02 January 2008

Pat Lah dah migraine angkara Menteri Kesihatannya....

Menteri Kesihatan Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek hari ini mengakui bahawa beliau adalah ahli politik yang terlibat dalam satu adegan seks yang disebarkan melalui DVD di beberapa bandar di Johor.Dalam satu sidang akhbar tergempar di pejabat MCA di sini, Chua berkata wanita terlibat dalam adegan itu seorang teman peribadinya. Sehubungan itu, beliau meminta maaf kepada orang ramai, penyokongnya serta rakan-rakan. Chua bagaimanapun berkata beliau tidak membuat rakaman DVD itu. Beliau juga menegaskan tidak akan meletakkan jawatan Kabinetnya berikutan tersebarnya DVD berkenaan, sebaliknya menyerahkan kepada Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi untuk membuat keputusan mengenai kedudukannya.- mStar Online

Beberapa tahun lalu bekas Presiden Amerika,Bill Clinton pernah berkata,"I did not have sex with that woman", iaitu merujuk kepada skandalnya dengan Monica Lewinsky. Siapa sangka dalam diam-diam Chua Soi Lek pula telah mengaku," I am the one in the sex DVD." Skandal tersebut telah menjadi tajuk utama media massa tempatan. Walaupun ramai menteri dan ahli-ahli UMNO dan parti-parti sekutunya terlibat dalam berbagai skandal sama ada rasuah,salahguna kuasa atau seks sekalipun,gomen pandai melakukan 'damage control' bagi menutupnya agar skandal tersebut tidak tersebar luas. Ingatkah anda kes-kes berikut dan bagaimana ianya berakhir.....

a. Rahim Tamby Chik - kes rogol budak perempuan bawah umur dan rasuah- kepentingan 11 syarikat dengan aset Rm39.7 juta,
b. Rafidah Aziz, Ketua Wanita Umno - kes AP dan penyelewengan saham Leader Universal Holdings,
c. Nazri Aziz - penyelewengan permit teksi,
d. Said Yusof, MP tutup mata sebelah - skandal elak bayar cukai balak,
e. Khalil Yaakob -skandal balak di Pahang,
f. Annuar Musa - skandal penyelewengan PPRT berjumlah RM 40 juta,
g. Abu Hassan Omar – skandal seks dengan adik iparnya.
h. Mohamad Khir Toyo,- amalan kronisme dalam agihan projek pembangunan Negeri Selangor,
i. Muhammad Mohd. Taib – bawa lari anak sultan dan menikah di Golok & bawa berjuta wang tunai di Australia,
j. Ling Liong Sik - skandal Port Klang FTZ dan RM4.5 juta bailout oleh gomen,
k. Chan Kong Choy - skandal Port Klang FTZ dan RM4.5 juta bailout oleh gomen,
l. Samy Vellu - saham Maika Holdings,
m. Tengku Adnan Mansor - skandal clip vidoe Lingam,
n. Zakaria Deros - bina rumah bernilai RM 10 juta tanpa plan dan permit,
o. Najib Razak - skandal komisyen pembelian kapal selam Scorpene bernilai RM 530 juta,
p. Abdullah Ahmad Badawi - skandal Oil for Food.

Apakah Chua Sui Lek ini telah menjadi mangsa dalam satu power-game orang-orang tertentu dalam MCA,memandangkan dia adalah seorang Naib Presiden yang agak popular? Lantas dengan political blackmail secara begini akan menjatuhkan maruahnya sama sekali. Sudah tentu musuh-musuhnya dalam MCA akan tersenyum lebar dengan permainan ini. Bila tuduhan seperti rasuah tidak dapat digunakan untuk mencemar maruah seseorang, maka skandal seks adalah jalan terbaik untuk menjatuhkan seseorang pemimpin itu. Mereka yang terlibat ini adalah orang-orang MCA sendiri kerana cemburu dengan populariti Chua Sui Lek. Katanya," that who were behind it were not important but their reasons for doing it were obvious". Karier politik Chua Sui Lek sudah terkubur. Persoalannya sekarang adakah Chua Sui Lek akan meletakkan jawatannya?

Adakah Rahim Thamby Chik,Muhammad Mohd.Taib,Anuar Musa,Khalil Yaakob,Zakaria Deros, letak jawatan bila mereka terlibat dalam berbagai-bagai skandal ? Saya juga tidak terfikir Khairy akan letak jawatan setelah dia dikaitkan dengan Maya Karin atau pun Najib ketika dia dikaitkan dengan seorang penyanyi terkemuka di Port Dickson beberapa tahun dahulu? Kalau kerani pejabat ditangkap berkhalwat atau berzina dia akan terus dibuang kerja. Dalam kes Chua Sui Lek pula Pat Lah nak buat macam mana?

Lantaran itu Chua Sui Lek bertegas bahawa dia tidak akan letak jawatannya,sebaliknya menyerah kepada Pat Lah untuk menentukan masa depannya. Dalam ertikata lain maksud Chua Sui Lek ialah,teloqnya sudah berada ditangan Pat Lah,terpulanglah kepada Pat Lah sama ada nak simpannya,meramasnya,gorengnya atau melemparnya ke dalam bakul sampah saja. Tetapi di negara-negara berikut pemimpin yang mengaku bersalah,mereka akan.....

UK - Retire him
US - Give him the boot
Singapore - Sack him
China - Shoot him
India - Jail him
Japan - Harakiri
Malaysia - Worship him

Its your call Pat Lah.....!

Seperkara yang berbeza antara tokoh politik MCA dengan tokoh politik UMNO ialah sekurang-kurangnya tokoh politik MCA ada teloq untuk mengaku kesalahan mereka di khalayak ramai. Tetapi bagi penyamun-penyamun UMNO pula sampai kiamat pun mereka tetap kata mereka tidak bersalah. Kalau rasuah UMNO,anggapnya sebagai politik wang,apa pula istilah bagi skandal seks - main-main seks atau peluk-peluk sayang......

Dulu Pat Lah pening dengan klip video Lingam, sekarang dia dah naik migraine dengan telatah Menteri Kesihatannya pula. Pilihanraya dah semakin dekat tapi ilham untuk diadakan pilihanraya belum ditemuinya kerana Pat Lah masih lagi tercari-cari,tambah pula dalam suasana sekarang apakah Pat Lah sanggup tunda pilihanraya sehingga pertengahan atau akhir tahun ini………Wallahu'alam...

Breaking News: Chua Sui Lek had resigned from all post with immediate effect. Read here. At least he got the guts to do so,unlike his UMNO counterparts who will cling on to power until kingdom come...



Anonymous said...

Ini semua kerja Brother Chan Ho Nam Muar la... hahaha

Anonymous said...

Reading at the article and finding out half of the cabinet are still running the country must be a joke.Pak Lah should know that we are in the 21st century where everyone are educated and knows the differents.Hey brother, we are no more kampung people like the grannies, aunties that listen to all your reps when come to election time and give empty promises.Now the citizen wants to see good, clean results and we should give the opposition a chance to govern the country if I am not mistaken, Anwar Ibrahim will be the right man for the job.To all the people in Malaysia,let us all vote the opposition for the next election because it is time for a chance.This present government is too corrupted and is time for you all to retire and let a better team to run it.

Goostee said...

Yang lebih melucukan adalah telatah wakil UMNO kawasan SUE Lek tu memberikan sokongan kepada PENZINA tu walau pun dia telah terang-terangan mengakui berzina. Ini amalan Islam HAD-HARI ke? Islam yang saya anuti mengutuk zina sebagai satu dosa besar dan menuntut umatnya mencegah perlakuannya seboleh mungkin.

Anonymous said...

The sad thing is that there are so many tainted 'leaders' running the country. Dr Chua did the right thing to resign all posts , even though it is a day late. Will the voters send the BN the right message in the coming elections, namely deny them a 2/3 majority? I believe if this happens we'll see some positive change towards a more democractic and civil society.

Anonymous said...

I wondered is this his first time being video? or maybe he has no choice at all??
Mungkin biasa...or pernah membayar
ugutan-ugutan seperti ini . but this time tak larat lagi just imagine if before this entah apa bentuk bayaran yg terpaksa diberi tapi kali ni tak dapat memenuhi....apa agaknya yg diminta hingga tak terdaya olehnya...bahaya.....bahaya.....

Anonymous said...

The nation is now been plagued with so many jucy stories untold in the past for public knowledge, yet Almighty God has decided to expose those who are beseiged with all kinds impropriety facets amongst the majority of our old warlocks within the political system of our beloved country.

Looking back into all the scandals in the past decades, we wonder why some of the victims were condemned in public, though not through the due diligence of the law(s).Now we know the reasons why their sinful acts were not properly trialed, due to the manipulations of the judiciary system.

Having said that, not all the members of the opposition are clean and wearing a straight jacket, which they tried to camouflage their true images which had been tainted with all kinds of sinful acts.

I am not anti-government, anti-UMNO or anti-Mahathir, Pak Lah or Najib, but a modest Malaysian senior citizen who had gone through the meals with many others before me, who had already left us in the early 70s, 80s or 90s.Some bloggers have thrown in big names on the cheating and sinful block, but will those guilty ones, please dare to sue us in court with perhaps millions of ringgit, in order to blind the poor public knowing very well that they themselves have no faith in the judiciary system. I suggest they sue us in the International Courts of Law.

Coming back to prime minister Pak Lah, the whole issue is that we love him, but as the decedants created by Almighty God, we love and fear HIM more in this life and life hereafter.We also love Malaysia but we also love UMNO and the rest of the political parties that are truely the voices of the people, who had voted them into power in the last 11 general elections.

Politics is a system change of management, clean, proper and systematic if administered with sincerity and transparency. However, politicians are the ones that are dirty, greedy and crooked as they taste the fruits of their, more mighty status and success in making more monies and create more wealth in and out of the country.

They are the modern pirates in our time and the biggest hypocrites, though not all as there are still some honest and straight fellows but being queen controlled all the way intheir artificial life.

Now we talk about election, but given the prevailing situation, I fear that having another general election will eventually destroy this nation and the people will continue to suffer and curse the political leadership. WE ARE FED UP!I appeal to all our political leaders to look into the mirror and assess themselves, and not to allow the people to assess them, which will be their downfall with the help of Almighty God and He is giving us some clear signals that something bad will happen in this country or other countries, which had been badly managed by muslim and non-muslim leaders alike.

Please wake up from your dreams, walk straight, walk the talk but talk less with more positive and serious actions to deal with all the problems that are now plaguing this beautiful country known as "Malaysia Boleh".

Bukit Chandan said...


1. This 'Tok Syed' fornication practices are deviant. Do not follow.

2. As we have said before, the Sheikh, Syed, Tengku, Tunku, Raja, Engku, Wan, etc. are our families. They are the descendents of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. either through Saidina Hassan r.a. or Saidina Hussain r.a. or both, as in the case of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jilani r.a.

However, there are many of them that are not genuine. They merely put those titles in front of their names. So, we only acknowledge those who have documented evidences that can link them to our families below or they have been personally verified by us. Pete, we have verified that you are one of our families. Check out our families below:


3. Actually, Islam is from the first human being, the Prophet Adam a.s. until the last Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. However, the Christians have been strayed by the Jews. That's why in Chapter 1: Verses 6-7 of the Holy Quran that we always recite in our daily 5-times a day prayers, Allah s.w.t. says with the meaning “Not (the path) of the ones Our wrath are upon them (Jews) and strayed (Christians)”. The Jews have strayed the Christians. The Christians by nature are good human beings. However, they have been used, manipulated and controlled by the Jews especially in commerce. The world would be a better place to live in without the Jews.

In general, the 2 verses above can also refer to any human being following the Jews and Christians.

4. It takes about 9 of us to carry out all our improvement plans in about 3 hours daily covering every inch of the country and abroad (if there are corroborations) in stealth mode. The following is the status update:

Improvement Plan Status 01-Jan-08

Phase Action Start Date
1 Cleanse the SPR 26-Nov-07
2 Cleanse the Cabinet (especially BN) 08-Dec-07
3 Cleanse the Judiciary 28-Nov-07
4 Cleanse the Police/FRU/ACA/ATM/Etc 01-Dec-07
5 Cleanse the Mainstream Media 02-Dec-07
6 Cleanse the Government Servants (Federal & States) 11-Dec-07
7 Eradicate underworld organized crime syndicates 15-Dec-07
8 Eradicate the communists 16-Dec-07
9 Cleanse the Religious Departments (Federal & States) 22-Dec-07
10 Cleanse UMNO 10-Dec-07
11 Cleanse NGOs and Businesses 10-Dec-07
12 Cleanse the voters 01-Jan-08

5. Our C-List update is as follows:

No. Name Role Date Logged
1. Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar UMNO 21-Nov-07
2. Musa Hassan IGP of RMP 21-Nov-07
3. Ahmad Said Hamdan DG of ACA 21-Nov-07
4. Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman Chairman of EC 21-Nov-07
5. Noor Hisham Yusoh UMNO 21-Nov-07
6. Wan Mohd Safiain Wan Hasan UMNO 22-Nov-07
7. Mohd Johari Baharum Deputy Minister of Internal Security 22-Nov-07
8. Zakaria Md Deros UMNO 22-Nov-07
9. Mohd Khir Toyo MB of Selangor 22-Nov-07
10. Khalil Yaakob MB of Pahang 22-Nov-07
11. Osu Sukam PBS 22-Nov-07
12. VK Lingam Lawyer 22-Nov-07
13. Musa Aman CM of Sabah 22-Nov-07
14. Ramli Yusoff Director of CCD RMP 23-Nov-07
15. Abdul Taib Mahmud CM of Sarawak 23-Nov-07
16. Vincent Tan Gambling Kingpin 27-Nov-07
17. Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor Minister of Tourism 27-Nov-07
18. Chong Kah Kiat Ex-CM of Sabah 19-Dec-07
19. BK Tan Organized Crime Syndicate 23-Dec-07
20. CP Goh Organized Crime Syndicate 23-Dec-07
21. Abdul Ghani Patail Attorney General 23-Dec-07
22. Christopher Wan Soo Kee Director of CID RMP 23-Dec-07
23. Kalimullah Hassan Advisor of PM 28-Dec-07
24. Zaki Azmi Advisor of PM 28-Dec-07
25. Omar Ong Advisor of PM 28-Dec-07
26. Norza Zakaria Advisor of PM 28-Dec-07
27. Rafidah Aziz Minister of International Trade and Industry 31-Dec-07
29. Azalina Othman Minister of Youth & Sports 31-Dec-07
30. Mahathir Mohamad Ex-PM of Malaysia 31-Dec-07
31. Ahmad Faizruz Ex-CJM 31-Dec-07
32. Zainuddin Maidin Minister of Information 31-Dec-07

Best Regards.........


The organized crime syndicates have made their moves. We would like them to ‘hand over’ all the corrupted politicians, policemen and government servants to the public before these people ‘hand over’ the organized crimes syndicates to the public. It is a matter of who wins the race now.

Best Regards.........

ali allah ditta said...

Hi All,

Me welcome all your comments & thanks. Let me summarise by citing what Chua Sui Lek said when he announced that he is quitting all post in the gomen & MCA. Chua said;

"I am afraid if I continue to hold the positions in the government or the party, it would be a burden to the government and the party, especially in the context of Islam Hadhari."

"Those who have made mistakes or have certain weaknesses as a leader have to be responsible. That is why I come before not only the national and party leaders, but also the rakyat. It seems that I am not accepted,"

By doing so (confessing), I thought people would think that I am a political leader with high moral grounds ... after 61 years, I have learnt a lesson that honesty doesn't always pay."

In a political struggle, it should be based on your performance, professionalism and integrity. So a simple tape can destroy a person's political career. If they find this is effective, I am sure people are smart to use it. This is the most cost and time effective (method)."

"National leaders in a democratic country are elected by the rakyat so they have also to listen to the rakyat," he said when asked by the press if national leaders had forced him to leave."

"My biggest mistake was that I stayed in the hotel and in the same room for convenience. Next time, when you stay in a hotel, good luck to you."

So guys,next time when you decide to stay in the hotel,watch out for the "eye"


Anonymous said...

I hope Malaysia will be successful and always be blessed. I just hope I don't have to migrate to other countries due to lack of good leaders in Malaysia.

Anonymous said...

This year's UMNO Anniversary do held at PWTC yesterday didn't pull in the enormous crowd like previous years, despite the good food hospitality on UMNO's account.Somehow the enthusiasm and real crowd like the good old days were gone.

I supposed given the current kalamkabut UMNO situation, there are more serious members who are really concerned about the future of UMNO and BN's survival. Well, I see this as a silent protest and the leaders should really listen to the grassroot members and supporters.

There is a strong signal for an urgent leadership change that we have been deliberating at the various divisional EGMs being currently held. I can't help to conclude that what if the organizing committee under SecGen Tengku Adnan had managed to convince that Najib should also take the opportunity to address the congregation of members present.Nobody was sincere enough to slow talk Pak Lah and at least convince him that Najib should be given the opportunity to speak.Najib is always a crowd puller, afterall it was less than a half day affair.

Let me also comment on the latest news that 16 UMNO members from Sabah will cross over to Pakatan Rakyat.I also received the news via SMS. Our BG Nazri of parliament seemed to be in shock and surprise. Nazri in his normal cocky self, but to most of us, the cross over if indeed true, will not surprise us as that's Sabah politics.

It's politically acceptable in Sabah, whereby political power is on the revolving tower in order to satisfy all the major political warlords.The seat of the Sabah Chief Minister is made of gold and spinning of money, wealth and fame.

Let's wait until coming wednesday and see whether the purported cross over this espisode is only a political gimmick or for real in order to warn the Federal UMNO leadership. Political blackmail, whatever we call it.We have yet to hear from the PK de factor leader Anwar Ibrahim.Let's put to poll whether elected members should resign from their positions and go for by-elections.

What has the Election Commission has to say about this latest political development? Personally, I feel that we should not allow legislation to address this "party hopping issue" but only to specify that all those who wish to cross over, should resign from their current patronage political affiliations, i.e to join DAP, PKR OR PAS.They should resign from their elected seats of parliament(MP) or state assembly (ADUN)in order to force the by-elections.