In a little while, we will all know
whether Anwar Ibrahim will go to jail for the second time and forfeit
his position as a duly elected Member of Parliament and as Opposition
leader for the second time.
But this is not about Anwar. It's about us.
The difference the judgment makes is whether we will continue to sink deeper into the cesspool of hopelessness, despair, and fear as a nation, or will we dare to begin to dream of a better Malaysia, a country we can all proudly call home.
We either end up as a buggered banana republic or an emerging nation-state ready to take our place among the newly rich countries.
The judiciary is at a crossroad too but it's the people who will judge them.
The bench concerned will go down in history as wise, just and righteous men, or as those who poison the fount of justice to the extent that people in need of adjudication would rather go thirsty than to drink from it.
The attorney general, and through his advice to the cabinet, principally the prime minister, too, is at a crossroad and under scrutiny.
One turn takes us back into the old century while the other one takes us to a brave new world.
Najib Razak cannot wash his hands off the Anwar trial. Minimally, he's part of the collective scandal to charge Anwar. Thrice. The first two under Dr Mahathir Mohamad and now, under his very own leadership.
The right question
Many a time, well-meaning friends wanted to know the inside story regarding Anwar simply because I am a journalist. Is Anwar a bugger? This really bugs me.
How do I know; I have not seen him doing it.
One gets the wrong answers from the wrong questions.
The right question is, did Anwar get a fair trial – first time round and now?
The right answer is, no!
We need to remember Anwar was at the prime of his career then as deputy president of Umno and deputy prime minister when then prime minister Dr Mahathir got him thrown into the slammer for six years on trumped up charges of sodomy.
If they can do that to Anwar – a Malay, a Muslim, and an Umno leader with Islamic credentials – they can do that to just about anyone.
You and I have no protection under the law under this kind of regime. That explains the exodus of Malaysians for foreign shores since Anwar's jailing.
Do the right thing
This is what it's all about. It's about decency. It's about playing by the rules. It's about having a government with integrity.
There's really no case against Anwar this time just as there was no case against him previously.
Anwar should be set free unless there are compelling reasons not to. There's no need to be fixated nor preoccupied with trivialities of the law surrounding this case.
We need to ask; did this man get a fair trial? That, fundamentally, is the whole purpose of the law.
But this is not about Anwar. It's about us.
The difference the judgment makes is whether we will continue to sink deeper into the cesspool of hopelessness, despair, and fear as a nation, or will we dare to begin to dream of a better Malaysia, a country we can all proudly call home.
We either end up as a buggered banana republic or an emerging nation-state ready to take our place among the newly rich countries.
The judiciary is at a crossroad too but it's the people who will judge them.
The bench concerned will go down in history as wise, just and righteous men, or as those who poison the fount of justice to the extent that people in need of adjudication would rather go thirsty than to drink from it.
The attorney general, and through his advice to the cabinet, principally the prime minister, too, is at a crossroad and under scrutiny.
One turn takes us back into the old century while the other one takes us to a brave new world.
Najib Razak cannot wash his hands off the Anwar trial. Minimally, he's part of the collective scandal to charge Anwar. Thrice. The first two under Dr Mahathir Mohamad and now, under his very own leadership.
The right question
Many a time, well-meaning friends wanted to know the inside story regarding Anwar simply because I am a journalist. Is Anwar a bugger? This really bugs me.
How do I know; I have not seen him doing it.
One gets the wrong answers from the wrong questions.
The right question is, did Anwar get a fair trial – first time round and now?
The right answer is, no!
We need to remember Anwar was at the prime of his career then as deputy president of Umno and deputy prime minister when then prime minister Dr Mahathir got him thrown into the slammer for six years on trumped up charges of sodomy.
If they can do that to Anwar – a Malay, a Muslim, and an Umno leader with Islamic credentials – they can do that to just about anyone.
You and I have no protection under the law under this kind of regime. That explains the exodus of Malaysians for foreign shores since Anwar's jailing.
Do the right thing
This is what it's all about. It's about decency. It's about playing by the rules. It's about having a government with integrity.
There's really no case against Anwar this time just as there was no case against him previously.
Anwar should be set free unless there are compelling reasons not to. There's no need to be fixated nor preoccupied with trivialities of the law surrounding this case.
We need to ask; did this man get a fair trial? That, fundamentally, is the whole purpose of the law.
In Anwar's case, the dice is loaded.
Anwar has actually faced three trials. Following his sacking, he was tried for the first time in 1998 (for corruption relating to the sodomy case) and convicted in 1999 by the High Court and sentenced to six years. Both cases failed at the Court of Appeal and the Federal Court subsequently.
On June 7, 1999, he was charged with sodomy and convicted; the Federal Court acquitted him on appeal in 2004.
By that time Dr Mahathir was forced to step down after 23 years of running the country with an iron fist and replaced by Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
The talk was it was Abdullah who secured Anwar's acquittal.
This only served to validate allegations that the judiciary can be manipulated; first to serve Mahathir's purposes, then Abdullah's.
Abdullah called for fresh elections in 2004 and received an unprecedented electoral victory – the biggest in history – for saving Anwar's skin.
Seeking a reversal
In 2008, Anwar was charged for sodomy again but was acquitted four years later. But the prosecution went to the Court of Appeal and got the acquittal overturned.
The case is now before the Federal Court where Anwar is seeking a reversal of fortunes.
Anwar issued a statement, on Aug 18, 2014, after the dates for his current appeal was fixed – alleging Najib's involvement in that he had met the accuser Saiful Bukhari, Anwar's former aide, on June 24, 2008, which is two days before Saiful claims the alleged incident took place.
"This is blatant conspiracy staring us in the face!” Anwar said.
Meanwhile, out of prison, Anwar proved to be the most lethal for Umno, the dominant Malay party in the 14-component ruling coalition.
In the 2008 general elections, the incumbent regime under Abdullah (right) was nearly wiped out, losing its critical two-third majority in Parliament which had allowed it to amend the constitution at will for the past half a century it was in power.
It also lost Selangor and Penang, the industrial powerhouse of the nation, as well as Kedah and Perak, while failing to regain Kelantan from Pas, the opposition Islamic party.
When Najib Razak, who had taken over the premiership from Abdullah, decided to call for fresh elections in 2013 in order to seek a popular mandate, he was rebuffed by an angry electorate.
The regime lost its popular mandate for the first time in history, with the opposition garnering 52 percent share of the popular vote. The writing is on the wall.
Putting Anwar Ibrahim back behind bars is not going to alter the path of history on the march. It's the court of public opinion that matters really.
Never mind even if justice chooses to be blind.- mk
Anwar has actually faced three trials. Following his sacking, he was tried for the first time in 1998 (for corruption relating to the sodomy case) and convicted in 1999 by the High Court and sentenced to six years. Both cases failed at the Court of Appeal and the Federal Court subsequently.
On June 7, 1999, he was charged with sodomy and convicted; the Federal Court acquitted him on appeal in 2004.
By that time Dr Mahathir was forced to step down after 23 years of running the country with an iron fist and replaced by Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
The talk was it was Abdullah who secured Anwar's acquittal.
This only served to validate allegations that the judiciary can be manipulated; first to serve Mahathir's purposes, then Abdullah's.
Abdullah called for fresh elections in 2004 and received an unprecedented electoral victory – the biggest in history – for saving Anwar's skin.
Seeking a reversal
In 2008, Anwar was charged for sodomy again but was acquitted four years later. But the prosecution went to the Court of Appeal and got the acquittal overturned.
The case is now before the Federal Court where Anwar is seeking a reversal of fortunes.
Anwar issued a statement, on Aug 18, 2014, after the dates for his current appeal was fixed – alleging Najib's involvement in that he had met the accuser Saiful Bukhari, Anwar's former aide, on June 24, 2008, which is two days before Saiful claims the alleged incident took place.
"This is blatant conspiracy staring us in the face!” Anwar said.
Meanwhile, out of prison, Anwar proved to be the most lethal for Umno, the dominant Malay party in the 14-component ruling coalition.
In the 2008 general elections, the incumbent regime under Abdullah (right) was nearly wiped out, losing its critical two-third majority in Parliament which had allowed it to amend the constitution at will for the past half a century it was in power.
It also lost Selangor and Penang, the industrial powerhouse of the nation, as well as Kedah and Perak, while failing to regain Kelantan from Pas, the opposition Islamic party.
When Najib Razak, who had taken over the premiership from Abdullah, decided to call for fresh elections in 2013 in order to seek a popular mandate, he was rebuffed by an angry electorate.
The regime lost its popular mandate for the first time in history, with the opposition garnering 52 percent share of the popular vote. The writing is on the wall.
Putting Anwar Ibrahim back behind bars is not going to alter the path of history on the march. It's the court of public opinion that matters really.
Never mind even if justice chooses to be blind.- mk
Kenapa Anwar wajib dipenjara...
Nobat merpati di gunung.
Memberi salam nuri di pintu.
Berbeka burung di bumbungan.
Berkokok si tambang denak.
Bertitir ketitir jantan.
Berkubu balam tembaga tiga gaya'
Surah yang ditulis ini aku harapkan akan dihanyutkan air dari gunung melimpah ke sungai dari sungai mengalir ke laut. Surah ini aku harapkan akan akan diterbangkan angin naik ke awan. Jatuh di awan disambar helang dan gagak untuk disebar ke Kampung Hulu dan Kampung Hilir. Hendaknya.
Titir canang pemanggil.
Pukul tabuh larangan.
Palu gong pelaung.
Aku amat amat yakin pada Selasa 28 haribulan Oktober 2014 ini nanti Anwar Ibrahim akan dipenjara. Rayuan Anwar akan meleset dan gagal. Lima orang Tuan Hakim termasuk Ketua Hakim Negara yang akan menjadi Pengerusi Sidang Mahkamah Rayuan ini akan mendapati Anwar bersalah.
Inilah surah songsang yang aku bawa. Sabar dahulu, biar aku huraikan kenapa Si Anwar ini akan dipenjara. Kau baca dahulu apa yang aku tulis ini. Satelah selesai bacaan maka kau berbunyilah sehendaknya.
Aku berani menulis sedemikian kerana dari apa yang aku amat-amati telah jelas. Bagaikan terang lagi bersuluh. Bagaikan telefon telah berdering. Bagaikan durian sudah dapat aku ciumi. Semua babak-babak politik yang berlaku kebelakangan ini menyatakan bahawa Si Anwar ini akan masuk penjara.
Awal-awal duhulu aku memiliki pandangan bahawa 'tidak mungkin' Si Anwar ini dihantar ke Sungai Buluh atau Kajang. Kenapa aku beralih pandangan. Apakah aku telah ditumbuk rusuk hingga terbatuk-batuk? Jawabnya tidak. Realpolitik – uberpolitik kata orang German – meyakinkan aku bahawa Anwar akan dipenjara.
Awal wahid: Pada hemat aku memasukkan Anwar ke penjara ini adalah satu pelaburan Najib dan Rosmah yang paling lumayan. Umum telah mengetahui bagaimana Najib dan Rosmah bersama Saiful didakwa telah bersama merancang untuk memerangkap Anwar.
Inilah buktinya - satu pelaburan murah tetapi pulangan yang amat lumayan. Najib dan Rosmah meraih pulangan yang tidak terhingga.
Apakah para pembaca telah lupa bagaimana juru lecok dan juru heboh Mahathir telah berleter tentang Najib seorang Perdana Menteri yang manai. Najib lebih lembik dari Dolah Badawi. Apakah perlu aku ingatkan tentang Kadir Jasin dan Zainuddin Mydin telah secara terbuka memukul canang memberi tanda bahawa Najib Razak wajib ditendang jika United Malays National Organisation mahu selamat. Dalam firasat dua ekor budak suruhan Anak Lelaki Iskandar Kutty ini Najib adalah 'jantan lembik' yang tidak bermaya dan tidak bertenaga untuk mengemudikan agenda – ketuanan Melayu. Najib wajib diganti.
Justeru apabila Anwar dipenjara ini ialah sebotol Viagra yang ditelan Najib. Dengan pantas Najib akan naik 'ngang' dan memiliki syawat keberanian untuk melakukan sesuatu. Selama ini di laman media sosial – di Facebook, blog dan di Tweter - Najib digambarkan sebagai Jantan Mandul yang takut kepada bini. Imej Najib kena 'rojak kangkang' ini telah tersebar meluas. Dakwaan kesah-kesah Rosmah menengking Najib secara terbuka telah menjadi rahsia umum.
Aku wajib mengingatkan pembaca bahawa yang membebaskan Anwar Ibrahim ialah Abdullah Badawi. Tun Dolah sosok yang warak ini juga adalah musuh ketat Anak Lelaki Iskandar Kutty. Justeru, dengan memasukkan Anwar sekali lagi ke penjara pasti akan menggembirakan Anak Lelaki Iskandar Kutty gembira. Satu KPI untuk Najib.
Pada hemat aku masa dan saat untuk Anwar ke penjara ialah 28 haribulan ini. Ini tarikh yang tepat. Aku tidak perlu mencari Raja Bomoh atau berjumpa Harun Din untuk menilik air di pinggan. Aku sendiri boleh meramalkan apa yang akan berlaku minggu depan. Pergolakan politik terkini meyakinkan aku bahawa Anwar akan kena.
Pada ketika ini Pakatan Rakyat tidak sekuat ketika mula menang PRU13 dahulu. Apabila Sultan Selangor memungut Azmin Ali untuk menjadi Menteri Besar ini membuktikan bahawa Pakatan Rakyat tidak lagi kompak dan padu. Malah Sultan Selangor telah menerangkan kenapa Baginda memungut Azmin Ali. Menurut Sultan ini kerana wujudnya perbalahan dalam Pakatan. Ini kata-kata Sultan Selangor. Kata-kata ini tepat sekali.
Apakah perlu aku melakarkan bukti tentang apa yang terjadi dalam Pakatan. Apakah para pembaca telah mula lupa tentang perangai dan kelakuan Hadi Awang yang berdolak dalik? Haji Hadi yang kini dianggap Jaguh You Turn adalah salah satu punca yang menjadikan Pakatan Rakyat tidak keras padu.
Kelakuan Hadi Awang yang berdolak dalik ini telah memberahikan nafsu syahwat Najib untuk bongkar dan mengembang. Najib merasa dan melihat Pakatan tidak 'solid' lagi. Dalam masa yang sama umum juga telah diberitahu bahawa wujudnya satu gerombolan yang menamakan diri mereka “Youji”. Gerombolan ini dikatakan telah 'bersulit-sulit dan bercanda-canda' dengan Najib. Bila aku mencongak pada 29 haribulan ini gerombolan Youji ini pasti akan 'bersyukur' Anwar Ibrahim dipenjara.
Di sini biar aku buka labon sejarah - pada 20 September 1998 apabila Anwar Ibrahim ditangkap – dia adalah bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri Malaysia dan juga Timbalan Presiden Parti Gerombolan Ketuanan Melayu. Penangkapan Anwar ini memeranjatkan Minah dan Mamat dari hujung kampong hingga ke ceruk Felda. Penangkapan ini telah menjemput ribuan warga dan anak muda untuk berpolitik di jalan raya. Bentrokan dan pertempuran hebat berlaku di jalan raya. Ramai yang cedera dan ramai yang ditangkap.
Pada 28 haribulan nanti aku yakin tidak ramai yang akan datang ke Mahkamah di Putrajaya. Ini bukan kerana tidak ada sokongan kepada Anwar. Sokongan masih teguh. Apa yang kurang ialah generasi anak-anak muda yang membesar 15 tahun lalu kurang arif tentang sejarah.
Aku juga yakin bahawa pemenjaraan Anwar ini amat-amat disukai oleh Cucu Iskandar Kutty dan Menantu Dolah Badawi. Khairy Jamluddin dan Mukhriz pasti menyimpan niat untuk menjadi ketua Gerombolan Ketuanan Melayu. Budak dua ekor ini pasti melihat Anwar Ibrahim ini sebagai penghalang projek mereka untuk menjarah harta kekayaan negara ini.
Akhirnya dalam surah songsang ini aku wajib menjelaskan bahawa kes Saiful ini bukan hal undang-undang atau hukum hakam atau Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Ia juga pada hemat aku tidak ada sangkut paut dengan agama-agama, dengan Islam, dengan Tok Arab, dengan ilmu fekah atau ilmu tajwid.
Ia juga bukan tentang bahan bukti, atau tentang keterangan saksi atau juga alibi atau tentang bagaimana undang-undang dan hukum wajib di fahami. Ianya juga tidak ada sangkut paut dengan semangat perundangan atau pun bersangkutan dengan Piagam Hak Asasi Manusia yang digunapakai oleh Bangsa Bangsa Bersatu.
Anwar Ibrahim dipenjara untuk menyelamatkan United Malays National Organisation dari runtuh terbarai. Anwar Ibrahim dipenjara untuk tujuan politik. Anwar Ibrahim dipenjara untuk memastikan Pakatan Rakyat akan kucar kacir dan koyak rabak.
Selagi sosok yang bernama Anwar Ibrahim dapat bergerak bebas. Selagi Anwar Ibrahim dapat berhadapan dengan Mak Cik dan Pak Cik di kampung. Selagi Anwar Ibrahim dapat berkata kepada media. Selagi Anwar Ibrahim dapat berucap di luar negara – nyawa dan nafas United Malays National Organisation akan menjadi sesak dan pendek.
Sama ada Haji Hadi menerima hakikat ini, sama ada Nik Abduh menerima hakikat ini, sama ada Harun Din menerima hakikat bahawa sosok Anwar Ibrahim inilah yang melahirkan ikatan setiakawan antara PAS, DAP dan PKR. Benci bagaimana pun seseorang terhadap Anwar Ibrahim – mereka tidak akan dapat menafikan apa yang aku tulis ini.
Tanda dan makna telah aku lakar. Aku ingin ingatkan bagaimana datuk nenek moyang kita mengira hari;
Tengah malam sudah terlampu.
Dinihari belum lagi tampak.
Budak budak dua kali jaga.
Orang muda pulang bertandang.
Orang tua berkalih tidur.
Embun jantan rintik rintik.
Bunyi kuang jauh ke tengah.
Sering lanting riang di rimba.
Melenguh lembu di padang.
Sambut menguak kerbau di kandang.
Berkokok mandung merak mengigal.
Fajar sedang menyingsing naik.
Kicak kicau bunyi murai.
Tak tibau melambung tinggi.
Berkuku balam di hujung bendul.
Terdengut puyuh panjang bunyi.
Puntung sejengkal panjang sejari.
Itulah alamat hari nak siang.
Inilah tanda Anwar akan dipenjara. - Hishamuddin Rais,mk
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