31 October 2014

Spender Saiful alibi kes & BN menderita tanpa Anwar...

Saya ditanya oleh Sasterawan Negara, Pak Samad Said di kantin Mahkamah tentang peluang Anwar dalam rayuan di Mahkamah Persekutuan. Saya jawab agak sukar untuk diramalkan. Secara berjenaka saya kata kepada Pak Samad mungkin Anwar akan dibebaskan kerana seluar dalam Saiful dan saya jelaskan kepada beliau mengapa saya berpendapat begitu. Setelah mendengar ulasan saya, Pak Samad secara berjenaka berkata " nampaknya seluar dalam Saiful boleh menjadi alibi Anwar !

Saya akan jelaskan di sini mengapa seluar dalam Saiful tidak mustahil boleh membebaskan Anwar. Bagaimanapun sebelum itu saya ingin berkongsi dengan pembaca antara intipati hujah para peguam Anwar dalam rayuan ini. Banyak isu yang dibangkitkan oleh para peguambela Anwar namun saya akan berkongsi hanya beberapa isu yang dibangkitkan.Kita tahu Anwar dituduh melakukan sodomi ke atas Saiful dan bagi pertuduhan sodomi , sepertimana tuduhan dalam kes rogol, pendakwa perlu buktikan elemen paling penting iaitu tusukan ( penetration ) ke dalam anus Saiful.

Peguam Anwar berhujah mahkamah rayuan tersilap apabila mengatakan pendakwa telah berjaya membuktikan tusukan dalam keadaan keterangan yang dikemukakan oleh pendakwa penuh dengan aneka keraguan. Antaranya peguam Anwar berhujah Saiful mengatakan dia diliwat secara kasar dan menyakitkan dalam keadaan dikatakan jelly KY digunakan. Ini suatu yang tidak munasabah.

Peguam juga berhujah bagaimanakah dalam keadaan Saiful menyatakan dia diliwat secara kasar dan menyakitkan tapi tidak ada sebarang atau sedikitpun kecederaan atau koyakan kepada anus beliau di mana fakta tersebut diakui oleh semua doktor yang melakukan pemeriksaan fizikal ke atas anus beliau. Semua tahu 4 orang doktor , satu dari Pusrawi dan 3 dari Hospital Kuala Lumpur telah memeriksa Saiful.

Peguam Anwar juga berhujah wujudnya percanggahan keterangan Saiful semasa di Mahkamah dan keterangan beliau kepada Pegawai Penyiasat, Jude Pareira dan doktor di mana di Mahkamah beliau katakan beliau diliwat selama 5 minit manakala dalam keterangannya kepada Jude Pariera dan doktor beliau memberitahu ia diliwat selama 30 minit. Jika sekalipun diandaikan benar Saiful diliwat secara kasar dan menyakitkan selama 30 minit mengapakah tiada kecederaan atau koyakan ke atas anus Saiful.

Peguam Anwar juga berhujah yang lebih pelik lagi meskipun Saiful menyatakan dia telah diliwat dengan secara kasar dan menyakitkan dan tanpa kerelaannya namun sehari selepas tarikh kejadian yang dikatakan itu beliau masih boleh berada di rumah Anwar. Peguam tunjukkan kepada Mahkamah gambar Saiful di rumah Anwar dalam keadaan wajah , menurut peguam, yang tidak menunjukkan beliau adalah mangsa liwat.

Photo: Hasil 'rempuhan' kes Saifool. HAHAHHAHAHAHAH


Gopal berkata dua set seluar dalam Saiful telah dikemukakan. Beliau menambah salah satu seluar dalam itu telah dibasuh dan basah.

Katanya, seluar dalam kedua tidak dipakai oleh Saiful pada hari itu tetapi ia ada bekas air mani.

Ekoran kesimpulan siasatan polis, katanya, Anwar telah didakwa.
Pada perbicaraan itu, Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur berkata ada kes prima facie.

Selepas itu, menurut Gopal, hakim itu berkata, beliau tidak berpuas hati dengan kes pihak pendakwa terhadap tertuduh (Anwar).

Gopal berkata pihak pendakwa tidak berpuas hati dengan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi membebaskan Anwar dan mengemukakan rayuan kepada Mahkamah Rayuan. Mahkamah Rayuan akhirnya mensabitkan dan menjatuhkan hukuman penjara lima tahun ke atas Anwar.

Selepas menggariskan kes itu, Gopal sekarang akan meneliti keterangan Saiful.

Sebagai peguam yang ada pengalaman mengendalikan kes rogol saya rasa mana mana peguam atau orang awam sekalipun pasti akan rasa aneh jika seorang mangsa yang dikatakan diliwat atau dirogol tanpa kerelaannya masih boleh hadir ke rumah peliwat atau perogol tersebut apatah lagi sehari selepas kejadian. Apapun kita lihatlah nanti bagaimana Mahkamah Persekutuan menilai dan memutuskan hujah peguam Anwar tersebut.

Mengenai hujah tentang seluar dalam Saiful peguam Anwar berhujah begini. Bagi membuktikan Anwar meliwat Saiful pendakwa mengemukakan dua seluar dalam yang dipakai oleh Saiful di mana kedua dua seluar dalam itu ditandakan sebagai eksibit P14 dan P15. Eksibit P14 merujuk kepada seluar dalam yang dipakai oleh Saiful semasa hari kejadian iaitu hari yang Saiful katakan Anwar meliwat beliau.

P15 pula merujuk kepada seluar dalam yang dipakai oleh Saiful semasa beliau membuat laporan polis iaitu tarikh yang berbeza dengan tarikh kejadian. Maknanya seluar dalam yang dipakai semasa hari kejadian dan hari Saiful membuat laporan polis adalah dua seluar dalam yang berbeza.

Peguam Anwar berhujah jika benar Anwar meliwat Saiful sudah tentu ada kesan air mani di seluar dalam yang dipakai oleh Saiful di eksibit P14 iaitu dipakai masa hari kejadian.Tapi seluar dalam di P14 , menurut peguam Anwar, telah dibasuh oleh ibu tunang Saiful. Oleh itu menurut peguam Anwar P14 secara forensiknya tidak berguna ( forensically useless ) kerana sebarang kesan air mani, jika ada, akan hilang kerana bahan bukti telah dibasuh !

Yang lebih pelik hujah peguam Anwar seluar dalam yang dipakai Saiful semasa beliau membuat laporan polis iaitu P15 tiba tiba mengandungi kesan air mani !

Peguam Anwar berhujah bagaimanakah Anwar boleh disabitkan melakukan liwat ke atas Saiful berdasarkan kesan air mani yang terdapat di seluar dalam yang dipakai di hari yang bukan hari kejadian !!!

Adakah Anwar akan dibebaskan kerana misteri keterangan seluar dalam Saiful kita sama samalah tunggu dan lihat nanti apabila Mahkamah memberikan keputusannya nanti.-Mohd.Hanipa Maidin

Photo: Optimis.

Teruskan berdoa.
Penjara Anwar? BN akan menderita...

Pertama sekali, sama ada Anwar bebas atau masuk penjara sekali lagi, hidup kita, seperti kata penulis kanan akhbar The Star, Joceline Tan, akan merasa kesannya.

Menulis dalam edisi Ahad, 26 Oktober, Tan menyimpulkan: “But lives will be impacted again whichever way the court decides next week.”

Ada dua senario kepada situasi ini.

1. Kalau Anwar masuk penjara, Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) dan Pakatan Rakyat (PR) akan kehilangan ketua yang karismatik, tetapi memperoleh simpati. Setelah bercakaran dan kacau-bilau akibat krisis Menteri Besar Selangor, PR memerlukan simpati dan persefahaman penyokongnya, dan

2. Kalau hukuman salah oleh Mahkamah Tinggi dan Mahkamah Rayuan diterbalikkan (overturned) oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan, Anwar akan muncul sebagai makhluk suci yang cuba difitnah oleh musuh-musuhnya. Kedudukan beliau di mata kepemimpinan dan penyokong PR akan bertambah kukuh.

Ramalan PR akan hancur musnah kalau Anwar dipenjarakan mungkin pramasa (premature). Sebaliknya simpati yang tercetus daripada pemenjaraan Anwar akan memberi peluang baru kepada PR untuk memperkukuh dan memperluaskan sokongan. Ia sudah pun sekian lama mempersembahkan liwat 2 sebagai persekongkolan (conspiracy) politik.

Generasi lama sudah semakin lupa dan tidak begitu peduli lagi dengan liwat 1 pada tahun 2000 manakala generasi muda yang kini memegang “trump card” kuasa politik, tidak tahu atau tidak percaya. Pada 8 Ogos 2000 beliau dijatuhi hukuman penjara sembilan tahun atas tuduhan itu.

Akibat pemecatan Anwar daripada kerajaan dan Umno pada tahun 1998, BN hilang sokongan dalam PRU 1999 walaupun ia dipimpin oleh Tun Dr Mahathir yang karismatik dan lincah permainan politiknya. Dr Mahathir mengekalkan majoriti dua pertiga BN.

Ramalan Perlu Berlapik

Ramalan bahawa PR akan berpecah tanpa Anwar perlu berlapik. Ada dua bentuk pemangkin yang membuatkan PR berjaya sejak PRU 2008. Pertama, kemampuan Anwar mencari titik pertemuan di kalangan parti-parti yang berbeza ideologi, khususnya antara DAP dan PAS. Kedua, ia berjaya mengeksploitasi keterdedahan (vulnerability) BN.

Daripada aspek psikologi pula, PR berjaya menjitukan semangat penyokongnya dengan memberikan isyarat yang kuat bahawa mereka boleh mengalahkan BN dan pada masa yang sama mengambil kesempatan daripada kekecewaan penyokong BN terhadap parti mereka sendiri.

Satu lagi faktor yang memihak kepada PR adalah barisan kepemimpinan yang muda. Selain veteran seperti Anwar, Lim Kit Siang, Abdul Hadi Awang dan Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, parti-parti PR, terutamanya PKR dan DAP digerakkan oleh generasi pelapis.

Gabungan kepemimpinan pelapis yang meluas dengan bilangan pemilih muda yang semakin meningkat boleh menjadi dorongan (impetus) kepada parti-parti PR untuk terus berpakat walaupun wujud perbezaan ideologi dan dasar yang ketara.

Mereka boleh memilih untuk berpecah dan kekal pembangkang atau bersatu dalam kepelbagaian dan membina di atas 52 peratus undi majoriti yang mereka peroleh pada PRU lalu.

Sebahagian kekuatan PR berpunca daripada kelemahan BN. Melainkan BN sudah pulih secukupnya daripada bencana Tsunami Cina PRU 2013, ia tidak mungkin boleh meraih apa-apa faedah daripada pemenjaraan Anwar.

Sebaliknya BN mungkin akan menderita beban tuduhan dan kebencian manakala Anwar akan terus “menerajui” PR dari “suite”nya di penjara. Dan seandainya dibuang kes maka jadilah beliau “makhluk suci” yang kalis fitnah.- A Kadir Jasin

Veteran journalist: Jail Anwar? BN will suffer...

If the case is acquitted, then Anwar will become a 'sacred creature' who is bulletproof from slander. - A. Kadir Jasin, former chief editor of New Straits Times group

If Anwar Ibrahim goes to jail, it will affect the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) as much as the opposition leader himself, a veteran Malaysian journalist has said.

Yesterday, Malaysia's highest court opened two days of hearings expected to produce a final ruling on much-criticised sodomy charges against Anwar, 67, that could send the opposition leader to jail.

He was cleared in 2012 of charges that he sodomised a young former male aide four years earlier, but that acquittal was controversially reversed in March by an appeals court which convicted him.

In a recent blog post, A. Kadir Jasin, the former chief editor of New Straits Times group, also said it is premature to say that the Anwar verdict will be the end for opposition coalition Pakatan Rakyat (PR).

He suggested that PR would benefit whichever way the Federal Court decides, Malay Mail reported, quoting from the blog post.

Mr Kadir wrote: "Part of PR's strength comes from BN's weakness (and) it might never gain any benefit from Anwar's imprisonment.

"Instead, BN might suffer from the burden of the accusation and hatred, while Anwar will continue 'helming' PR from his 'suite' in prison. And if the case is acquitted, then he will become a 'sacred creature' who is bulletproof from slander."

If Anwar fails to reverse his five-year jail sentence and conviction, the Permatang Pauh MP would lose his seat as the law bars anyone fined RM2,000 (S$780) or imprisoned for one year from serving as a lawmaker.

Veteran journalist: Jail Anwar? BN will suffer

Anwar said that staying in Malaysia to face the decision on his appeal case is his "last sacrifice" for Malaysians.

Although admitting that he could choose the easy way out by moving to London or Istanbul, he was adamant that this would be his "last final service, especially for the young", reported liberal news portal Malaysiakini.

Addressing a crowd at Subang Jaya on Monday night, he said: "What will the young people say if I run away? How will the young fight, then? You must state your position. And please remember to exercise your right."

His message to BN was that it cannot silence him.

"You cannot expect me to be silent. I think if I say (opposition parties) DAP (Democratic Action Party) and PAS (Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party) are nothing but troublemakers, Umno is right and (Prime Minister) Najib Abdul Razak is the best prime minister, they will revoke my case.

"And after one week, I will become a 'Tun'," he said, drawing laughter from the crowd.

He added: "If you want to threaten or 'buy' me, sorry. I am mentally prepared, so do not try to threaten me. I don't want to go to prison, but if I have to, I will go fighting against the corrupt system." - asiaone news 

Air mani dalam juboq selama 36 jam tanpa berak...Saiful dakwa diliwat dengan paksaan, tetapi mengapa dia membawa KY jelly...

Sebatang berus gigi, tuala dan botol air yang diperolehi oleh polis daripada sel penjara tempat Anwar Ibrahim ditahan pada malam tarikh 16 Julai 2008...

Jawapannya betul lah...


Hari ke-4, Anwar di Mahkamah & Sodomy 2 Screw-ups...

Sodomy 2 – Top-12 Screw-Ups...

 1. Did Not Complain Immediately After Sodomised

Anwar Sodomy Busted - Did Not Complain Nor Seek Help Immediately After Sodomised

What would you do if you’ve been raped? Most likely complain to your immediate family members, if not a report to the police. Guess what – Saiful didn’t think of doing any of them. And he wasn’t being raped but rather sodomised. Either he was retarded or a gay or makes a living prostituting himself to, well, men. Strangely, the lower court did not think this was a big deal, or rather pretended not to take notice of such weird findings.

2. Afraid But Happy Enough For A Tea Session

Saiful, who supposedly have been sodomised by Anwar claims he was so afraid that he didn’t make police report until 2-days later. However the poor victim happily met Anwar (the culprit) 1-day after the mind-blowing “rape” incident. Seen in a photograph (which was not admittable by trial judge, for some strange reasons), which Saiful admitted to be himself, the victim does not look like someone under threat, let alone forcefully sodomised 24-hours earlier. Ketika gambar ini diambil juboq Saiful penuh tersumbat dengan air mani...

3. Forgotten About The Lubricant?

Saiful told the trial court that the sexual act “was vigorous and fast” and that he suffered pain. That’s absolutely very cruel of Anwar. Why couldn’t he be gentle to virgin Saiful? Who on earth wouldn’t suffer such pain when sodomised by such Hercules, right? But wait, Saiful suddenly introduced a bottle of lubricant – KY Jelly – when giving testimony during a trial, something that had never been on the prosecution’s list of exhibits. Can someone sack the script-writer?

4. Washed Underwear But Not Anus

If you think Saiful deliberately bought himself “KY Jelly” so that he can be forcefully sodomised was funny, wait till you hear this. Apparently, Saiful had not been to toilet for the next two days after being sodomised. Although he washed (which he shouldn’t) the underwear he wore on the day of the alleged sodomy, he was clever enough “not” to wash his anus in order to preserve semen samples as evidence. If only rectum could talk (*sigh*).

5. No Injury On Saiful’s Anus

If Saiful’s claim about the lubricant being used during the “sodomy” was true, then he shouldn’t feel the pain. Okay, let’s assume Saiful was indeed a virgin so much so that Anwar’s needle-sized penis would have caused outrages pain which would last 2-years. But medical evidence confirmed that there was no trauma or injury found on Saiful’s anus. Surely Saiful is not mutant Wolverine (as in X-Men) who is able to regenerate or heal his injured anus, right?

6. DNA Collected Doubtful

Government chemist Dr Seah Lay Hong concluded in her report that there were DNA of Saiful, a “Male Y” and another unidentified male contributor based on swabs taken from Saiful’s rectum. Police then deliberately (unlawfully) locked up Anwar, gave him a towel, a tooth brush and a mineral water bottle and voila, DNA profile from these 3-items matched the “Male Y” profile. Here’s the problem, there’s no evidence that Anwar used all the 3-items. Until today, nobody knows who’s the third unidentified DNA.

7. Anwar’s Super-Sperm

Doctors at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital had only swabbed Saiful for DNA just before midnight on June 28, 2008 – some 56 hours after the alleged sodomy was committed between 3pm and 4.30pm on June 26. Forensic pathologist Prof David Lawrence Wells and DNA expert Brian Leslie MacDonald had said that it was not likely that any trace of semen could be retrieved 36 hours after the alleged sexual assault took place. Unless of course, Anwar’s sperms were not ordinary sperms but super-sperms – lucky devil (*grin*).

8. Contamination In Semen Samples Storage

Instead of proper refrigeration, investigating officer stored semen samples in a steel cabinet. By the time the samples had reached the government chemist lab for testing, 96 hours had elapsed since the alleged sodomy incident took place. Even the government DNA expert agreed that samples have been severely degraded. But government chemist Dr Seah Lay Hong did not (or rather instructed not to) consider degradation of DNA in scrutinising the samples extracted from Saiful.

9. DNA Samples Tampered

Anwar Sodomy Busted - DNA Samples Tampered

Investigating office Jude Pereira had opened the sealed envelope containing separate tubes of the samples.  And why did he do that? Apparently, he said he wanted to put the tubes into individual envelopes and label them. But that explanation was so lame and phoney as each of the tubes “had already been” labelled clearly by the hospital doctors. Incredibly, Court of Appeal judges declared such unauthorised action as not amounting to tampering with the samples.

10. Selective Recognition Of Reports

Anwar Sodomy Busted - Selective Recognition Of Reports

Anwar’s foreign pathologist Prof David Lawrence Wells and DNA expert Brian Leslie MacDonald said it was “unlikely” that any trace of semen could be retrieved 36 hours after the sodomy. However Dr Seah Lay Hong, under government’s payroll, did not think so, most likely due to the fact that Anwar’s sperms and semen are immortal (*grin*). As expected, Court of Appeal overturned the findings of the trial judge – recognising Dr Seah’s competency, never mind that the contaminated samples could have been “planted”.

11. DNA Expert Can’t Answer Without Her Notes

Anwar Sodomy Busted - DNA Expert Can't Answer Without Her Notes

While it’s normal for a fight between foreign DNA experts versus local DNA experts, it certainly doesn’t help to have Malaysian DNA expert who kept saying she (Dr Seh Lay Ong) cannot answer unless she has the notes or records with her. Dr Seah also could not tell exactly the manufacturers’ standards of analyses even though they are in her possession. Heck, even she admitted (eventually) that standard guidelines were not followed.

12. Meeting With Prime Minister Najib Razak

Anwar Sodomy Busted - Meeting With Prime Minister Najib Razak

At first, Prime Minister Najib Razak (then-Deputy Prime Minister) denied he ever met the victim Saiful. But after a photograph showed Saiful happily posed with Khairil Annas Jusuh, one of Najib Razak’s senior aide at Najib’s office, both PM Najib and Saiful admitted to the meeting. Amazingly, despite claims of being sodomised several times by Anwar, Saiful didn’t go to the police but complain to the prime minister instead. More comically was Najib’s clarification that Saiful met him to seek help about scholarship. - financetwitter.com

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Malam ini di Sungai Ara Pulau Pinang, dijemput semua...


Pelakon "Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah" sokong Anwar...

“Saya akan terus sokong Anwar”- Pak Jabit

Walaupun jumlah kehadiran penyokong Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim berkurangan hari ini berbanding dua hari yang lepas, tetapi ia tidak mematahkan semangat salah seorang penyokong kuatnya yang lebih mesra dikenali sebagai Pak Jabit.

Beliau yang popular dalam filem Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah dan Zombie Kampung Pisang berkata akan terus menyokong Anwar walaupun beliau dimasukkan ke penjara atau dibebaskan.

“Saya akan terus menyokong Datuk Seri Anwar bukan sahaja tubuh badannya sahaja tetapi perjuangannya.

“Ini bukan kes jenayah tetapi kes politik. Mereka (kerajaan) takut kepada Anwar kerana Anwar anti rasuah. Malaysia kaya dengan rasuah. Kalau Anwar bebas, Anwar dapat perintah Malaysia, mereka akan dikenakan tindakan,” katanya kepada FMT di luar Istana Kehakiman disini hari ini.

pak jabit
Pak Jabit

Beliau berkata, rakyat yang turun menyokong beramai-ramai adalah demi untuk perjuangan menegakkan keadilan dan menentang kezaliman.

“Ini tugas manusia sebagai khalifah didunia,” katanya.

Hari ini merupakan hari ketiga perbicaraan yang melibatkan Anwar yang juga merupakan Ketua Umum Parti Keadilan Rakyat.

Perbicaraan ini merupakan rayuan terakhir Anwar untuk mengetepikan hukuman penjara lima tahun atas kesalahan meliwat bekas pembantunya, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan.

Panel lima hakim yang diketuai Ketua Hakim Negara, Tun Ariffin Zakaria mendengar hujah daripada pasukan pembelaan yang diketuai oleh Datuk Seri Gopal Sri Ram yang juga merupakan bekas Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan. - fmt

Datuk Fauzi - Dr Mahathir juga kurang yakin Anwar meliwat...

Bekas rakan kolej Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim mendedahkan bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad kurang yakin dakwaan mengatakan bekas anak didiknya itu berkelakuan songsang.

Pengerusi PKR Pahang Datuk Fauzi Abdul Rahman berkata semasa masih berada dalam Kabinet, Dr Mahathir memanggilnya untuk menyiasat tentang latar belakang Anwar semasa di kolej.

"Dr Mahathir tanya sama ada saya setia dengan dia atau Anwar. Saya kata saya setia dengan Anwar sebagai kawan dan Dr Mahathir sebagai ketua," katanya ketika ditemui di Istana Kehakiman Putrajaya, hari ini.

Katanya, pada Februari 2001 beliau sekali lagi dipanggil Dr Mahathir bertanyakan sama ada dirinya percaya Anwar melakukan perbuatan liwat.

Fauzi berkata, Dr Mahathir mahu mendapatkan kepastian tentang dakwaan yang didengarnya daripada adik kepada setiausaha sulit Anwar ketika itu, Ummi Hafilda Ali.

Katanya, Dr Mahathir pasti orang ramai akan percaya dengan kata-katanya jika beliau mengaku Anwar melakukan perbuatan sedemikian.

Namun, beliau enggan menurut perintah Dr Mahathir supaya mengakui dan mempercayainya walaupun ditawarkan dua fail projek.

"Sebenarnya dia mahu suruh saya supaya yakinkan dia Anwar tidak meliwat.

"Dia harap dia dapat percaya dan saya hanya bercakap benar," katanya.

Fauzi dan Anwar merupakan rakan sekolah semasa di Kolej Melayu Kuala Kangsar pada 1964 dan menyertai PKR pada 2008.

Dr Mahathir memecat Anwar pada 1998 atas dua sebab, iaitu tidak sesuai untuk meneruskan khidmat dalam kerajaan dan menggantikannya sebagai perdana menteri.

Dr Mahathir dalam buku "A Doctor in the House: The Memoirs of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad" menyatakan beliau dimaklumkan mengenai skandal Anwar oleh bekas Ketua Polis Negara Tun Hanif Omar, 4 tahun sebelum buku '50 Dalil Kenapa Anwar Ibrahim Tidak Boleh Jadi Perdana Menteri' dihantar kepadanya.

Namun enggan membacanya kerana yakin ketika itu ia hanya artikel sensasi bertujuan mengaut keuntungan.

Anwar dijatuhi hukuman penjara 6 tahun bagi kesalahan rasuah pada 1999 dan 9 tahun ekoran kes Liwat II pada 2000.

Beliau dibebaskan daripada tuduhan liwat oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan pada 2004.

Kini, beliau dalam proses rayuan terakhir menggugurkan tuduhan Liwat II di peringkat Mahkamah Persekutuan yang dijangka berakhir pada minggu depan.

Jika didapati bersalah, beliau akan dihukum penjara 5 tahun kerana bersalah meliwat bekas pembantunya, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan di sebuah kondominium di Damansara pada Jun 2008. – tmi

5 sebab kes liwat Anwar langsung tak masuk akal...

1. Jika betul DSAI meliwat saiful, kenapa saiful tidak melawan.. saiful pada masa tu muda, gagah takkan senang2 nak bagi orang liwat.. si muda umur 20an diliwat si tua umur 60an takkan tak mampu nak lawan.. perempuan kena rogol pun reti nak lawan.. jika suka sama suka kenapa DSAI sorang saja kena dakwa.. kenapa saiful tak kena dakwa..

2. DSAI didakwa mengikut sekyen 377B Kanun keseksaan.. seksyen 377B dengan jelas menyebut "Sesiapa yang secara sukarela melakukan persetubuhan bertentangan dengan aturan tabii".. jadi jika mengikut seksyen ini saiful juga mesti didakwa kerana suka sama suka..SOP kes liwat atau rogol, mangsa akan dihantar ke hospital untuk pemeriksaan perubatan untuk mengesahkan adanya tusukan/penetration tetapi 4 doktor, 1 di pusrawi dan 3 di HKL membuat laporan TIADA kesan tusukan.. 1 doktor mungkin khilaf tapi kalau 4 tak mungkin khilaf..

3. Bagaimana DNA air mani DSAI boleh ada dalam dubur saiful sedangkan tiada kesan tusukan dijumpai dekat punggung saiful.. adakah betul itu air mani DSAI atau DNA DSAI telah dipalsukan.. ingat lagi semasa DSAI kena tahan beberapa hari di penjara, di sana dia pun disediakan tuala, berus gigi.. jika berus gigi dan tuala dipalit pada kapas lalu kepada DNA tester itu sudah memadai untuk mendapatkan DNA DSAI..

4. Kenapa nak dekat2 prk kajang tiba2 DSAI disabit bersalah dalam kes liwat.. seolah2 tak nak bagi DSAI bertanding padahal DSAI telah diputuskan tidak bersalah..Kenapa mesti peguam negara yg menjadi pembela saiful dalam kes liwat.. inikan soal peribadi tiada kena mengena dengan hal negara.. mana saiful dapat duit untuk bayar peguam negara.. saiful kerja apa sebenarnya.. jadi boleh nampak kat situ permainan kerajaan zalim.. 

5. Saiful dakwa dia diliwat pada 26hb jun dan buat report polis pada 28hb jun.. dalam tempoh 2 hari itu ada lagi ke DNA air mani DSAI.. takkan si saiful langsung tak berak, tak solat, tak basuh dubur.. semata2 nak simpan bukti dalam dubur.. kenapa tak terus je report polis lepas dia kena liwat.. 

Langsung tak masuk akal! Hanya yg mempunyai akal yg waras saja dapat berfikir DSAI telah difitnah dan dizalimi.. semoga Allah menimpakan balasan ke atas orang yg menganiaya beliau dan orang yg menyokong beliau dipenjara.- btmmari.blogspot

What's behind Malaysia's sodomy case vs Anwar...

Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim glances around during a tea break at the Appeals Court for the second day of his final hearing in Putrajaya, Malaysia, Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2014. The Malaysian top court began hearing a final appeal filed by Anwar against a sodomy conviction widely regarded as a means to neutralize the threat he poses to the country's ruling coalition. 

Anwar was sentenced to five years in prison in March on charges of sodomizing a male aide in 2008 after Malaysia's appeals court overturned an earlier acquittal. 

Malaysia's top court is hearing this week the final appeal by opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim challenging his second conviction on sodomy charges in 14 years. If the court affirms the guilty verdict, Anwar could be imprisoned for five years or longer. Below are some questions and answers about the case and its implications.


A: The government says there is no link between the cases against him and his status as opposition leader. But few people believe that to be true, and many suspect the ruling coalition is using the courts to try and silence the main threat to their long but slowly weakening grip on power.

Soon after he was ousted as deputy prime minister in 1998, Anwar led tens of thousands of people in street protests demanding reforms. The movement tapped into unhappiness among many Malaysians over racial discrimination and corruption in the government. He was arrested at its height, and later jailed for abuse of power and sodomy.

Anwar was freed in 2004, after the Federal Court overturned the sodomy conviction. Anwar then galvanized the disparate opposition into a formidable alliance. In 2008 general elections, it broke the government's stranglehold in parliament by winning more than one-third of the seats. In the 2013 elections, Anwar's alliance won more seats but not enough to form a government — despite winning the popular vote, about 51 percent, for the first time in history.


A: The law prohibiting sodomy — consensual or otherwise — dates back to British colonial days. It makes it an offense to commit "carnal intercourse against the order of nature." Social attitudes are now widely shaped by Islam, the official religion in Malaysia, and there is little pressure on the government to repeal the law. It is punishable by up to 20 years in jail.

The sodomy charge functions as smear on the integrity of Anwar, who hails from Malaysia's majority Malay Muslims and needs to attract votes from that very same group to win power. Anwar and his supporters say the charges were trumped up to tarnish his reputation and destroy his political standing, especially among Malaysian Muslims who — taking their cue from their faith — reject homosexuality.

Human Rights Watch says sodomy laws contravene broadly accepted international legal standards and has called for them to be replaced with a modern, gender-neutral rape law. Neighboring Singapore refined its sodomy laws in 2007 to exclude heterosexuals who perform consensual anal sex. India repealed sodomy laws two years later.


A: Anwar and his People's Justice Party are seen as the unifying force in the alliance, which also groups the Islamic Party and the ethnic Chinese-dominated Democratic Action Party. Policy differences between the two parties were previously set aside for the 2008 elections, but they have recently resurfaced, straining the alliance. Without Anwar at the helm, the tension could get worse. Anwar himself has said the alliance will survive his absence, and he noted recently that such speculation "is probably good for my ego but as a fact, it is not true."

Some predict that jailing Anwar could create a wave of public anger like the one in 1998 that could galvanize the alliance, possibly bringing it gains at general elections that must be called by 2018. "If Anwar is imprisoned, that will be the tipping point," said opposition lawmaker Rafizi Ramli. "There will always be groups (of students and younger generation) who will take to the street. This generation believes this is their space and they will claim their space."

A jail term could effectively end Anwar's political career. The 67-year-old Anwar will be stripped of his parliament seat and will not be eligible to contest elections for five years from the day he is released. Amnesty International says it will consider Anwar "a prisoner of conscience" if he is jailed. - msn

Defence presses hard for Anwar’s acquittal...

From washed underwear, political conspiracy and the demeanour of alleged victim Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan to questionable DNA found, Anwar Ibrahim's defence team took two-and-a-half days to argue to the Federal Court why the PKR de facto leader should be acquitted on the charge.

However, the biggest news that caught everybody by surprise was the appearance of retired Federal Court judge, Gopal Sri Ram, to lead the defence team.

The 70-year-old, who retired in 2010, came under the spotlight of the media, which could have been uncanny for a former judge asked to lead Anwar's defence team.

This came after senior lawyer and former Bar Council president Sulaiman Abdullah could not lead Anwar’s team as he has still not fully recovered from a leg surgery.

Sri Ram’s appearance for Anwar resulted in quite a few people, particularly members of the legal profession, including DAP's Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng and Gerakan Youth chief Tan Keng Liang, raising questions.

The lawyers argued that Sri Ram’s appearance in court went against the Malaysian Bar resolution that states “a retired judge of the superior courts should be prohibited or restricted by law from appearing as counsel in court”.

The Bar resolution also states that the council was proposing an amendment to the Legal Profession Act 1976 to the Attorney-General’s Chambers to achieve this objective.

However, Chief Justice of the Federal Court Arifin Zakaria had commented last year that there was nothing wrong when asked about Sri Ram’s expected appearance for Pakatan Rakyat in several election petition cases then.

“As far as I am concerned, when they retire, they can do whatever they want as they have their freedom, and we cannot deprive them of their rights. Ex-judges are also human beings... and we should not curtail (their rights).

“Previously, (former Lord President) Salleh Abbas appeared before us. It does not matter as the court will decide the case on merits and facts. It does not matter who appears before us. It is the same,” Justice Arifin had said.

Saiful's demeanour questioned
On the first day of Anwar's appeal, Sri Ram attacked Saiful's credibility as a witness, a finding made by the Kuala Lumpur High Court and the Court of Appeal as well.

Sri Ram said the use of K-Y jelly as a lubricant is in question as it was not stated in Saiful's police report nor listed among the items seized from the alleged incident.

The retired judge also said a person who was not willing to be sodomised would not want to bring a lubricant along. He also pointed out that if the lubricant was used, Saiful (left) would not have complained of pain.

Saiful, in his testimony in camera, said Anwar was rough and fast in the sexual act on him.

Sri Ram also said that while the underwear that Saiful used during and after the alleged sodomy incident was washed, there were stains found on a second underwear, and despite this Saiful said he had not washed his backside nor defecated for two days after he was sodomised.

He also quizzed Saiful's appearance in Anwar's house the day after the alleged sodomy. There was a photograph of Saiful at the event, and the former aide agreed that it was him.

“Saiful seemed quite happy. Cameras don't tell lies, and he was not glum,” the lead defence counsel said, adding that if Saiful's testimony is to be believed, then “we can also believe the moon is made of green cheese”.

Sri Ram also questioned Saiful's hesitation in lodging a police report, which he did two days after the alleged incident despite meeting with a senior police officer, ACP Mohd Rodwan Mohd Yusof, and calling then inspector-general of police Musa Hassan several days earlier.

Political conspiracy and believable DNA?

Another member of Anwar’s defence team, N Surendran, submitted on the point of political conspiracy, where Anwar had claimed, in his statement from the dock, that Najib Abdul Razak, who was then deputy prime minister, had met with Saiful.

This meeting was verified by the star prosecution witness Saiful himself, who said he met with Najib in the deputy prime minister’s Taman Duta home on June 24, 2008.

“This shows the political conspiracy, or a pre-arranged plan to do this, as Saiful had, earlier that day, met ACP Rodwan in a hotel room in Kuala Lumpur,” Surendran pointed out.

He further said it was wrong of the Court of Appeal to read Anwar's unsworn statement as a “mere denial” , since all those events did really take place and also, Saiful called former IGP Musa the day after he met with Najib.

Among other matters, Sangeet Kaur Deo raised the issue of whether Anwar's arrest on July 16, 2008, was lawful and questioned whether the items seized from the opposition leader's cell, after he was detained overnight, amounted to trickery and deception for his refusal to give his DNA samples at Hospital Kuala Lumpur later that night.

Ram Karpal Singh submitted on the possibility of the samples taken for chemical analyses being tampered with as case investigating officer, Supt Jude Blacious Pereira, testified that he cut open a big plastic bag containing the samples taken by the HKL doctors from Saiful on June 28.

Ram Karpal (left) also submitted on the presence of a DNA, in an 18 allele of an unidentified male, from Saiful's samples taken from swabs of the high rectum and peri-anal regions.

The presence of the unidentified male DNA, which is different from “Male Y” (Anwar’s DNA) only shows that it is contaminated.

Ram further questioned the the “pristine” condition of the samples taken from Saiful’s anus 96 hours after the alleged sodomy, despite it not being kept in freezer as recommended by the doctors.

The Sodomy II appeal hearing continues in the Federal Court in Putrajaya tomorrow, with submissions from senior lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, who has been appointed by the government to lead the prosecution.- mk


30 October 2014

Dr.M konfius pasai maksud membakar untuk memprotes dan membakar kerana menghormati...

UMNO Sabah tolak hujah Dr M pertahan Ibrahim katak...

Hujah digunakan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad yang mempertahankan gesaan membakar Bible berbahasa Melayu oleh Datuk Ibrahim Ali tidak sah, kata timbalan ketua Umno Sabah.

Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak menolak hujah Mahathir semalam yang menyamakan dengan tindakan orang Islam membakar al-Quran lama yang tidak boleh digunakan, kerana ia tidak boleh dibuang.

Ini kerana, kata Salleh, membakar untuk memprotes tidak sama seperti membakar kerana menghormati.

“Dalam hal ini, ini bercakap tentang orang Islam membakar Bible untuk memprotes orang Kristian menggunakan kalimah Allah dalam Bible.

“Ini bukan bermaksud tanda hormat, seperti orang Islam membakar al-Quran buruk dan lusuh,” katanya.

Mahathir semalam mempertahankan kenyataan kontroversi Ibrahim dan berkata ia selari dengan amalan orang Islam membakar al-Quran lama sebagai penyelesaian terbaik melupuskan kitab suci.

Ibrahim pada 13 Oktober lalu berkata beliau hanya menasihatkan ibu bapa Islam mengambil tindakan itu jika anak mereka menerima naskhah Bible berbahasa Melayu yang mempunyai kalimah Allah sahaja.- mk

UMNO man fries Dr M's Bible burning defence...

Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad's justification of Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali's call to burn the Malay-language Bible is invalid, as the latter's call was meant in protest said a Sabah Umno leader.

Sabah Umno deputy chief Salleh Said Keruak slammed Mahathir's comparison of Muslims burning old copies of the Quran so that it would not be thrown out like garbage.

"Burning Qurans, in this case, is an act of respect.

“(However) burning the Quran as a mark of protest is not a mark of respect, especially if done by non-Muslims to protest against Islam.

“In this instance, we are talking about Muslims burning the Bible to protest Christians using Allah in the Bible.

"This is not meant as a mark of respect, like Muslims burning old and tattered Qurans,” Salleh wrote in his blog yesterday.

Mahathir argued in his blog that Ibrahim’s remark was not seditious and also pointed out that it is acceptable for Muslims to burn copies of the Quran if the book is old and is done without ill intention.

“For the Muslims, if they have something or some document which they are averse to, they should not throw it around, they should not throw it on the ground and step on it.

“They should show respect for the Bible and by burning it the way they burn the Al-Quran, that is permitted," Mahathir said.

Salleh (left), who is Sabah state assembly speaker and former chief minister, said Mahathir’s statement has not gone down well with Muslims in Sabah and Sarawak and the issue should be put to rest.

“Tun Dr Mahathir should speak out with a voice of liberalism and not with a voice of extremism.

 “Telling Malaysians that it is right for Ibrahim Ali to call for the burning of the Bible is not something Muslims in Sabah and Sarawak will endorse.

“Even if the Christians do not protest such statements, Muslims will still feel uncomfortable with something like that,” Salleh said.

'Classic example of illogical thinking'

Meanwhile, DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang said Mahathir’s argument is a “classic” example of his illogical thinking.

“This is not being a dotard but Mahathir’s classic perverse illogic believing the end justifies the means – whether lies, sedition or even treason,” he said in a statement today.

Lim (right) pointed However, Lim (right) pointed out that news reports of Ibrahim’s statement on Jan 19 last year raised questions whether it was done with good intentions.

“Muslims must unite to protect their religion. They must seize those Bibles, including the Malay editions, which contained the term Allah and other Arabic religious terms, and burn them.

“This is the way to show our anger against disrespect to our sensitivity,” Free Malaysia Today quoted Ibrahim as saying, referring to a claim that copies of the Bible had been distributed to Muslim pupils at the entrance to a secondary school.

In addition, Lim also accused Mahathir of failing to tell the difference between advocating Muslims to burn copies of the Bible that are no longer be used, and advocating the burning of sacred books of other religions.

Mahathir’s statement is “unbecoming” of an elder statement, he said, because Mahathir was abetting irresponsible and incendiary actions such as those from Ibrahim.

“Does Mahathir want Malaysia to be plunged into chaos or go up in flames, with Muslims freely calling for the burning of the Bible or holy books of other religions, whether Tripitaka for Buddhism, Vedas for Hinduism or Guru Granth Sahib for Sikhism or for non-Muslims to call for the burning of the Quran?” he asked.

Ibrahim’s statement made headlines again recently, after Bagan MP Lim Guan Eng asked the government in Parliament on why Ibrahim hasn’t been charged in court for his statement.

The written reply came on Oct 7, saying that Ibrahim was not charged because he was referring to the Bible containing the word ‘Allah’, and because his statement was not meant to incite religious conflict but to “defend the sanctity of Islam”. - mk
