagaan Low Taek Jho.

Dalam artikel hari ini, laman web tersebut memaklumkan bahawa penyiasat2 itu mempunyai dokumen2 yang menunjukkan suatu permohonan daripada 1MDB kepada Bank Negara untuk memindahkan amaun tersebut ke akaun PetroSaudi.

Walau bagaimanapun, Sarawak Report berkata ia mempunyai rekod2 yang menunjukkan amaun yang didakwa itu telah dimasukkan ke akaun Good Star Limited sebaliknya, iaitu sebuah syarikat yang kononnya dikawal oleh Jho Low. 

Ini adalah tambahan kepada USD$700 juta yang pertama kali dideahkan dalam apa yang disebut 'Heist of the century' dalam penyiasatan dibuat bersama dengan Sunday Times,London yang telah mendakwa jumlah USD$700 disalurkan ke akaun Jho Low, berdasarkan maklumat2 e-mel yang bocor dan sehingga kini masih belum dinafikan oleh pihak berkenaan.

"Sekarang, para penyiasat rasmi telah pastikan bahawa sejumlah USD$330 juta, yang 1MDB telah mendapatkan kelulusan untuk memberi pinjaman kepada PetroSaudi pada Mei 2011, juga semua terus masuk ke dalam akaun Good Star Limited, milik Jho Law," kata Sarawak Report.

Ia mendakwa,Bank Negara telah memberi kelulusan untuk 1MDB supaya memberi pinjaman kepada syarikat usaha sama 1MDB,PetroSaudi Limited, bagi membiayai "pelaburan secara berterusan di luar negeri dalam sektor minyak dan gas".

Bank Negara didakwa telah meluluskan pindahan tersebut untuk meneruskan perkongsian global dalam sektor tenaga dan menggalakkan pelaburan langsung asing ke Malaysia.

Walau bagaimanapun, di dalam laporan itu tidak disebut nama Good Star Limited dalam permohonan 1MDB, dan tidak ada kelulusan untuk syarikat itu menerima wang tersebut.

'Laporan ITIS mengelirukan'

Sarawak Report memaklumkan bahawa US$330 juta telah dibankkan dalam empat 'tranche'(bahagian) berasingan ke akaun Good Star,Zurich terus dari dua bank Malaysia.

International Transactions Information System(ITIS) telah melaporkan kepada Bank Negara, menyatakan bahawa wang tersebut  telah dimasukkan ke dalam akaun syarikat induk 1MDB,PetroSaudi di Switzerland.

Sarawak Report mendakwa laporan ITIS kepada Bank Negara adalah mengelirukan dan bertanya, siapakah yang memberikan maklumat bahawa Good Star Limited adalah anak syarikat PetroSaudi International.

Sebelum ini, dalam satu temu bual dengan majalah perniagaan bulanan Euromoney, Jho Low berkata walaupun 1MDB telah meminta nasihat beliau mengenai perkara-perkara tertentu, beliau tidak pernah mendapat keuntungan daripadanya dan tidak mempunyai peranan rasmi dalam firma itu.

Jho Low mendakwa hubungannya dengan syarikat 1MDB ialah ketika dia membantu menubuhkan Lembaga Pelaburan Terengganu - pendahulunya(predecessor) 1MDB.

Jho Law juga menuduh UMNO sebagai tukang belit dan memainkan isu  kaum dengan mengaitkan tawaran2 lumayan 1MDB kepadanya.

1MDB, sebelum ini enggan komen mengenai dakwaan ini.

Another US$330mil channelled to Jho Low...

In yet another expose on 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), whistleblower website Sarawak Report claims it has new documents to show that USD$330 million meant for partner PetroSaudi International has actually been deposited to businessman Low Taek Jho.

In an article today, the website said its investigators have documents showing an application by 1MDB to Bank Negara for the amount to be transferred to PetroSaudi.

However, Sarawak Report said it has in possession records showing the amount was allegedly banked in to Good Star Limited instead, a company purportedly controlled by Low, popularly known as Jho Low.

This is in addition to the USD$700 million it said in its first expose 'Heist of the century' in investigations made jointly with London's Sunday Times, had allegedly been siphoned off to Low, based on leaked emails that to date have not been denied.

"Now, official investigators have ascertained that a further USD$330 million, which 1MDB had sought approval to lend to PetroSaudi in May 2011, also all went straight to Good Star Limited instead," said Sarawak Report.

It claimed, Bank Negara had approved for 1MDB to lend money to joint venture company 1MDB PetroSaudi Limited to “finance on-going overseas investment in the oil and gas sector”.

Bank Negara had allegedly approved the tranfer to pursue global partnership in the energy sector and promote foreign direct investments into Malaysia.

However, there was reportedly no mention of Good Star in 1MDB's application, nor was there approval for it to receive the money.

'ITIS report misleading'

Sarawak Report claims the US$330 million was banked in on four separate tranches directly from two Malaysian banks into Good Star's Zurich account.

It says the International Transactions Information System (ITIS) reports to Bank Negara then stated that the money had gone into the account of 1MDB PetroSaudi's parent company account in Switzerland.

Sarawak Report claims the ITIS report to Bank Negara is misleading and questions who provided the information that Good Star Limited was a subsidiary company of PetroSaudi International.

In an earlier interview with business monthly Euromoney, Jho Low had said that although 1MDB had sought his advice on certain matters, he had never profited from it and has no official role in the firm.

He claimed that his only links with the company was that he had helped set up the Terengganu Investment Authority - 1MDB's predecessor.

He has also accused Umno spin masters of playing the racial card in pinning 1MDB's allegedly questionable deals on him.

The whistleblower website has been publishing a series of exposes linked to 1MDB dealings.

A brainchild of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, 1MDB is currently being audited by the Auditor-General's Department, which will vet the accounts of the company since its inception in 2009; a report will be submitted to Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee.

1MDB has previously refused comments on these allegations. - mk,(terjemahan oleh TS)

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