30 April 2016

Jamil Khir kalah rayuan...

Pasai susah dia nak cari 4 orang saksi yang tengok juboq Saifool...
Story kat SINI dan SINI  

IGP cannot refuse to order officers to arrest Ridhuan...

The duties of a police officer include the execution of warrants of committal issued against a person, resulting from a contempt proceeding, says the Federal Court.

In ordering inspector-general of police (IGP) Khalid Abu Bakar to arrest Muslim convert Mohd Ridhuan Abdullah, the Federal Court ruled that Ridhuan must be arrested to face justice.

Court of Appeal President Md Raus Sharif, who led the five-member bench in the unanimous decision, said the general duties of police officers under the command of the IGP are stipulated under Section 20 (3) of the Police Act 1967.

“This includes apprehending all persons who he is, by law, authorised to apprehend and executing summonses, subpoenas, warrants, commitments and other processes lawfully issued by any competent authority,” among others.

“In this light, we are of the view that (based) on the facts and circumstances of this case, the IGP cannot refuse to command his officers to execute the warrant of committal issued by the civil High Court.

“Thus, when the IGP declared his intention not to execute the said warrant of committal, an order of mandamus (to compel him to do so) can be issued against him,” Justice Md Raus said.

He said that an order in the nature of mandamus, under Paragraph 1 of the Schedule to the Courts of Judicature Act 1964, can be directed at the IGP to compel him to command the execution of the warrant of committal where the IGP has demonstrated a refusal to execute or command the execution of the warrant.

Justice Md Raus also ticked off Ridhuan for ignoring the court's order when the case did not turn in his favour after he had willingly submitted himself to the jurisdiction of the civil court.

“We are of the view that this kind of conduct cannot be condoned. The administration of justice will be brought into disrepute if the court's order is wilfully disobeyed by a party against whom a warrant of committal had been issued after he was found guilty of contempt of court,” the judge said.

He wrote this in his 19-page judgment in the case which has grabbed national headlines over the unilateral conversion that saw Ridhuan seizing 11-month-old Prasana Diksa, seven years ago, from her kindergarten teacher mother, M Indira Gandhi.

With today's decision, the police are directed to find Ridhuan, formerly K Pathmanathan. - mk

Mahkamah Persekutuan arah IGP tangkap mualaf larikan anak

"UMNO Celaka" bukan ungkapan hasutan...
Story kat SINI dan SINI   

Anda Sepatutnya Sembah Tuhan,Bukan Sembah PM... 
Story kat SINI dan SINI   

Selepas 53 tahun diperintah BN, beratus-ratus ribu penduduk kampung Sarawak tiada sumber air paip terawat.Masih dapat tangki biru sahaja. Kalau tak hujan, takda air.Masih nak sokong BN lagi ke dan terus dipinggirkan oleh kerajaan?



29 April 2016

Ni rupo jambatan BN tuk,nak engkah apo lagik kali tuk...

Abang Kerdee menunjukkan ceracak besi yang dipasang untuk pembinaan jambatan di Beting Maro sejak empat tahun lalu.

Menjelang Pilihan Raya Negeri (PRN) Sarawak, penduduk kampung di Beting Maro, sekali lagi diberikan harapan agar jambatan yang mereka perlukan benar-benar dibina kali ini.

Ini kerana, jambatan ini sudah dijanjikan sejak tahun 2000 iaitu menjelang PRN 2001, namun sehingga kini ia kekal tinggal janji saja.

Menurut bekas calon Beting Maro, Abang Ahmad Kerdee Abang Masagus, pada tahun 2001 iaitu menjelang PRN tahun itu, batu asas untuk membina jambatan ini telah dibuat oleh kerajaan negeri, namun menjelang 2006 masih belum siap lagi.

Empat tahun selepas itu, iaitu pada tahun 2005, kontraktor mula meletakkan pasir-pasir ke kawasan pembinaan di samping memasang dinding di kawasan pembinaan.

Namun empat tahun kemudian, ia masih belum siap bahkan pembinaan belum bermula.

Pada tahun 2010 iaitu menjelang PRN 2011, jentera-jentera berat mula dibawa masuk dan pasir serta besi-besi cerucuk mula dipasang.

"Dah nak masuk PRN 2016 tuk oi! Ni rupo 'Jambatan BN' tuk? Nak engkah apo lagik kali tuk?" tulis Abang Kerdee dalam posting beliau itu.

Menjelang pilihan raya ini, sekali lagi jentera BN datang ke Beting Maro. Kali ini mereka membawa tong-tong biru untuk menangani keperluan air bersih di kampung ini.

"Orang kampung mahu air bersih, namun dekat pilihan raya BN bagi tong biru. Terima kasihlah orang memberi, kita ambil. Tetapi air tiada macamana nak guna air. Tunggu air hujan tak turun-turun," tulis Penolong Setiausaha Agung Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) itu dalam akaun facebooknya.

Untuk itu, Abang Kerdee mengingatkan pengundi Sarawak, "Kali tuk benar kito ngajar sidak yo nyo!" - malaysiadateline

Story kat SINI dan SINI...

BN mungkin menang besar tapi...

Keputusan pilihanraya Sarawak bukan kayu pengukur sokongan rakyat seluruh negara kepada BN.

Minda ramai rakyat Sarawak telah lama dibekukan dan kurang pendedahan.

Hanya segelintir yang tercelik sedar.

Tong biru dipikul seolah menggalas kemajuan menggunung.

Janji manis diberi,
Ditipu berulang kali,
Rasa teramat simpati,
Hany menangis di hati.

Ask politely, and I will allow Wan Azizah, Nurul Izzah in...

Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and Nurul Izzah Anwar may be allowed into Sarawak if they ask the state’s Chief Minister Adenan Satem “politely”.

Speaking at a press conference here tonight, Adenan said he had heard of a rumour claiming PKR president Wan Azizah was planning to come into the state through Sabah to help her party members campaign for the May 7 Sarawak election.

“There is no need for her to do that. All she has to do is write to me, ask for permission to come, and I will consider it.

“I think she’s a very nice person, except that she belongs to the wrong party.

“Same goes with Nurul Izzah. Yes, she’s banned. But if she asks to come politely, and acknowledges our right, I will consider the matter.”

Nurul Izzah is among the long list of Opposition and BN members barred from entering Sarawak. - fmt

Sarawak bukan you punya BAPA punya???
Sarawak does not belong to you alone.
Dear, Sarawakian please teach this joker a lesson!!!

Story kat SINI SINI dan SINI


28 April 2016

Apa guna Pakatan,kalu masing tunjuk samseng...

PKR tidak akan beri laluan kepada DAP...

PKR tidak akan bertolak ansur dan melepaskan kerusi yang turut ditandingi DAP, demikian tegas Naib Presiden PKR, Dr Xavier Jayakumar.

“Tiada gunanya gesa kami lepaskan lima kerusi hanya untuk Batu Kitang. Cadangan pertukaran lima kepada satu kerusi menunjukkan DAP tidak serius di Batu Kitang.

Nasihat untuk pemimpin2 PH yang gila kuasa,bangang dan syiok sendiri...

“Berbanding calon yang diturunkan DAP pada saat-saat akhir, calon PKR, Voon Shiak Ni telah berkhidmat di Batu Kitang hampir 10 tahun.

“PKR ingin tekankan, kami meletakkan calon-calon berkelayakan dengan alasan-alasan kukuh,” katanya dalam satu sidang media di Ibu Pejabat PKR, hari ini.

Lima kerusi yang dimaksudkan DAP itu ialah Mulu, Murum, Ngemah, Mambong dan Simanggang.

Dari f/bk pemimpin DAP...

Tambah Xavier, nama calon-calon yang akan bertanding di lima kerusi itu akan kekal dalam kertas undi, sekalipun mereka menarik diri daripada bertanding pada 7 Mei nanti.

“Calon-calon kami tidak akan menarik diri untuk memberi laluan kepada calon-calon DAP bertanding sebagai pertukaran,” katanya.

Semalam, Setiausaha Organisasi DAP, Anthony Loke dilaporkan sebagai berkata, parti itu sedia mengeluarkan calonnya, Abdul Aziz Isa daripada kerusi Batu Kitang, dengan syarat PKR turut menarik diri daripada lima kerusi lain.- fmt

Sepanjang saya dan Tony Pua membawa isu 1MDB sejak 2011, kami berdepan laporan polis, pernah diugut ditangkap, disiasat selain dari dimaki tiap-tiap hari kerana kononnya menyebarkan fitnah. 

Minggu ini, CEO 1MDB mengaku ada unsur penipuan dan penyelewengan. Tak banyak; beberapa bilion ringgit je! Rakyat dah cakap 2.6 bilion kali sudah bahawa ada penyelewengan di dalam 1MDB tetapi macam-macam dalih diberikan. 

Saya sedang menghidu beberapa pendedahan panas lagi berkenaan 1MDB dalam masa terdekat - mohon sebarkan dan kembali ke page ini untuk pendedahan.- RR

What Happens When A Country "Defaults" On Its Debt?

Team Moron is crowing that there is no cross default. These folks are just not educated.

An event of default has occurred. The moment an event of default occurs, it triggers cross defaults.  It is automatic.

Once a default has occurred, the Lenders / Bondholders MUST send a lawyer's 'Letter of Demand".  All you thousands of "OBB" (orang bankrap baru) should know this. 

For the Ringgit bonds, the bondholders are mostly (maybe ALL) the local  funders (the GLCs, the KWAP, SOCSO, EPF etc). All under the "guidance" of Team Moron's gomen. 

The question is will these local Lenders / Bondholders enforce or pursue the event of default? Will they send a 'Letter of Demand' to 1MDB? 

That is the question. 

Here is the answer : Mahu cari mampus ke? 

I challenge any of these local bondholders to send a letter of demand to 1MDB on their default. 

Considering the incredible stupidity of the Prime Minister and his Cabinet and all their advisors which has brought Malaysia to this mess, we really do not know what is the maximum depth of their stupidity.  

Just when you thought they had hit the bottom of the pit, they can dig deeper at the bottom of the pit and fall in even more. 

Not many countries default on their debts.   Argentina defaulted in 2001 and Greece in 2012.  In 2016 Malaysia joins a very "exclusive" club.  

When a country fails to pay its creditors on time, it is said to go into “default”, the national equivalent of going bankrupt. But sovereign defaults are quite different from business bankruptcies as it is far harder for creditors to repossess the assets of a sovereign entity than to repossess the assets of a company. 

The following is from The Economist:

1.When countries default on their debt, it can be very painful for the country, particularly if they are unexpected and disorderly. 

2.Domestic savers and investors, anticipating a fall in the value of the local currency, will scramble to withdraw their money from bank accounts and move it out of the country. 

3.To avoid bank-runs and precipitous currency depreciation, the government may shut down banks and impose capital controls.

4.As punishment for default, capital markets will either impose punitive borrowing rates or refuse to lend at all.

5.And credit-rating agencies will no doubt warn against investing in the country - syedsoutsidethebox, Futher Reading here.

1MDB’s failure to pay interest will impact country

Story kat SINI SINI dan SINI   


27 April 2016

Pasai Zakir Naik,MB T'ganu dilucut darjah kebesaran...

Sokong Zakir Naik punca Ahmad Razif lucut darjah kebesaran...

Tindakan Menteri Besar Terengganu, Ahmad Razif Abd Rahman menyokong pendakwah kontroversi, Dr Zakir Naik dikatakan adalah punca darjah kebesarannya dilucutkan Sultan Terengganu.

Menurut laporan China Press, selain menghadiri ceramah-ceramah pendakwah dari India itu, Ahmad Razif turut menawarkan tiga pulau di Tasik Kenyir kepada Zakir, bagi tujuan penubuhan cawangan atau pusat penyelidikan Islam bagi rantau Asia Tenggara di Terengganu.

Selaku penaung Yayasan Penyelidikan Islam, Zakir telah bersetuju menerima pelawaan kerajaan negeri itu.

Empat ceramah Zakir di Terengganu berjalan lancar, selepas mendapat kelulusan pihak polis, berbeza dengan keadaan di Melaka, di mana forum bertajuk ‘Similarities Between Hinduism And Islam’ terpaksa ditukar kepada ‘Islam – Problems and Solutions to Humanity’, pada 17 April lalu.

Difahamkan, tindakan Zakir memberi syarahan di Terengganu turut tidak disenangi Jabatan Mufti Negeri Terengganu dan Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia, kerana dikhuatiri penceramah luar itu mungkin menyebarkan ajaran sesat.- fmt

Is Zakir Naik the reason for T’ganu MB losing titles?

PKR tipu DAP atau DAP tipu PKR...2x5...5x2...

“Jika satu kerusi, kita boleh memahami. Kita boleh cuba untuk ketepikannya tetapi, lima kerusi, bagaimana kita boleh ketepikannya? Kami rasa bahawa DAP telah ditipu,” kata Setiausaha Agung DAP, Lim Guan Eng.

Ada enam kerusi DUN Sarawak yang bertindih, iaitu Batu Kitang, Mulu, Murum, Simanggang, Ngemah dan Mambong di mana DAP dan PKR bakal bertembung pada 7 Mei nanti. Sudah pasti, BN paling seronok.

Ada pihak menuduh satu parti tamak. Ada pihak mengaku ‘kami berhak!’ Ada yang salahkan pimpinan tertinggi, salahkan calon, malah ada yang salahkan BN. Salah-menyalah tidak akan kembalikan masa lampau.

Bagi Manang, ini bukan soal tamak atau tidak. Ini soal prinsip berpegang kepada janji. Jika janji sudah dimeterai, tidak perlulah bertukar di saat akhir. Apa juga alasan sekalipun, janji tetap janji.

Pakatan Harapan perlu belajar dari kesilapan lampau. Bukan dengan tuduh-menuduh. Masihkah kita ingat punca Pakatan Rakyat terkubur?

Suka atau tidak, kita harus bersetuju dengan Lim Kit Siang yang mahu kedua-dua parti DAP dan PKR perlu saling membantu dan bekerjasama ketika berkempen. Malah, pimpinan kita juga saling meluahkan kekesalan atas apa yang berlaku.

Nasi belum menjadi bubur, masih tidak terlambat untuk memperbetulkan keadaan, dengan merangka strategi konstruktif jangka pendek, ke arah kemenangan calon-calon Pakatan Harapan. – Roketkini.com

Belum terlambat runding pertembungan 
calon di Sarawak...Pesanan Ds @anwaribrahim

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim berkata ia belum terlambat untuk PKR dan DAP berunding mengenai pertembungan calon kedua parti itu dalam pilihan raya negeri Sarawak. Dalam perkembangan yang sama, beliau turut melahirkan rasa kesal bahawa calon sekutu Pakatan Harapan terbabit dalam pertembungan sesama sendiri.

Anwar bagaimanapun menyeru mereka supaya terus bekerjasama bagi memastikan kemenangan.

"Saya kesal (ini berlaku dalam pilihan raya Sarawak)," kata Anwar ketika ditemui di Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur hari ini.

Beliau ditanya mengenai pertembungan antara calon PKR dan DAP di enam kerusi dalam pilihan raya negeri Sarawak pada 7 Mei ini.

"Buat masa ini, saya mahu mereka terus bekerjasama untuk memastikan Pakatan Harapan menang.

"Masih ada masa bagi mereka untuk cuba berunding. Itulah yang terbaik," katanya.

Calon PKR dan DAP akan bertembung di kerusi Mulu, Murum, Simanggang, Mambong, Ngemah dan Batu Kitang.

Anwar hadir di mahkamah hari ini untuk memohon kebenaran daripada Mahkamah Tinggi bagi merujuk kepada Mahkamah Persekutuan mengenai isu itu sama ada keengganan Lembaga Pengampunan untuk memberi keampunan kepadanya atas sabitan kesalahan liwat, boleh dicabar. - f/bk

Pesanan dari kamik, "Jangan simpan Azmin dlm. pemilihan PKR nanti"
Answers first, closure next...

A week is a long time in politics because a lot can happen in a short time. The Liberal politician Joseph Chamberlain is recorded in 1886 as having said: "In politics, there is no use in looking beyond the next fortnight."

How true! Although it is only indirectly related to politics, within a fortnight of the release of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) report on 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), there have been so many twists and turns.

Claims by certain parties made in the report have been found to be unfounded; the PAC chairman chose to delete certain key elements without the consent of its members; a bogus company registered in the British Virgin Islands ended up being recipient of billions of ringgit from 1MDB; and the mother of it all is 1MDB head honcho claiming that the company could have been a victim of fraud.

In between, the statement made by the Saudi foreign minister that "he was aware of the donation" was interpreted in different ways.

This saga will never see its end in the near future and suggestions by leaders to "put it behind and move forward" are increasingly difficult to accept.

What appeared to be "expurgation" of a few lines in the report has now turned out to be a complete omission of crucial facts which would have presented the affairs of 1MDB in a totally different perspective.

The edited lines concern Bank Negara's information that Good Star Ltd, in which US$1.03 billion from 1MDB's joint venture with PetroSaudi International was diverted to, was owned by an individual and not linked to the PetroSaudi group as claimed.

"This finding is crucial to the entire investigations of 1MDB because the company and its executives have testified to PAC that Good Star is a subsidiary of PetroSaudi. Continue Reading...

Singapura sahkan memang duit dari 1MDB yang masuk ke account Najib...

1. Rationalisation plan was doomed to fail from day one because 1MDB never had the assets to swap with debt to IPIC. We have been proven right.

2. 1MDB disclosed default of US$50m interest, and hence US$1.75bn bond. The outcome is cross-default on RM7.4bn of sukuk and RM800m of borrowings. RM5.8bn of these are guaranteed by Govt. So tax-payers are now forced to pay.

3. IPIC has to pay for the US$1.75bn bond because they provided the guarantee for 1MDB. However, IPIC will claim this from the Malaysian govt because of a "Inter-guarantor Agreement" signed between 1MDB and IPIC which requires MOF to pay IPIC in the event 1MDB is unable to pay!

4. Will all the hanky-panky going on which now even Arul Kanda admits, is he going to file a police report as the CEO of 1MDB? Continue reading...

Story kat SINI dan SINI

Lokasi: Chini, Pekan, Pahang...

Anwar di mahkamah siang tadi...


26 April 2016

MB Terengganu dimurkai istana,pasai...

Sultan Terengganu, Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin telah melucutkan semua darjah kebesaran yang dikurniakan kepada Menteri Besar Terengganu Ahmad Razif Abd Rahman berkuat kuasa Jumaat, 22 April.

Menurut Bernama, perkara itu dimaklumkan dalam satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan Datuk Pengelola Bijaya Diraja, Ke bawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Terengganu hari ini

Kenyataan itu berbunyi: "Setelah berunding dengan Dewan Pangkuan Diraja Negeri Terengganu, adalah dimaklumkan Ke bawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan telah melucutkan semua Darjah-darjah Kebesaran Negeri Terengganu yang telah dikurniakan kepada Ahmad Razif bin Abd Rahman berkuat kuasa mulai hari Jumaat, 22 April 2016.
Story kat SINI dan SINI  

Kemasukan topeng muka wajah Mat Sabu dengan jumlah yang banyak itu bakal memeriahkan lagi suasana kempen pilihan raya kali ini.
Mat Sabu berjaya "lolos" ke Sarawak...

Presiden Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) yang dihalang daripada memasuki Sarawak, akhirnya berjaya 'meloloskan' diri ke negeri ini bagi menyertai kempen Pilihan Raya Negeri (PRN) Sarawak ke-11 kali ini.

Mohamad yang dihantar pulang ketika cuba memasuki Sarawak pada 22 Mac lalu, dilihat kembali berada di beberapa kawasan Dewan Undangan Negeri (Dun) yang ditandingi parti itu sejak petang semalam.

Malah kemasukan topeng muka wajah beliau dengan jumlah yang banyak itu dilihat bakal memeriahkan lagi suasana kempen pilihan raya kali ini.

Topeng Mat Sabu sedang disiapkan oleh salah seorang pnyokong untuk diedarkan dalam kempen.

Pagi ini sempena hari penamaan calon, rata-rata penyokong Amanah dilihat mengenakan topeng wajah Mohamad, sebagai tanda kebersamaan dengan presiden parti itu selepas beliau tidak dapat menyertai kempen kali ini.

Amanah yang dilancarkan September tahun lalu, buat julung kalinya menyertai pilihan raya kali ini bersama PKR dan DAP dalam muafakat Pakatan Harapan.

Mereka akan meletakkan calon bertanding di 13 daripada 82 kawasan Dun Sarawak termasuk Demak Laut, Muara Tuang, Sadong Jaya, Samariang, Gedong, Sebuyau, Kuala Rajang, Beting Maro, Kabong, Semop, Daro, Jemoreng dan Balingian. - malaysiadateline

Sarawak should have a non-Muslim CM...

According to the 2010 National Census, the religious composition of Sarawak is: 43% Christians, 32% Muslims, and 14% Buddhists. The racial composition is: Iban 31%, Chinese 28%, Malay 20%, Melanau 6%, Bidayuh 8% and Orang Ulu 5%.

It is the most racially harmonious nation, within Malaysia. The many indigenous populations exist in peaceful co-existence. Families have members of different faiths.

Where in Malaysia can a stall selling bak kut teh, nestle beside a Malay stall selling halal food without anyone batting an eyelid? 

Where in Malaysia, can an open house be a true open house, where no special cutlery or crockery has to be bought specially for Muslim guests, where people have no qualms about visiting a longhouse, or a house, which celebrates Gawai or Christmas?

Malaysians are aware that BN's policies, from Malaya, don't have much to offer, except the divisive race and religious based politics. Although Chief Minister Adenan Satem has said that he does not brook any racial nonsense, two things stand out. 

First. Despite his high popularity rating, which has risen to 81%, from 74 percent, in April 2015, Adenan's ban, on various Malayans from entering Sarawak, is puzzling. Is he afraid that they will reach out and engage with Sarawakians? 

BN cannot be complacent, and although they know that the Opposition does not have as much money for canvassing as BN, they do not want to take any chances; hence the ban on the Opposition politicians from Malaya. Perhaps, Adenan is aware that his position is more precarious that he would like you and I to believe.

Second. Dr Annuar Rapaee, the BN candidate for Nangka, urged Sarawakian Muslims to continue supporting Adenan as CM, and implied that by voting BN, they would continue having a Muslim CM. 

Annuar, who is also the Sibu Muslim Welfare Trust Board (Lakis) chairman, told the largely Muslim audience attending a forum at the Sibu Islamic Complex, that Sarawakians should continue to defend the leadership, because it treated all the communities fairly.

Denying that he is touting the usual BN line, which is to peddle race and religion-based politics, Annuar then accused Malaysiakini of taking his words out of context and making him out to be a racist.

If Annuar denies playing on racial sentiments, was there any need to say, to the Muslim audience, in the audio recording, "I call on the Muslim community, especially in Sibu, that we must be aware that despite not being the majority, we are given the opportunity to lead Sarawak. Let us not let go of this opportunity.”

This is going against the grain for the true Sarawakians. 

Annuar must know that Sarawak is the only nation within the Malaysian tripartition, which practices "1Malaysia" on a daily basis. 

So, does Adenan endorse Annuar's message? Will Adenan reprimand the Nangka BN candidate? Some people allege that Adenan is a BN stooge. His silence will validate this allegation.

It is time for a change. Sarawak can show the rest of Malaysia that it can elect the best man for the job, be he Muslim or non-Muslim. 

Sarawakians have seen how Muslim leaders in Putrajaya have robbed and plundered the nation, and divided the rakyat. Sarawakians have also suffered under Taib Mahmud, the former CM. Why should they place their trust in Muslim leaders?

Malaysia is a secular country, and in a Christian-majority nation like Sarawak, the people should have a non-Muslim CM.- Mariam Mokhtar.theantdaily

Tamak,gila kuasa,syok sendiri,PH kucar kacir di PRN Sarawak...
Story kat SINI dan SINI   

Azmin menjadi barah dalam PH.BN menang 2 kerusi percuma 
pasai kem Azmin menghilangkan diri ketika penamaan calon.Tahniah Azmin!!!

Kebodohan yang menyebabkan sampai kiamat BN akan tetap menang.
Bukan 5 kerusi, tapi 6 kerusi DAP dan PKR bertembung!!!

Ketika pelancaran Pakatan Harapan, Setiausaha Organisasi DAP, Anthony Loke dilaporkan berkata: "Di bawah perjanjian itu, pertandingan tiga penjuru yang melibatkan lebih daripada satu parti dalam gabungan Pakatan Harapan, tidak akan berlaku lagi.

Pakatan Harapan, hanya akan meletakkan seorang calon untuk mewakili pakatan itu dalam mana-mana pilihan raya. Calon-calon akan dipilih oleh parti masing-masing, manakala pengagihan kerusi akan diputuskan oleh sebuah jawatankuasa pilihan raya. "Semua keputusan mesti diluluskan oleh majlis presiden" Pagi tadi, 6 kerusi bertindih antara PKR dan DAP. Mana perjanjian tu? Dah campak kat longkang?

Dah bayaq dah ka faedah hutang AS$50 juta?

Carcass of baby goat that looks like human baby...
Story kat SINI dan SINI   

Malaysia vs Singapore: Which country is cheaper to live in?
