28 February 2018

UMNO/MCA bisa terima 'angpow' dari Robert Kuok...

Taikun perniagaan paling kaya Malaysia, Robert Kuok yang kini diserang pemimpin Umno dan dituduh tidak setia kepada negara pernah memberi derma besar kepada parti utama orang Melayu itu dan MCA.

Dalam memoir yang diterbitkan di Malaysia Disember lalu, Kuok menulis yang wang beliau berikan kepada parti Barisan Nasional selepas kemerdekaan sangat banyak.

“Saya sentiasa diminta memberi sumbangan besar kepada parti pemerintah, Umno dan MCA selepas kemerdekaan pada 1957. Saya beri dengan rela hati, gembira dan begitu sahaja,” tulisnya.

Ahli perniagaan berpangkalan di Hong Kong berusia 94 tahun itu mempunyai hubungan rapat dengan pemimpin Umno seperti Timbalan Perdana Menteri Kedua Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman.

Beliau juga menulis tentang pelbagai lagi bentuk sumbangan kepada negara seperti penjualan syarikat perkapalan yang dibinanya, Malaysian International Shipping Corporation (MISC) atas permintaan Perdana Menteri ketika itu, Abdul Razak Hussein bagi meningkatkan pegangan orang Melayu dalam syarikat itu.

Sejak beberapa hari lepas, Kuok menjadi mangsa serangan pemimpin Umno selepas sebuah rencana dalam blog Malaysia Today yang menuduhnya membiayai parti pembangkang DAP dan mahu mewujudkan kerajaan dipimpin orang Cina.

Pemimpin Umno, Tajuddin Abdul Rahman dikatakan memberitahu Kuok supaya “tidak lupa daratan”, Perdana Menteri Najib Razak pula mengatakan Kuok tidak mungkin mengumpul harta kekayaannya tanpa bantuan kerajaan Malaysia.

Kenyataan paling kasar dikeluarkan Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pelancongan Nazri Aziz yang menggelarkan Kuok sebagai “pondan” dan mencabarnya supaya kembali ke Malaysia untuk bertanding Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 (PRU14).

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Kuok yang dianggap “Raja Gula” dengan empayar perniagaan bertaraf dunia dalam pelbagai jenis perniagaan menulis dalam bukunya tentang bagaimana beliau membantu BN dan MCA “terutama sekali menjelang pilihan raya umum”.

Katanya, bekas presiden MCA dan menteri kewangan ketika itu, Tan Siew Sin berhubung dengannya bagi mendapatkan sumbangan politik untuk MCA dan BN.

Beliau juga menceritakan kejadian apabila kepimpinan MCA memintanya wang bagi ikat jamin presiden parti itu ketika itu, Tan Koon Swan yang didakwa kerana pecah amanah di Singapura berkaitan dengan krisis Pan-El yang mengegarkan pasaran saham Malaysia dan Singapura.

Kuok membayar ikat jamin S$20 juta itu. Tan kemudiannya disabitkan bersalah dan dipenjarakan.

Pada lewat 1980-an, Kuok sekali lagi diminta membantu menyelamatkan Multi-Purpose Holdings Bhd milik MCA yang terlibat dalam perniagaan termasuklah perjudian, pembangunan hartanah dan perladangan.

Semalam, MCA mempertahankan Kuok, dengan Setiausaha Agung MCA Ong Ka Chuan mengatakan kenyataan pemimpin Umno “sangat dikesali” dan Nazri tidak berhak menuntut mana-mana rakyat Malaysia menyerahkan kewarganegaraan mereka kerana beliau tiada mempunyai kuasa melakukannya. Jurucakap Publisiti Parti Ti Lian Ker pula mengatakan Kuok berhak menyokong mana-mana parti politik yang dimahukan dan ada undang-undang bagi mengatasi cubaan menyingkirkan kerajaan secara tidak sah.

Pejabat Kuok semalam mengeluarkan kenyataan menafikan sekeras-kerasnya dakwaan itu dan dalam pertimbangan mengambil tindakan perundangan kepada penulis blog, Raja Petra Kamarudin kerana menuduhnya cuba menjatuhkan kerajaan Najib.- malaysianinsight

Switzerland mahu RM400 juta wang 1MDB

Kerajaan Switzerland dilaporkan mahu menuntut CHF95 juta (RM400 juta) wang dana berkaitan 1MDB yang dirampas daripada beberapa bank.

Menurut akhbar Tages Anzeige yang berpangkalan di Zurich, kerajaan Switzerland dibenarkan untuk menuntut keuntungan yang dijana secara haram.

Akhbar itu juga memetik Menteri Kewangan, Ueli Maurer (gambar atas) sebagai berkata, bahawa dana berkenaan telah disalurkan ke perbendaharaan persekutuan memandangkan tidak ada pihak yang menuntutnya.

Maurer berkata demikian kepada NGO Bruno Manser yang berpangkalan di Basel, yang mahu pemulangan dana itu ke Malaysia.

Tuntutan kerajaan Switzerland itu dijangka dibahaskan dan diundi dewan rendah perhimpunan Swiss pada 15 Mac ini.

Ahli Parlimen Geneva Carlo Sommaruga telah membentangkan satu usul mendesak Switzerland untuk memulangkan sekurang-kurangnya sebahagian daripada dana yang dirampas kepada negara asalnya.

Usulnya menerima sokongan bi-partisan daripada 26 ahli parlimen.

Menurut Tages Anzeige, Sommaruga berkata tindakan pihak berkuasa Switzerland merampas wang haram itu sesuatu yang harus dipuji, tetapi ia adalah salah bagi negara itu menjadi kaya melalui hasil rampasan berkenaan. - mk.

Swiss gov't seeks to pocket RM400m in 1MDB funds

Robert Kuok,UMNO and 2 party system...

This has to be another brilliant idea by the MP Kuala Kangsar. He has given instructions to the Moron of Manchester(RPK) to go create a fake boogeyman out of Robert Kuok.

Hence the really dumb and brain dead attacks against Robert Kuok by the Moron and the likes of Stupid Nazri. Have you seen that video of  Nazri "challenging" Robert Kuok. It is too stupid for me to mention.

Robert Kuok is worth US11.3 Billion through hard work. The other guy says he has RM2.6 billion in his account but he does not know how it got there ?? That is the great big difference.

Why are they trying to create a false boogeyman out of Tan Sri Robert Kuok.

Its called the Malay vote. They want to frighten the Malays that the Chinese will take over. First they tried to frighten the Malays with " Lim Kit Siang will become the PM ".

Then lo and behold, DAP announced they fully support Tun Dr Mahathir as the Pakatan Harapan candidate for PM. Not only that but the PH also announced the Parliamentary seat allocations where the DAP gets to contest only 35 seats on the Peninsula.

How to become Prime Minister with only 35 Parliamentary seats is? So ' Lim Kit Siang the Chinese Boogeyman "had to go out the window. To make it even more impossible Mr Lim Kit Siang was admitted to hospital for surgery.

Now they have to look for another Chinese Boogeyman. And the lot has fallen on poor Tan Sri Robert Kuok. How did they happen to pick on him? I think it is from the recent biography of Robert Kuok which has earned substantial publicity in Malaysia.

I dont think this will work either. Most kampong folks will not know a Robert Kuok from a Richard the Lion Heart. They dont read, brother.

This Robert Kuok thing is just to massage the limp noodles in UMNO.

Why do I say 'making a false boogeyman out of Robert Kuok' Because they know more than anyone else they have taken money from Robert Kuok, Robert Kuok is among the biggest donors to UMNO. Here is a page from R obert Kuok's biography :

Robert Kuok says, "I was often asked to give substantial donations to the ruling parties, UMNO and MCA, after independence in 1957. I gave willingly, happily and freely".

So UMNO and MCA have already sucked out substantial money from Robert Kuok in the past. So at that time he was not a Chinese Boogeyman.

Hello Liow Tiong Lai, you may not have cojones but there must be at least some backbone left in you brader. Speak up. Defend Robert Kuok a little bit lah. He gave UMNO and MCA so much money.

I only have one thing to say about Tan Sri Robert Kuok now. Please GIVE HIM BACK THE SUGAR MONOPOLY.

When Robert Kuok was producing sugar, the price of sugar was TEN SEN a kati. (One penny of ten cents). Now they have given the sugar monopoly to a Melayu a yemen hybrid,coarse white sugar is now RM3.00 per kilo in retail shop and RM2.95 at supermart !!!

This above video is from Sempoerna,Sabah...

The Suluk people are marching in protest against UMNO / BN in Sempoerna. The text that came with this video says that the Suluks feel insulted to be called Melayu. That is a new development.

These things did not happen before. The BN and especially UMNO are going to get booted out. Their days are really numbered.

That extreme view that UMNO / BN may only secure 9 - 12 Parliamentary seats sounds incredulous but who knows. Lets really hope so.

Johor, UMNO's birthplace appears vulnerable. Also there is internal sabotage going on by Javanese Man to knock out Hishamuddin Hussein Onn in Johor. They do not mind if UMNO loses Johor. Just to get rid of H2O. 

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Why a two party system will not happen...

The most critical element of the coming General Elections is not just Pakatan Harapan's impending win. There is something even more significant than that. The Malaysian political landscape has already changed and it will be confirmed in the coming elections. What has changed? There will be no more any one single political party that will win a huge chunk of Parliamentary seats.

In the past UMNO has won 88 Parliamentary seats, over 95 seats etc. As a result of which UMNO has had a stranglehold over the BN and over the affairs of this nation. That era has come to an end.

I doubt UMNO will retain more than 40 Parliamentary seats in the next elections. (If they can get past that 9 - 12 seats scenario). On the BN side, after UMNO their next largest party is PBB in Sarawak with 14 Parliamentary seats.

After UMNO, the second largest party in Parliament is the DAP with 38 seats. It is possible that the DAP will increase this to say 40 - 45 seats in the next Parliament. The United Nation Party is contesting 52 seats. Even if they win all, they will only have 52 seats.

PKR is contesting 51 seats on the Peninsula. Their pass rate is less than 30%. Amanah is contesting 27 seats. No single party in Pakatan will be able to have more than 50 seats. This means that politics in Malaysia will no more be dominated by any one single party.

Even if the BN wins the next GE - an unlikely event - UMNO will not have the clout of 88 seats or 95 seats anymore. UMNO may not have more than 40 seats. This means Malaysian politics will become real 'coalition politics'.

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Since there will be no more over representation by any one large party in Parliament, political parties will really hold each other by the cojones. Political coalitions will rise and fall, even if a single component pulls out of or joins a coalition. This means that coalition partners must really listen to each other and really "accomodate" all views.

This will be extremely good for Malaysia. That is why I always keep saying, there is a great future for our country folks. Have faith in ourselves. There is a great future for our country.

Politics will move away from race, religion and language to a more realistic and useful convergence of issues like corruption, economy, education, safety in our streets, towns and homes, national security, defense of the borders, immigration, efficient transportation, the GST , taxation, deregulation of the economy, public hygiene, clean environemnts, housing, etc etc.

You know real issues. Bread and butter issues. Hang all supremacy hang all over the hang hang. There will be no need for a two party or three party system. There will only be coalition politics. And members of any ruling coalition will join or leave a coalition according to their self interests. Not because of partisan politics. And we already have a situation where political parties can be allied with or against each other at Federal and State levels.

PAS for example may form a coalition with UMNO / BN at the Federal level BUT sit in the Opposition at the State level. Crazy as it sounds this is already happening. At the State level, UMNO Kelantan refuses to cooperate with PAS Kelantan but at the Federal level PAS and UMNO are working together in Parliament.

In Sarawak, even the Sarawak BN has made it plain and simple that they will work with whoever wins Putrajaya - as long as the interests of the people of Sarawak are well served. This is a fair and clever statement. Who knows, other parties including Pakatan parties, may do this as well.

One possible candidate is the PKR - who may throw in their lot with 'other' parties. So there will be no need for a two party or three party system. As I said, the political landscape in Malaysia has changed completely.

Now lets see why this has happened. Look at that video above very carefully.Those are Suluk people in Sempoerna. They are really protesting against UMNO. They feel insulted to be called Malays. Meaning they do not wish to be identified with UMNO. UMNO moved into Sabah sometime ago. That was a big mistake by UMNO.

Everything has to do with the pocket and money. Before it was worth money to be a Malay and or join UMNO. Now not anymore. The problem is the price of oil. Before the oil price was good. And the government was much cleverer.

UMNO dished out money to Malays / bumiputras. Projects, contracts, subsidies, grants, licenses. You just had to be a Malay / bumiputra. All made possible by the abundance of oil money.

Everyone wanted to be a Malay / Bumiputra.
Mamaks wanted to be Malays.
Malabars wanted to be Malays.
Suluks wanted to be Malays.
Chinese wanted to be Malays.
Indians wanted to be Malays.
Even DJ Dave became a Malay.

I know of two mamak fellows who hired ostard wal retards as chair of their companies just to get that Malay / bumiputra status. One of them paid an ostard wal retard money just to get a bumiputra recognition at the Ministry of Finance 'contracts division'. Another mamek hired Haron Din as his company chairman to get bumiputra preferential treatment with MAS (under Tajuddin Ramli). So at that time, to be a Malay meant easy money.

Those days are gone. The oil money has slowed down a lot. The queue for blind money is getting longer and longer. Plus UMNO will likely lose its 88 seats or 95 seats in Parliament - for ever. Now it will have to be real coalition politics. No more bulldozing issues. No more easy money for just one group or for the cronies. Hopefully.

Malay / bumiputra will no more be synonymous with easy money. Hence UMNO is less attractive. Plus there is the stealing, the cheating and the lying.

The Sarawakians are right. Oil was discovered in Sarawak before Dubai. Dubai is now a metropolis. Sarawak is still a Third World backwater. Same with Sabah. What happened to their oil? - ostb

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Akhirnya Nik Abduh mengaku terima duit dari UMNO...

Ada pihak yang begitu takut bila dengar saya nak ke Pekan, 
sampai buat laporan polis dan mengugut untuk lakukan sesuatu. 
Story kat SINI SINI dan SINI 


27 February 2018

Amanat Hadi 2.0 haramkan sapa2 sokong & sertai DAP...

Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang di dalam tulisannya di Harakahdaily yang bertajuk “Tolak parti yang menggugat agama dan perpaduan” menjatuhkan hukum haram kepada sesiapa yang menyertai atau menyokong DAP.

Meskipun hujah Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang dengan panjang lebar tidak menyebut parti mana, namun jelas sekali sasaranya adalah DAP apabila menyebut:

“Pendekatannya memperjuangkan konsep ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ ke arah melarutkan kaum dan bangsa serta bahasanya yang sudah menjadi tabii manusia.”

Jika dahulu penyokong PAS tentu sudah terbiasa mendengar tuduhan ‘menghalang perjuangan Islam’, ‘memperjuangkan negara sekular’, ‘perkauman’ dan lain-lain ditujukan kepada UMNO. Namun kini dilihat Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang menghalakan meriamnya ke arah DAP pula. Semenjak dirinya menerajui PAS untuk berjinak-jinak dengan Dato’ Sri Najib Razak dan UMNO.

Amanat Haji Hadi 2.0

Ini tidak lain merupakan Amanat Haji Hadi 2.0. Amanat Haji Hadi 1.0 pada tahun 1981 dengan radikalnya menjatuhkan hukum bahawa melawan UMNO merupakan satu jihad dan sekiranya mati menentang UMNO, mati itu adalah mati syahid. Tindakan itu diketahui umum telah membenihkan budaya takfiri (kafir mengkafir) di kalangan penyokong PAS dan UMNO yang berpanjangan.

Sekali lagi atas kepentingan politik, dalam keadaan PAS yang semakin terdesak, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang menggunakan agama untuk menjatuhkan hukuman haram bagi orang-orang Islam bersama dengan DAP atau menyokong DAP.  

Terang lagi bersuluh Haji Hadi mahu menghidupkan semula fatwa yang memupuk budaya saling bergaduh seperti yang telah diwujudkan Amanat Haji Hadi 1.0.

Ironinya, di saat rencana Haji Hadi itu cuba menyeru kepada keamanan dan harmoni, Haji Hadi tidak dapat meninggalkan tabiat radikalnya. Benarlah kata peribahasa Melayu, asal ayam hendak ke lesung, asal itik hendak ke pelimbahan. Tabiat yang susah mahu berubah.

Agama untuk kebaikan

Untuk memupuk keharmonian dalam negara, apa yang Haji Hadi perlu lakukan memadai belajar daripada pengalaman lalu. Menginsafi bahawa apabila hukum-hakam Islam bercampur-baur dengan permainan politik, maka akan muncul pelbagai kerancuan, dan yang jadi mangsa adalah penyokong dan rakyat Malaysia amnya

Lihat bagaimana Haji Hadi hari ini mampu melupakan Amanat lamanya, dan kini duduk semeja bercanda dengan UMNO. Meskipun UMNO masih lagi seperti yang dia katakan dahulu, “mengekalkan perlembagaan penjajah, mengekalkan undang-undang kafir”. Entah ke mana hilang seruan radikal jihadnya dulu.

Malah semakin hari semakin serupa dengan UMNO, dalam tulisannya, Haji Hadi turut menggunakan isu 13 Mei sebagai alat menakut-nakutkan rakyat Malaysia, modus operandi yang biasanya hanya digunakan oleh UMNO. Di tangan ahli politik, hukum-hakam agama tidak lain hanya menjadi alat untuk kepentingan politiknya.

Jika mahu Malaysia harmoni, elakkanlah mempergunakan nama dan firman Tuhan untuk tujuan menimbulkan perseteruan di kalangan rakyat. Elakkanlah mengeluarkan hukum sewenang-wenangnya mengikut selera politik sendiri.

Malaysia tidak perlukan ‘penguasa taliban’ yang kerjanya mengharamkan itu dan ini, mengkafirkan itu dan ini. Yang Malaysia perlukan adalah seorang alim yang apa saja dituturkan menenangkan hati.

Biarlah agama memainkan peranan mewujudkan suasana baik dan sejahtera, bukannya diletakkan di dalam tangan ahli politik untuk mencetus permusuhan. – Roketkini.com

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BR1M - Malaysia's path is deeply troubling...

Singapore registered nearly S$10 billion dollars (roughly RM30 billion) of surplus in 2017. In its latest budget forecast, the government gave every citizen over 21 years a one-time S$300 bonus this year.

On the other hand, the Malaysia government registered a budget deficit of nearly RM40 billion in 2017, but it is still very generously dishing out subsidies to poor households. BR1M alone costs nearly RM7 billion.

The contrast between the two countries highlights what Singapore is doing right, and by comparison, what the Malaysian government is doing wrong.

First of all, Singapore’s bonus is funded by surplus while Malaysian subsidies are funded by debt. Singapore can afford to pay a bonus, Malaysia can ill-afford mounting debt, the payback of which will eventually be borne by the children of those who received the subsidies.

Secondly, Singapore’s bonus is a one-time gift, conditioned on the government’s performance, not a perpetual handout.

If the government works to develop the country and grow the economic pie, instead of exploiting it as a tax base to fund unsustainable subsidies, all citizens will still own a piece of this country.

If the government continues with a policy of racial discrimination, someday they may find themselves sold to a foreign power to pay for their debt and they become squatters in their own country.

However, not all debts are created equal. If the debt is used to finance infrastructure building like schools, hospitals, building roads, bridges, flood mitigation systems, street lamps, or improving human resources etc. then the debt can yield much more benefits than the interest payments.

But if the debt is used to fund consumption, like paying for Astro satellite television services, then the debt is unproductive and a burden.

The path where Malaysia is heading is deeply troubling and disturbing. It is rolling back decades of civil liberties, squeezing the space of freedom, expression (and thoughts) and at the same time ramping up religious intolerance towards the minorities.

Unfortunately, those who receive subsidies do not see the big picture. For all they care, the subsidies they receive came from rich people and by their reckoning, the rich have the obligation to pay and the poor deserve the benefits.

It is a tall order convincing the poor they don’t deserve to be poor. Just look at Venezuela. It is on a death spiral. The more the country is in debt, the more the people demand subsidies and the deeper in the hole it digs itself into.

Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserve in the world. Yet it is mired in turmoil. Malaysia, like Venezuela, is also resource-rich, but it performs on a level far below the resource-poor little brother Singapore.

It goes to show, resources count for squat if you have incompetent and corrupted people managing it. - mk

Image result for DAP and Robert Kuok
Even if DAP was funded by 
Robert Kuok, so what?...

Raja Petra Kamaruddin’s accusation of tycoon Robert Kouk funding DAP may be true or false. What is more important, however, is how political elites and Malaysians in general look at this accusation.

For a long time Kuok did his business quietly, preferring to play whatever roles entrusted on him behind the scene.

For a long time too, the Malaysian, Singaporean and the Chinese governments had no problem with him. He has always played the conciliatory roles to smooth out rough edges.

I think the problem started when he published his memoir a few months back. He explained why he moved to Hong Kong and why systemic preferences practised in Malaysia may not work out well for the country in the long run.

Frankly, what he said was nothing new, but because he is a respected tycoon, it annoyed the political elites in the country.

They have just unwittingly admitted that the success of any Malaysian must be due to the nexus of patronage. How dare this tycoon challenges this very fundamental “operating principle”?

Hence the accusation that the tycoon is funding DAP, just to get everyone rattled.

Although Lim Kit Siang has denied the funding from Robert Kuok, the pertinent issue here is really is why the big hoo-ha even if it was true.

I believe businesses funding politicians and political parties, especially those in power, is nothing new. We normally do not ask who is funding who in our political processes. Sometimes businesses bet “both ways,” just in case.

If we believe there must be robust competition in businesses, we too must believe there must be competition in politics. Is this not the essence of democracy and free society? Is this not competition for power is all about?

If we disdain anti-competition behaviour in business, we too must disdain anti-competition behaviour in politics.

Why harp on DAP getting funding from the tycoon even if it is true? Why can’t the oppositions get their funding just like the ruling parties?

I think it is matter of time people will begin to see the gross unlevelled playing field in competition for political power. Most people have a built-in sense of justice and fairness in their hearts.

Denying opposition parties from funding is one such form of unfairness. Of course, there are many others which need no mention here. - mk

If Najib can get a RM2.6 billion donation from the Saudis who cares what the DAP gets from global business leaders? There is no law to prevent this even if true. RPK is a 100% Najib boffin boy hiding in the UK.  He is the biggest purveyor of lies and fake news in recent times. So why bother with this lunatic? - Gerard Lourdesamy

Everyone who is not apolitical or is in the political circle knows that Raja Petra is a wellknown fake news spinner against the opposition caused. This spinning about James Kuok supporting DAP is downright bigotry. However, on the other hand if Robert Kuok truly support DAP or for that matter the opposition Harapan cause, there is nothing wrong. It is far better than being involve in corruption and stealing the people money through some kind of dubious sovereign funds. - Tax-Payer

Heck, even if it is true that Robert Kuok is contributing funds to the oppositon, so what? Is it wrong? I have donated to them many times, albeit small amounts only. And if it is true that James Kuok helped out RPK in the past, then RPK should hang his head in shame! One wonders how he can sleep at night! - Anonymous #28648954

"Briged Gempur Pemuda BN WP" untuk apa? 
Rakyat nak keluar mengundi je, bukanya nak buat kecoh.

Ni rakyat Malaysia kah? 
Cam mana boleh dapat lesen memandu?


26 February 2018

Kit Siang seorang yang jujur tolak tol,yang lain hipokrit...

Lim Kit Siang memang dikenali sebagai tokoh pembangkang veteran dan tegar dalam politiknya bersama DAP. 

Selepas puluhan tahun bergerak bersama parti itu, di mata seorang bekas pengarang, Lim adalah satu-satunya ahli politik yang benar-benar mahu menghapuskan tol di lebuh raya.

Kata Mustapa Kamil Mohd Janor, selain Lim pemimpin lain dianggap sekadar bercakap mengenai tol untuk meneruskan kelangsungan politik masing-masing.

"Satu-satunya orang yang saya akan percaya jika dia bercakap mahu menghapuskan semua toll ialah Lim Kit Siang.

"Yang lain akan berkata begitu hanya untuk kelangsungan politik mereka," katanya.

Kenyataan bekas pengarang kumpulan New Straits Times itu dimuat naik di media sosial selepas Datuk Seri Najib Razak menceritakan bagaimana kerajaan "terpaksa" membatalkan keputusan diambil pemimpin terdahulu.

Kata perdana menteri langkah berkenaan diambil demi kesejahteraan rakyat. Antara langkah yang diambil kerajaannya ialah menghapuskan tol di beberapa lebuh raya.

"Ia bukannya mudah tetapi saya tak setuju membayar tol setiap hari adalah baik untuk rakyat.

"Bagi Lebuhraya Utara-Selatan dan Lebuhraya Karak, sesekali tak mengapa. Tetapi bayar tol sehingga empat kali dalam satu hari siapa tak marah?" katanya lagi.

Kata Najib beliau merungkaikan apa yang dirasakan tidak memihak kepada kepentingan  rakyat Malaysia.

Pada beberapa dekad lalu Lim memang dikenali begitu lantang menolak pelaksanaan kutipan tol di lebuh raya di negara ini.

DAP sendiri pernah menganjurkan beberapa protes bagi membantah dasar berkenaan. Kebanyakannya berlangsung ketika kerajaan dipimpin Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Kini Dr Mahathir adalah salah seorang pemimpin pembangkang yang gigih menyerang kerajaan ketika tarikh pilihan raya umum semakin hampir.

Najib pula sering menggunakan program umum yang dihadirinya untuk menyerang Dr Mahathir - bekas pemimpin Umno yang bertanggungjawab menaikkan namanya sebagai perdana menteri.

Menujukan pertanyaan secara langsung kepada Najib, Mustapha Kamil mempersoalkan pendirian perdana menteri ketika kerajaan membenarkan sesebuah syarikat mengutip tol.

"Di mana Najib apabila semua perjanjian konsesi tol itu ditandatangani dulu?" katanya. - mk

Askar usah takut mengundi dengan bebas
Story kat SINI dan SINI  

The Two Tuns in Bangsar...

This morning a multiracial visitor at Banana Banana Restaurant in Bangsar was shocked by the presence of Tun and Tun Siti.

While the two Tuns were shocked by the spontaneous reaction of all the visitors who stood up and gave applause to the two couples.

What triggered such a reaction ?.

It is none other than the manifestation and demonstration (or more accurately) the emotions of the feelings and the emotions of the people who have been buried and buried all this time. 

Malaysians who have been paralyzed without being able to do anything to see Najib and Umno do the wrongdoing for the sake of disobedience without being ashamed, embarrassed and far beyond fear. 

As the people of all walks of life go through the depressing and burdensome life.

And Tun's presence at the restaurant this morning as a prospective Prime Minister Pakatan Harapan was seen as a light at the end of a dark, cold and long tunnel. Bringing newness, hope and new spirit. 

Malaysia is not just about to recover but it will reach the vision of the Tun (so far). - Photos-Mohamad Mohd Hanizam Yunus,Firdaus Abdullah, steadyaku47

Undi ikut hati nurani anda/Vote with your conscience...

Pak lebai miang...

A man, clad in a white jubah and kopiah, has been accused of touching a woman’s thigh while riding a train on the Sri Petaling LRT line here.

The 53-second clip allegedly shows the elderly man moving his right hand towards the female passenger, who was seated next to him. The man appeared to glance down towards the woman’s left leg intermittently. He was also shown moving his fingers until they made contact with the woman's limb.

The woman, who appeared to be asleep, did not move and seemed to be unaware of the man’s actions.

“I have heard of such incidents but I have not seen it with my own eyes. This happened on my way to work in the Sri Petaling LRT line. He stopped when he noticed the Malay couple beside me eyeing him.

“He straight away got off the train at that stop,” the Netizen who uploaded the video claimed in a Facebook posting.

The Netizen advised passengers not to sleep, use their mobile phones or talk to their colleagues during train rides. She also urged Rapid KL to step up security to prevent such incidents from recurring.

Rapid KL, in a reply to the complainant, said the matter has been forwarded to the relevant parties. - nst

Beras ajaib kembali 5 tahun sekali...


25 February 2018

Jom gencok & gedik ngan Puteri UMNO...

Image result for apandi,najib n 1mdb
Pandangan AG bebaskan Najib 
dari 1MDB bukan kebenaran mutlak...

Kesimpulan dibuat Peguam Negara (AG) Tan Sri Mohamed Apandi Ali bahawa Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak tidak melakukan sebarang kesalahan dalam isu 1MDB, tidak boleh dianggap sebagai "kebenaran mutlak".

Anggota Parlimen Bukit Gelugor, Ramkarpal Singh, berkata ini kerana perkara itu bukan diputuskan oleh peguam negara atau Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM), tetapi sebaliknya oleh mahkamah.

"Dengan rasa hormat, saya berpendapat bahawa adalah salah untuk membuat kesimpulan pasti bahawa PM tidak melakukan salah laku berkaitan dengan 1MDB hanya kerana AG dan SPRM seolah-olah berfikir demikian.

"AG dan SPRM tidak diiktiraf sebagai penimbang tara dalam undang-undang. Oleh itu, kenyataan mereka mengenai kelalaian PM dalam saman 1MDB, hanya pandangan mereka mengenai perkara itu.

"Pandangan tersebut tidak boleh dianggap kebenaran mutlak kerana hanya mahkamah yang diiktiraf mempunyai kuasa untuk membuat pernyataan kehakiman mengenai perkara itu," kata peguam berkenaan dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.

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"Oleh itu, sama ada atau tidak PM melakukan salah laku berhubung 1MDB hanya boleh diputuskan secara mutlak oleh mahkamah undang-undang yang diiktiraf setelah menimbangkan bukti mengenai perkara itu."

Beliau mengulas keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan yang mengambil perhatian kehakiman bahawa Najib tidak melakukan salah laku berhubung 1MDB berdasarkan kenyataan Apandi Ali pada 26 Jan 2016 dan kenyataan SPRM.

Ramkarpal berkata beliau mendapati "sukar untuk memahami logik di sebalik alasan Mahkamah Rayuan itu".

"Sekiranya Mahkamah Rayuan benar, semua pendakwaan yang dipersetujui oleh Peguam Negara tidak perlu didakwa di mahkamah kerana keputusan untuk mendakwa mestilah bermaksud terdapat bukti yang cukup dalam fikirannya terhadap seseorang tertuduh.

"Sekiranya mahkamah boleh mengambil perhatian kehakiman mengenai perkara ini, mengapa perlu bukti dikemukakan di mahkamah?" soal beliau. - mk

BN ada hati nak bagi pendidikan percuma,bil letrik pun tak boleh nak bayar,tertunggak dari sept 2017,BN memang gagal mentadbir,bayar ipic berbiliun boleh,bayar letrik 8k pun tertunggak.

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Beam jatuh di Sek.Keb.Jerangau,Terengganu...
Nasib baik beam ni jatuh selepas waktu persekolahan. Kalaulah masa ni kelas sedang berlangsung, panjang ceritanya. Bagaimana beam boleh jatuh? Mana 'T' junction? Ada ke besi di persimpangan beam itu? Kalau patah atau retak tu lain. Atau.. Betulkah yang jatuh ini beam? Mungkin upstand atau parapet. Siasatan sedang dijalankan.Betulkah yang jatuh ini beam?

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A mind-boggling decision by the judiciary...

When the court of appeal via Justice Yaacob Md Sam held that the court took a judicial notice that Prime Minister Najib Razak did not commit any wrongdoing with regard to 1MDB, I was totally speechless. I sincerely believe that even the entire world would, by now, take judicial notice of the state of Malaysia - that is how bad the state of our country is.

Judicial notice is a legal term coined by the legal fraternity to refer to a well-known and undisputed fact. Thus, any fact falling under the realm of judicial notice requires no proof at all. Its truth is too obvious to be unduly ignored.

But, was the court right in holding that it took judicial notice that Najib did not commit any wrongdoing in respect of 1MDB simply because the learned Attorney General (AG) Mohamed Apandi Ali (photo) had made a decision halting any idea of prosecuting Najib. According to the learned judge, the finding by the AG, absolving Najib from any wrongdoing in IMDB, was widely reported in public domain. Thus, the court was entitled to rely on this fact to derive its opinion on judicial notice.

With the greatest respect, I am of the considered view that the learned judge was plainly wrong. Yes, he could rely on the finding of the AG in not prosecuting Najib for any criminal offence relating to the 1MDB scandal as a basis for judicial notice. I don't think any Malaysian, and for that matter, not even Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua and his lawyer would have disputed such a notorious fact.

However, the judge's ruling on judicial notice should have ended there namely the learned AG did not want to proffer any criminal charge against Najib. Period.

Unfortunately, the learned judge went the extra mile. He held that the decision by the AG in not charging Najib for any criminal offence signifies that Najib did not commit any wrongdoing with regard to 1MDB.

Herein, with due respect, lies the manifest error. The learned judge should have realised that the decision of the learned AG in not prosecuting Najib could have been motivated by multiple reasons.

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One of such reasons may indeed be that Najib did not commit any wrongdoing. But that reason should have never been concluded as the sole reason in this case. After all, Najib did acknowledge recently that 1MDB was problematic.

Anyhow, whenever any decision by the learned AG is open to several interpretations, it definitely does not qualify to be termed as judicial notice. What more if the decision is riddled with controversies.

Be that as it may, such a decision by the learned AG should have never been concluded as only one single fact, i.e Najib did not commit any wrongdoing in relation to 1MDB.

The court also opined that the decision of the learned AG in not making a prosecutorial decision against Najib in relation to 1MDB was also within the framework of Article 145 of the Federal Constitution. That very Article confers to the AG the power and discretion either to prosecute or not to prosecute any person for any criminal offence.

If one looks at Article 145 ( 3 ) of the Federal Constitution, one will definitely notice the word "may" has been deliberately used. It indicates the intention of the framers of our supreme law.

In my view, the word "may" simply means the discretion of the AG under the said Article is not absolute. Even in Singapore, the court there did not agree with the proposition that the AG is empowered with absolute power in a criminal enterprise.

After all absolute discretion is a contradiction in terms. As rightly pointed out by Lord Acton "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

With the greatest respect to the Court of Appeal, its abovesaid decision is only capable of being called one name only - mind-boggling. - Hanipah Maidin,mk

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Mana duit hasil kutipan GST?Duit GST tu sepatutnya digunakan utk beli bekalan ubat utk rakyat! Kapas pun xde di Klinik 1M! Ubat batuk xde, ubat penting semua habis!

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