28 January 2017

Monyet pergi...Ayam mali...

Raya Cina sudah mali,
Balik kampung manyak happy,
Panggil member cari kaki,
Mari rumah main judi,

Monyet pergi, ayam mali,
Soi pergi, ong mali,
Tahun lepas sudah pergi,
Tahun ini mesti happy.

Kena magnum, kena loteri,
Dalam bank banyak money,
Badan sihat tiap2 hari,
Hari2 senyum tak ada lugi.

Gani pergi,Apandi mali,
Senang mau settle kes 1MDB,
Kasi BR1M,gasak GST,
5 tahun kita kena tipu lagi. - f/bk

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27 January 2017

Beza BMF dengan 1MDB...

Bekas perdana menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, menyatakan perbezaan antara skandal Bumiputra Malaysia Finance (BMF) yang berlaku pada eranya dengan isu 1MDB yang membayangi Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Dalam kemas kini terbaru di blognya, Dr Mahathir berkata, kes BMF tidak membabitkan tuduhan salah laku secara langsung dengan kerajaan Malaysia.

"Sebaliknya, isu 1MDB berkaitan secara langsung dengan salah laku dengan keadaan sekarang.

"Isu BMF tidak berkait secara langsung dengan saya sebagai perdana menteri ketika itu. Sebaliknya, isu 1MDB mempunyai kaitan terus dengan Najib (Abdul) Razak, perdana menteri ketika ini. Malah hakikatnya dia berada di tengah-tengah skandal berkenaan," katanya.

Skandal BMF diperkatakan ramai pada awal 1980-an apabila berlaku urus niaga yang mencurigakan serta menyebabkan kerugian kira-kira AS$1 bilion.

Ia membabitkan pinjaman bernilai RM2.5 bilion kepada beberapa syarikat yang mempunyai rekod meragukan, termasuk yang berpangkalan di Hong Kong.

Ia menjadi lebih panas apabila seorang pegawai bank yang ditugaskan untuk menyiasat kes berkenaan di Hong Kong, Jalil Ibrahim, dibunuh.

Skandal itu juga menyaksikan Bank Bumiputra Malaysia Bhd (BBMB) yang memiliki BMF terpaksa diselamatkan oleh kerajaan yang menyuntik modal kepadanya.

BBMB adalah syarikat perbankan yang mempunyai saham kerajaan di dalamnya. Dr Mahathir dilantik sebagai perdana menteri kira-kira dua tahun sebelum itu.

Najib pula sentiasa menafikan beliau menyalahgunakan dana 1MDB untuk kepentingan peribadi seperti dituduh banyak pihak - termasuk Dr Mahathir.

Petik laporan NYT

Sebaliknya Najib berkata, tuduhan berkenaan sengaja dibuat sebagai pakatan musuh untuk menggulingkannya.

Peguam Negara juga sudah membersihkan Najib daripada sebarang salah laku membabitkan isu 1MDB.

Mengulas mengenai dokumen CIA baru-baru ini, Dr Mahathir berkata, ia disediakan oleh agensi perisikan AS dan bukan laporan khusus negara itu mengenai isu BMF.

Sebaliknya, kata Dr Mahathir, siasatan Jabatan Kehakiman (DOJ) AS secara khusus mengaitkan dapatan mereka dalam isu 1MDB dengan Malaysian Official 1 (MO1).

Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan mengesahkan MO1 adalah Najib namun menegaskan perdana menteri tidak dinamakan dalam dokumen mahkamah dikemukakan oleh DOJ itu. Justeru, kata pengarah komunikasi startegik BN itu, Najib tidak disiasat.

Dr Mahathir juga mengingatkan, berhubung isu BMF, kerajaan menubuhkan jawatankuasa siasatan khas dan hasil perolehan mereka didedahkan kepada umum.

"Mengenai isu 1MDB, kerajaan Najib belum menubuhkan sebarang jawatankuasa siasatan bebas. Malah, laporan Ketua Audit Negara mengenai 1MDB sedia ada tidak didedahkan, dan diletak di bawah Akta Rahsia Rasmi," tambahnya.

Berkaitan kesan daripada skandal BMF, kata Dr Mahathir, ada tindakan diambil ke atas beberapa individu terlibat, sama ada di Hong Kong atau Malaysia.

Keadaan bagaimanapun tidak sama, katanya. Bagi kes 1MDB, menurut Dr Mahathir, pihak yang berkaitan - seperti polis - belum membuat sebarang kesimpulan walaupun pihak berkuasa di AS, Switzerland dan Singapura sudah bertindak, termasuk mendakwa mereka di mahkamah.

"Tetapi kertas siasatan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) ditolak peguam negara yang baru dan melantik dirinya menggantikan peguam negara terdahulu yang diketepikan, kononnya atas sebab kesihatan tetapi tanpa laporan Lembaga Perubatan," katanya.

Dr Mahathir juga menegaskan, kesan isu BMF itu secara umumnya diterima baik masyarakat, termasuk di kalangan pembangkang serta kumpulan politik lain.

Untuk menguatkan hujahnya bekas Perdana Menteri itu memetik laporan The New York Times pada 8 Januari 1985, bertajuk “Malaysia discloses details of bank scandal” (Malaysia mendedahkan butiran skandal bank). 

"Mengenai isu 1MDB, Peguam Negara sebenarnya menghentikan siasatan lanjut, sedangkan dia tidak diberi kuasa untuk berbuat begitu. Parti-parti pembangkang tidak berpuas hati dengan keputusan skandal melibatkan 1MDB," katanya. - mk

Scandal 1MDB vs BMF...

Jamal is barking up the wrong tree again...

When I call him a clown, some think I am being too kind to him.

But Jamal Mohd Yunos is one character that fits well into cartoonist Zulkiflee SM Anwar Ulhaque or Zunar’s world of cartoons as a court jester.

Less than a month ago, he appeared at the Selangor state secretariat clad only with towels. When a reporter asked him if he was wearing trousers underneath, he could only walk away.

Now, he has become infamous with his ‘beds’ drama, accusing the Selangor state government of closing an eye on the vice dens in Selangor.

The truth of the matter is that the beds should perhaps be appearing in front of Bukit Aman, and I am sure that the inspector-general of police, Khalid Abu Bakar, would have him arrested immediately.

This is because the raids on prostitution and gambling dens, including the prosecution of the people concerned, are under the jurisdiction of the police. It is the police that lead the raids on vice dens, not the local council or the state government.

The state government has the power to seal any illegal building or extension done to the building which was carried out without proper council approval, but the local council has no power to prosecute the operator of the illegal vice den.

The local council, for example, can raid and seal a business premise if an illegal business is conducted without a licence. There are hotels, for example, which are operating as vice dens but all that the local council can do is to seal the building. Prosecution is under the police’s jurisdiction.

IGP cannot ignore the ‘clown’

Now that Jamal has created a brouhaha over the vice dens in Selangor, the IGP can no longer ignore his complaints.

In fact, as I mentioned in the past, the vice dens are not only found in Selangor. They have mushroomed in places under the jurisdiction of the Federal Territories Ministry and the Kuala Lumpur City Hall.

Bukit Bintang is a great example. There are business premises being turned into vice dens. If you were to walk past there, pretending to be a bachelor, it is not impossible for you to be invited to try out the ‘local cuisines’.

Some offered ‘Thai girls’ which sounded more like Tigers. Others would tell you that you can pick your choice. They have many for you to try out.

Another location which Jamal is apparently not mentioning anything about yesterday afternoon is the back lanes of Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, where he operates his business.

Being the chief of the petty traders group, Jamal should urge Federal Territory Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor to clean up the streets of alleged transsexual sex workers, instead of the homeless people, from the streets of Kuala Lumpur.

Then, there is also Kepong, which for many years has seen vice dens mushrooming over the years. This is what Jamal should be shouting about. It is under the jurisdiction of the Kuala Lumpur City Hall and the Federal Territories Ministry.

Next, would Jamal turn up at Tengku Adnan’s office?

That would be an interesting scenario which we would look forward to seeing. One is urging people to meet in the stadium, even if they go “naked”, and the other is offering the beds.

Enough is enough

I think enough is enough. Jamal is being too thick-skinned.

Previously, in another incident, Jamal shouted that he was “punched” by the police. Obviously, during the scuffle, he was being pinned down by the police.

When asked by reporters later, he turned around and claimed he had been punched by men sent by Ampang member of parliament Zuraida Kamaruddin. How could someone other than the police themselves punch Jamal, without being arrested, when there were so many policemen around?

Come on, Jamal, my advice is, don’t be stupid.

Those of us who saw the video clip showing the struggle between Jamal and the police could easily tell who provoked the police in the first place.

Here is again my question about people with the titles such as Datuk or Datuk Seri. Jamal is one Umno division leader who was awarded a datukship recently.

He is not only bringing shame to his own race and religion, but to the country as a whole, because those of us who are not Muslims or Malays, when we hear the name Jamal, we cannot help but consider him as apparently the scum of the earth. - Stephen Ng,mk

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26 January 2017

Perang Dingin Antara Najib dan Zahid Semakin Kritikal...

Cybertrooper Najib Serang Zahid...

Selepas, Timbalan Perdana Menteri Zahid Hamidi mendedahkan secara terbuka bahawa jumlah "cybertrooper" yang mempertahan dan menyokong dasar kerajaan hanyalah tinggal 6.6% berbanding yang menentang berjumlah 93.6% Zahid mula diserang bertubi-tubi oleh cybertrooper Najib.

Zahid berkata berdasarkan kajian yang menunjukkan perbezaan yang jauh ketinggalan itu sejaligus menyebabkan persepsi negatif berterusan terhadap UMNO, kerajaan dan para pemimpinnya termasuk Presiden.

Ini menunjukkan kerajaan pimpinan Najib Razak sedang nazak sedangkan "dedak" diberikan tanpa had ada bersama mereka.

Apa yang jelas, pengakuan Zahid itu secara langsung menunjukkan kerajaan pimpinan Najib dalam keadaan amat lemah, tidak bermaya dan hampir lumpuh sekarang ini.

Dengan perbezaan amat ketara 6.6 peratus berbanding 93.4 peratus, Najib sekarang ini umpama pasukan perang yang sudah tiada lagi bala tentera untuk berjuang termasuk Mykemut yang mendapat dedak terbanyak setakat ini.

Bukan sahaja "Cybertrooper" UMNO malah pemimpin dan ahli-ahli umno sudah ramai yang hilang keyakinan terhadap kepimpinan Najib kerana kecewa dengan tindakan Najib yang didapati terus menerus melakukan perkara-perkara tidak wajar yang menyusahkan rakyat.

Daripada bermewah, membazir, berjoli, "ber1MDB", "berJho Low" dan kini bergadai pula dengan China, hakikatnya "cybertrooper" UMNO sudah letih untuk mempertahankan Najib yang semakin menjadi-jadi perangainya.

Zahid sudah lama teringin untuk membuka mulut tentang apa perbuatan menyusahkan rakyat yang dilakukan oleh Najib dan sekutunya namun beliau takut dipecat seperti Tan Sri Muhyiddin.

Pemimpin dan ahli umno sudah merasakan umno akan ditolak oleh rakyat pada PRU akan datang sekaligus akan tumbang dan kerajaan pakatan harapan akan menubuhkan kerajaan baru jika Najib terus dikekalkan menjadi Perdana Menteri.

Penurunan kepada 6.6 peratus itu adalah berpunca daripada Najib dan tidak mungkin juga ia mampu ditingkatkan selagi "ibu masalah" kepada UMNO dan kerajaan itu sendiri iaitu Najib, tidak diketepikan dengan segera.

Masihkah kita ingat apabila dua hari lalu Zahid ada mendedahkan bahawa sudah wujud gerakan mahu menumbangkannya di Bagan Datuk?

Siapakah yang berani dan mahu menumbangkan Zahid sebagai orang nombor dua dalam kerajaan, jika bukan oleh orang yang berada diatas daripadanya atau setidak-tidaknya mendapat restu daripada orang nombor satu?

Melalui pengakuan memalukan bahawa cybertrooper UMNO dan kerajaan hanya tinggal 6.6 peratus saja, Zahid bukan saja sedang mengaib dan memperlihatkan kepimpinan Perdana Menteri dalam keadaan yang amat lemah dan hanya menunggu masa untuk rebah, malah seperti sudah mengorak langkah untuk mula melawan.

Kini Zahid bersedia akan diserang oleh saki baki Cybertrooper yang dibayar mahal demi untuk menjatuhkannya secara perlahan-lahan. - sungairapatonline

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Who's out to topple Zahid...

It's rather, should I say, "unfortunate" that Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi did not elaborate on his "exposé" that "some quarters" are making efforts to ensure he would lose his parliamentary constituency of Bagan Datuk in the next general election.

I tried to get him to provide details, but Zahid didn't respond to my queries made via WhatsApp.Pity as it would have helped shed light on who the "some quarters" are.

Zahid was quoted by national news agency Bernama as saying:"I got to know that there are some quarters aiming to defeat the BN here (Bagan Datuk ) in GE14.

"It can be likened to destroying an organization, where it has to start from the head, and the head they want to defeat is that of Bagan Datuk MP." Zahid was reported to have said that at a special meeting with BN leaders in Bagan Datuk, Perak.

Just who was he referring to? The opposition? But that's a given because the opposition has always made their intention clear. They want to topple not only Zahid but the entire Barisan Nasional to govern the country. And they want to do it in the general elections.

So, if Zahid meant the opposition, then he had only succeeded in stating the obvious. Hence political blogger Shabudin Husin is somewhat "baffled" that Zahid was making such an "exposé" as toppling each other between BN and the opposition is what elections are all about.

Said Shabudin, "Zahid has faced stiff opposition before. So why is he worried now? Could it be that the effort to topple him is not only from the opposition but a movement within Umno itself?"

A former Umno strategist involved in BN's GE13 machinery had this to say: "I see this as the work of Umno people themselves. Someone want to cut him off."

I recall sometime ago that a close associate of Zahid had told me that pro-Umno Media Prima Berhad, and in particular TV3, had then blacked out news coverage for Zahid as he was said to be "out of favor" of party president Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

The three Umno vice president seats then were held by Zahid, Shafie Apdal and Hishammuddin Hussein. Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin was then the deputy president.

Muhyiddin would later be sacked following the foul-up with Najib over the 1MDB scandal and the RM2.6 billion in the PM's personal bank accounts. Shafie resigned from Umno after he was suspended by the party because of the same issues that got Muhyiddin the axe.

Top Media Prima editors I contacted then denied they were boycotting Zahid nor were they given instructions from "higher up" to black him out of news coverage.

Not too long after, Zahid was made deputy prime minister replacing Muhyiddin. Needless to say, TV3 and the entire Media Prima gave extensive coverage to him until this day, naturally.

Although Zahid is deputy PM, he remains Umno vice president but one who is carrying out the duties of deputy president.

He is not acting deputy president. In fact, Zahid had suggested in November last year that the Umno constitution be amended to make the post of acting president "official".

But nothing came out of it despite Umno secretary-general Tengku Adnan Mansor saying there was nothing wrong in the suggestion and thus should not be misconstrued. As such, Zahid will remain in the present situation until the next Umno election for him to be elevated to the number two party position.

That is assuming he is not challenged for the post. In the event of a challenge, Zahid will have staved it off should he cherish the post of deputy president whose duties he has shouldered all along.

Umno election was scheduled for last year but was postponed for 18 months. It is said that the decision was to "strengthen" BN ahead of GE14 which many believe will be held this year although the Najib administration's mandate is until 2018.

As for Zahid's "exposé", it will set tongues wagging within Umno, if not already. Expect political theories, speculations and talk of grand design. Lots of it! - Mohsin Abdullah,mysinchew.

Story kat SINI dan SINI  

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Bagi projek Lembu,akhirnya 'Lembu VVIP' dok Kondo.
Bagi projek Caviar akhirnya wang yang lesap. 
Itulah UMNO penuh dengan kawaq,penyamun dan pencuri...

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Asafa Powell, Nesta Carter, Usain Bolt and Michael Frater (left to right) pose together after winning the 4x100m gold medal at the Beijing Olympics - but they have now been disqualified

Macam kenai je...


24 January 2017

Sapa dalang yang nak jatuhkan TPM...

Image result for Siapa dalang yang nak jatuhkan TPM...

Saya begitu simpati mendengar rintihan dan keluhan rakan baik saya, Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi yang memberitahu dunia bahawa terdapat usaha pihak tertentu untuk menjatuhkan beliau sebagai anggota parlimen Bagan Datuk pada pilihan raya umum ke-14 (PRU14) akan datang.

Zahid yang juga naib presiden Umno menyatakan bahawa ada usaha pihak tertentu yang mahu mengalahkan Barisan Nasional di Bagan Datuk pada PRU14 serta menyifatkan usaha tersebut sebagai ‘rosak ikan bermula dari kepala’ memetik laporan Bernama.

Teori ‘ikan rosak bermula dari kepala’ diibaratkan jika ikan mati, maka yang busuk dulu adalah kepala, teori ini menggambarkan sebuah kepemimpinan, di mana kalau terjadi kesalahan dalam organisasi, maka yang bertanggung jawab atas kesalahan itu pemimpinnya.

Persoalannya kenapa Zahid tiba-tiba mengeluarkan kenyataan sedemikian.

Apa yang dimaksudkan oleh Zahid mengenai pihak yang mahu menjatuh dan mengalahkannya pada PRU14. Sudah pasti bukannya datang dari pembangkang.

Jangan menyalahkan pembangkang, yang salah itu adalah kesalahan pemimpin Umno/BN.

Sudah menjadi tradisi apabila pembangkang bertanding pada pilihanraya ia bukan sekadar kerusi Bagan Datuk yang mahu dimenangi tetapi termasuk Pekan dan semua 222 kerusi parlimen yang dipertandingkan.

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Potong bahagian kepala

Maka sudah tentu yang dimaksudkan Zahid ‘rosak ikan bermula di kepala’ itu adalah mainan politik dalaman Umno/BN yang didalangi oleh ‘kepala ikan besar dan mahal’ yang sedang mengalami kerosakan.

Dalam erti kata lain satu gerakan untuk sabotaj Zahid sudah dikesan oleh pasukan Zahid dan tidak mustahil ia membabitkan polis dan perisik angkatan tentera.

Gerakan ini saya percaya sudah lama diperkatakan melalui serangan dari kumpulan askar siber (cybertrooper) yang diberi upah untuk menyerang Zahid.

Mandat kerajaan BN sekarang bakal berakhir pada Jun 2018, apakah ‘jenis kepala ikan’ tersebut?… Jenahak, Merah, Senangin, Siakap atau kepala ikan Salmon.

Zahid mesti tampil berani memberi tahu agar rakyat faham ‘kepala ikan apa yang mengalami kerosakan bagi menghindar rakyat dari makan ikan yang tidak ada zat dan membusukan’.

Teori ‘ikan busuk bermula dari kepala’ maka perdana menteri yang juga presiden Umno adalah ‘kepala ikan yang busuk’.
Badan ‘ikan’ iaitu menteri kabinet atau ahli majlis tertinggi Umno, kepala sudah busuk, maka sahih ia bermula dari ‘kepala ikan yang busuk’ iaitu perdana menteri!

Maka jika ikan di bahagian kepala yang membusuk, maka kita harus potong bahagian kepalanya, agar tidak menjalar ke bahagian badannya hingga ekornya.- mk

The people know Khalid Samad's 
punishment is a political revenge...

The Sultan of Selangor, like the other kings in the land, is a wise leader. He does not want politicians to campaign on the grounds of a mosque or surau. He wants the mosque to be free from the influence of a political ceramah and as a sultan he expects his decision to be carried out fairly and with purpose. But the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (JAIS), which was tasked to implement the Sultan’s decision, is not wise.

JAIS’ reaction was to charge Shah Alam Member of Parliament Khalid Samad under Section 119 of the Selangor Islamic Religious Administration Enactment 2003 for giving a sermon in a surau. The decision was rash, highhanded and wrong.

A wise JAIS would have just reprimanded Khalid by issuing a warning letter, and reminded him that as an MP, he should have obtained their permission before giving a talk on any subject in a mosque.

JAIS must know that as a Member of Parliament, Khalid needs to speak to all communities on all kind of subjects. Sometimes, he is asked to speak in a surau, sometimes in a shopping mall. When an MP speaks on a subject, he is not necessarily engaging in political ceramah or preaching. It’s stupid to conclude that, just because an MP speaks, he is preaching on a religious matter under Section 119. But JAIS, or its chief administrator to be exact, has no ability to be that discerning.

There is no need to charge Khalid under section 119 of the Selangor enactment. The purpose of the enactment was to prevent “preachers who talk about the religion without accreditation.” Khalid has never been a preacher. He was not preaching. Talking is not necessarily preaching and Gaza is not a religious matter. Would JAIS be able to confirm that since 2003 no UMNO MP/Minister has given a talk on any subject in the premises of a mosque? Have any of them been charged under Section 119, like Khalid has?

Clearly, JAIS does not have the wisdom of His Highness. The JAIS chief’s statement that His Highness the Sultan himself had wanted to ensure no politicians use mosques for politics could have been handled more effectively by other administrative means.

JAIS has control over all mosque committees so they could have easily prevented any politician from using a mosque for campaign purposes. Using Section 119 is high-handed and wrong. It’s abuse of power. That Section is meant to punish those who preach religious matters without authority. An MP talking about Gaza in a surau is therefore not an offence under Section 119. It makes a mockery of the long-held believe that religious institutions are always fair and wise in the exercise of their powers.

But the Shariah Court took the view that Khalid committed an offence of preaching without accreditation. This is the quality of the Shariah Court that the Prime Minister and Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang are working hard to give more powers to in order to hand down longer jail sentences to Malays.

I doubt that His Royal Highness reads my blog, but if he does I urge him to exercise his wisdom and grace to quickly call JAIS to mengadap. JAIS need to be told that they should be able to prevent politicians from talking politics in the mosque without resorting to using Section 119, which can lead to the disqualification of Malay MPs. There are many ways to implement the Sultan’s wishes without levying criminal charges. It just requires a little bit thinking. - zaid ibrahim

BN akan berpecah jika Akta 355 dibentang - MCA
Story kat SINI dan SINI   

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22 January 2017

39 lelaki bogel di pusat peranginan...

Photo published for Police nab 39 men running naked at a motivational camp

Polis menahan 39 peserta satu program motivasi kerana disyaki berkelakuan lucah di tempat awam di sebuah resort di Bentong tengah malam tadi.

Ketua Polis Daerah Bentong Supt Mohamad Mansor Mohd Nor berkata polis menahan kumpulan lelaki berumur dalam lingkungan 19 hingga 23 tahun itu dalam serbuan pada pukul 12.30 tengah malam setelah mendapat aduan daripada orang awam.

"Polis mendapat maklumat daripada orang awam menerusi panggilan telefon pada pukul 6.12 petang semalam yang memberitahu ada sekumpulan lelaki berbogel menjalankan aktiviti di padang permainan di kawasan resort tersebut.

"Seterusnya polis menjalankan siasatan dan mendapati kejadian itu telah
berlaku dan kumpulan lelaki yang dilihat berbogel merupakan peserta kem motivasi di resort terbabit," katanya kepada Bernama hari ini.

Mohamad Mansor berkata menurut ketua penyelia aktiviti motivasi itu,
kejadian berkenaan dipercayai berlaku apabila peserta terbabit menanggalkan pakaian untuk membentuk garisan panjang dalam satu permainan dinamakan 'All Out' pada pukul 5.30 petang semalam.

"Dalam permainan itu, peserta yang sudah dibahagikan kepada beberapa kumpulan dikehendaki membuat garisan panjang dengan menggunakan alatan yang ada pada badan peserta.

"Semasa permainan ada peserta mulai menanggalkan pakaian untuk membentuk garisan tersebut dan menyebabkan keadaan berlarutan sehingga peserta mula menanggalkan semua pakaian serta berbogel," katanya.

Beliau berkata sembilan fasilitator termasuk dua wanita bagi program
motivasi yang dirancang selama tiga hari bermula Jumaat lepas turut ditahan bagi membantu siasatan mengikut Seksyen 294(a) Kanun Keseksaan. -Bernama

Cops nab 39 for going nude at motivation camp

No Najib, the numbers don't add up...

The electoral make-up of Malaysia simply will not allow DAP or non-Malays to call the shots, in the event Pakatan Harapan wins the next general election, said DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang.

Regardless of whether Umno or Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak remains in power, the reality is there are just too few seats which has non-Malay representation, said Lim.

"How is it possible that Malays, who dominate in 70 percent of the parliamentary seats in Peninsular Malaysia, will lose political power to the Chinese, who are in the majority in only 13 percent of the parliamentary seats?" said Lim in a statement today.

Lim was referring to Najib's claim that DAP will likely have the largest say should Pakatan Harapan and its ally Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia form the next federal government.

Najib said that in a democracy, the party with the most seats will rule, thereby implying that DAP will have the most seats in the Dewan Rakyat in the event of a Harapan-Bersatu government.

'Big Nazi lies'

This, said Lim, was part of Najib and Umno's "Goebbelian" tactics to repeat a simple lie until the Malay rural folk believe in it.

Lim said it was "puerile and ludicrous" that on one hand, Umno and their agents had been accusing Mahathir of subservient to DAP while MCA and Gerakan have been accusing the very opposite.

"Clearly, these BN leaders and propagandists cannot understand neither Mahathir or I is the stooge or puppet of the other, that we can continue to disagree on many political questions but yet can come together on the larger national agenda of saving Malaysia from becoming a global kleptocracy and a failed and rogue state," said Lim.

Regardless of whether the allegations made sense or not, Lim predicted that BN's propagandists will continue to peddle the "Big Nazi Lies" about DAP all the way until the next general election, because the prospect of losing grip of Putrajaya was very real.

However, Lim believed that the ongoing campaign to demonise himself and DAP will come to naught.

"Only cretins and political medicine-sellers will believe or disseminate lies that there can be a DAP or DAP-controlled government after the next general election," he said. - mk

Bagaimana mungkin Melayu hilang kuasa?

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Jabatan Penerangan sahkan MCA minta jawatan TPM
Story kat SINI dan SINI  

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Apa lah yg difikirkan oleh budak tu,
Korang mesti tau kan...

Tips pasangan yang setia...


21 January 2017

Bila 'burungnya' tersangut dalam botol mineral...

He claimed he had decided to urinate in a water bottle as he could not reach the bathroom in time, when his penis got stuck.
If you wanna be with me,
Baby there's a price to pay,
I'm a weenie in a bottle,

Seorang pemuda terpaksa menanggung kesakitan kira-kira 90 minit akibat kemaluannya tersangkut dalam botol air mineral sebelum "dibebaskan' anggota bomba.

Penolong Pengarah Operasi Bomba dan Penyelamat Selangor, Mohd Sani Harul berkata kejadian berlaku di Telok Gong, Pelabuhan Klang apabila pemuda berumur 21 tahun terbabit cuba membuang air kecil di dalam botol itu di rumahnya kira-kira 4 pagi tadi.

"Pemuda itu yang dalam keadaan terdesak cuba memotong botol air mineral itu menggunakan gergaji logam," katanya dalam kenyataan di sini.

Beliau berkata tindakan itu sebaliknya lebih memudaratkan menyebabkan kecederaan pada kemaluannya hingga berlaku pendarahan yang banyak.

Katanya sepasukan anggota bomba dari Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat Pelabuhan Klang serta Andalas yang menerima panggilan kecemasan kira-kira 5.25 pagi, bergegas ke lokasi kejadian dan berjaya memotong botol itu dan menamatkan penderitaan pemuda itu dalam tempoh 10 minit. 

Mangsa kini menerima rawatan di Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah di Klang, katanya. - Bernama

Acara lepak santai sambil minum teh tarik di Gombak lewat malam Isnin lepas menyaksikan segerombolan lelaki Melayu pertengahan usia, bersongkok, gendut dan garang misainya tiba-tiba kelihatan manja dan tersipu-sipu, menyambut kedatangan Ketua Parlimen DAP, Lim Kit Siang.

Kit Siang dijadual beraksi malam itu bersama Naib Presiden Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia, Datuk Rashid Asari, serta pengerusi Amanah Wilayah Persekutuan, Dr Hatta Ramli.

Gerombolan lelaki Melayu pertengahan usia ini semua memakai pakaian merah, sisa-sisa kenangan daripada parti keramat yang telah ditinggalkan namun masih melekat sebagai identiti parti cap bunga raya pimpinan bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Meski dengan baju merah, songkok tinggi, misai tebal dan berperwatakan panglima Melayu pantang dijentik itu; semua kelihatan sejuk hati berhadapan Kit Siang yang pernah dianggap musuh tradisi. Segala kanta perkauman penuh kebencian yang digunakan untuk memandang Kit Siang sebagai komunis, anti-Melayu, anti-Islam, cauvinis Cina, dan segala yang buruk-buruk selama ini habis tertanggal semua.

Pada saya ini lambang Kit Siang sebagai seorang pemberani, yang sanggup membuka jalan perpaduan dan meleburkan pagar-pagar besi perkauman, berbanding mereka yang sedikit penyegan dan malu-malu mahu berinteraksi kerana kekangan-kekangan komunikasi, budaya dan sebagainya.

Acara anjuran DAP malam itu seakan diambil alih seluruhnya oleh gerombolan parti baru Mahathir. Penuh muka-muka totok UMNO yang sedang perlahan-lahan bertatih menuruti langkah yang telah dirintis Kit Siang sejak 51 tahun lalu.

Bagi saya ini sangat comel. Seperti melihat anak-anak kecil yang baru belajar berjalan, setelah lelah dipimpin tangannya sejak Reformasi 1998.

Tertanggalkah hijab minda Melayu?

Rata-rata mereka yang hadir malam itu punya banyak persoalan yang sudah lama menanti untuk dileraikan. Ya lah, selama dalam UMNO, propaganda yang disaji habis ditelan mentah-mentah tanpa usul periksa. Apabila UMNO telah dibuang jauh ke belakang, dan hijab-hijab yang mengaburi pandangan habis terlerai, maka mulalah bertanya untuk menjernihkan segala yang keruh.

Melihat sendiri bagaimana lapis demi lapis fitnah dan tuduhan yang selama ini dilemparkan kepada Kit Siang akhirnya dibersihkan sendiri oleh tangan-tangan bekas UMNO ini agak menggelikan hati. Pun begitu saya merasa lega. Akhirnya mereka mengaku juga bahawa segala tuduhan yang dilempar kepada Kit Siang dan DAP itu semuanya tidak benar belaka.

Malah ada yang bertanya, “Apa yang DAP telah ambil daripada orang Melayu selama ini? Dan apa pula yang UMNO telah ambil daripada orang Melayu?”

Apa yang aneh bagi saya ialah bagaimana mereka ini memerlukan masa yang begitu lama untuk menyedari kejahatan UMNO selama ini? Adakah tidak cukup maklumat dan ceramah untuk meyakinkan bahawa UMNO itu bobrok dan korup membusuk hingga ke dasar?

Namun lebih aneh lagi ialah apa yang berlaku semalam di Universiti Malaya.

Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak, berbusana kemeja santai, berucap di pentas bulat dikelilingi ratusan anak muda kelihatan seolah-olah masih punya kredibiliti.

Ya kita tahu, penonton dan tukang soal semua sudah habis ditapis sebelum diizin masuk ke Dewan Tuanku Canselor itu. Cuba kalau benar dibuat acara ‘town hall’ itu secara terbuka. Entah apa bala bakal menimpa. Silap-silap Mahathir pun ada bersama. Tapi itu bukan poin saya.

Gaya seolah-olah ada kredibiliti sambil berbicara soal masa depan dan rasa percaya kepada negara itu, kelihatan sangat meyakinkan. Najib Razak kelihatan sangat percaya bahawa agenda barunya untuk menggantikan Wawasan 2020 itu akan diterima dan dilambung sebagai legasinya 30 tahun lagi.

Untuk itu, kita perlu ingatkan Datuk Seri Perdana Menteri bahawa, ya, kita semua percaya kepada negara dan segala nilai murni yang dikongsi bersama, tanpa mengira latar kaum, keturunan, agama mahupun ekonomi.

Tetapi kita tidak lagi boleh percaya kepada Datuk Seri Perdana Menteri.

Kalau gerombolan bekas-bekas UMNO yang dahulu totok mahu meludah muka Lim Kit Siang pun kini sudah bergegas menghindar dan menubuhkan parti baru. Inikan pula anak-anak muda celik teknologi dengan maklumat di hujung jari.

Ya minda Melayu sudah kian terbuka, untuk membaca, bertanya dan mempersoal segala penipuan yang telah dihidangkan sekian lama.

Janganlah terus cuba ditipu kami semua lagi. Transformasi Nasional 2050 bakal menyaksikan masa depan negara ini, tanpa United Malays National Organisation. – Roketkini.com

Image result for universiti malaya
TN50 Apa Pula ? Bajet Bayar Gaji Profesor / Lecturer IPTA Sampai Ogos Sahaja.

Remember the most recent news about University Malaya  laying off over 700 contract staff? It is also going to affect University Malaya's wold rankings because some (if not many) of those contract staff are researchers who conduct research and write papers which goes towards pushing up UM's world rankings.

No salary no researchers.
No researchers no research papers.
No research papers downgrade in rankings.  

Here is something else folks. It is a fact that in Budget 2017 (which was tabled last October 2016) the Budget for the payment of salaries to all the IPTA's permanent staffs (including professors and lecturers) is only until August of 2017.

For September until December 2017 there is so far no "peruntukan" to pay monthly salaries. Meaning, technically, the IPTA staffs will be paid until August 2017.  

This is no big deal. I believe these things have happened before. What will happen is that the relevant Ministry will raise the matter to the Minister who will then ask the gomen for extra 'peruntukan'. A supplementary Budget can be passed and shortfalls made up during the course of the year. No big deal.

But the talk is that for this year there will be no more Supplementary Budgets. Jeng .. ..jeng  .. ..jeng.   This is what I heard.

The last part of Point no. 3  'predicted widespread unrest in the universities" is highly speculative.  This is Malaysia. Such things will not happen here. 

As I said before, they will drive their cars until the petrol tank becomes empty and their cars stop running. Then they will get down and just stand there by the roadside not knowing what else to do.

Or the politicians will give them a kain pelikat or two, give them RM50 or give them BR1M and they will quietly go away.  There will be no widespread unrest. 

I do not know the source of the above power point slide.  But lets take a look at it.

Point 1 and 2 are facts. All the public universities are suffering deficits in their Operating Budgets. This means they do not have enough money to cover all their expenses including paying salaries. Hence UM laying off over 700 staff. Lecturers are restricted to one ream of paper per year ! !

Public universities will be forced to use their savings, endowments or sell their assets. 

(Property developers from China or local Chinese who wish to develop those old University Malaya owned bungalows along Jalan University can call the Vice Chancellor now.  His toll free number is 1-800-5555.  Ask for extra cheese ok.  They may be ready to sell those lands.)  

I do not know if UM will be bankrupt in 2 to 3 years.   But when their expenses and cash outflows exceeds their revenues and cash inflows they will become cashflow negative or "technically bankrupt". 

Talk is the gomen itself has been in this "technically bankrupt" situation since September last year or earlier.  Yes maybe July as well. Cashflow negative. Talk is the gomen has been borrowing money to cover its operating expenses. 

If University Malaya has retrenched 700 staff, surely it will affect their academic programs. Yes student intake will be affected. They will not be able to take in as many students. 

What about the other public universities? They cannot be any better shape than University Malaya? So if the intake of students is reduced, where will our school leavers go  for higher education? Especially Malay and bumiputra students? 

The Chinese students will go to Xiamen University, Taylors University, Nottingham, Segi, UCSI, Monash, Curtin, UTAR and so many more. All highly ranked, well staffed and efficient private universities.  Graduates of these private universities are highly sought after by the private sector economy.  

I think this is a very good time to enter the 'kain pelikat' business.  

Unlike point 6 above, I think the private sector universities will become even more sustainable. They will become the premier universities in Malaysia. 

UTAR, Taylors, Monash and others are already building up a very good name for themselves.  Some of them are developing into research universities as well. 

Those "private" universities that are dependent on the gomen in one way or another will suffer. For example those institutes that depend on gomen money to pay the fees of 'Matrikulasi' students or those universities that depend on the PTPTN loans for their students will see a big hit in the numbers for enrolment.  These universities and institutions will go bust or be put up for sale.

Yes private universities and private parties will be interested to buy up any of the public and private universities if they are put up for sale. 

If any of them are interested to sell out,  please call this toll free number 1-800-5555. Please ask for extra cheese again.

Tuan-tuan do you know what is really happening? Kiamat sudah sampai.  This is the kiamat that has been promised. It is here.

You can continue to bungle along. You are about to lose everything. Sadly your children can become poorer.  

Ideally every generation should become better than the previous generation. Except in the Islamic societies and Islamic countries.  With them the pattern is reversed. 

Kekawan I dont need your money or your support. But do listen to me. Its free advice. 

I am a selfish businessman. If you become wealthy and happy I become wealthy and happy too.  Its as simple as that.

Susah sangat ke nak faham? - ostb

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Betoikah ni???

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Sebenarnya, yang berlaku di Forest City bukanlah pelaburan asing, tetapi penjualan tanah kepada syarikat asing. Ketika saya menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri, saya mempengerusikan Mesyuarat Majlis Tanah Negara yang dihadiri oleh semua Menteri Besar dan Ketua Menteri. Dasar kerajaan pada ketika itu ialah tanah-tanah yang dijual kepada pelabur asing mestilah TIDAK BERSTATUS HAK MILIK KEKAL. Ini penting supaya tanah-tanah ini tidak jatuh ke tangan pihak asing.

Adakah dasar ini telah tidak dipatuhi oleh kerajaan negeri Johor ketika meluluskan penjualan tanah-tanah di Forest City kepada syarikat asing? Atau adakah DASAR MENGENAI PEMILIKAN TANAH OLEH ORANG ASING TELAH BERUBAH? Persoalan ini perlu dijawab oleh kerajaan negeri Johor dan kerajaan Persekutuan. - Tan Sri Muhyiddin Hj Mohd Yassin

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Guan Eng pi shopping baju kat kedai murah pula.

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