26 April 2011

Email 1Malaysia not free,govt got to pay 50 cents/mail...

Tricubes Berhad today confirmed that government agencies will be charged about by the private company 50 sen per email sent to Malaysians. At a press conference in Kuala Lumpur, Tricubes chief executive Khairun Zainal Mokhtar stressed that users of the email will not be charged.

But they will be expected to pay an additional cost if they want their mails to be more "secure" and for encryption facilities, which are optional.

"But our default setting is a basic 'Secure Sockets Layer' (SSL) which is quite secure.

"Even with the friendly emails, and without the billing, everything is through SSL. Users can also send personal emails to their friends and it would be completely free," he said.

According to Khairun, the project will target of 5.4 million subscribers to its email service by end of this year. Despite the uproar over the project, which is to be launched in July, this would mean that the company is targeting to sign up an average of 900,000 users every month. Tricubes conceded that it is a "stretch target" for a 100 percent subscription from all Malaysians above 18 years old by 2015.

"We will do our best and target the key demographics," said Khairun.

He also clarified that to sign up for the email would require the user to go to any National Registration Department office. Khairun said that users can also do it by themselves with a USB-biometric device, which they will also have to purchase.
Projek email 1Malaysia akan diteruskan dengan sasaran 5.4 juta pengguna menjelang akhir tahun ini. Menurut Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Tricubes Berhad, Khairun Zainal Mokhtar, di sebalik kontroversi yang dihadapi projek itu, ia akan tetap dilancarkan pada Julai ini.

"Kami akan lakukan yang terbaik dan mendapatkan sasaran demografi tersebut,” katanya.

Pada taklimat media di Kuala Lumpur hari ini, Khairun juga mengesahkan agensi kerajaan akan dikenakan bayaran RM0.50 bagi setiap email yang dihantar kepada pengguna tetapi orang ramai tidak akan dikenakan sebarang bayaran. Baca


1Malaysia email users must sign up with USB device, NRD offices

1. Mengapa perlu gomen bayar 50 sen kepada Tricubes untuk menghantar email kepada rakyat Malasia berumur 18 ke atas. Bukankah khdimat Hotmail,Yahoo,G-mail dll adalah percuma. Gomen nampak BODOH kalau berbuat demikian.

2. Setengah daripada 28 juta rakyat Malaysia, khususnya yang tinggal di kampung dan pendalaman masih belum boleh akses internet. Batal saja projek ini dan RM50 juta guna untuk menyediakan akses internet ke luar bandar dan bekalkan perkhdimatan wifi percuma.

3. Pengguna kena bayar kos tambahan jika mahu email mereka 'secure'. Kenapa perlu bayar lebih? bukankah menjadi tanggungjawab Tricube sebagai 'service provider' menjaminkan keselamatan perkhidmatan tersebut.

Diakhir cerita syarikat kroni Tricube yang hampir bankrupt kini sudah mendapat suntikan nyawa baru berkat ehsan Najib 1Malaysia....


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