Speaking to reporters at the Parliament lobby, Awang said the donations flagged were made to one of three personal bank accounts set up in 2004 for the purpose of funding programmes in Bachok, Kelantan, where he is Umno division chief.
"Many companies give donations to fund social programmes for the people of Bachok, my division. I have all the records, of who the money comes from and what it is used for,” he said.
“A special officer handles this and I will hand (the records) over the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).”
Awang said donations, in the form of cheques and cash, are used for programmes like Hari Raya aid of RM100 per family for 4,000 families and English-language tuition classes for students in 33 primary schools.
"I accept all donations, unless it comes with vested interests, like giving a donation to get a contract. I don't have anything to do with the award of contracts as it is all done at committee level and I am just a deputy minister," he said.
He said the Johor Umno division leader who is alleged to have placed the deposits in order to obtain a government contract, has been a "long time donor".
"I don't give my donors anything," he said, adding that most of them are "friends" who want to help him meet expectations of the people of Bachok who seek assistance.
He stressed that "none of the money is for personal use" and that he is a "very transparent person".
"I even come here to volunteer information," he said.
No link tp PM and DPM's aides
The anonymous blogger, 'Thewhistleblower711', had alleged that Awang had received more than RM100,000 in "contributions" in stages from the Johor leader whose company won a Public Works Department contract.
The contract was to provide services to Bangunan Sultan Iskandar, previously known as the Customs, Immigration and Quarantine Building, and the adjacent Johor Bahru Sentral.
Apart from Awang, the blogger had named two aides to the prime minister and deputy prime minister.
Asked about this, Awang said he has no inkling as to why the duo have been named and said he has no links to them.
"My conscience is clear," he added.
The blogger had also published purported copies of the cheques and cash deposit receipts involved in the transactions.
The MACC has confirmed that it is investigating the matter.
Awang Adek akui terima deposit, tapi...
Multi Racial - Well, this is a clear cut corruption. He should resign immediately. It is shame that he even got the gut to explain that the money received is for something else. If this is accepted, then there is no case for any corruption because whenever someone is caught they will just explain the money is for politics. NO WONDER, ONLY A HANDFUL CRITICISED SHAHRIZAT CASE OF OBVIOUS CORRUPTIONS AS MANY ARE IN THE SAME BOAT. IF UMNO MEMBERS WANT TO SAVE THEIR PARTY, THEY HAVE TO COME OUT TO INSIST ALL THESE LEADERS BE CHARGED OTHERWISE IT WILL NOT ONLY BRING DOWN UMNO BUT ALSO THE COUNTRY IF SUCH PRACTICE ALLOWED TO BE CONTINUED. Nevermind if UMNO members refuse to do anything. Malaysians MUST come out in full force to get rid of those CORRUPTED, RACISTS and RELIGION EXTREMISTS in the next general election. They must not be allowed to serve in parliament and state assembly. They will not just bring shame to the country but also bring down the country as well.
Anonymous_3e86 - CASH being deposited into his PERSONAL account? This is a recipe for corruption. What cock-and-bull story is he telling this time? He expects us to believe this "cash into personal account" story? He thinks we are fools to believe this? Will he be" transparent" enough to show his personal account to the public for scrutiny? Perhaps then we can see for ourselves the other cash donations he has received from other sources. No Rakyat believes there are no corrupt BN politicians.
Anonymous - The right way of doing charity at your constituency is make use of the branch/division account or better set up special fund for such purposes. Personal account to get donation? And it is by chance the donor got the government contract? You ingat kita bodoh kah?
rhi - Awang adek mu ingat orang bodoh macam kau ke? Ada kah duit untuk dibahagi kepada rakyat bolih bank in ke akaun persendirian kau macam tu je? Ini jawapan tak masuk akal dan alasan kau yg orang bodoh je bolih terima. Kalau dah wang itu wang rasuah mengaku saja lah wahai orang yg berangan-angan nak jadi menteri besar kelantan.Harap rakyat semua bolih nilai sendiri beginilah wajah2 sebenar pemimpin2 umno yg penuh dengan rasuah tanpa segan silu dan rasa bersalah baik kpd rakyat maupun diri sendiri.
Anonymous_3e8f - Teoh Beng Hock. Died? MURDERED. So was Sarbani. Only MACC knows.
Anonymous_3e8f - Teoh Beng Hock. Died? MURDERED. So was Sarbani. Only MACC knows.
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