31 May 2018

Jamal tongkoi main aci lop dengan polis...

Polis Selangor akan memohon waran tangkap terhadap Ketua Umno bahagian Sungai Besar, Datuk Seri Jamal Md Yunos selepas menghilangkan diri baru-baru ini.

Dalam satu kenyataan, Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah (JSJ) Selangor, Senior Asisten Komisioner Fadzil Ahmat berkata polis sedang menyiasat sembilan kes membabitkan Jamal, termasuk tiga yang didakwa di sebuah hospital Jumaat lalu.

"Pihak polis telah memberikan masa yang cukup untuk Datuk Seri Jamal memberikan kerjasama dalam semua siasatan dan prosedur yang sedang dijalankan namun beliau masih gagal untuk memberikan respons yang sepatutnya. Malah sentiasa cuba berdolak dalik dalam kenyataan-kenyataan viral yang dilakukan beliau.

"Oleh itu waran tangkap ke atas beberapa kes yang melibatkan Datuk Seri Jamal akan dipohon dan tindakan mengesan akan diperhebatkan," jelasnya dalam satu kenyataan.

Terdahulu, Jamal gagal hadir di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Ampang Jaya kerana bimbang akan ditangkap.

Namun, dia kemudiannya mengeluarkan video dari sebuah ladang kelapa sawit dengan mendakwa kerajaan cuba menjadikan dirinya sebagai mangsa.

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Ketua gerakan Baju Merah itu juga mendakwa dia dilayan seperti seorang penjenayah dan pengganas. 

Jamal juga mendakwa Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) dan polis telah menyerbu rumahnya, rumah ibunya, pejabatnya, serta lokasi lain yang dikaitkan dengannya, di bawah tekanan daripada kerajaan Pakatan Harapan.

Jamal menghilangkan diri dari Hospital Ampang Puteri, Kuala Lumpur pada 25 Mei lalu selepas dituduh di bawah Seksyen 290 Kanun Keseksaan ekoran mengetuai bantahan penganjuran ‘Better Beer Festival 2017’ (BBF17) di hadapan pejabat pentadbiran kerajaan negeri Selangor pada 5 Oktober tahun lalu.

Pada keesokan harinya, dia mengeluarkan rakaman audio yang mendakwa berlaku salah faham. 

Jamal juga disiasat mengikut Seksyen 34, Akta Senjata Api 1960 atas dakwaan mempamerkan senjata api di khalayak ramai. - mk

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Singaporeans hail Dr.M for doing 
them a favour by scrapping HSR...

Singaporeans have heaped praise on Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad for pulling out of the Kuala Lumpur-Singapore High Speed Rail (HSR) project, The Independent reports. 

Many took to social media to applaud the move; some even urged Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong to show the same boldness and scrap the Changi Airport Terminal 5 project. 

Comments on the news portal's Facebook page see many Singaporeans asking for the Changi airport project to be scrapped along with the HSR. 

“Desperate times calls for desperate measures, it is at times like this Singapore government should be more understanding and supportive towards Malaysia, understand their situation, perhaps one day in the near future, this will be a reality. 

“Going forth LHL should also scrap the idea of building Terminal 5, this is an unnecessary burden on the citizens,” Jan Singh posted.

Roger S.S. Lim thanked Dr Mahathir on behalf of Singaporeans whose views were not taken into account in the construction of the HSR.

“Thank you Tun for doing us Singaporeans the favour. Only you are able to abolish the HSR agreement for us.  We Singaporeans were never consulted and we do not need the HSR”.

On Monday, Dr Mahathir announced Malaysia was scrapping the HSR, even at the cost of having to pay RM500 million to terminate the agreement,  as it was “not a beneficial project”. 

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad has rubbished claims that the Kuala Lumpur-Singapore High-Speed Rail (HSR) project would have been a catalyst for job creation.

"You want to spend RM60 billion to RM100 billion so that 100,000 people can work, that is not very efficient," Mahathir said when met by reporters in Putrajaya tonight.

He was asked to respond to former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak's comments on the HSR.

Najib said the HSR would create 110,000 jobs initially, which would grow to 442,000 employment opportunities by 2069.

He also said that by that year, the HSR could generate RM650 billion in gross national income.

Mahathir had scrapped the HSR as a cost-cutting measure.

The prime minister said the government will, however, have to pay RM500 million to Singapore as compensation for cancelling the project.

On a separate matter, Mahathir said the government will be renegotiating toll concessions.

"We will renegotiate," he said briefly.

He was responding to a question on the Plus highway toll concession, which was originally supposed to end tomorrow, May 31. - minsight/mk

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Inilah yang berlaku sejak Suruhanjaya Penerbangan Malaysia (MAVCOM) ditubuhkan secara rasmi pada 1 Mac 2016 di era pemerintahan Najib Razak dgn pembiayaan awal sbyk RM90 juta dan dimaklumkan kos operasi Mavcom adalah RM25 juta.

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30 May 2018

Bila macai2 UMNO cuba laga2kan team Malaysia Baru...

Suasana gembira dan menyenangkan hati mengenai keajaiban yang berlaku pada 9 Mei masih dapat dirasa.

Adil juga untuk dinyatakan bahawa terdapat sedikit kekeliruan dan kebimbangan apabila berlaku ledakan berita apabila media tidak lagi disekat daripada melaporkan dengan benar.

Untuk ini, The Malaysian Insight berhenti sejenak bagi menjawab beberapa persoalan dan menentukan kesahihan beberapa dakwaan.

SOALAN 1: Adakah kerajaan Pakatan Harapan (PH) akan musnah akibat masalah dalaman?


Tapi ada teka-teki baharu yang disebut-sebut masa ini: Berapa lamakah Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan rakan-rakannya akan kekal mentadbir. Golongan yang giat membangkitkan perkara ini adalah orang-orang Umno, golongan yang mencari laba dan juga pemerhati politik Malaysia.

Tesis utama kumpulan ini adalah Anwar Ibrahim merupakan ahli politik yang bercita-cita tinggi dana akan menekankan pendiriannya dalam isu negara dan antarabangsa.

Pada satu masa, campur tangannya akan menimbulkan kemarahan Perdana Menteri Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan akan menyebabkan perselisihan hubungan.

Perbalahan di antara PM dan bakal PM ini akan meracuni PH dan membawa kepada perpecahan gabungan parti yang menguasai 124 kerusi di Parlimen. Peraih utama yang mempromosi senario ini adalah Umno.

Ia tidak dapat memetakan jalan untuk pemulihan partinya, lalu ia berharap kepada perpecahan dalaman kerajaan PH untuk memberikannya jalan belakang dan kembali ke Putrajaya.

Jadi kita boleh jangka penulis blog dan ahli politik Umno membangkitkan perkara ini setiap kali Anwar menghadap Raja-Raja Melayu atau mengeluarkan kenyataan yang dilihat menegur Putrajaya.

Mereka mahu menimbulkan masalah di antara Dr Mahathir dan pemimpin PH lain dan juga Anwar. Mereka mahu seluruh rakyat terpaku pada drama ini. Umno mahu pentadbiran Dr Mahathir terganggu dengan drama ini.

Kita sudahpun melalui pengalaman ini – yang memberi kesan buruk kepada Malaysia, Dr Mahathir dan Anwar.

20 tahun lalu, satu kempen secara bisik-bisik dijalankan oleh Anwar dan Dr Mahathir. Ia akhirnya membawa kepada konfrontasi dan berakhir dengan pemecatan dan pemenjaraan Anwar dan kerosakan pada kewibawaan Dr Mahathir.

Kedua-duanya kini sudahpun diberikan peluang untuk bertaubat di usia senja masing-masing.

Bodohlah jika Anwar dan Dr Mahathir lupa siapa yang memberikan peluang kedua kepada mereka untuk kembali ke puncak.

Lebih buruk lagi, amat menyedihkan jika mereka membenarkan golongan berkepentingan untuk membawa mereka ke jalan kemusnahan seperti yang dilalui pada 1998.

Jawapan mengenai tempoh jawatan Dr Mahathir, cita-cita Anwar

SOALAN 2: Anwar tiada kedudukan rasmi dalam kerajaan. Jadi mengapa beliau berjumpa orang berpengaruh?

Anwar sudahpun menghadap Sultan Johor. Beliau juga menghadap bonda Yang di-Pertuan Agong di Kelantan dan belau juga dijadualkan bertemu Presiden Indonesia Jokowi Widodo.

Rentetan pertemuan peringkat tertinggi ini memberi gambaran bahawa beliau sedang bergegas, dan memberi isyarat kepada semua pihak bahawa beliau seorang tokoh penting dalam suasana pasca pilihan raya ini.

Perkara ini menjengkelkan beberapa pihak, yang menuduh Anwar memasang cita-cita yang terlalu besar.

Tapi, adakah bekas timbalan perdana menteri dan bekas ketua pembangkang ini harus menjadi suri rumah sahaja selepas ini? Anwar sentiasa dambakan tumpuan.

Walau ketika dalam penjara, beliau tetap mengeluarkan kenyataan akhbar dan membuat keputusan penting untuk PKR.

Mengapa rakyat Malaysia harus terperanjat dengan keinginan Anwar untuk didengar, dihormati dan dianggap sebagai kuasa besar di Malaysia hari ini.

Beliau akan menjad PM dalam tempoh dua tahun dan beliau tidak mahu sesiapapun lupa pada perkara itu. – malaysiainsight

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Bila Hj.Hadi flip-flop...

Soalan paling maut host Awani Nazri Kahar beberapa minit sebelum berakhir siaran.. Apa komen dan mesej Tok Guru tentang Parti Amanah yang dulu dituduh sebagai parti nyamuk.. tetapi kini ada yang sudah menjadi Menteri..begitulah lebih kurang soalan yang aku tonton sepintas lalu..

TG Hj Hadi agak tersentak dengan Soalan itu, Jawab Tok Guru, Diharap mereka ini, dapat mempertahankan Islam...membawa suara Islam,Sebab mereka keluar dulu pun dari PAS sebab Islam, akhirnya TG HJ Hadi terperangkap dengan Soalan dan akhirnya mengakui pemimpin Amanah juga membawa Islam dalam perjuangan depa..

Apa yang aku dapat lihat sepintas lalu, Pengacara Awani mereka lebih "faqeh" , memahami Politik Islam dan sejarah Politik PAS, mereka boleh mengungkap istilah secara spontan seperti ungkapan Dakwah Bil Hal.. mengungkap idea Konsep Memperkasakan Islam Melalui konsep zakat dan Waqaf dalam meralisasikan Islam dalam pememerintahan berbanding Undang2...

Walaupun Nazri Kahar mengumpan Soalan dengan baik dan bijak, Soalan ini gagal dijawab dengan baik Oleh TG HJ Hadi.. Sememangnya PAS tidak dapat membawa apa apa model,Bukti bagaimana Islam telah dicernakan,dizahir didalam pemerintahan, bagaimana ia direalisasikan dalam Pemerintahan PAS di kelantan dan Terengganu..

Tok Guru masih lagi menjawab dengan "template" yang sama, sepertimana pernah kita dengar dalam Kuliah dan ceramah TG Hj Hadi sebelum ini.. apa yang lebih teruknya , Tg Hj Hadi memabwa jawapan luar dari konteks yg terlalu jauh, Sehinggakan contoh perhambaan, hamba Abdi d Amerika/Eropah digunakan sebagai jawapan.. Tg Hj Hadi masih terbawa bawa dengan Kegemilangan Sejarah Islam terdahulu..

Akhir sekali, yang membuatkan TG Hj Hadi gagal menjawab dengan baik, Sebabnya TG Hj Hadi masih gagal keluar dari kepompong Perkauman dan Ashabiyah, masih memisahkan Islam yang dibawa PAS berbeza dengan Islam pihak yang lain, masih merasakan selain PAS adalah liberal, masih memisahkan dari sudut pemerintahan bezanya kedudukan mereka dari kalangan Islam dan Bukan islam, masih mengikat pandangan dari sudut Aqidah..

Yang Membezakan wacana ini, Nazri kahar cukup faham sejarah PAS , Politik gerakan islam sehingga Tg Hj Hadi sendiri takut untuk berbohong atau memanipulasi Hujjah sepertimana yang dilakukan TG Hj Hadi dan Pemimpin PAs dihadapan pentaksub dan penyokong PAS.. Memang agak sukar untuk berhadapan dengan Pengacara yang mempunya Kebijaksanaan yang tinggi.. itu belum lagi berhadapan dengan Panel dalam wacana perdebatan.. - f/bk

Najib’s night of despair and delusion...

"DO people really hate me that much?" two people heard Najib Razak say as the carnage of Barisan Nasional's (BN) devastating losses became clearly apparent as the May 9 night wore on.

His advisers were huddled near him at his Langgak Duta residence, faces getting paler and grim as the results trickled in. Federal seats were falling like ten-pins in Sarawak, while the state legislatures in Johor, Malacca and Negri Sembilan seemed to go Pakatan Harapan's (PH) way.

The two people who heard him mutter those words were silent. Words could not capture the depth of their feelings; the grief of losing had shocked them as the results streamed in.

"No one knew the extent of the anger against Najib and BN. I mean people did say they were going to vote for PH but we thought he could pull through," one adviser told The Malaysian Insight.

It wasn't like this when polling started that May 9 morning. Najib's BN had never lost an election since his father formed it in 1974, while the predecessor Alliance's victory stretched from the 1955 elections, two years before Malaya's Merdeka.

The Najib administration was confident it would keep the government in the 222-seat federal parliament, even predicting that it might regain its two-thirds parliamentary super-majority that allows it to pass constitutional amendments without the opposition's cooperation.

BN had the money, machinery and media behind it, as in previous elections, and believed that its political foes were in disarray, with Dr Mahathir Mohamad leading the PH pact that was forced to use the PKR logo as Bersatu was temporarily deregistered.

What could go wrong, a BN strategist told The Malaysian Insight, saying he was oblivious to the trouncing that happened that Wednesday. "We never saw it coming at all," he said.

He was not the only one who did not see the devastating losses coming. BN's array of well-paid strategists were confident of a huge win and inspired the top leadership to reassure jittery supporters that victory was theirs.

White roofed tents and marquees had been set up at Najib's posh Langgak Duta private residence in a leafy cul-de-sac opposite Istana Negara for the victory celebrations. Congratulatory advertisements were set to roll in newspapers controlled by BN parties.

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"Najib was sure of 133 seats at least, the same as in 2013," one strategist said. Another said party deputy president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi reassured supporters on polling day that 142 seats were in the bag due to the big turnout that Wednesday.

It is learnt that even Najib's wife, Rosmah Mansor, had called the wives of some top leaders and confidently echoed her husband's earlier assessment that 133 seats were in the bag. "She called at 11.30pm and said BN would win with 133 seats," another strategist said.

But the win did not happen. And Najib did not make it to the Umno headquarters in the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), as was the custom of all winning party presidents. Instead, he stayed home, and senior party leaders silently made their way there to figure out the results.

"We were looking at big losses; Johor has fallen, Malacca has fallen, Negri, too," said an Umno MP who lost his seat to PH. He had expected to win with a slim margin due to the large number of voters but was trounced by a more than 10,000-vote majority by his opponent.

Other top BN leaders had also lost by 9pm, including MCA president Liow Tiong Lai, MIC president Dr S. Subramaniam, Felda chief Shahrir Samad and Najib's two lieutenants in Sabah, Salleh Said Keruak and Abdul Rahman Dahlan.

Image result for Dr Mahathir claimed victory just after midnight,

The delusion of a possible win despite the slew of defeats turned to despair as Dr Mahathir claimed victory just after midnight, despite the standstill in results announced by the widely derided Election Commission (EC).

Dr Mahathir had won for the sixth time in as many elections he has led, except this time, it was with PH and not BN. Najib remained silent through the night, with a spokesman saying a statement would come out in the morning.

The country's sixth prime minister was still wondering about the depth of the hate and anger against him and his colleagues while his aides waited for the final results to plot their next move.

Meanwhile, others celebrated PH's win. But the white marquees in Najib's garden were dark and empty. The crowd had disappeared from PWTC and only a few had turned up at his residence.

And newspaper workers had to pull the pages of congratulatory advertisements for BN while editors tried to figure out acceptable headlines capturing the historic and seismic change of government on May 9. – malaysianinsight

Malam jahanam BN

Cancelling HSR a mistake? Show us proof, says Dr M
Story kat SINI dan SINI  

Duit menabung Rosmah dari kecil...

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Kini sah geng engko pembangkang.
Soalnya PAS kera atau UMNO menyet...

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29 May 2018

Biaq PH langsai hutang dulu lepai tu PAS ambil alih...

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Pas tidak kesah tidak boleh menang di peringkat pusat dalam pilihan raya umum ke 14 lalu kerana hutang terlalu banyak.

Naib Presiden Pas, Datuk Mohamad Amar Nik Abdullah berkata, Pas akan mengambil alih kerajaan pusat dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang.

“Ambo (saya) pun suka tidak boleh perintah Malaysia lagi. Sebab hutang banyak, nak bayar macam mana.

“Jadi Tuhan bagi orang lain ambil dulu, selesaikan hutang Malaysia. Lima tahun lagi kita ambil Malaysia,” kata beliau dalam satu ucapannya di Kota Bharu.

Menurutnya, apabila parti lain menang di Malaysia, mereka akan selesaikan segala masalah yang ada, termasuk isu 1MDB.

“Selepas selesai semuanya, kawe (kita) pula akan ambil lima tahun lagi. Kita pula duduk di sana,” kata beliau.

Menurut Timbalan Menteri Besar Kelantan itu, perkara sama berlaku apabila Pas kalah di Kelantan pada tahun 1978 dulu.

“Serupa kita kalah 1978 dahulu. 12 tahun orang perintah, orang lain buat pembangunan, buat pejabat dan sebagainya, siap semua sekali, bagi kepada kita.

“Jadi tidak leloh (letih) kita. Kita boleh perkara yang dah siap,” kata Nik Amar.

Sebelum pilihan raya ke 14, Mohamad Amar berkata, Pas sengaja tidak bangunkan Kelantan kerana takut rakyatnya tidak sedia untuk menghadapi pembangunan itu. - mstar.

PAS inila yg buat org non muslim susah hormat PAS. kerja org lain buat pastu dia yg dpt nama. Mcm mna org maw cakap islam tu kuat, islam tu indah kalo statement mcm gini keluar dri mulut dorang? PAS parti Islam? Kadang parti lain lebih islam dri PAS. - Azlanshah Suriansah 

Mcm ni ke pemikiran timbalan menteri, parti pas, adoii pas patut kena buat pemutihan, cari la calun yg educated yg berfikiran jauh dan ada agama baru laa rakyat buka mata, xyah kempen pun org akan undi pas, tgk menteri bsr n9, walaupun n9 kalah tp rakyat tetap suka syg pd beliau kerana jasa nya, dan berfikiran matang, ni main tangkap muat je, jgn la guna kan agama je, biarlah seiring. - Masirul Azizi 

Ini contoh terbaik orang yang tak nak kerja tapi gaji minta banyak- banyak, kalau Malaysia di bawah tanganya, tak cukup satu tahun jadi Bankrap. - Evelyn Neau Wen Yuan 

Sebab dia x boleh buat hutang tambahan. Tengok Kelantan sekarang. Zaman tok guru bayar hutang, zaman dia bayar gaji pun minta tolong. Sombong kemain. Penyokong paling mengada2 atas dunia. Rasa pemimpin mereka paling hebat. Hampeh! - Saridah Sh Abdullah

Ingat rakyat bodoh ke..pakatan bertungkus lumus nak selamatkan negara, PAS nak ambil alik lepas hutang diselesaikan oleh pakatan....jgn harap ok...kami tetap akan pilih Pakatan. - Malar Raja

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Bila orang2 PH diketepikan...

Shuaimi Ibrahim salah seorang anak buah Shahrizat lembu dan Eddy Casmady adalah Briged Pemuda UMNO... Kenapa barua UMNO ini diserap masuk dalam PH? 

Kenapa tidak memilih orang PH sendiri yang mengiringi DSAI? Bukankah kebanyakan orang reformasi berlambak lagi yang boleh saport DSAI...

Jenis puak2 anjing UMNO ni tak boleh dibela nanti gigit tuan balik, tengok saja keadaan mereka semasa dengan UMNO. 

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UMNO tumbang saja mereka terus lompat kerana UMNO dah tak boleh bagi makan..

Akhirnya penyokong tegar PH ditolak ketepi hanya kerana nak ambik anjing UMNO.. 

Tengoklah nanti pasti ada huru hara angkara anjing-anjing UMNO ni nanti... Kita tunggu dan lihat... Aku pun dah jadi malas dengan sandiwara politik zaman sekarang... Kali ni lu pikir lah sendiri...- f/bk

Lim Guan Eng said the Finance Ministry has been bailing out 1MDB’s debt service obligations since April last year. — Picture by Miera Zulyana
A less blunt tool for Lim Guan Eng? 
Really, Mr Mukherjee?

In a column this news website published yesterday, Bloomberg’s Andy Mukherjee had this to say: “Malaysia’s new finance minister is taking a sledgehammer to 1MDB. A less blunt tool would do the job just as well, probably better.”

In his words, Mukherjee said, “Lim Guan Eng is busy telling the world about the shocking state of affairs at the scandal-ridden state fund. But that won’t sate the Malaysian public’s desire for justice. Investors, meanwhile, are uneasy about things getting out of hand. Already, foreigners have sold out of the nation’s stocks for 13 consecutive days.

“For Lim to declare in his first press conference that government debt has exceeded RM1 trillion because of a sly public bailout of 1MDB gets him full marks for honesty, but not for tact.”

So, what indeed is this less blunt tool? Mukherjee offers no clues.

We can only guess he means Malaysia’s finance minister should hold back on telling the public exactly what went wrong with 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) and the scale of the giant hole in the country’s books.

So, how much should Lim hold back? How much tact should Lim have?

Should Lim hold back long enough for foreign investors to take up positions that would minimise losses and maximise gains, and then let fly?

Oh, maybe foreign investors should have been briefed first ahead of Malaysians who actually pay the salary of the finance minister?

While we are on the subject, what exactly does Mukherjee mean by foreign investors?

Perhaps he should call a spade a spade and just say foreign funds? Let’s not hide behind the catch-all phrase of “foreign investor”. A real foreign investor is an active participant in the Malaysian economy who builds a factory for example and offers up new technology and jobs.

Foreign funds are just like anyone who punts (For punt, read: gamble, as in rolls dice in a casino) on the stock market. They are passive investors hoping to make money off the backs of other people.

There you have it. It’s out of the bag. Anyone, and foreign funds in particular, hate it when there is uncertainty. Why? Because it messes up their plans (and profits). And there is nothing wrong with that. It’s only natural.

But Mukherjee should perhaps not act as a messenger for these funds. The funds have already spoken for themselves by pulling their money out of Malaysia’s stock market.

Mukherjee also took exception to Lim’s press release issued on Tuesday. Lim had said that 1MDB was effectively insolvent, and that the existence of as much as US$2.5 billion of the fund’s overseas assets is in doubt.

But Mukherjee seemed particularly offended by Lim’s characterisation of Arul Kanda Kandasamy, the 1MDB president, as “utterly dishonest and untrustworthy.”

“The colourful language against Kanda is jarring in an official press release. Malaysia isn’t a banana republic, but a sovereign rated A3 by Moody’s Investors Service,” Mukherjee wrote.

Jarring language? Really? Malaysia is facing major problems and the thing a columnist with Bloomberg, one of the world’s most respected financial news services, picked on was Lim’s “jarring” language.

For that, we as Malaysians must apologise. We did not realise fund managers were timid things who cannot handle blunt language. Are they snowflakes? Or shrinking violets? Whatever.

We did not realise “foreign investors” do not like the truth.

Perhaps we should couch it in euphemisms and jargon, instead of making it easier to understand.

But you see this is precisely why a majority of Malaysians got fed up enough to vote in a rag-tag coalition led by a 92-year-old.

Many Malaysians got tired of the fancy bankers and the politicians in their pockets using fancy language that no one understands to sell us stuff we don’t need.

We don’t need to be a financial genius to see money has been stolen from public coffers and the government took up high-interest loans and backed useless bonds for projects that benefit no one but bankers and assorted geniuses and perhaps even ratings agencies.

By the way, Mister Mukherjee, the money that has been lost? That’s my money. Not just mine alone but it belongs to all of us Malaysians.

And we sure as hell want to know what happened. We don’t mind the language.

But sorry if this article offends you. - Leslie Lau,Malay Mail

KL-S'pore HSR scrapped...

Putrajaya's decision to scrap the Kuala Lumpur-Singapore High-Speed Rail (HSR) project is final, Dr Mahathir Mohamad has declared.

At a press conference today, the prime minister also said he was informed that the penalty for withdrawing from the agreement is close to half a billion ringgit.

"This is a final decision, but it will take time because we have an agreement with Singapore.

"I am told it is almost RM500 million," he said but added that he would confirm the exact compensation figure at a later date.

According to Mahathir, the HSR is not beneficial, as it only shortens the travel distance between Malaysia and Singapore by one hour, but would cost Malaysians a large sum of money.

"We will make no money at all for this operation," he stressed.

Asked if the Singapore government was informed or whether he would meet his counterpart on this matter, Mahathir said: "I don't know."

However, he added that the government plans to scrap the project in "the least cost possible".
'Unnecessary project'

Mahathir had earlier told the Financial Times that the HSR was one of the country's "unnecessary projects," and belt-tightening measures were needed to avoid the country being declared bankrupt.

"We need to do away with some of the unnecessary projects, for example, the HSR project which is going to cost us RM110 billion, and will not earn us a single sen.

"That will be dropped," he was quoted as saying.

The HSR project was conceived as part of the previous BN administration's Economic Transformation Programme in 2010. The bilateral agreement with Singapore was inked six years later.

Two project delivery partners – the Malaysian Resources Corporation Bhd-Gamuda Bhd consortium and the Syarikat Pembinaan Yeoh Tiong Lay Sdn Bhd-TH Properties Sdn Bhd consortium  – signed on to the project last month.

The project was aimed at cutting travel time between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore to just 90 minutes.

The Financial Times also quoted Mahathir as stating that his government would be renegotiating several "unequal treaties" with China, including the East Coast Rail Line (ECRL) project.

Like the HSR, the ECRL has been branded by critics as another of the previous Najib administration's non-viable, big-ticket projects.

ECRL involves an RM55 billion loan from a China-owned bank and the employment of a state firm as the main contractor. - mk

Malaysia perlu bayar RM500 juta kerana batalkan HSR

Almost any transport linkBetween point A point B will benefit the evonomically better off place. In this case it is Singapore- more malaysians will work in SporeMore multinationals will use Spore as their hub as it will have lower cost malaysian labour readily abailableHSR will not benefit Johore as the distance is too short to save any meaningly journey time- unless the HSR speed is as fast as a rocket.Anonymous_3fe1

For goodness sake, go ahead and cancelled this two silly unprofitable projects, the KL-S'pore HSR and the ECRL as we are not in a financially ready.  China and Singapore should understand this, if not hard luck.  Our economic survival remains top priority.Anonymous_4056

KTM should start an express train without stopping straight from KL to Singapore and vice versa twice a day. Provide comfortable seats with good food and it should only take 4 hours,Over time increase the speed to reduce the time to 3 hours.This service will become a financial success. Anonymous 2465861491622056

Sepatutnya 1MDB memiliki loji-logi pejana kuasa tersebut 
TETAPI KENAPA TIBA-TIBA pula loji2 tersebut telah tergadai ke Komunis-China??


28 May 2018

Nak potong 2% gaji suami,suami tarik muka masam...

Usaha Timbalan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail untuk merealisasikan caruman Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) untuk suri rumah yang melibatkan 2 peratus dari pendapatan suami, mendapat tentangan segelintir suami yang berang gaji mereka diusik. 

Ini kerana bagi mereka, manifesto itu dibuat oleh Kerajaan Pakatan Harapan (PH) dan kerajaan yang perlu menyumbangkan duit tersebut kepada isteri mereka. Malah golongan ini memberikan alasan sudah cukup mereka memberikan duit nafkah selama ini dan tidak perlulah kerajaan memandai-mandai nak memotong 2 peratus dari gaji mereka untuk diberikan kepada akaun KWSP isteri. 

Perkara ini menimbulkan banyak reaksi netizen khususnya golongan isteri yang mengkritik pandangan segelintir golongan suami itu yang dianggap sebagai kedekut dan berkira dengan isteri sendiri. Kata mereka, mungkin masih ada suami yang tidak faham dengan usaha Dr Wan Azizah. 

Oleh yang demikian, Mohamad Ali Taib, tampil memberikan penjelasan yang mudah bagi golongan suami memahami manfaat dan keuntungan yang diperolehi dari manifesto berkenaan.

Wahai suami-suami yang tak berapa nak cerdik di luar sama. Kami bantu buat pengiraan untuk anda. Suami berumur 30 tahun bergaji RM3,000 mencarum untuk isteri, suri rumah.

a. Bulanan 2% gaji = RM60
b. Termasuk dana = RM60 + RM50 = RM110
c. Setahun terkumpul = RM1,320
d. Termasuk dividen 5% = RM1,386

Jika suami bersara pada umur 55 tahun, telah mencarum selama 25 tahun. Selama 25 tahun, KWSP isteri berjumlah = RM65,000.

Gaji suami yang digunakan, RM60 x 12 bulan x 25 tahun = RM18,000.

Jika isteri pulangkan semula RM18,000 itu kepada suami (kononnya macam tolong simpan untuk suami), isteri masih dapat baki RM47,000 tanpa buat apa-apa pun.

Jadi, dengan 2% sebulan, di waktu persaraan suami dapat kembali wang terkumpul RM18,000 dan isteri dapat duit free RM47,000. Rugi ke?

Ada golongan yang tahu perabih duit dan ada yang tahu buat duit. Silalah jadi orang yang pandai buat duit. - the reporter

Kebodohan WALAUN dan 
MACAI UMNO Masing-masing...

"Anwar dah jadi Rosmah guna jet peribadi ke?" tanya UMNO/PAS

Ini jawapan buat macai-macai pembangkang a.k.a pembangang UMNO/PAS . Harap pembaca bantu sebarkan fakta lawan hujah sampah mereka.

FAKTA No.(1)
Beza Najib/Rosmah dengan Wan Azizah/Anwar adalah Rosmah menyalahgunakan jet kerajaan untuk tujuan peribadi. Sebagai contoh, bercuti satu keluarga anak, bini serta menantu shopping & melancong ke luar negara guna jet mewah kerajaan.

FAKTA No.(2)
Gambar & tuduhan mengenai Anwar menaiki jet pula, merupakan gambar Wan Azizah dalam kapasiti sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri Malaysia, diiringi Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (selaku pasangannya) menghadap bonda Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Tengku Anis Tengku Abdul Hamid di Istana Mahkota Kubang Kerian, Kelantan.

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Model Dassault Falcon 900 M37-01 yang digunakan Wan Azizah dan Anwar bukan jet peribadi. Ia salah sebuah jet dalam inventori Tentera Udara Di-Raja Malaysia (TUDM) yang digunapakai untuk urusan-urusan rasmi ketua-ketua kerajaan. (Rujuk gambar sebelah kanan, yg bertanda anak panah merah itu lambang TUDM. Di sebelahnya pula jata kerajaan Malaysia)

Bezakan antara urusan peribadi (dalam kes Rosmah) dengan urusan rasmi kerajaan (dalam kes Anwar).

PH tak kritik Najib gunakan aset kerajaan untuk pertemuan rasmi bersama ketua-ketua kerajaan negara lain. Pakatan tak kritik Najib guna aset kerajaan untuk urusan rasmi dalam negara. Yang dikritik, penyalahgunaan aset untuk keluarga Najib melancong, shopping dan berkempen UMNO. Itu urusan peribadi, bukan urusan rasmi kerajaan.

Buat pembangkang UMNO/PAS, jadilah pembangkang yang hujah secara ilmiah, BUKANNYA JADI PEMBANGANG !! - f/bk

Eddy Casmady yg botak berdiri...
No automatic alt text available.

Eddy Casmady, Naib Pengerusi Briged Kesatria Muda Pemuda Umno Malaysia pernah mengeluarkan kenyataan2 berbaur provokasi.

Tetapi selepas Pakatan Harapan (PH) menang PRU14 kita dapat sekeping gambar yang mana terdapat gambar Eddy Casmady bersama Ketua Umum Parti Keadilan Rakyat, Anwar Ibrahim (pix di atas).

Pimpinan Keadilan kena jawab isu gambar ni. Kena tanya apa hubungan dengan Eddy Casmady ni?? Adahkah Eddy Casmady ini dipacak dalam Pakatan Harapan oleh ejen UMNO untuk menjatuhkan Pak Sheikh?

Pak Sheikh harus hati-hati memilih khadam... jangan sampai kisah silam Saiful Juboq berulang kembali... dalam drama Liwat 3 pula...

Where's RM33b of 1MDB funds, Najib?

Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng wants former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak to explain where US$8.33 billion in 1MDB funds are.

Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng asked Najib to account for the money for the transactions involving:

1. "Where has the US$1.83 billion (RM7.2 billion) invested with Petrosaudi International Limited between 2009 and 2011 gone to?

2. "Where has the US$3.5 billion (RM13.9 billion) raised in 2012 for the purposes of acquiring power plants in Malaysia gone to?

3. "Where has the US$3 billion (RM11.9 billion) raised in 2013 for the purposes of investing in TRX gone to?" Lim asked in a statement today.

Lim made the call in a statement after Najib denied that RM6.9 billion in payments made by the Finance Ministry on behalf of 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) were bailouts, claiming the payments were "compensation" in lieu of the transfer of all of 1MDB's real-estate assets to the ministry.

Lim pointed out that the transfer of the assets to the ministry was not a sale-and-purchase transaction but followed the recommendations of the Public Accounts Committee upon confirmation that 1MDB had neither the financial means, nor the ability to develop, or even to sell the parcels of land.

"Why should the ministry compensate 1MDB to the tune of tens of billions of ringgit as asserted by Najib, when 1MDB has hardly carried out any development on the land?" said Lim, adding that the assets that were originally government-owned had been sold to 1MDB at a bargain.

The 70-acre TRX plot was sold to 1MDB for RM230 million, or about RM74 per square feet (psf), while the 486-acre Bandar Malaysia parcel was sold to 1MDB for RM1.6 billion, or about RM72 psf.

He added that the assets were not "free" but came with an RM800 million loan from Socso for TRX City, which is due in 2020, and a RM2.4 billion sukuk for Bandar Malaysia, to be repaid from 2021 to 2024.

"It should also be noted that the auditor-general, in his report on 1MDB, had confirmed the above borrowings were not used for the intended purposes."

Lim also revealed that the RM6.9 billion payments by the ministry were also not for borrowings connected to the real-estate assets, but largely for those of the failed PetroSaudi venture, the purchase of power plants, that have since been sold, and repayment in full of the US$1.2 billion advance from Abu Dhabi's International Petroleum Investment Corporation.

A portion was used to service coupon interest for US$3 billion of a 10-year bond issued in March 2013 intended to fund the development of TRX. However, the funds raised were never utilised to develop TRX, as reported by the auditor-general.

"Hence, given all of the above facts and figures, there could be no other description for the RM6.98 billion of payments by the ministry on behalf of 1MDB, other than to describe it as the single largest bailout in history carried out by the government."

Lim said the ministry will work together with the 1MDB Special Committee set up by Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir to uncover the complete truth behind 1MDB to recover as much as possible of the lost funds to remedy the debts and deficits created by the Najib administration, and to bring to book those responsible for the scandal. - theSundaily

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Pengerusi 1MDB Najib..Menteri kewangan Najib.. PM..Najib..Bila 1MDB x ckp duit Najib minta pd Najib...Najib kata nnt Aku bincang dulu dgn PM Najib Setelah Najib berbincang dgn Najib maka lulus lah duit rakyat kepada Najib

Lim Guan Eng has asked Najib to answer where these 1MDB monies have gone to: a) US$1.83 billion invested with PetroSaudi, b) US$3.5 billion bond raised to buy energy assets, and c) US$3 billion bond raised to invest in TRX. The simple answers to the above are: a) US$1.83 billion: completely stolen. b) US$3.5 billion: RM12 billion was used to buy overpriced energy assets, the rest was stolen. c) US$3 billion: completely stolen. - Kim Quek

Mat Sabu's piece at the ceramah: Najis/1MDB buy land from Najis/MOF who gets Najis/PM to approve. Then Najis/1MDB sell land asset back to Najis/MOF at X- times plus and Najis/PM approved! I buy cheap from you and I sell back to me 100 times more. I am very clever business man! Meanwhile,I happily siphoned all the"profit" for my use and I freely distribute small part of the cash to keep my idiots quiet! This is what the ordinary member of UMNO,MCA and MIC had been supporting all these past years and still they don't see anything wrong with their BN leaders. And today, we have these UMNO members demanding the cash seized from Najis! The country is plunged deep in debt and these goons still believe nothing it's wrong! - tommy

LGE's detailed trail might be too much for MO1, MO1's job is to buy cheap sell high back to taxpayers via MOF guarantees, bailouts or other state institutions.I can only imagine his reply is not worth publishing as it adds more weight to his predicament. - Dawnbreaker

Debt in any name stinks just as bad

Rosie's Billion Ringgit Bank Accounts

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PAS dan UMNO bertabiat sama...
