30 June 2014

Nak kekal jawatan dalam gomen wajib jilat pungkok UMNO...

Politik dalam pendidikan tak habis2. Kalau macam ni bila negara nak maju?? Professor yg berkualiti mesti 'dimatikan' supaya yg bertaraf kangkung dapat menjalar dgn lebih mudah.. Mentaliti dunia ketiga, tak sanggup menerima kebenaran dan kenyataan yang bertentangan dengan kepentingan peribadi. Sampai bila pun Malaysia tak akan maju.

Belum lagi disiarnya hasil kajiselidik kenapa IPT seluruh negara berada diluar 'top 100' setelah disaingkan dgn lain-lain IPT di benua Asia, Profesor Datuk Dr Mohamad Redzuan Othman dari Pusat Kajian Demokrasi dan Pilihan Raya (UMcedel) telah diambil tindakan penyingkiran oleh haruan ganas politik Umno-BN di Putrajaya (kementerian). Malah jawatan beliau sebagai dekan Fakulti Sastera dan Sains Sosial universiti terulung negara itu juga tidak diperbaharui.

Selamat datang ke Universiti 1Malaysia UMno-bn. Inilah realiti Malaysia bumi tanah tumpah darahku.. Tiada maaf bagi mereka yang mencintai kebebasan. Semua mesti menjadi pak hangguk dan pak turut UMNO-BN!

Inilah kerajaan 1malaysia. Kebebasan berkarya dan memberi pandangan semakin diselar. Mencabul hak dalam perlembagaan Malaysia. Diharap Prof. bersabar ke atas ujian Allah s.w.t. Prof sedang berada dilandasan yang betul. Teruskan perjuangan yang benar itu. Yang benar sentiasa diuji Allah.- f/bk

Prof Redzuan mangsa penguasa angkuh - Anwar...

Berita pemecatan serta merta Prof Datuk Dr Mohamad Redzuan (gambar) sebagai Pengarah Pusat Kajian Demokrasi dan Pilihan Raya (UMcedel) tidak mengejutkan tetapi tetap mengecewakan dan tidak wajar.

Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim berkata, penyingkiran secara melulu bertujuan memberi amaran kepada semua ahli akademik bahawa kebebasan mereka akan berakhir semata untuk mempertahankan kepentingan Umno.

"Dalam pentadbiran yang rakus ini, kebebasan mengkritik adalah hak mutlak kepada mereka sasarannya adalah pemimpin-pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat atau mereka yang kritikal terhadap Umno BN," ujarnya dalam satu kenyataan.

Tambahnya, penghukuman yang cukup pantas ini akan menimpa mereka yang menyokong apa-apa pandangan atau pendapat yang kelihatan kritikal terhadap Umno apatah lagi yang memihak kepada pembangkang.

Beliau berkata, nasib yang sama juga telah menimpa pakar ekonomi terkenal Prof Jomo KS, profesor sains politik Prof Dr P. Ramasamy dan pakar perlembagaan dan undang-undang Dr Aziz Bari tidak lama dahulu.

"Dan hari ini kita lihat ia menimpa Prof Redzuan yang telah terbukti menunjukkan prestasi akademik dengan profesional dalam bidang penyelidikan yang menuntut objektiviti lengkap dan kebebasan," ujarnya lagi.

Ketua Umum PKR itu menambah, amat jelas bahawa keputusan untuk tidak menyambung tempoh Profesor Redzuan sebagai Pengarah UMCedel amat tidak wajar.

"Beliau sekali lagi menjadi mangsa penguasa angkuh yang enggan melihat sarjana bersikap bebas dan berani," katanya.

Sehubungan itu, beliau ingin mengingatkan Menteri Pendidikan, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dan Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh bahawa kuasa pelantikan dan pemecatan bukannya mutlak dan tindakan terbaru itu bukan sahaja melanggar kebebasan akademik malah pengkhianatan terhadap harapan rakyat terhadap peningkatan mutu dan kedudukan institusi pengajian tinggi. - Harakahdaily 

Jangan mimpi universiti tempatan 100 terbaik, kata kakitangan akademik UM...

Persatuan Kakitangan Akademik Universiti Malaya (PKAUM) kecewa dengan tindakan Putrajaya memberikan tekanan kepada Dekan Fakulti Sastera dan Sains Sosial (FSSS) Prof Datuk Dr Mohammad Redzuan Othman (gambar) sehingga beliau meletakkan jawatannya sebagai Pengarah Pusat Kajian Demokrasi dan Pilihan Raya (UMcedel).

Presiden PKAUM Prof Madya Dr Azmi Sharom berkata, jika benar wujudnya tekanan daripada Kementerian Pendidikan, sangat jelas kerajaan tidak mementingkan kebebasan akademik dan buat keputusan berasaskan politik.

Beliau berkata, isu ini merupakan bukti salah satu punca universiti di Malaysia sukar untuk maju kerana ada campurtangan daripada pihak politik.

"Jangan kacau kami. Kajian dan metodologi kami ikut peraturan akademik. Jangan sebab kajian kita anda (kerajaan) menghadapi masalah, itu bukan masalah kita.

"Jangan sebut sekali pun kecemerlangan akademik. Tutup mulut, diam, dan jangan nak pandai-pandai mimpi ranking universiti Top 100, tak mungkin," katanya ketika dihubungi The Malaysian Insider.

Beliau berkata, kebebasan autonomi akademik merupakan asas universiti yang cemerlang dan sepatutnya bebas daripada campurtangan politik secara langsung dalam penyelidikan, namun perkara ini gagal difahami pihak kementerian.

Mengenai isu jawatan dekan Redzuan yang tidak dilanjutkan, Azmi berkata Timbalan Cancelor (VC) berkuasa penuh menentukan calon paling layak memegang jawatan dekan walaupun jumlah undi mungkin menyebelahi Redzuan.

"Tentang dekan itu kita tak tahu kenapa kerana sistem (pemilihan) dekan bukan sistem demokratik.

"Staf akademik hanya memberi cadangan siapa yang mereka suka kemudian VC yang akan pilih.

"Jadi kita tak tahu berapa banyak staf fakulti sastera yang sokong (Redzuan).

"Walaupun mungkin beliau menang undi popular tetapi keputusaan akhir ditangan VC, apa sebab kita tak tahu," katanya.

Beliau berkata, jika benar berlakunya isu Redzuan tidak dipilih walaupun mendapat undi popular, ini jelas satu lagi contoh campurtangan kerajaan.

The Malaysian Insider hari ini melaporkan, Redzuan diarahkan Kementerian Pendidikan supaya meletakkan jawatannya sebagai Pengarah UMcedel malah jawatan dekannya juga tidak diperbaharui.

Difahamkan, Putrajaya tidak senang dengan hasil kajian UMcedel apabila dilihat memberikan lebih banyak publisiti kepada Pakatan Rakyat (PR) menjelang Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU13) tahun lalu.

Antaranya, kajian tentang sokongan kepada Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim lebih besar berbanding Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak semasa PRU13.

Hasil kajian itu terbukti benar apabila PR mendapat lebih undi popular berbanding Barisan Nasional (BN) dalam PRU13 lalu.

Selain itu, Redzuan semasa Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Kajang pada Februari lalu turut membentangkan hasil kajian yang dilihat pro kepada Anwar.

Cubaan The Malaysian Insider ke UM untuk berjumpa Redzuan bagaimanapun gagal apabila beliau dikatakan sibuk bermesyuarat dan enggan berjumpa dengan wartawan.

Difahamkan, hari ini merupakan hari terakhir beliau sebelum jawatan dekan diambil alih secara rasmi oleh timbalannya, Prof Dr Md Sidin Ishak bermula esok.

Majlis penyerahan tugas antara Redzuan dan Md Sidin diadakan dalam mesyuarat tertutup di pejabat pentadbiran FSSS pagi tadi.

Bekas Timbalan Menteri Pendidikan Tinggi Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah dalam responnya terhadap nasib Redzuan turut mengumumkan perletakan jawatannya sebagai Felo Penyelidik Kanan UM.

Saifuddin mengumumkan perletakan jawatan atas alasan prinsip kebebasan akademik dan solidariti terhadap Redzuan melalui akaun Twitter miliknya, hari ini.

"Kami hormati prinsip dan keputusan beliau, dan apakah kesan kepada UM? Universiti jadi malu.

"Tetapi akhirnya mereka akan tunduk kepada arahan kementerian juga," kata Azmi.- tmi

Umcedel chief asked to resign, Saifuddin quits...

Universiti Malaya Centre for Democracy and Elections (Umcedel) director Redzuan Othman has been asked to resign from his position as the survey body's director.

Also his tenure as dean of the Arts and Social Science Faculty in the university, which expires today, was not renewed.

The unversity opted not to renew his position, citing his "retirement as professor" as the reason.

Former deputy higher education minister Saifuddin Abdullah (right) told Malaysiakini that he also resigned today as a senior research fellow in UM as a sign of protest over what had happened to Redzuan, whose research results did not often favour the ruling BN government.

"A couple of months back, the current vice-chancellor of UM was approached by some Education Ministry officers who advised that Redzuan should resign. He took it in stride," Saifuddin said.

Saifuddin said that he felt saddened at what had happened, and said resigning was the least he could do as he is no longer with the government.

“Unfortunately, I am not in a position to help, so I resigned as a sign of protest and to show my solidarity,” Saifuddin said.

The former Umno supreme council member and Temerloh MP, who is currently the CEO of the Global Movement of Moderates (GMM), said that his fellowship in UM was granted under the previous vice-chancellor and not the current one.

Prof Dr Mohd
Amin Jalaludin replaced Prof Ghauth Jasmon (left) as UM’s vice-chancellor late last year.

Redzuan and Umcedel shot to popularity when Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak dismissed a survey finding just before the 2013 general election, which found that Pakatan Rakyat’s manifesto has greater traction than BN’s manifesto.

Meanwhile, Malaysiakini has contacted the office of  vice-chancellor Mohd Amin, who is in charge of the university's academic and international matters, and is awaiting for his reply.

A spokesperson from Mohd Amin's office said he was away from the campus for a meeting and could not respond at the moment.- mk

Muhyiddin should resign, not Redzuan or Saifuddin...

It is Education Minister Muhyiddin Yassin who should resign from his post and not Universiti Malaya Centre for Democracy and Elections (Umcedel) director Redzuan Othman or the university's senior research fellow Saifuddin Abdullah, said DAP.

Lim Kit Siang in a statement today said Muhyiddin has had nothing to show in his portfolio, apart from the "disgraceful" interference of the Education Ministry officials that has led to Redzuan's (left) resignation.

"What has Muhyiddin to show in more than a year as the powerful Education Minister gobbling up  the former Ministry of Higher Education, in the field of tertiary education apart from the latest disgraceful episode of interference with and violation of academic freedom resulting in the resignations of Redzuan and Saifuddin from the University of Malaya?" Lim asked.

In a separate statement, DAP's Serdang MP Ong Kian Ming said that it was unfair to target Redzuan just because the survey results in the past are not seen to be favourable to BN.

Among others, Redzuan and his team accurately predicted that Pakatan would win the popular vote in the 13th general election.

"Academicians should not be punished for pursuing legitimate academic research including in the field of politics and political science even if the results do not seem to be favourable to the ruling party," Ong said.

DAP's Mengkibol assemblyperson Tan Hong Pin also showed support for Redzuan, saying that the move by the Education Ministry was "proof" that BN had "killed off academic freedom altogether."

"Even though the University and University Colleges Act (UUCA) has been amended, I see that the principle and policy that stifles the intellectuality of students and academicians in universities have not changed," he said.- mk

Photo: Jom gi pancing #Panda...

Jam 12.00 pagi ini 1hb.July 2014

Jam 4.00 pagi ini 1hb.July 2014


MCA kaitkan PAS dengan pengkhianat,tapi MCA dengan kongsi gelap apa citer...

MCA kaitkan PAS dengan pengkhianat... 

Pengerusi Publisiti MCA, Datuk Chai Kim Sen cuba nak mengaitkan PAS dengan pengkhianat.

Chai meminta pihak polis dan Pendaftar Pertubuhan (ROS)  memeriksa setiap ahli PAS untuk melihat sama ada pengaruh jihad yang dilaungkan bekas pemimpin Dewan Ulamak PASyang telah dipecat, Ustaz Lotfi Ariffin telah menyerap kepada ahli PAS.

Kenyataan biadab dari seorang pemimpin MCA, apa alasan untuk beliau menyuruh polis siasat seluruh ahli-ahli PAS, adakah mereka semua pengganas.

Kalau macam itu, penglibatan anggota polis, Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) dalam pengganas Sulu, maka keseluruhan anggota polis dan TLDM juga ingin disiasat ... kenyataan MCA itu adalah jelas tidak berasas serta mencari publisiti murahan selepas diterima masuk dalam kabinet buncit membusung Najib Razak baru-baru ini..- harakahdaily

Questions surrounding the Selangor MB-bashing...

“Who wants to be a Menteri Besar?”

“I do…” says Khalid Ibrahim. His comrades in PKR think otherwise. DAP is not too hot on him either. Nor is PAS, although it seems numero uno Hadi Awang has not given the thumbs down yet.

PKR even went to the extent of concocting the 'Kajang Move' to ease Khalid out by trying to bring in Pakatan 'de facto' leader Anwar Ibrahim through what turned out to be a botched by-election.

Who would want to be the Selangor Menteri Besar right now with all your comrades slamming you right left and centre? Nevertheless, there are stark questions the MB bashers need to ask themselves, namely: How do the Pakatan parties choose their MB?

How does a menteri besar who has all along been portrayed by his comrades as very competent and an outstanding administrator suddenly be publicly lambasted as a liability to PKR?

On what basis did party perceptions of him change so radically?

Has Khalid Ibrahim suddenly turned rogue and if so, in what specific way?

And if he did turn rogue, when did this happen post‑2013, for him to be reappointed MB?

I am no fan of Khalid. I have consistently critiqued his policies on free water, highways development, hefty pay increase for state assembly representatives and lack of initiatives to tackle many pressing infrastructural, environmental and social problems in Selangor.

Nevertheless, I find it distasteful and perplexing that his Pakatan comrades have suddenly decided to dump him and to do so is such a rude manner, with not an iota of 'sopan santun' (manners).

Questions for Pakatan leaders

These are questions they might want to ask themselves:

  • How did they choose him in the first place in 2008? Did he just happen to be a corporate ally of PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim?

  • Did they oppose the populist (highly irresponsible) free water policy when it was announced or did they also think it was a great way to win votes?

  • Did they oppose his hefty pay increase for assemblypersons when it was first announced or was it after the uproar from the public?

  • Did they oppose the highways development and the violation of the state park as soon as they were announced, or did they oppose them only after the public protests?

  • Were they powerless to stop the bible seizure by the state religious department Jais?

  • Is there no collective leadership in the state government? If not, is a collective approach top of today’s political agenda or does the agenda stop at ousting Khalid?
Principled politics or realpolitik?

The cynical would interpret the anti‑Khalid move as simply realignment within the party as a result of the balance of forces in favour of Khalid’s rival in the party leadership race. Everyone could see how Khalid Ibrahim’s rival and MB hopeful flexed his muscles during the GE13 candidates’ selection.

Those who have come out to attack Khalid can now see which side their PKR bread is buttered!

As for the rest of Pakatan, pinning all the Pakatan policy failures on one man, Khalid Ibrahim, seems like a convenient attempt to absolve them from blame when the next election comes round.

But then, what does it tell us about policy making in PKR and Pakatan? Does one man decide all policies? Have they forgotten their criticisms of the old BN authoritarian who ruled this country for more than two decades?

No, PKR and Pakatan leaders cannot shrug off their responsibility so easily by putting all the responsibility on one man. How did they allow this state of affairs to happen? Why haven’t they put in place a democratic mechanism to ensure such a situation does not ever arise again?

After all, Khalid Ibrahim is not even the de facto leader of PKR or Pakatan. The 'Kajang Move' was an unwitting admission that Anwar was not the de facto leader of PKR or Pakatan. Since Anwar is not even the de jure leader, he must be the de apparent leader.

Pakatan could have done with some good de facto leadership of the coalition in the years since 2008. Unfortunately, it would appear that the de facto PKR leader has lost his influence with PAS and DAP as a result of his lack of leadership initiative and especially after the September 16 (2008) fiasco.

Another cynical view is that the adversaries of Khalid Ibrahim want to lay their hands on the RM3 billion in state reserves for their own political purposes. Otherwise, why are they washing their dirty linen in public?

How often do we hear leaders of these same political parties admonishing their members for openly criticising their parties and for not solving these problems internally?

Time to show real leadership

I dread to think of the fallout when the inevitable happens after all the open criticism of Khalid Ibrahim by Anwar Ibrahim and the other Pakatan leaders. This is a spectacle we don’t usually behold even among the BN parties.

Is Khalid Ibrahim going to stay the perfect gentleman he has been through all the flak so far, or will he let rip, like all the other former partners of Anwar when his inevitable exit happens? Only time will tell…and that won’t be a pretty story for sure.

To be taken seriously, the PKR and Pakatan leaders need to show us by what criteria they are judging Khalid and what specific credentials are required of a Pakatan Rakyat menteri besar, i.e.

In what specific way will the replacement MB be qualified as against Khalid Ibrahim’s credentials?

Will the new MB display his or her alternative policies for the state for us all to judge?

What reforms will be set up by the state government to ensure collective and democratic leadership and to spare us further MB bashing? - mk

What would Zahid say if pig head thrown at Ibrahim Ali’s house

Hadi Awang bersama Anwar dan Wan Azizah di IJN

Hadi Awang n Lim Kit Siang di IJN

Hadi Awang n Ah Jib Gor di IJN

Jam 12.00 pagi 30/6/2014

2 - 1 Netherlands


Jam 4.00 pagi 30/6/2014



29 June 2014

Bukan pasai ayaq tak dak tapi SYABAS buat tahi...

Mesyuarat air Selangor: SYABAS hantar pekerja bawahan...

Barisan Eksekutif Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (SYABAS) tidak memberi kerjasama kepada Kerajaan Negeri ketika diminta menghadiri mesyuarat bagi membincangkan status pembangunan dan penyaluran air seluruh Selangor yang dilaksanakan setiap dua hari.

Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, berkata dalam mesyuarat yang diketuai Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri, Datuk Mohamad Kushrin Munawi itu hanya dihadiri 50 kakitangan bawahan termasuk pihak lain berkaitan tanpa pengurusan tertinggi.

“Apabila kita adakan mesyuarat tersebut, kita panggil pegawai tertinggi Lembaga Urus Air Selangor (LuAS), Suruhanjaya Perkhimatan Air Negara (SPAN) termasuk Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau dan Air, mereka semua datang tetapi lima pegawai eksekutif tertinggi SYABAS yang kita jemput tak datang.

“Mereka (SYABAS) hantar kakitangan yang purata gaji mereka tak sampai RM150,000 sebulan sedangkan lima mereka itu kumpulan gaji hampir RM3 juta sebulan tapi tidak hadir.

“Ini menunjukkan Kerajaan Negeri masih belum menguasai perkara itu,” katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas berhubung dakwaan Ahli Parlimen Petaling Jaya Utara, Tony Phua yang menyalahkan Kerajaan Negeri berkenaan gangguan bekalan air terbaru yang berlaku di negeri itu.

Beliau berkata, pihak tertentu seharusnya memahami kedudukan Kerajaan Negeri yang tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk meminda pengurusan SYABAS bagi menyelesaikan masalah air sebelum pengambilalihan industri air dapat dilakukan.

Malah, dalam masa yang sama, katanya, semua pihak diminta memberi peluang kepada Kerajaan Negeri sekurang-kurangnya enam bulan selepas pengambilahan sebelum menimbulkan sebarang pertikaian.

“Untuk ini, kita sudah minta Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (KDEB) untuk menyiapkan program pengambilalihan .

“Katakan bulan Julai kita ambil, kena bagi masa enam bulan untuk urus, tetapi jika kita ada masalah baru boleh kata Kerajaan Negeri tidak cerdik urus air. Kena bagi kita masa kerana dalam perniagaan juga diberi masa,” katanya.

Beliau berkata, sebelum proses sepenuhnya pengambilalihan, Kerajaan Negeri tidak mempunyai kuasa penuh kepada SYABAS.

“Kalau kita mempunyai kuasa penuh nanti bolehlah kalau nak kata Kerajaan Negeri bodoh ke tolol. Jadi, waktu ini tidak boleh kata Kerajaan Negeri tidak buat kerja,” katanya.

Sebelum ini, Abdul Khalid berkata Menteri Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau dan Air, Datuk Seri Maximus Ongkili juga kesal dengan tindakan SYABAS kerana gagal memastikan pengagihan air dilakukan secara lancar. - selangorku 

Not lack of water but Syabas's distribution capabilities, says MB...

The recent water disruption in Selangor just days after the state guaranteed there would be no water rationing has left the state government red-faced.

Answering critics over the failed guarantee, Selangor Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said it was based on the state's calculations that showed there was sufficient water supply.

However, he said it is Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (Syabas) water distribution capabilities, not a lack of water, which had led to the recent water cuts.

He was responding to DAP's Petaling Jaya MP Tony Pua's statement this morning which said the Pakatan state government and assemblypersons had been made to look like "fools" over the water disruption just after issuing a guarantee.

"Well, it may look bad (on us) but the state having calculated all things, there is enough water," he told a press conference in Pulau Indah, Port Klang this afternoon.

Earlier today Pua criticised Khalid's explanation yesterday attributing the unexpected water cuts to Syabas, over which the state had yet to gain full operational control in the ongoing water concessionaires takeover exercise.

"The question is - why did the state government give the ironclad 'guarantee' if it now gives the excuse of 'no control over Syabas'?

"Did the state secure a 'guarantee' from Syabas before issuing the 'guarantee' to the public?" said Pua in his statement.

'Can't sack the sweeper'

Khalid meanwhile used an analogy of hiring a street sweeper to explain the state's dilemma.

"We say we have enough money to pay the sweepers, but suddenly people start shouting that the rubbish is not being swept.

"Then we find out the sweeper has gone on leave without informing us, what are we going to do?

"We want to sack the sweeper, but we do not have the power to do it," he said.

Khalid said he had met the National Water Services Commission (Span) to demand for answers as Span had refused to allow the Selangor government to step in and takeover Syabas.

"I went to see Span. I said you didn't want to give me the power, so you better tell me what's going on.

"Span has issued a statement today that Syabas is facing problems and they should be announcing it," he said.

'Judge us after takeover'

He also flayed Syabas for refusing to send its top officials to attend the state's water briefings which are held every two days to monitor the water supply status.

"Even the ministry's secretary-general attended, but from Syabas the chairperson, the chief executive officer and its senior management do not turn up," he said.

He added the five top officials in Syabas have a combined monthly pay of RM3 million.

"This is compared to the more than 50 people whom we call for the meeting, whose total pay does not even amount to RM150,000," he said.

He asked critics to be patient while Selangor's takeover of the state's water infrastructure is in progress.

"Say if the take over happens in July, then within six months if there are still problems, then people can call the government stupid or whatever.

"If within six months from the takeover there is no resolution, only then it can it be said we have failed to do a good job," he said.- mk

Kula to file contempt proceedings against IGP...

Lawyer M Kulasegaran said he will proceed to file a case to cite inspector-general of police (IGP) Khalid Abu Bakar for contempt of court over a child custody case.

This is for failing to carry out several orders from the Ipoh High Court in relation to the interfaith custody battle, where the Ipoh Barat MP is the lawyer for the mother M Indira Gandhi.

The court orders include a committal order, an arrest warrant for Indira’s ex-husband K Pathmanathan @ Muhd Ridhuan Abdullah and a recovery order for the child Prasana Diksa.

Speaking at a press conference in Ipoh today with his client, Kulasegan chided the IGP as perhaps the only IGP in the world who would refuse to execute a warrant of arrest, and said Indira’s predicament could easily be solved if the Khalid (above) would just enforce the court orders.

There would be no need for the attorney-general (AG) to intervene either if the orders were enforced, he added.

“Today, after five long years of pain and sufferings and having obtained a court order for the child to be returned to her, Indira’s agony and trauma are not yet over due to the inaction of the IGP, the wrong advice of the prime minister and the wrong action of the AG," he said.

"The IGP Khalid has refused to enforce the committal order, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has advised that the case be brought to the Federal Court, while the attorney-general (AG) Abdul Gani Patail wants to apply to intervene in both the civil and syariah courts and suspend their orders on the police,” he said in a statement today.

In the Indira’s case and a similar interfaith custody dispute in Seremban, the civil courts have awarded mothers the custody of the children overruling previous syariah court rulings that favoured the Muslim convert fathers.

The civil courts in both cases have also issued recovery orders for the children, which the police have refused to execute.

Blaming the purportedly conflicting court orders from the judicial  systems, Khalid said the police are caught in a dilemma over which court’s order to enforce.

“So we will not be enforcing either of the court orders. That is our stand,” he said.

This is despite the Ipoh court specifically ruling that its supercedes the syariah court's.

What of cabinet decision, Najib?

Meanwhile, Kula urged Najib to speak up on whether the cabinet still stands by its April 2009 decision on such custody disputes.

“Najib cannot keep silent on this issue. He must inform the public if his cabinet is still committed to the 2009 cabinet decision on unilateral conversions of minors and if so, when will the necessary law changes be tabled in Parliament.

“If his cabinet has abandoned the 2009 decision, the prime minister must explain to the people the reasons for the U-turn and how the government is going to resolve interfaith custody matters,” he said.

Citing the conflicting court orders from the judicial  systems, Khalid said the police are caught in   a dilemma over which court’s order to enforce.

“So we will not be enforcing either of the court orders. That is our stand,” he said.

In 2009, the cabinet decided in response to Indira’s plight that unilateral conversion of minors should be not be allowed, and laws will be changed to reflect that.

To date, the necessary amendments have yet to be made and the government has dragged its feet over the matter.

Bar Council president Christopher Leong yesterday mused that the amendments may have been "quietly forgotten".- mk

Kula akan fail prosiding hina mahkamah terhadap IGP

Pemimpin & pengampu UMNO lebih memuliakan bangsa 
berbanding mempertahankan kesucian agama Islam..

3 - 2 - Brazil on penalties

Jam 4.00 pagi 29/6/2014



28 June 2014

Zahid Hamidi kata itulah harga perlu dibayar Rayer kerana mulut celupar...

Kepala lembu diletak di depan rumah Rayer...

Satu kepala lembu ditemui di hadapan rumah ADUN DAP Seri Delima, RSN Rayer di Jalan Tingkat Tembaga, Island Park pagi ini.

Rayer berkata ia ditemui isterinya ketika hendak menghantar anak perempuan mereka ke sekolah pada kira-kira jam 7 pagi.

Selepas diberitahu isterinya mengenai perkara itu, Ryer berkata beliau turun ke bawah dan ternampak kepala lembu itu di pintu pagar depan rumahnya. Saksikan video.

"Kami tidak tahu siapa yang melakukannya dan mengapa. Kita tidak mahu membuat spekulasi," katanya ketika dihubungi Malaysiakini.

"Bagaimanapun, pemilik kedai di depan rumah saya melihat kejadian itu, dan berkata seorang lelaki datang dengan menaiki motosikal dan melemparkannya ke sana," katanya.

Dengan jam 9 pagi, polis mengawal kawasan rumah berkembar Rayer itu dan mengambil kepala lembu itu untuk siasatan.

Rayer berkata polis juga merekodkan kenyataan beliau dan mengambil salinan rakaman CCTV.

"Rakaman itu menunjukkan lelaki yang tidak dikenali datang pada jam 5.58 pagi, dia memakai topi keledar dan (mukanya) ditutup sepenuhnya. Selepas dia melakukan perbuatan itu, dia menari," kata Rayer, sambil menunjukkan kepada pemberita klip CCTV itu.

"Adalah sukar untuk mengenal pastinya," katanya.

"Saya dan isteri saya terkejut melihat kepala lembu itu. Kami merasakan ia satu ancaman dan penghinaan kepada keluarga kami," katanya.

Rayer sebelum ini menimbulkan kontroversi apabila melabelkan pemimpin Umno sebagai 'celaka' dalam sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Pulau Pinang bulan lepas.

Ketua Menteri Lim Guan Eng, yang tiba di tempat kejadian pada jam 9.15 pagi berkata beliau terkejut dengan kejadian itu.

"Pelaku itu menghina seluruh masyarakat, bukan sahaja Rayer. Ini merupakan tindakan biadap dan ancaman kepada keselamatan negara," katanya.

Lim teringat kumpulan pro-Umno melakukan perbuatan yang sama di hadapan pejabat sekretariat Selangor di Shah Alam pada tahun 2009.

"Saya tidak menuduh kumpulan pro-Umno atas kejadian ini, tetapi mereka telah melakukan sesuatu yang sama pada tahun 2009, yang menghina masyarakat Hindu," kata Lim.- mk

Gerakan slams Zahid for condoning cow-head attack...

Gerakan has hit out at Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi for failing to appreciate the sensitivities of Hindus in saying the cow's head attack on Seri Delima rep this morning was deserved.

The party's legal and human rights bureau chief Baljit Singh said that as home minister, Zahid should cultivate peace and harmony instead of encouraging violence.

He reminded Zahid (left) that the victim, RSN Rayer is a practising Hindu like himself (Baljit) and such acts are not only insensitive but mischievous, especially when it is done a day before the Muslim's fasting month.

"The incident touches on religious sensitivities of Hindus. The home minister should be more responsible," Baljit told Malaysiakini.

"He should not be encouraging such animosity between people of different faiths, especially when it is only a day before the fasting month begins," Baljit added.

Baljit (right) was referring to Zahid commenting the act of vandalism at Rayer's home was the "price" the DAP lawmaker had to pay for uttering the words "Umno celaka" at the Penang legislative assembly last month.

Quoted by The Rakyat Post, Zahid said Rayer should realise that his remarks had angered the public.

"As a politician, I sympathise with him. But that is the price he has to pay for being foul-mouthed," Ahmad had said during a press conference after launching the Certified Security Guards end of training programme at the police academy.

A 'celaka' act

Baljit urged the police chief to act on the culprit as there is video evidence of the incident which happened at 5.58am outside Rayer's house in Island Park, Penang. [VIDEO | 0:34sec]

"Instead of calling for so many press conferences, please get your men to do their job, arrest the culprit for doing this despicable act," Baljit said.

He described the individual who did this as indeed "celaka" (damned).

"This individual whom I just called 'celaka' can make a police report on me saying I am seditious," Baljit said, rather furiously.

"It is simply not nice to put such anxiety in Rayer's home and family," he added.

"We may have different political affiliations but there must be some limits that we should not cross," he said.

Rayer's remarks landed in trouble with pro-Umno groups who wanted him to apologise and retract his remark for allegedly insulting the Malays and Islam.

Their anger led to a group of 16 barging into the Penang legislative assembly on May 21, looking for Rayer.

Fifteen were charged in the Magistrate’s Court last week for trespassing, while Rayer who was supposed to be charged for sedition, had his case postponed indefinitely ordered by the Attorney-General's Chambers.

Rayer denied insulting Malays and Islam, saying he merely directed the words at three Umno leaders who attended a rally in Seberang Jaya in January, where banners blaming DAP for the May 13 racial riots were displayed. - mk

Saiz tak penting, yang penting berkesan - kata Din...


Din, dedah kontrak UiTM supaya semua boleh faham...

Photo: Saiz tak penting, yang penting berkesan -Muhyiddin Yassin.
Rafizi cabar Muhyiddin dedah kontrak UiTM...

Rafizi Ramli rasa agak terusik dengan kenyataan Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin bahawa beliau tidak faham mengenai konsep penswastaan atau private finance initiatives (PFI).

Ini kerana menurut Muhyiddin ia banyak mendatangkan kebaikan kepada UiTM. 

Malah, Muhyiddin memaklumkan bahawa kabinet telah menugaskan Datuk Seri Abdul Wahid Omar, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri untuk memberi penerangan mengenai konsep PFI itu. 

“Saya rasa Tan Sri Muhyiddin dan keseluruhan kabinet tidak faham dengan kritikan dan isu yang saya bawa,” ujarnya yang juga Ahli Parlimen Pandan dalam satu kenyataan.  

Jelasnya lagi, beliau bukanlah menentang bulat-bulat kaedah PFI untuk membiayai projek kerajaan jika ia dibuat secara telus dan menguntungkan rakyat. 

Beliau berkata demikian sewaktu mengulas kenyataan Muhyiddin semalam yang mengatakannya tidak faham konsep inisiatif pembiayaan swasta (PFI) dalam pembinaan kampus baru UiTM itu.

“Apabila perjanjian konsesi itu dapat diteliti oleh umum, barulah saya dan rakyat boleh memastikan bahawa tidak ada unsur keuntungan berlipat kali ganda yang diberikan kepada pemegang konsesi seperti yang berlaku dalam perjanjian-perjanjian konsesi lepas yang melibatkan penswastaan air dan lebuh raya.

“Jika Tan Sri Muhyiddin tidak bersedia untuk mendedahkan perjanjian konsesi itu, sampai bila-bila saya dan rakyat tidak akan faham akan sebab kerajaan Persekutuan mengikat perjanjian yang kosnya nanti akan membebankan UiTM.

"Sedangkan, ia lebih murah untuk membina sendiri kampus-kampus itu,” kata MP Pandan itu dalam kenyataan.

Menurutnya, Muhyiddin juga tidak faham akan intipati pendedahan yang dibuatnya berkenaan pembinaan kampus-kampus tersebut.

Muhyiddin semalam berkata Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdul Wahid Omar akan menerangkan kaedah PFI yang digunakan dalam projek itu.

Menurut Muhyiddin, penerangan itu nanti sekaligus akan menepis dakwaan-dakwaan yang dibuat Rafizi.

Tegas Rafizi, beliau bukan menentang bulat-bulat kaedah PFI untuk membiayai projek kerajaan jika ia dibuat secara telus dan menguntungkan rakyat.

Saya mempertikaikan perkara-perkara berikut ...

1. Kenapa penswastaan ini dibuat tanpa tender terbuka dan secara rundingan terus.

"Keenam-enam kampus UiTM diswastakan kepada syarikat milik pimpinan Umno yang kemudiannya melantik subkontraktor untuk mengendalikan projek.

2. Kenapa sewa dan bayaran tahunan yang terpaksa ditanggung oleh UiTM ini adalah sehingga lima kali ganda lebih mahal daripada kos membina sendiri UiTM ini?

3. Berapakah margin keuntungan yang diberikan kepada syarikat pemegang konsesi?" tanya Rafizi.

“Oleh yang demikian, untuk memastikan saya dan rakyat kebiasaan lain faham dan boleh menilai kewajaran Barisan Nasional menswastakan kampus UiTM melalui konsep PFI ini, saya menyeru supaya Muhyiddin Yassin mendedahkan perjanjian konsesi penswastaan kampus cawangan UiTM ini kepada umum,” ujarnya lagi.

Beliau menambah, apabila perjanjian konsesi itu dapat diteliti oleh umum, barulah beliau dan rakyat boleh memastikan bahawa tidak ada unsur keuntungan berlipat kali ganda yang diberikan kepada pemegang konsesi seperti mana yang berlaku dalam perjanjian-perjanjian konsesi yang lepas melibatkan penswastaan air dan lebuhraya. 

Kata Rafizi, jika Muhyiddin tidak bersedia untuk mendedahkan perjanjian konsesi itu, sampai bila-bila beliau dan rakyat tidak akan faham kenapa Kerajaan Persekutuan mengikat perjanjian yang kosnya nanti akan membebankan UiTM, sedangkan ia lebih murah untuk membina sendiri kampus-kampus itu. 

Rafizi sebelum ini mendakwa 23 orang pemimpin Umno mendapat keuntungan berlipat ganda menerusi konsesi penswastaan enam kampus UiTM yang dibuat secara rundingan terus.-harakahdaily/mk

Pemegang Konsesi UiTM Kota Samarahan Juga Dianugerahkan Konsesi Lebuhraya

Reveal UiTM deals so we 'understand', Din told...

Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin should open the Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) campus concessions agreements for public scrutiny if he feels critics do not "understand" its benefits.

PKR director of strategy Rafizi Ramli (above) issued the challenge today after Muhyiddin brushed off Rafizi’s criticism of the contracts for being overblown in costs and given to cronies.

Both Muhyiddin and UiTM have not addressed Rafizi's claims of abuse, except to harp on the fact that the contracts are a "private finance initiative” (PFI) that will be vaguely "beneficial" to the government university.

"I am tickled with Muhyiddin's statement that I do not understand the concept of 'private finance initiatives' that he says will bring plenty of benefits to UiTM.

"Therefore, to ensure I and the ordinary people don't misunderstand and can appreciate the validity of the BN government in privatising the UiTM campuses through PFI, I call on Muhyiddin to disclose the concessionaire agreements... to the public," Rafizi said.

Turning the tables, the MP for Pandan said the deputy prime minister and the cabinet were the ones who failed to understand the points he raised over the UiTM deal.

"I am not criticising wholesale the benefits that PFI can bring to government projects, but that it must be done in a transparent manner that benefits the people," he said.

Three key issues, Rafizi said, were:

1. Lack of open tenders and awarding of the contracts for all six campuses through direct negotiations with Umno leaders, "who may later appoint sub-contractors to complete the projects";

2. Why the rentals and annual payments to be borne by UiTM were five times more than the cost of building the campuses; and

3. What the profit margin for the concessionaires are projected to be.

Rafizi also asked whether Muhyiddin could ensure the people that the contracts would not unfairly give the concessionaire excessive profits, "just as what has happened with the concession contracts in the past, involving the privatisation of water projects and highways".

He added: "If Muhyiddin won't reveal the agreements, when will I or the people ever understand why the federal government signs agreements that will burden UiTM in costs, to the point that it would have been cheaper for the university to build the campuses itself." - mk

Tokoh wartawan sindir kabinet 'XXL' PM(The BIG difference between Najib and dad)...

Tun Razak Hussein perdana menteri kedua Malaysia. Anaknya Datuk Seri Najib yang keenam.

Tetapi antara mereka berdua, terdapat perbezaan besar.

Mengulas saiz terbaru kabinet Najib dengan 35 menteri penuh, tokoh wartawan Datuk Kadir Jasin (bawah) mengaitkannya dengan kegemaran orang Malaysia mencatat rekod.

Malah, katanya, bukan sahaja saiz kabinet, Najib juga dikatakan gemar sambutan besar-besaran apabila beliau melawat kawasan, berbeza sekali dengan kepimpinan arwah bapanya.

“Tun Abdul Razak Hussein bertongkat melawat kampung, memanjat tiang bulat rumah rakyat miskin untuk mencari penyelesaian dan membawa pembangunan.

“Tidak ada sambutan raksasa, tidak ada siaran langsung,” kata bekas ketua pengarang kumpulan New Straits Times itu.

Menulis dalam blognya, Kadir berkata, bilangan kabinet Najib mungkin rekod nasional baru dan mengatasi jumlah purata kabinet kerajaan-kerajaan lain di seluruh dunia.

“Oleh sebab perdana menteri suka besar maka kita pun berhak untuk berharapan besar juga. Jadi harapan XXL kita adalah kabinet XXL Mohd Najib akan membawa manfaat XXL kepada rakyat jelata

“Rugi XXL-lah kita kalau kabinet XXL itu sekadar meramaikan majlis dan menghabiskan beras saja,” katanya. 

The late Abdul Razak Hussein was the second prime minister of Malaysia. His son Najib Abdul Razak is the sixth.

But there is a "BIG" difference between the two.

Veteran newsman Kadir A Jasin recalled how Abdul Razak, with his walking stick, used to visit the kampungs (villages) during his tenure as prime minister.

"He climbed into the kampung houses to look for solutions and to bring development. There were no grand receptions or live telecasts (of the events)," he said in his blog.

However, he pointed out that unlike his father, Najib appears to "like it big".

"If he visits kampungs and towns, the talk is that he wants a grand welcome," added the former News Straits Times group editor-in-chief.

Hence, Kadir is not surprised with Najib's new "XXL" cabinet line-up, which now consists of 35 full ministers and 27 deputy ministers.

"This is probably a national record. Ask someone to verify it.

"I cannot remember any previous prime minister having a cabinet of this size," he added.

According to a 2011 report, Kadir said the average number of cabinet members around the world is 30 and Malaysia has now succeeded in overcoming this.

Since the prime minister "likes it big", Kadir said, the people too are entitled to have big hopes.

"So our XXL hope is that Najib's XXL cabinet would bring XXL benefits for the people.

"It would be a shame if the XXL cabinet is only there to make up the numbers and not being productive," he added.- mk

Lawyer: What if it is your child, Najib...

Amid the raging debate over the contradictory judgments in interfaith custody disputes, M Kulasegaran has asked the government to view the issue from a human angle as well.

"Be fair to the mother," said the DAP MP and lawyer, who is representing M Indira Ghandi in the legal tussle with her Muslim convert ex-husband over the couple’s youngest child.

"Would the IGP, AG and the PM act differently if it was their child?" he asked.

In a statement today, Kulasegaran (left) once again took Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar to task over his stand regarding this matter.

Furthermore, he asked: "Do we have a home minister?"

The lawyer questioned why there were nom directions or statements from Ahmad Zahid Hamidi on the conduct of the police chief.

"Why has the prime minister (Najib Abdul Razak) kept silent too?" he added.

Kulasegaran said the police chief's "inconsistent and incorrect" conduct make it untenable for Khalid to hold the position.

"The IGP's refusal to act on the court order served on him is something no average citizen can accept of a person holding the position as the head of the police in this country," he added.

Although late, Kulasegaran said Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail is finally getting involved in this intricate family disputes.

"It is a welcome move but whether he has any locus standi or otherwise, we can be only know in the coming days when the court papers are served on the parties.

"The present interfaith custody battles are nothing extraordinary. They are private matters between private individuals. If the IGP carries out his duties professionally, the issue would have been solved. Why should the state intervene?" he added.

Lack of political will

Kulasegaran also pointed out that Malaysia could be the only country in the world which is undergoing this supposedly difficult interfaith custody issue.

"Indonesia, which has the largest Muslim population, does not have this interfaith matters. Why?" he asked.

He said the government had formed a "toothless" high-level cabinet committee to address this interfaith issue way back in 2009.

"Other than giving lame duck unenforceable guidelines, nothing has happened? It boils down to the lack of political will on the part of the government," he added.

As for Indira, the lawyer said court remedies would take years.

"Indira's battle started in 2009. Is it reasonable to now await for the AG's further action on this matter which may drag on?

"Indira's child was only 11-months-old when her ex-husband ran away with the child. Indira was still breast feeding the child," he added. - mk

A blatant attempt to rescue 'sandwiched' IGP

Polis memukul peserta Anti Lynas tempoh hari...
